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AF Daily ~ Monday! 10/3

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    AF Daily ~ Monday! 10/3

    i recently looked at a fascinating study of a prison population diet experiment where they divided them into two. one population was given their standard meal and allowed to eat all the high carbohydrate and sugar snacks they wanted. the 2nd population got the same standard meal and all the protein and fat snacks they wanted. the results are amazing.

    now, as you can imagine prison life is pretty boring so laying around and eating is a very popular idea.

    The high carb group at as much as an incredible 10,000 additional calories per day. and reported waking in the middle of the night with hunger pangs. they gained a ton of wait and had serious gastrointestinal complaints and irritability and fights.

    the high protein/fat group only consumed an additional 500-800 calories per day. they gained little or no extra weight and were calm and happier. they reported no hunger at night or between meals.

    there are many interesting things to learn from this, but one things for sure: all calories are not equal. until the very recent understanding of eicosanoid brain reactions as well as the impact various foods have on hormones and satiety set-points, a lot of this was confusing to nutritionalists.
    sadly medical doctors are poorly trained in nutrition so you have to do the groundwork yourself. thank goodness we have some smart AF'ers here!

    Kas, I'm so sorry to hear of your physical challenges, I know that makes it hard to be active for sure. your certainly on the right track cutting the simple carbs/sugars.

    since I've been travelling so much by car my diet has become a lot more important for physical and mental well being. cutting out all grains has been a lifesaver for me. I'd look like a sumo if I kept eating as I did 2 years ago.

    Lav, that's the reason I don't make bread at home.....I'd just sit down and eat it until it's gone, then probably make another batch. eeeeeeeeek!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      AF Daily ~ Monday! 10/3

      Hello friends,

      Congrats on the weight loss Kas and Sunny! You've lost weight, and I've lost my scale!:H I think I might go buy a new one just for the fun of it.

      I don't put enough effort into eating right nor exercising right now. I'm hoping this winter I will do a better job when I have more time to cook.

      I discovered the other day that I can actually downloads apps on my Blackberry Curve. Of course I only look at the free ones. I got the couch to 5k one, but there is no music, only a voice telling you to warm up, walk, run, walk, run, walk run. So, I made myself a playlist instead and I was psyched at ready to go this morning. Set my alarm for 5:45. And guess what? It is still quite dark at 5:45 right now! So I stayed in bed until 6:30. Then I got busy with projects and decided to just go to work. But I did run a weedeater for 4 hours so hopefully that has some benefit. Greenie--I really could use you and your chainsaw for a day or two. I fear the chainsaw.

      Uni--your daughter sounds like a funny girl!!!

      I'm going out to try to get that bloody door to take a stain. It is "thermoplastic" and was a little light for my decor, so it said it could be stained. One side looks much better, but the other side is doing what I anticipated. Nothing. At least the side I have to look at took some of the stain. But I am going to try one more time.
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily ~ Monday! 10/3

        Baking bread is a source of comfort for me
        provided I remember to give most of it away
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily ~ Monday! 10/3

          Hi fABbies! Congratulations to all of us for staying sober today, and also to all of you who are reporting weight losses. Double winners you all!

          Greenie! Long lost lover... :h ________________________ That is all. We will be under your bed eating popcorn...

          Uni - "mommy - everything else" :H

          Kas - 6 foot log????

          Where the sam hill is IJM today along with our other MIA's??????

          hi to everyone else.

          Long day of studying. Whew. How the hell did I drink my way through college???? I couldn't do that now to save my butt. Interesting tidbit from the counseling 101 book - it's pretty common for women to get a later start on alcohlic level drinking and to slide down the hill pretty quickly. That wasn't my path - I started early LOL and took the long slow ride. But I thought of you guys when I read that, and a few other things as it reminded me of stuff we see quite a bit around here. Also noteworthy for all the women - even with less overall AL consumption than men who have an AL use disorder, women have WORSE medical complications. There is slightly different liver metabolism of AL in women than men which is why women will have a higher blood alcohol level from the same amount of booze, with all other things being equal. This is also thought to have something to do with why women will have worse medical consequences than men, even with 45% less booze consumed on average for use disordered people.

