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AF Daily Thursday 6th October

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    AF Daily Thursday 6th October

    Hey absters. It's Thursday already. Life moves on apace these days.
    Thanks for the good wishes guys. I'm off in about an hour. See you all Sunday -since I gotta do some child minding on Saturday for my bootiful baby grand daughter.
    Papmom there are so many great AF cocktails to try you can have a ball at that wedding trying them out. Just google 'alcohol free cocktail recipes' and you'll be inundated with possibilities. I Like Mojitas because I love the taste of mint ice and lime together. I use sparkling water as a base because there's no sugar involved and we all need less of that right?
    Ok so I'm going. I'm in a great frame of mind. I don't plan to make excuses about giving up for health grounds or anything else. If anyone asks me why I've stopped drinking I have one answer (delivered with a winning smile) and that is "Because I can."
    PS. I'm no delusional. I can only do that because I am in the daily process of surrendering my addiction to a higher power but I can't really give the answer "because I'm co -creating my future with God."-but in fact that is exactly what's happening. I suspect no one at a wedding wants to know that Ha Ha!!!
    Have a great weekend full of joy, peace and good stuff abstaineroonio pals.
    xxxxx :thanks:
    AF since 11 July 2011
    You can never get enough of what you don't really want

    AF Daily Thursday 6th October

    Mornin' fABbies! Gotta make this quick but I just wanted to say that Treya - I love your attitude. We don't need to apologize for not drinking, or feel bad or weird in any way. Fewer people give a dang then we imagine anyway. Have fun!

    P3 - you are going to look FABULOUS in your new outfit so I hope you have fun and order some exotic AF drinks!

    Lav, I'm glad you are directing your energy to better things. I still feel sad that YB behaves as he does. Oh well - nothing I can do about it!

    Hi Greenie! We X-posted yesterday - I was wondering where you were. Hope you slept better than I did last night.

    Hello to everyone yet to come today! Is IJM doing a disappearing act again???

    Chairing the meeting and then zoom zooming to school for a quiz. Then doing some errands and study, and attending a session for the interns about resumes and interviewing. All students in the addiction studies program are invited, so why not? Should be interesting. Long day though.

    One thing is for sure...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily Thursday 6th October

      Treya you just made me smile from ear to ear! You are truly an inspiration! How long have you been AF? Your siggy says November, or is it UK and so it's January?? Idk *blushes* but I would love to give an answer like that someday! Kudos!

      Well as I said last night, I survived my date night with the fianc?. I did have to take my Xanax for a little panicky stuff but I got through it and maybe next time won't be so hard. I wasn't panicking because I was Goin to drink, I was irritable and chest pounding because I have never not drank and I felt like a fish out of water. I kept looking at everyone around and hoping they weren't drinking because I would feel left out. Nobody was really drinking so I was somehow comforted by that.
      So I realized our time together, away from the kids, didn't revolve around me drinking. It instead revolved around our company, a sober me, the delicious food and intelligent discussion.

      What a concept!
      Day 1 again 11/5/19
      Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
      Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
      Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
      11/27/19: messed up but back on track
      12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily Thursday 6th October

        Morning FABs!

        Love your avatar, DG!
        Love your attitude, Treya!

        Just full of love this morning!:H

        Busy day here, too today... hence the earlier than usual start. Susie (SIL) is finally gonna get here today- Yay! Mr. Wonderful MIGHT sell his truck today (it's been for sale for some time now) and that'll possibly involve me doing some driving back and forth with paperwork and whatnot. I'm still working away at the clean laundry pile and am hoping to rake out at least SOME of my yard. Oh.. and there's another door that needs sanding and finishing, my roundpen boards need to get put up, I should really start finishing the lumber for the actual horse stall.... :H Ya know? But.. ONE thing is for sure...

        Have a beautiful Thursday, everyone!!!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          AF Daily Thursday 6th October

          Treya;1188508 wrote: If anyone asks me why I've stopped drinking I have one answer (delivered with a winning smile) and that is "Because I can."

          DG, love your avatar! Aren't you meeting speaker soon?

          Nursie, what an empowering date, eh? Who knew? It gets better and better.

          Sunnybutt the barn is wonderful! Know you're thrilled about the roof being done. Your day sounds like it involves some stuff that seems to suspiciously resemble thankless endless man-chore gruntwork (obviously not my favorite :H)
          Lav, I don't trust little doggie with a bird.

          I have a sense of irritability creeping in on me and I'm not sure why. A little (no, a lot) short tempered, physical annoyances here and there, mojo unsteady. . I was thinking it was because YB had the balls to showed up on his BD. :H But really I wonder if it's from that candy bar binge. Now is probably not a good time to switch browsers. I got pissed off at explorer yesterday and think I hurt the computer.

