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October Opportunities - Week One

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    October Opportunities - Week One

    Good morning Octoberettes!

    Sunny again today :yay:

    Hello to papmom, SD, Star, Jolie, Dewdrop, Shelley & everyone in our happy little club

    As busy as I am with work I am blowing off most of the day to spend time with my daughter & Lily today. And I will be watching the grandsons again this evening. Work will have to wait

    Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      October Opportunities - Week One

      Morning everybody,
      Catching up on emails. Drinking too much coffee. Happy to report that it will only be 72 degrees today and tomorrow only 60. I wore long pants yesterday for the first time in a long time. Two of my sons are running the Chicago Marathon this weekend and are a little miffed that it will be close to 80 instead of cool and brisk like October's supposed to be.

      Pap, I'm sorry for your continuing troubles. The fallout from my DWI plagues me daily. I'm in a good place though. Do a gratitude list daily, in my head, if not on paper. Accept the fact that there are things in my life over which I have no control. And that feeling guilty about the past or stressing over things that have not happened yet do me absolutely no good. Stay positive, as someone said, drinking will only make it worse.

      Dew, your trip sounded wonderful. Just exactly what you needed.
      And Chill, you are sounding so upbeat after your weekend in London.

      The balloon fiesta continues. I usually just enjoy it from afar. The crowds are overwhelming.
      Turn, I hope you enjoyed your time here.

      Jolie, have you recovered from the wedding. I'm glad you had a wonderful time. I got through my son's wedding af. It's no secret that I have a problem with alcohol. Casually having a couple of glasses of wine would not have gone over well. Do you get along with your new DIL?

      Lav, the YB saga continues. What exactly does that man want???

      Greetings everyone, Rusty, Rustop (glad your computer's working), SD, who'd I miss??


        October Opportunities - Week One

        Hi everyone

        Computer working albeit slower. Jolie - I used to have dial up but got broadband a few years ago and everything was fine until a few weeks ago. Overall it has slowed down, maybe more users but MWO is particularly slow - very frustrating.

        Star - Glad that you are getting to see your daughter. Mine is 19 today. Hard to believe. She went out with her friends last night and we are going out for a family dinner tonight.

        Sped/SD - well done on your continuing sobriety. Taking it one day at a time is the only way to go.

        Everyone else big hello.



          October Opportunities - Week One

          Hi guys & a very happy thursday to you all

          Papmom - What is remarkable about your challenges (which keep coming back to bite you on the ass) is that each time you cope with them better and better and get over the downer they cause quicker and quicker. This speaks volumes to me as to how much you are growing. I believe the unpleasant things which we encounter are our greatest teachers. Keep the faith, there will be light at the end of that tunnel.

          SD - Whatever is going on with you im sending you love and strength and hope you are ok. :l

          Star - you asked about the methods im using so I will give a brief summary. The foundation of NLP is based on the images we constantly play in our brain. Even without being aware of it we tend to think in coloured pictures. When recalling something unpleasant from the past the movie we play in our heads is so vivid we often feel the real emotions of that event, be it sadness, anger, pain or anxiety. This is why things that are over still cause us so much hurt because we are reliving them over and over again. The same is when we imagine something bad happening in the future, the images cause fear and depression and yet they havent even happened yet. We are very good movie makers .

          NLP teaches us to re run these movies with awareness, 1stly turning the image into black and white then shrinking the image down and moving it away from us until its only a tiny speck in the distance. There are other aspects too, like running them backwards, using different eye movements to activate right and left brain activity to reprogram bad memories.

          All this is also true of practising visualization of things we want to achieve in the future by doing the reverse as in making the mind movies as bright, colourful and big as we can and creating the actual feelings we would have if these things came true.

          Now I want you to meet Vimm who now comes everywhere with me He is the Voice In My Mind. Whenever that stinking thinking voice starts with its doom and gloom about whatever is happening or what might happen, you take the voice outside of your head, run it down your arm into your hand (aka Vimm) give it a squeaky cartoon type voice and let it continue to tell you how bad everything is. When he says "Im never going to get out this hole" you can no longer take it seriously and therefore drop that negative internal conversation. Silly but VERY effective and usaully makes you laugh :H

          I have a lot to organize in the next week, I get the keys to my new rental house tomorrow and will spend the weekend moving the small stuff myself, then on Monday the removers come to take my furniture and to get out of storage all my other stuff which I havent seen in 5 months. Im too busy to take time off work and had to plead with my boss for Monday off so its going to be a little crazy till I get organized. Luckily "organized" is my middle name and the incentive of having a nicer place the way I want it will have me up to all hours.....
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            October Opportunities - Week One

            Good Evening October Friends,

            A cheery hello from Indiana and Ohio, where the autumn leaves are at their peak and I am basking in the glory of a clear-headed AF head...breathing in the beauty around me, despite working long, long days.

