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October Opportunities - Week One

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    October Opportunities - Week One

    Good morning everyone!

    Looks like it's the start of a beautiful weekend here on the east coast. Dew - so sorry you aren't feeling well - hope the others advice can help you and hope you are feeling better real soon :l

    My daughter and I are getting together today to go hiking - just can't stand the thought of spending the day cleaning inside so I cleaned most of my house last night - saved the bathrooms for this morning - what was I thinking

    Anyway, thought we'd be taking a trip to my sons tomorrow (they are coming home from their honeymoon late tonight and we have been babysitting my granddog). They are actually going to swing by here tomorrow early to pick him up on their way home so now I have the whole day! A friend of mine and I are going to bike riding - something I haven't been able to do since I broke my foot back in July. Really looking forward to that.

    What's everyone else have planned?

    Hope you all make it a great AF weekend! I know I plan to
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      October Opportunities - Week One

      Evening guys

      Jolie - enjoy that weather, it hasnt stopped raining all day here.

      Im utterly exhausted but feel great, I love feeling tired as a result of hard work. I was up at 6am to take my Parents to the airport, they are off to Portugal for a week of sun. I then walked Elle and hit the gym for a spin class. Then since 10am I have been flat out moving into my new wee house. It really needed a good clean and since I got home I have had a soak in the bath but still cant get rid of the smell of bleach and that was even with rubber gloves on! I've also managed to cut my hand while assembling a hanging rail. Anyway its now spotless and tomorrow I will move most of the small stuff before the removers arrive on Monday.

      Tonight is a chill out on the sofa with some chocolate and the X Factor.......
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        October Opportunities - Week One

        Happy moving Chill

        The thought of moving again (some day) freaks me out! the last move to this house nearly killed me :H But there was also a lot of other stuff going on at the same time
        Hope all goe smoothly for you!

        Nice, nice weather today - no complaints for a change!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          October Opportunities - Week One

          Good Sunday Morning With Opportunities Abounding!

          How is everyone this morning?

          Rustop-I'm guessing you're at Mass right now and then off to have lunch with your daughter and husband? Hope the weather in Ireland is lovely. I think of you often because I'm 1/3 Irish and my brother named all 4 kids with truly Irish new greatnephew's name is Seamus.

          Chill-good luck with the move, friend. I hate moving....after college....I moved 9 times in 11years. I don't envy you a bit....I'll be in your corner.

          Dew-you got lots of good advice from people here on boosting your immune system. Also, the tragic death of your grandchild has probably weakened you, too. Sending you extra hugs today. :l I thought of you yesterday when I was watching the U of Notre Dame football game. One of the starting players' mother is a cancer survivor...and this player showed off his tattoo on his chest that said, "I wish I was as strong as you." She said she was furious that he had gotten another tattoo until she saw what it read. All the players were wearing pink headbands/armbands, etc..

          Jolie-enjoy the bike ride....I might do the's supposed to be 80 degrees here today and sunny.

          Lav-congratulations on the 2 lb. weight loss!:goodjob:

 are you doing? Stay with us.

          A shoutout to SD....check in, please!:h

          Yesterday I spent a lovely day with my mother and sister. Today, it's paperwork, walking along the lake path and biking. Another AF Sunday! I am so happy to be alive.

          Happy AF Sunday, everyone!


            October Opportunities - Week One


            How is everyone?

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              October Opportunities - Week One

              Mr.G!:h Great to see you! How are you? It's really beautiful here in Wisconsin. I think you should experience the Fall colors with your personal tour guide. No, Chill, I'm not talking about YOU! :H:h

              Lav, I just read on the Daily Thread that you and YB went shopping and then he bought dinner. Ooooohhhh, keep us posted. I live vacariously through my friends here because I have no life. HA!


                October Opportunities - Week One

                G, would you please change your avatar to a recent pic of yourself? Tight black jeans are nice. Thank you!:H


                  October Opportunities - Week One

                  hu-hu.... sorry to interupt guys! (she lied) Good Morning from a very wet Scotland

                  Rusty you are way too busy to be a tour guide, however me on the other hand could do with a distraction........ :h
                  Actually Mr G I could do with a fit strong man here to help me carry boxes

                  Lav - what is this gossip Im hearing, more details please, I could seriously do with distraction from my boring hum drum
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    October Opportunities - Week One

                    Chill, read Lav's last post yesterday on the Daily Thread. I've been praying that YB would have an epiphany (yes, actually PRAYING)....maybe he did? Your life is exciting, Chill. Someday you and I will have that cup of coffee....either in France or in Barcelona.