          Gonna suck up some of the positive vibe here and carry on into a fabbie day with a haircut, some work, a few errands and...... do I go to the reception where there will be lots of people I know including old flame (who has been married looooong time so it's nothing like that) or go to yoga??? I think I really need yoga.

          tally ho!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily Thursday 6th October

            Morning abbers,

            I hear you on the irritability factor Greenie. I have had it for a couple of days too but this morning is just brutal. I need to put on a happy face otherwise I'll end up in bed all day which we all know is not a good thing for me.

            I think that after the intense office cleaning yesterday (which is done BTW - yeah me!) that I might go for a walk to wake myself up. It's a beautiful fall day here - a little cool but sunny. Then some laundry and some homework. Fairly relaxing but getting things done one by one.

            One thing is for sure here though - I hope everyone has an awesome AF Thursday!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF Daily Thursday 6th October

              Good morning Abbers!

              Blowing off work soon & heading out for the day with daughter & Ms. Lily

              Treya, awesome thinking on your part, enjoy the wedding

              DG, I still feel bad about YB too but none of us can do a damn thing to help him ~ I finally get it! I have chosen to not let him & his behavior wreck what's left of my life!

              Nursie, it's true! People don't drink as much as we think they do ~ for the most part When I stopped worrying about what was in other people's glasses thing got much easier for me!

              Sunni, I have a can of paint I purchased this summer to repaint the front & back doors. I hope I get the job done before it gets too cold. Motivate me - OK?

              Greenie, I have come to realize too much sugar really does make me angry!
              I can get away with a cookie or two but that's it. I never took L-Glutamine to help with AL cravings in the beginning but I have taken it off & on to reduce sugar/junk food cravings & I think it helps

              Uni, my shop is waiting for you to come & get it organized. It will take you about a week :H

              OK, wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily Thursday 6th October

                Hi again all! Checking in from the school computer for the first time. Should be studying. Better not make this a habit! :H Just posted on the AA thread how cool it is to be taking addiction studies classes so who gives a rats behind if anyone knows I'm in recovery.

                Greenie - good to see you. I'm sorry about the irritability factor! Like Lav, sugar messes me up too. I've been off and on with that lately too. I need to get serious about "detoxing" from it.

                Sunny, you sure get a lot done in a days time!

                Hi Uni! Cool crisp weather sounds so nice. We are back in the 80's here. :egad:

                Nursie, I don't know if you saw the thread in ....General? Just starting? Anyway, about 10 Beers and 10 People. That is based on statistical averages across the adult population in the US. Out of 10 people, on average, 4 do not drink at all, 3 would share 2 beers between them, 2 people would have 2 beers each, and 1 person would have 6 beers. So no....other people DON'T drink like we used to. I have long since realized that my embarrassment SHOULD have been about how much I was drinking back when I was drinking it. I should NOT be embarrassed that I no longer drink. That is such a blessing for me and everyone else I share the roads with.

                Lav, YB is just fortunate beyond belief that he ended up marrying you and not someone like me. :H You are such a trooper!!!! I bet in your next life you will get to be happily married to someone who will devote their life to making you happy. :h

                Oh Greenie - I'm telling my story on Saturday night. (send me some of your mojo please!)

                Hello to everyone else. I'm going to stick my nose back into a book. I'm waiting here until 5:30 when one of my teachers who is also in charge of the internship program is hosting a career counselor type to talk about job opportunities, resumes, how to handle any questionable issues in interviews, etc. He invited anyone who is taking addiction studies classes, so several of us are going just to listen in. Should be interesting!

                One thing is for sure....

                Where the sam hill is IJM? Kas? Det? P3? Marshy? Jolie? Doglvr? And a bunch of others?

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily Thursday 6th October

                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily Thursday 6th October

                    Everyone sounds like they are having a great AF day!

                    Sunshine, that sounds like some free therapy right there! And getting it all done in time for winter too. We have to mend our fence and driveway, put a cap on one of the chimneys because the little birdies keep flying in, and reinforce the mailbox. That's about the extent of my outdoorsie work. But we have horses and cattle next door to us that we get to ride and feed, and visit when we hike.

                    Greenie, I'm newly AF, but my irritability is through the roof. I feel like I am just starting to level out a little bit now, but I easily get peeved over the littlest thing. I hate that feeling.

                    Lav, Amen!

                    Doggie, I did read that, thanks for reminding me! Seriously if there were 10 beers and 10 people, I would leave and get more beer. You will do great tonight!!!

