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AF Daily - Tuesday Oct. 4

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    AF Daily - Tuesday Oct. 4

    Papmom, you are such a trooper. Holy cow. I wish I could send you a winning lotto ticket, dear. You show such incredible courage, I am in awe.

    Lav, me too! I want to try this, and see. I bet its great with the beef strog I serve it with. Mr Kaslo will not complain.

    Uni, I really think Mom of 3 makes a good point. And I did go back and read quite a few of your posts, though 2007. I am actually quite familiar with post traumatic stress disorder. My father was a fighter pilot in the RCAF in WWII for the duration. The things he saw were horrific. He had all of the symptoms of PTSD, the startle reflex, anger issues, nightmares, depression, etc. Its interesting that PTSD is now applied to things like divorce and the death of a parent. I did not know that. Different people react differently its true, and I wish you the best of luck.

    Well I have had myself all up the inside of a cow with her eyes shut over a batch of data from the Athabasca oil sands that makes NO SENSE at all. And I am still working even though I would like to stop and go to bed please.

    Good night fabies. I have been here since April, and thats not that long so forgive me my tresspasses and lack of understanding of everyones issues.


    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      AF Daily - Tuesday Oct. 4

      Oops had Greenie mixed up with M3 in my last post sorry

      I am gonna be taking a break from this site for a while. Have a great fall folks.


      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
      Status: Happy:h


        AF Daily - Tuesday Oct. 4

        11 hours driving and I'm home. whew. beat the snow at least.

        Kas, what do you mean have a nice fall? I hope nothing happened to bum you out

        getting caught up here, be well friends,

        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Daily - Tuesday Oct. 4

          Kas, Thanks for your kind words. Please don't leave us. You are a valuable member of this thread and bring so much to it. You didn't do anything to offend anyone-especially Uni. She would have told you if you did because she is an honest person that way. I for one was thankful that PTSD was brought up. I think it is very valuable information.

          Of course we all know how all encompassing this site can be and sometimes we all need to take a small break. If that is what is happening it totally understandable. But if you are leaving because you think you upset someone, please don't. You didn't.

          Det-do glad you made it home safe. Couldn't believe what they were saying about snow out your way!! NOT YET PLEASE!!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Daily - Tuesday Oct. 4

            thank you all for the hugs and the encouragement! No IJM, I hadn't noticed that about myself-thank you for noticing! I guess I just feel like what I'm doing is surviving because the alternative isn't something I want to think about. I do know that while I might have the initial hissy fit, I calm down much quicker now and start analyzing the situation. Before I would've been stuck at Hissy. I also ask for help now. I never used to.

            M3-so glad you are enjoying yoga training! I might have to think seriously about coming down there just to take one of your classes!!

            Sunni-Yea! The roof is finished! Can't wait to see how the whole thing turns out!

            DG-You are such an inspiration to us all! Going back to school at 29 and starting a whole new career! And your tackling it with such enthusiasm and dedication!! Just wanted to give a big pat on the back! :l

            Lav-so happy the dinner with YB and family went better than expected. I'm sure it's no coincidence he showed up on his birthday to cut the lawn!! If he would just learn to express himself life would be so much easier for you instead of having to play all these guessing games!!

            Uni-huge :l :l :l from me to you. I am in awe of how you are living your life right now. Hope hubby can see it too.

            Back to the grind today. It was nice to finally get the dishes down, poop scoop the yard and buy pet food. So there was good balancing out the bad. Tonite one more stop on the way home and then early to bed for me with the 17th Stephanie Plum book. Totally forgot to watch Biggest Loser last nite-anyone see it?
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!