          Things that make me go HMMMMM..... I drank so friggin much booze I'm just glad to be alive.

          One thing is for sure...

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily ~ Monday! 10/3

            Hey all! Checking in late but another day in the books! Had a productive day at work, then stayed late to do flu shots for the staff. Had a ate dinner cooked by the mother in law which was delicious, and now we are enjoying some tv.
            What a normal day. Bizarre!
            I had a friend call me all in a tizzy about how his life sucks, his relationship sucks, etc. It's because they are both alcoholics still deep in their addiction and the girl is addicted to pills and recreational drugs too. How can I give advice when I'm just a babe in the woods myself? All I could tell him was that my life has been getting better and better by planting seeds. I started by going to an awesome church. I sought the courage. I prayed. I quit. I don't know if I will mod or abstain but I think for me it's safer to abstain. So I'm working in that direction. He sees how happy I am. I hope what I said planted some seeds for him too...
            Day 1 again 11/5/19
            Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
            Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
            Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
            11/27/19: messed up but back on track
            12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily ~ Monday! 10/3

              Thats really interesting DG. So is this especially alarming because of the shift in cultural trends..? here is my theory...the theory that is mine.... Drinking to excess used to be a taboo for women of my mothers generation and older, (so limited, closet drinking...) but in my generation and younger, drinking is way more acceptable, and its accessible, cheap and its been given this cache by the liquor industry. And unfortunately my daughters generation drinking to excess is pretty ordinary. I wonder if independance and feminism has some role to play in this, drinking is one of the "privelidges we worked hard to own". ????

              Blech to that!

              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily ~ Monday! 10/3

                papmom3;1187118 wrote: Sunni-I found your 10 lbs. Let me know if you want it back.
                Hell NO! :H
                Lav, I had to re-read.. I thought you said 'Breaking bread is a source of comfort!' :H Hey, works, too!

                Gorgy picture, Kas! Makes we wanna go on a mini-vacation.

                Well, I'm happy to report that ALL WORK ON THE BLASTED ROOF IS DONE! YESSS! That has GOT to be the most miserable job ever. Anywho... all finished. As am I. Totally and utterly tired and ready for bed.

                Night night, lovely peeps. Sweet dreams!
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  AF Daily ~ Monday! 10/3

                  Nursie, that's awesome! about all you can do is set a good example and be there for them if/when they are ready to get healthy.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily ~ Monday! 10/3

                    Kaslo;1187313 wrote: I wonder if independance and feminism has some role to play in this, drinking is one of the "privelidges we worked hard to own". ????
                    PBS is airing Ken Burn's "Prohibition" this week. Tonight is the 3rd and last night I think. That sort of thing is discussed but at the moment, how women helped fuel the prohibition.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily ~ Monday! 10/3

                      Kaslo;1187313 wrote: Thats really interesting DG. So is this especially alarming because of the shift in cultural trends..? here is my theory...the theory that is mine.... Drinking to excess used to be a taboo for women of my mothers generation and older, (so limited, closet drinking...) but in my generation and younger, drinking is way more acceptable, and its accessible, cheap and its been given this cache by the liquor industry. And unfortunately my daughters generation drinking to excess is pretty ordinary. I wonder if independance and feminism has some role to play in this, drinking is one of the "privelidges we worked hard to own". ????

                      Blech to that!
                      What the book was referencing specifically was women who may either not drink or drink very moderately (for whatever the reasons) encountering a significant stressful event (death of someone close, divorce, etc.) and drinking to excess over a specific situation. Then AL grabs hold. I guess that is common among women who begin drinking alcoholically later in life.

                      Then there are the ones like me who just try to drink everyone under the table from a young age. :H

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.