            Shelley...I am so glad you post and I am so happy you found a 12-step program that gives you the support you need. 2 of your sons running in the Chicago Marathon?? WOW...they must get their running talent from you.

            Boatloads of hugs to Papmom and SD....I am thinking good thoughts in the hopes that your luck with finances, work, etc. take turns for the better. I am in awe of your commitment to be AF.

            Papmom-sorry to say but I no longer have the client in Bridgewater, MA. The client wanted someone who lived on the East Coast to cut travel expenses. Oh well. I'm not too disappointed...I'll still be able to spend a week in Rhode Island every year...we will find a way to hook up, I promise.

            Lav, I'm glad you took time for yourself to enjoy the company of Lily and your daughter.

            Dew-Are your cancer treatments weakening your immune system? I feel so badly that you don't feel well and hope you are well soon.:l

            A cheery hello to everyone I missed.....I'll see you on the weekend!


              October Opportunities - Week One

              Good evening Octoberites!

              Beautiful cool evening here and the end of another crazy day at work. So glad tomorrow is Thursday!

              Rusty - ours are just now starting to change - probably won't see the leaves peak for another couple weeks.

              Chill - good luck getting your new place organized - just take it slow and easy. Everything will fall into its proper place in due time

              Rustop - I am slowly being convinced that I really have no alternative except satellite. Stopped in at my cell phone provider store on the way home from work - going to cost me at least 50.00 more per month for internet and of course it comes with a 2-year contract just like a phone! Not sure I want to go down that road.

              Sped - what athletic sons you have! You must be very proud.

              Lav - I love hearing about all the time you get to spend with your grandkids - hope that's somewhere in my future as well!

              Star - how far does your daughter live? Sometimes road trips are just what I need to clear my head and de-stress myself.

              SD - hope you are okay - keeping you in my thoughts and hope things get better for you.

              Papmom - thanks for the insight - wish I could get cable but that's not an option for me either. Glad to see you being so positive!

              Okay gang - time for me to hit the shower and then the bed! Have a great evening everyone!
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                October Opportunities - Week One

                Umm - yea and I meant I'm glad tomorrow is Friday I had off on Monday so it really has been a short week when all is said and done.

                G'night all!
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  October Opportunities - Week One

                  Good evening all!

                  I did have a great day with the kids

                  Back in my shop now trying to play catch-up on a large job. That's oK!

                  Shelley, you asked the million dollar question - what does YB want?
                  I have no freaking idea because he still doesn't speak :H

                  Better finish up here before I fall asleep with my face on my desk
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    October Opportunities - Week One

                    Evening friends!

                    Chill-thank you so much for that! I didn't realize that I was getting better at dealing with things. Sometimes I just feel like I'm treading water and going no where! With your insight and the support and love of everyone here I know something great is waiting around the corner. I even checked out what NLP is all about and McKenna's website. Can't afford anything right now but if you have any free resources I can look at I gladly will. I'm so excited that it's finally time for you to move into your little rental house! I hope you will share some pics with us when it's all set up! BTW-I love your VIMM!! I think I have to get me one of those!!

                    Rusty! No! Oh bummer-I was so looking forward to your trip out east. Well, RI isn't that far away either so let's figure something out.

                    Sped-I too am in awe of your 2 sons!! you'll have to let us know how they do!

                    Lav-so glad you had a great day with the kids! Hope you're fast asleep by now!

                    Jolie-did you check with your cell provider about the Hot Spot thing or similar? It really is quite amazing! Don't be fooled by satellite. I have it and my rate was only good for one year. It doubles the second year and it is a 2 year contract. I may have to go back to cable tv with my internet provider when my term is up.

                    Rustop-Happy Birthday to your daughter!!

                    SD- :l :l :l :l I hope you will be able to share with us soon and I sincerely hope you are OK.

                    Star-your 80 degrees is coming our way this weekend!!

                    Tomorrow is an insanely busy day if I am to leave for the Cape by 2:30. Hitting the sack now so I can actually get out of bed at 5am. Nite all!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      October Opportunities - Week One

                      Good morning to all...

                      Pap, have fun on your trip. I want to tell you that yesterday I received a check from my old mortgage company for $400.00 as the new mortgage company overpaid them. With the other mistake they made, I have already been refunded $1000.00 dollars. Money I had to take out of my savings. I am not complaining, but boy oh boy have they made mistakes. I am hoping you get money back too.

