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AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

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    AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15



    Everyone is doing so famously well!! Digging in, rising above, dodging bullets, using the tool box. shoring up big girl/boy pants.... you're doin' it!! Every time you come out victorious on the other side of one of those challenges, it makes such a tremendous difference in how you are able to navigate in the future. And this is HUGE as holiday season approaches. Crimony it's already mid-October!

    Friend has neighborhood garage sale today and I drug stuff over there last night. Wish I'd know earlier, I'd have culled more stuff out. Gotta fly - going back over to see if I can sell some shit oops I mean treasures. Then maybe talk to a guy about a job.

    tally ho and rock on
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

    Good morning fABbies! Thanks Green one for getting us off to a great start. Love the summary about how WE ARE DOING IT!!!!! Back in the drinking days, I used to constantly tell myself that I would quit/slow down the drinking when ________________ difficult circumstances changed. Well guess what. Life always has difficult circumstances to throw at us!!!! And of couse my view of what is "difficult" changes over time as well. If I waited for life to be calm and wonderful before quitting drinking, I would probably be dead from drinking by now.'s grateful I am to be AF and unhung this morning. What's everyone up to for the weekend? I have a really bad cold and would rather be in bed, but my BGP's are firmly in place and I'm studying for my Human Development midterm starting in 5 minutes.

    One thing is for sure, there will be no drinking for me today.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

      You two rock!! Great wisdom start to the day thanks Greenie and DG!
      GAC and Treya, super posts today. Treya if I may add that remov
      ing ALL grains and all gluten containing substances (even whole wheat and quinoa) will help you rebuild a compromised gut. for a really comprehensive look into this I'd recommend Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride. she's an absolutely brilliant PHD MD.
      Hi Det,
      Thanks for that link. I will certainly take your advice. I must say on re reading yesterday's post I might sound like a hypochondriac to some of you.:H Hold that thought. I thought for years that I WAS. The symptoms I refer to were not bad enough to make me feel ill and take time off work, but bad enough for me to know that I was far from true wellness. You're right Det. I have a compromised gut (like so many others who don't know it and accept what passes for health) I'm lucky that I've had a spell being sugar free and know what health feels like and now I can put the emphasis on getting the diet right. Bless you. Bless you all.
      AF since 11 July 2011
      You can never get enough of what you don't really want


        AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

        Hi abbers!

        Didn't sleep great last night but I'm up and doing it! My body has really gotten used to getting up at a certain time and now I just can't seem to sleep in even if I wanted to.

        My weekend consists of hockey and more hockey! LOL - Daughter has a game today, then we are heading to a friends for a coffee so my daughter can play with her daughter for a bit. Then home and to a baseball banquet tonight for hubby but we have an escape plan in place if I get uncomfortable. And then tomorrow there is...........wait for it.........more hockey! LOL

        Off to get breaky ready for the family. Have a good AF weekend folks! I'll check back in later.
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

          whizzing by - watching rollerderby then off to 40th party in evening - am driving so that takes care of drinking.

          still shaky re meetings - i know old client i used to support in homeless work days is a very active member - and is actually really creepy - worth looking at all female group.
          for now reading living sober and daily reflections from hazelden.

          need t get out of my groundhog day - think job is part of it lovely 2 weeks off and dreading going back tuesday
          see you tomorrow - you all rock.
          one day at a time


            AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

            Good morning Abbers!

            Today is clean out the chicken coop day - :yay:
            So if anyone is interested in some fabulous fertilizer for their gardens just show up with plactic bags & help yourselves :H :H

            Well at least it's dry & sunny today & it will be nice to be outside!
            Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

              Treya - It's really amazing the low grade kinds of problems that diet can cause for us. Crazy making!!!

              Uni - I am an early riser too and I don't think that is ever gonna change no matter what time I go to bed. The most I seem to do is maybe sleep one additional hour if I go to bed SEVERAL hours late! Have fun hockeying today!

              Bear - Here is my bottom line. The downward spiral I was on when I was drinking was FAR FAR more creepy than ANYONE I have ever encountered at an AA meeting. Actually, it has been very healthy for me to stop comparing myself to others looking for how I am "not as bad," "not THAT low class" etc. and looking at what I have in common, and what connects me to all of humanity, including homeless people who are just people too. All that separates me from the homeless people is 4 fragile walls, and they are indeed fragile in this economy. All of the people I encounter in life enrich my life in some way. I learned that in AA.

              OK - my five minutes are up now. :H:H:H MAN I am good at procrastinating when I want to be!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

                Well goodness. Now I realize why my Human Development class is my least favorite, and why I procrastinate homework / study. We are delving WAY too close to home into family issues that I find unpleasant to think about.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

                  Good Morning FABbies!

                  Happy Saturday - albeit dark and wet and windy. Not much venturing outside for me today. Even the dogs refused to go pee this morning :H

                  Greeniebutt... Thank you and you're right (as always). Much luck with selling your shi-oops treasures! Ka-ching!

                  DG.. good luck with the midterm studies and perhaps there's time for a nana nap, too!??

                  Morning Uni... what a true Canuck you are! :H Hockey and more hockey.. good luck with the banquet tonight. Enjoy and fabulous that you and hubby already have an exit plan!

                  Hello Treya, Bear, Lav... ohhh... cleaning out the coop... yep, remember that well (clothes pin on nose works wonders). I can't wait to have chickens again next year. I miss my cluckies!