                      October Opportunities - Week One

                      Good morning October friends,

                      :H I let it out of the bag on the Daily thread that I had a date with YB yesterday :H
                      It was no big deal (seriously) but I am seeing him trying to break out of his self-imposed prison so I suppose that's a good thing. I am not getting worked up, I'm just trying to be pleasant
                      I know now more than ever that I cannot control the future & I'm not going to waste a drop of energy trying to do so

                      Hi Mr G!!!!
                      Don't get Rusty all riled up again :H

                      Rusty, glad you are happy & doing well! Warm temps on the way here too today. I just heard on the news that the fall foliage is going to be delayed for at least 2 weeks due to the excessive rainfall in August & September ~ strange!

                      Good luck today Chill!

                      OK, I have a huge list of things to do today & I'm grateful to be fully present & hangover free to get them done. Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        October Opportunities - Week One

                        Hi everyone

                        My God there is never a dull moment on this thread. It is hard to keep up with you ladies. Mr. G and YB beware!!!!

                        Chill's rain has not hit us yet but it is probably on the way. You are right Rusty I did indeed go to mass this morning (have to confess that I dont go every Sunday). The pony needs to be turned out to grass and cleaned out on Sunday's by us. I did the turning out and went to 8.30 mass in that little village. It was nice for a change. Seamus is the Irish of James, you probably know that already. How are they getting on with people pronouncing it? My daughters name is Ciara and it used to drive her mad in Canada when people mispronounced it. I can understand why the spelling is often changed in North America to Kera or Kiera.

                        Lav - you have the right attitude once again with YB, let him make the effort and be pleasant and accommodating when you feel like it. You look after number one.

                        Everyone else big hello and have a great Sunday.



                          October Opportunities - Week One

                          Good evening Folks, where are Papmom, SD and Star?

                          Every muscle in my body aches :upset: being two levels up its been hard going emptying my apartment.

                          It feels like my arthritis has spread right up to my knees, my lower legs and ankles are throbbing.
                          Anyway by tomorrow evening I will be all settled in.

                          I met my neighbors who are an elderly couple and seem very nice. Its a residential estate and will be nice and quiet compared to being in town. The best bit is I get away from the ocean front, yes I really said that! But the coast of Scotland is not a pleasant place to be in winter. My house also backs onto a walkway with doggy trails so is perfect for walking Elle. I will post some pictures next weekend.

                          It rained all day again and I vaguely remember a time when I had straight hair

                          Im going to be without internet for a few days so sending you all love and talk to you soon :l
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            October Opportunities - Week One

                            Chill, hope you are gettin some well deserved rest now

                            This day was a long but good one!
                            Played with all 3 grandkids, cooked, baked & fed everyone - even the YB who worked himself damn near to death around here today. He's suddenly notcing that many, many outdoor things have not be done - no kidding Well, at least he is starting to notice now......

                            It eneded up quite warm around here today! Not complaining really but it's just unusual for this time of year.
                            Hello to Rustop & everyone! Hope papmom enjoyed the wedding festivities!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              October Opportunities - Week One

                              UGH!!!! I just lost a long post....I started out saying how my computer kicked me out of this site and I couldn't find my password and I couldn't get it emailed to me cuz that email address doesn't exist anymore.....anyway...I obviously got WAAAAYYY to long winded because when I hit send it told me I needed to log in again and then everything was gone!!!

                              It was the best post ever cuz I was telling Rusty how GB was down by 5 points and I was going to send Aaron some Mojo though the airwaves and then during my writing to Lav, he scores....and then by the end of my whole post the score now is 22-14....

                              Not just that....I had something for all of you, but now it's getting late and I still have laundry to finish....I will have to jump back on here tomorrow after I get home from getting my son!! I hope everyone has a wonderful start to the week!! Chill--I hope you aren't too sore tomorrow!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