                    After work today, I took my little guy to an awesome playground and we had so much fun. No rushing to get to the liquor store. No obsessing over whether I would have enough time to drink before the Mister got home. Just enjoying my son and a really great afternoon. I have missed so many of them, but no more.
                    Day 1 again 11/5/19
                    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily Thursday 6th October

                      I'm here I'm here!! Not to fear!! Busy day. Got ALL my projects done finally and just in time for vacation. Of course my boss found one more for me but it will have to wait until the 17th. Nursing Home job tonite. Watched a video about Tony Bennet's New York. All the residents with us in the room were very calm and seemed to enjoy it immensely. I did that's for sure!

                      Great thread on Starting Out about "What will I do for fun now?" Loved the replies!!

                      Greenie-I've had some anger issues lately too (didn't break my laptop tho thank god!!) and finally had to go into my car and give a good primal scream!! Felt much better. Not sure if it's the sugar or just all the stress.....

                      DG-hope the internship presentation was interesting. Bet you got some great ideas!!

                      Uni-great job on organizing the office. I love doing that kind of stuff when I have long stretches of time to do it in. Which I will next week and I am definitely moving the 2 rooms around. Not sure I'll get to the painting but you never know. I also have to put the yard to bed and that is going to take some major time. Wonder if I can ask for the week after off too? :H

                      Lav-did you have a nice time today with family?

                      Sunni- you exhaust me!! Can I hire you? See how much we can get done when our goal isn't to get to a point where we can stop and drink?

                      Nursie-so glad your date went well! They will get better and better I promise!!

                      Treya-I can't wait to share wedding stories and who had the best AF cocktail!!

                      Marshy-loved your pic of Amsterdam!! How gorgeous!! Glad you had a great time!

                      Gotta be up early tomorrow so will say good nite now. IJM and Kas, please check in!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily Thursday 6th October

                        Well, at least Lav is back :H
                        You'd be hard pressed trying to get rid of me :H

                        I had a day that only a sober person could have!
                        I worked in my shop until noon. The girls showed up so I took them to the outlets for some shopping & lunch. I got myself a pair of new balance sneakers for 40% off ~ I'll wear them to Curves
                        Got back home, cooked dinner, fed my daughter, son, DIL & EB (babies are doing baby food), had a nice visit with everyone then spent more time in my shop (catching up a little). No way in hell I could have done all that plus feeding & watering dog, chickens, cockatiel & even the little frog who lives in my kitchen (in a water garden) if I was hungover - right????

                        DG, you are just moving right along - good for you!

                        greenie, how's the mojo? Feeling any better yet?

                        Looking forward to some decent sleep
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily Thursday 6th October

                          Quicky from cellphone. Waiting to have dinner with a sales rep at a brew puB. Oh well. Be well friends
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily Thursday 6th October

                            Wow Lav and P3 - busy day for both of you!!! P3, do you think you are going to like the nursing home job for the longer haul? I'm afraid Tony Bennett would have equaled nappy time for me. (I guess I'm just tired today!!)

                            Lav - you are SO right about the fact these schedules would either be MISERABLE or IMPOSSIBLE if hungover! Good deal on the new Curves shoes!

                            Nursie - It would have been wine rather than beer for me - but 6 was certainly never enough for me in a day. Some poor moderate drinkers must have been going without when I was around...

                            Yes turnagain! come out come out wherever you are.

                            Det - hang in there through your biz dinner, OK? :b&d:

                            YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS. ANOTHER :hJOHNNY DEPP:h REFERENCE IN SCHOOL. What is this now....3? 4? The Job Resource Center lady gave us a packet of sample resumes in the different formats they use these days. And one of the made up resumes was for none other than MY JOHNNY! :H:H

                            I have always organized my resumes in a chronological format. I haven't done a resume in a long time so I don't know if these other formats are "new" or I just never knew about them. But a functional format resume is what I think will ultimately work a lot better for me to make sense of my experience and be able to present it with the right focus for whatever type of job I decide to go for one day. AND THEY OFFER FREE HELP at the resource center. Holy cow! I'll be taking advantage of that.

                            Well, off to dreamland I go. At least I'm hoping for dreamland tonight after not much dreaming = not much sleep last night. Sigh. Middle age (29) sucks some times.

                            Mojo for all instead of AL....

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily Thursday 6th October

                              okay's a pix for you as promised. Tomorrow...I'll post some happy balloons for everyone and a special chicken pix for LAV!

                              Sober for the Revolution!
                              AF & NF July 23, 2011