                  And now I shall go and be domestic some more. I had a bit of an attack yesterday already... cleaning, cooking, baking Should I talk to a therapist!? :H

                  Have a grand Saturday, everyone!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

                    Hey Everyone-
                    Sunshine- I have to ask... was that "attack" you had yesterday a domestic attack? Cleaning, cooking, baking? 'Cause I'm if so, I'm having those attacks on a daily basis while sober: cooking, cleaning, baking, sewing, crafting, etc. etc.
                    Yesterday was a great day! We canned 22 jars of pears! When he came home this morning, my husband asked, "Ohh what? Are we in a canning phase now?" I told him that wasn't very nice and he should be more supportive. Besides, what's better filling mason jars with wine or pears?
                    Watched the movie "Bridesmaids" last night. The movie was a little long, but had quite a few funny parts. I got quite a kick out of the main character's mom; Major AAer, working the steps, sponsoring other people, etc. and yet, she's not a drinker. All her advice to her daughter worked around the AA concept. It was quite comical, only because I can relate to the whole AA thing. I guess if you didn't know a thing about AA, it wouldn't have been so entertaining.
                    I'm going to check out that candida website. It sounds pretty interesting.
                    Well, we're piling the six kids in the ol' mini-van and going to hit up some yard sales to hopefully find some good shi-, I mean good treasures. LOL!
                    "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                      AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

                      Mornin all (Oh crap ? it?s afternoon). So I went to the bank this morning and they made me feel really really old. Allow me to explain. So my folks moved last week to Mobile, AL. During the packing, they found a US Savings bond I purchased in 1984. Once they told me about it, I distinctly remember purchasing it. I thought it was a good idea and committed to buy one every pay check. Of course I was young and stupid so that lasted only one pay check. Anyway, fast forward to today. They mailed it to me and I figured I?d go cash it and move it to my savings account ? interest sucks on both so what the heck. The teller at the bank did NOT KNOW HOW TO CASH IT!!!! When it was issued in 1984 they were not putting bar codes on the check. This young twenty something teller had never seen a savings bond that old!!!!!!! Good Greif! I must have been about her age when I purchased the thing. She had to call for assistance to figure out how to cash the thing!

                      Oh well, guess I will go to Wal-Mart and buy a bottle of stool softener and a bottle of Centrum Silver now.

                      Sunshine/greenie ? there must be a story behind (name)butt that precedes me. Please share.

                      Uni ? Being in the deep south, I have never been exposed to hockey until I went to a pro game last year. I have never been so confused. They were constantly running payers on and off the ice with no system that I could see. I saw major league fights and an adult version of ?time out?. Think I will stick with good ol? fashioned college football. ROLL TIDE!

                      Doggie ? hope you get to feeling better. In my college days ? study time was the period between parties.

                      Lav ? since I am dredging up ancient history in this post, I remember once that my dad thought it would be a good idea to fertilize our yard with some chicken crap. He order a truck load to be delivered. He was thinking a pick up truck load. What showed up and dumped in our drive way was a DUMP TRUCK load of chicken crap. What a God-Awful smell! I had to help spread it around our yard. The grass was really pretty but no one would walk through our yard for months.

                      Hi to Treya, bear, GAC and all to come.

                      Take care,


                        AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

                        Hi FAbs,
                        Productive day my PJs, lol. Paying bills, organizing the budget, balancing checkbooks and that sort of thing. Setting up on-line accounts and fixing silly things that I've been meaning to fix, like changing email addresses for certain bill pays. We set up a good budget, with a good system, and we'll see how it goes!

                        Hope everyone else is having a loverly day!
                        Day 1 again 11/5/19
                        Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                        Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                        Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                        11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                        12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

                          quick check-in from my worksite. it's a chemical weapons attack scenario and pretty gruesome. fake vomit and all! how festive. back when I can. xxx
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

                            Hello All,

                            IJM, You are not old, just wise!! Speaking of wise, congrats for making it through difficult work situation AF. Three more days to go.

                            Greenie, Yes, we are all movin and shakin in our own way. AF life rocks!!

                            Hello to everyone else. Zoomin in and out. So busy with yoga teacher training but it's good. Involved in big community service project tomorrow.

                            AF Since April 20, 2008
                            4 Years!!!


                              AF Daily ~ Saturday 10/15

                              One nice thing about being in the far far northwest time zone is that....I can still say Good Morning even when it's getting to be afternoon for ya'll in the civilized zones! I am always inspired by reading all about your plans for another AF day.

                              Today we are taking a mini road trip to go pick up our cow. Of course, it will be shrink wrapped. There is a farmer up north who raises grass-fed hormone-free cattle. Last year, we bought a side. We still have some left this year, we are splitting with another couple. The meat really does taste different - better - than the store bought factory meat. And...Det and the other paleos will tell you the meat IS different...something about omega 6 content and all that other nutrition stuff. Besides tasting good and being good for you...I like buying locally and that's not always easy or possible up in Alaska so gotta do it when and where you can, you know? Tonight...we give thanks for this bounty with a barbeque for friends. yum.

                              Last night...I had another great opportunity to exercise my AF muscles. My daughter's boyfriend is a master brewer and they brought up a fresh batch of beer to share for their weekend visit. When I was drinking, I was worried that IF I was going to end up abstaining that I would end up forcing other people to change their behavior around me. So, of course, I used that as yet one more excuse NOT to be AF.

                              That was then. This is now. Last night, I even smelled the beer...but did not feel the need to drink it. No pangs either.

                              I've learned to view alcohol like peanut butter. My body doesn't tolerate either of those substances. That's the way it use in whining about it or wishing for something different. There's peanut butter in the pantry. There's wine in the basement. I know I can't
                              touch either without dire consequences.

                              I love being healthy so much more than experiencing a sloppy, fattening, poisonous transient buzz.

                              Hoping all of you continue to have a marvelous...productive and meaning-filled day....


                              Mom of's past time to tell you...your avatar inspires me. I want to look like you - Fit and strong!
                              Sober for the Revolution!
                              AF & NF July 23, 2011