                      Jolie, I live about 5 hours away from my daughter, quite a drive to do in two days, but it is what it is. Once winter comes, we see each other even less. It is really hard for me as I enjoy her company and want to be part of her life. It is hard when you live so far away. I will enjoy the drive today, I know what you mean about the destressing.

                      Chill, thanks for the explanation about the NLP. It sounds alot like cognitive behavioral therapy with guided imagery, cool. I know that it works. I loved the VIMM idea. I am excited for your move, it is going to be good for you in so many ways.

                      Lav, nice that you had such a good time.

                      To all, have a great day, AF.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        October Opportunities - Week One

                        Good morning everyone!

                        Rushing around like crazy already but wanted to say hello & wish papmom a nice trip to the cape today!

                        Hello to the one known as Rusty :H

                        Hello Star, Chill, Rustop & all to come yet today.

                        Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          October Opportunities - Week One

                          I?m up in the middle of the night and can?t get back to sleep

                          I?ve had a really bad head and chest cold the past few days and lost my voice completely yesterday, today I sound like something out of a horror movie ? you know the one where the head swivels around on its neck with a horrendous voice ? well that?s me. I picked up my granddaughter from nursery tonight after work and when I spoke to her she recoiled, ran away and started to cry!! Wee soul, I felt so bad. Anyway she was fine when she realised it really was me but with a sore throat, one of the nursery assistants I know well was incredulous that I was still working. Her Mum and Dad are off to a wedding that has been in the diary for months and they are the ones who lost their baby recently and have been hiding away since so this is their first evening out. Neither of them wanted to go but I do think they do need to start getting back to normal and it?s a very close friend of both of them that is getting married who wants them both to be there. I just hope all goes well.

                          Anyway I have the cold from the head up (apart from the chest) and the rest of me is okay, I just wish it would get out of my sinuses because they are really hurting. I brought the little angel back to mine, gave her some dinner and popped her into the bath then put her to bed with a couple of stories ? Hairy Maclary and The Gruffalo, well I fell asleep too and only woke up 10 minutes ago, so I?ve slept for over 7 hours and it?s still the middle of the night?? She is snoring away and I am wide awake....

                          Rusty I finished my radiotherapy treatments and am now awaiting my 3 month check up so fingers crossed. I really think my immune system is down at the moment because I never get a cold never mind such a bad one and no one in the family, friends or work colleagues have anything like this apart from me?? Does anyone have any ideas for boosting my immune system? I had such a great time away with my friend and felt so healthy and loved all the hill walking and I am so annoyed that I have been struck down with this, it is so annoying.

                          I?m off to surf the net and find some profitable franchises ? I don't enjoy my work.

                          Dewdrop :h
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                            October Opportunities - Week One

                            Ah Dewdrop,

                            Sorry you are feeling under the weather
                            Head colds stink!!!

                            Because of my B/P problems I have to avoid the usual OTC cold products.
                            I have used a product called Zicam with some good results. It's homeopathic, gentle but effective. Don't know if you can find it where you are though. I'm also a big fan of Vitamin C

                            Funny that you mentioned your grandaughter wa snoring - I've noticed my grandson is a very noisey sleeper as well

                            Hope you find something wonderful to do on the internet. I did the same thing & wound up with my small embroidery business

                            It's 11 pm & I should be tired.......
                            I was tired a few hours ago
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              October Opportunities - Week One

                              Good morning everyone

                              Dewdrop - so sorry you are not feeling well. The weather has been so up and down temperature wise here that everyone is getting colds. When my daughter had glandular fever last year a nutritionist recommended Wholly Immune a total immune nutrient support. I had to send away to England for it. It is oncologist approved so it should be ok for you. The supply company is Nutri-Link, telephone 08704054002.

                              Had a nice few days but busy. We went out for dinner for my daughters birthday and met up with a few friends I had not seen in ages so a few coffee mornings as well, afraid the diet has gone out the window. Oh well next week fresh start.

                              Hope everyone has a great AF week-end.



                                October Opportunities - Week One

                                Good Saturday morning Rustop & everyone!

                                Glad you enjoyed dinner with your daughter Rustop
                                I am actually surprised that I've lost 2 lbs since starting at Curves. I am a fairly decent eater but was stuck in the weigh loss department. I needed something to boost my metabolism

                                I have a ton of work to get to today so I will
                                Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!

                                Dewdrop, hope you are feeling a little better today.:l

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

