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October Opportunities - Week Two

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    October Opportunities - Week Two

    Good morning to all....

    Lav, it is nice to be able to sleep in and not worry. My new job allows me to sleep later in the morning and I love not having an alarm clock!!!

    SD, you sound so much calmer. Talking things out is the only way to go.

    Dew, that hotel sounds dismal, hope your book is good. The hill walk on Sunday will be fun, hope the weather is decent.

    Chill, your weather sounds rough. This is just a tough time ofyear. For years I could not afford to belong to a gym and just exercised with a lady on TV, taping it for free. There are also inexpensive DVDs, around $5.00 a piece, with Zumba, Body burn, etc. At least you can exercise from the comfort of your own home. Moving is overwhelming, take care of yourself, the weekend is almost here. Good to hear you told VIMM to off.

    Work today, and I work late again, so will really enjoy my weekend. No big plans, so will read, clean, watch football, and maybe clean a closet and get out some winter clothes. To all, have a productive and peaceful day.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      October Opportunities - Week Two

      Star - Thank you so much for your encouragment, you are absolutely right, if I want to, I can do some exercise at home and should not be making excusing! I guess I let Vimm whisper his negativity too me before I found his off switch

      I have to do better time management and once I've got the house in order I will take a serious look at re organizing my routine. I always say if you cant do anything else yoga is the most important regime for keeping your body healthy and supple and that I can do at home for sure, I just need the discipline.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        October Opportunities - Week Two

        Big hugs to Chill and Dew-hope the blahs disappear very soon! Dew, your reward for this dismal week at conference and hotel is your hill walking weekend! Enjoy!
        Chill-I am the last one to talk about any kind of exercise but you have more discipline than I so I think Star's suggestions would work well for you. You love spinning too right? Any chance of finding a spinning bike for sale somewhere and popping in a spinning video? Defiinitely yoga is a great all around fallback and you are so experienced you don't need a class. Hmmm, I wonder if you could start and exercise class in your wee town since there doesn't seem to be any. It is your passion after all, might as well get paid for it!!

        SD-don't wish too much for my energy-it's lagging today. But it is a rainy cold day and I have to work tonite and tomorrow nite so I can't get into too much in the house.

        so yesterday I had planned to work outside since the weather was so nice but my body said NOOOOOO! So, instead I moved my bedroom into my office to see how I like it. I likey I likey!! The room isn't painted but I can see it now so will defo get to it. The old bedroom doesn't need to be painted right away so I am going to move my office into it today. By the time I leave for work I should have a totally set up work space with more room. Maybe. At any rate I'll be able to come and go into the attic as I wish.

        right-time to get going!! Be well friends!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          October Opportunities - Week Two

          Good morning Octoberettes!

          Dark & damp here as well Chill
          Not cold though so I'm grateful for that!
          I'm happy to not be a slave to the alarm clock anymore. All the years of having to get the kids to school & getting myself out of the house by 6:15 am are long over, thank goodness. That routine just sucks the soul out of you
          I have a much smaller paycheck these days but I take it if I don't have to be awakened rudely by the alarm clock

          Star, having some flexilbility in your work schedule is a good thing Because I worked every other weekend I enjoyed having Wednesdays off to get caught up with things. Didn't allow me to connect with any friends of couurse but at least the stores were mostly empty!

          Well, it 9 am so I'll get myself to work as soon as I go feed my chickens

          Have fun rearranging papmom!!

          Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            October Opportunities - Week Two

            Evening guys

            Papmom - loved your idea about the spin DVD! I will look out for a 2nd hand static bike. And I'm delighted you likey like your room rearranging!

            Lav - I'm with you on the alarm clock, I was lucky enough to live without one the whole time I lived in Portugal. I woke up with the sun every day, early in summer and sleeping slightly longer in winter. It was heaven! It's so unnatural to wake up artificially and having to get up in the dark here for 6 months is very unpleasant. :no:

            Anyway after giving myself a kick in the butt earlier I went straight to the gym after work, then came home and took Elle a long walk, then tackled and finished the pile of ironing before cooking dinner ahhh.... Feels good! I'm now tucked up in bed with my book and looking forward to the weekend.

