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Weekly AA 10/11 - 10/16

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    Weekly AA 10/11 - 10/16

    I just read the last few entries of last week's AA thread. Phil, your story of being the impromptu leader of a very emotional meeting was inspirational. There's no doubt that meeting will be memorable to the attendees whether they go out again after their hospitalization or not. There will probably be a time when they go back to that meeting & ponder it. Truly 12th step work!

    DG: It really is a natural high to speak...especially before a large meeting. I've only done it once, but I still remember how emotional, nervous, & elated I felt. Afterward, a woman came up to me & said: "You told my story." I too have met so many people...especially women...who have gone back to school to really experience it. It's never too late to transform your life.

    I'm currently working on my 4th step. I realize as I start the work that I'm a combination of so many characteristics. In addition to learning about myself through this step, it's also about accepting who I am...warts & all. M
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Weekly AA 10/11 - 10/16

    It absolutely drives me batty when members, long time members, cannot read/pronounce the word anonymous. They get the the n and the m confused. I know I am being petty but it has happened so many times that it really scrambles my brains. Sorry to vent. Carry on................


      Weekly AA 10/11 - 10/16

      Last night I was exhausted from many chores & residual fatigue from the weekend. I stayed home from a meeting as a result. While it was OK, in the end, I kind of wish I had gone. Vegging in front of TV isn't so great. M
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Weekly AA 10/11 - 10/16

        Hi Mary - it's still really amazing to me to hear "you told my story." There was a discussion recently on another thread which was a rememberance of the intense lonliness I felt in the final years of my drinking. So desparate, so alone, so miserable. Who knew there were people "just like me" right down the street helping and supporting one another? There are times I wish I had found AA sooner but then again, I also have faith that things unfold as they are supposed to. I'm just grateful to be part of the fellowship now.

        Lucky, I can understand stuff like that being a little crazy making. I'm learning to use AA as my "classroom in life." Whenever I start feeling irritated or uncomfortable, I know there is something at my finger tips I will benefit from working on. Acceptance of other people's imperfections, and a realization that I too am probably driving someone else batty comes to mind. It's really not other people who make me uncomfotable. It's me who makes me uncomfortable. The awesome news about that is....I am the one person I CAN change. So there is a path for me to get out of my uncomfortableness (which I don't think is a word LOL!).

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Weekly AA 10/11 - 10/16

          There is a certain someone whose sharings go on & on interminably. I dread it when the sharing comes around to him. That said: AA has kept him sober for years. That's the lesson for me. It's not about me approving of all that everyone says. Different people, different needs.

          Loneliness: To me, that goes hand in hand w/drinking. I'm surrounded by people, loved ones most of the time, but I still felt lonely. Alcoholism robbed me of:
          -gratitude for what I had.
          -all the people & experiences that make life worth living.

          Today, I called my sponsor & set up a time to go to a meeting together. We'll be together, have fun, learn a little more about each other, etc. That's what's missing when I drank.

          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Weekly AA 10/11 - 10/16

            Mary, I really like what you said about the guy who goes on and on. I really do try to catch myself when I'm getting irritated in meetings, and use those moments as learning opportunities. I am much much happier when I am NOT getting worked up over what other people are doing/saying.

            I have not been to any meetings yet this week which is very rare for me!!! 2 midterms and a final have kept me busy. I will be going to the big speaker meeting tomorrow night - the one I spoke at last week. One of my gal pals from my home group is speaking and I want to support her! I think this is her first time.

            I am very grateful to be sober today. Hope everyone is having a good week and good plans for the weekend.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Weekly AA 10/11 - 10/16

              It is fun when a friend speaks. I find that when I go wo/meetings for a while, I feel very disconnected from my community. I can see how it leads to relapse. I think after a while you say: "What the heck!" I've been going around to some different meetings which feels like going out of my comfort zone. That's always a good thing for me...going out of my comfort zone. Feel the fear & do it anyway. Well, I'm going to my "burning desire" meeting tonight...basically a topic discussion. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012