            Dewdrop - I hope you manage to get home at a reasonable time tomorrow.

            Niters my friends.....
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              October Opportunities - Week Two

              Ahhh Chill-I felt your relief too! Hope you can find a nice cheap second hand bike. Try Craig's List. Can't remember if you guys have freecycle over there in bonney scotland.

              The rearranging is done!! I LOVE it!! My new office feels bigger-not only to da boyz have the couch they also have a window seat! :H They are living large!!

              I found very inexpensive panels for the 2 windows and the closet and will put those up tomorrow. If I never paint the room it will still look awesome! I can't wait to hang up my agility ribbons.

              The bedroom still needs paint but at the moment it is just fine and I feel so cozy in there! Found a table up in the attic that works great as a night stand and will save up for a headboard if I can't find one on freecycle.

              tomorrow I will reclaim the DR and kitchen, do laundry and try to relax before work. Sat is a dog show with agility, obedience and herding in the morning and then a pap playday in the afternoon. Sun is a full day of work and then my nephew's 18th birthday party. Monday back to the grind :upset:

              Work was nice this evening. No drama and a fun video magazine to watch. Will be making plans to bring one of the pups in some day for a visit.

              Have a great nite all and see you tomorrow. :l
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                October Opportunities - Week Two

                Hi All!!
                All this talk of exercise...I really know I need to be doing something but when I get home all I want to do is sit down on the couch!! Honestly, as soon as I sit it doesn't take more than 3 minutes and I'm sound asleep. I'll wake up and my son will be building legos next to me or playing with his PSP or something. I'm just exhausted...always. My intern made a comment to me that he had no idea that he would be on his feet, walking as much as he was doing this internship. Of course, I think he was hoping he could sit around and do nothing quite frankly. That's a whole bag a worms I better not even open!!:H

                Chill--sounds like you ended up getting a lot accomplished tonight!! Good for you! That always feel so good!!

                Lav--I have to say, weather-wise we are still being blessed here!! Kids are still in shorts (some of them!!) It's chilly in the morning, of course, but like today, very nice by the afternoon!! I really hope it stays that way. My dad wants my son and I to go over to the lake cabin this weekend...he's closing it up for the winter. That's always kinda a bummer...but it should be beautiful over there anyway!!

                Pap3--I don't know if that room (me not finishing) represents something negative to me in all honesty. I started that room the last night I was a horrible night and one of HUGE realizations for me...lots of tears shed that night and lots of self-reflecting...pretty damaged, scared and very sad person I was...and knew I just couldn't be "her" anymore...and knew so much of the negative things going on in my life were because of my own negative thoughts and actions I was doing to myself...and often blaming others or feeling sorry for myself. I just didn't want to be that person anymore. I've tried painting that room twice since that night and each time I do...I so vividly remember that night lying on the floor crying...the feeling of how much I hated myself....I hate that I was ever "there"...ya know...I just want that room to be "finished"....I guess maybe when I'm ready, I'll go back in there.

                Star--I hope you enjoy your sounds relaxing...except the closet part!

                Rusty--How you doing this week girl?? Enjoying a week in the comforts of home??:h

                Well...I better go get my son to bed...we just studied spelling words for like a half hour...he seems to know them Thursday night...not sure what happens by Friday morning!:H

                Have a great rest of the night..and WONDERFUL FRIDAY!!! TGIF!!!!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  October Opportunities - Week Two

                  SD, think of that room as a new beginning!!!
                  That's what I did this summer when I painted my bedroom, got rid of the old furniture & got some new stuff. I really, really like my room now because it's all mine

                  Studing for a spelling test - now that brings back some memories :H
                  My daughter ended up being an English/Communications major ~ she was pretty good....
                  My son ~ not so much :H

                  papmom, are you actually on vacation this week?
                  You're doing way too much lady!!!!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    October Opportunities - Week Two

                    yep Lav-vacation/staycation/workation :H I really look forward to these weeks off because I can't seem to even keep my head above water chore wise when I'm working. I LOVE having long stretches of time to do projects. I could live this way for months, even years if I could find a way to keep the money flowing without actually working!!

                    SD-I think you need to step away from that room, close it off and go back to it when you are in a better place. Then the color will come to you, you'll toss out the old and bring in all new and like Lav said, it'll be a new beginning! :l
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      October Opportunities - Week Two

                      I need to paint a few rooms too!! However, it is not going to happen any time soon. Today I will clean and start laundry. Then I am meeting with a colleague for sharing and want to read and relax this afternoon. Leftovers and quiche for dinner, with fruit. See, I have it all planned out. We'll see if it really happens that way.

                      The rains started yesterday and many of the leaves are off the trees already. It is still mild and beautiful. I am really into noticing the change of seasons this year, a yearly miracle that I take for granted. I was talking to a lady yesterday who loves winter, and she cheered me up. It is interesting how different we all are in our likes and dislikes. It is what makes the world interesting. Viva la difference.

                      Lav, I woke up this morning at 2:45 with hot flashes, tried to fall back asleep, but gave up at 4 a.m. This is ridiculous, I guess I am going to have to go to the doctor. I feel OK though, just not tired. I hope I do not burn out this afternoon. My poor family, I do not know how I will deal with the heat on. Maybe I'll wear summer clothes in December.

                      SD, hearing your story of feeling so down in the recent past, it is inspiring to know that you are in such a positive place right now. You have done so much work, I hope you realize it and can take time to appreciate all the changes you have made. I have followed your story and want you to know what a great person you are and how far you have come. Sharing your struggles and challenges has helped me and I am sure lots of others. If you have time, what are the best things that have happened in your life since deciding to be AF?

                      I may stop in later, wishing you all a great Friday.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        October Opportunities - Week Two

                        Good morning from dark & gloomy SE PA
                        Last week it was sunny & dry ~ I want that back!
                        I guess this weather is going to force me to attack my indoor chore list this weekend :H :H

                        Starting out with Curves then on to cleaning, tossing, sorting, etc.

                        Have a great day papmom, star, chill, SD & everyone

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          October Opportunities - Week Two

                          Having a coffee break so a quick hello from me guys. I promise that over tthe weekend I will send on a long post for everyone, I feel I've been neglecting some of you this week.

                          Well what have I learned these past two days - nothing - more importantlyI could have run these training days much better, it annoys me that these trainers are being paid heftily and they don't deliver. Another career opportunity maybe??

                          Anyhooo off to the airport in a few hours for the 7pm flight but I've called our travel people and am trying to get them to change my flight to the earlier one, seems daft for me to waste anymore time. Jesus if I owned this company I would sack so many people, think it might be time for me to start my own business. You can probably tell I am not in the best head space for my well being, I just want to get home and chillout.

                          Maybe catch you later at the airport.

                          Dewdrop :h
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                            October Opportunities - Week Two

                            Hey Dewdrop!

                            I sincerely hope you can get that earlier flight
                            Starting your own company may just be the ticket!!!!
                            Sounds like something to think about
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              October Opportunities - Week Two

                              Evening guys

                              SD - your post was very sad to read but in a way its so symbolic of you reaching the end of that chapter in your life. All that self loathing and negativity is exactly what AL brings us. As Lav said, now its a new beginning and you have already turned the negative into such a positive in such a short space of time. Im so proud of you and your strength shines through in your posts. Whenever you are ready you will be able to face that room and not just face it but conquer it in a way that will feel so right. The new paint and decor will represent the new you! You will know your self when that time is right. :l

                              Dewdrop - If you come up with a business idea Im available as your assistant

                              Star - Sorry about the night sweats.
                              I had a bad one too this week as the full moon coincided with my time of the month which always now triggers sweats for me. :upset:
                              Wearing your summer gear in December though might be pretty cool
                              As I walked Elle tonight at dusk I too tried to appreciate this time of year, there is even beauty to be found in our grey skies here if you really look at them.

                              Im so enjoying my 1st weekend in my new place, Ive done the bulk of the unpacking and everything else can wait. Its time to chill........
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                October Opportunities - Week Two

                                oh and here is my little living room......

                                ooops sorry, tried to make it smaller but its either this or a small dot!
                                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                                NF - May 1996

