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AF Daily - Sunday October 16

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    AF Daily - Sunday October 16

    Hello fABbies!! And happy Sunday one and all.

    I'm just glad to be sober and unhung this morning. That is all.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Sunday October 16

    Morning DG and all to come!

    I decided not to go to the party last night afterall. My hubby totally understood. I just said that I didn't feel like I was ready to be around that much social drinking and partying just yet. I'm glad I made that decision.

    We had already hired a babysitter and my daughter was excited about it so I got him to drop me off at Indigo/Chapters. I had a coffee from starbucks and spent an hour or so browsing and getting a head start on some Christmas presents. It was nice and relaxing and I didn't have to worry about being uncomfortable.

    Kaslo - I didn't say it yesterday - CONGRATS ON 9 MONTHS!!! Awesome achievement. I am almost at 5 and am looking forward to the big 9.

    Okay, more hockey today and a little bit of cleaning and reading. Just getting some coffee into me now so I'll be back later to see how everyone's day is going. But yes - UNHUNG is the best way to wake up on Sunday mornings!!!

    One thing is for sure........

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      AF Daily - Sunday October 16

      While mulling over the prospect of returning to a career with a new edge to it.....I'm so glad I don't drink. That is all.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Sunday October 16

        Good Morning guys 'n dolls!

        Unhung, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed here as well!! Well.. unhung, at least

        Uni, actually a leisurely browse at Chapters sounds awesome! Better than 90% of parties I've been to! What did ya find???

        Kaslo... I must have missed it... CONGRATS on 9 months!!! Wonderful!

        I'm gonna try and venture out today... yesterday was just horrid, horrid outside. So bad, that even the doggies refused to go out and sat around the house cross legged and watery eyed all day. But they both braved it this morning, so I think it may be safe

        Happy sober Sunday, everyone!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          AF Daily - Sunday October 16

          IJM, the butt thing I guess started on another thread with those cheeky english folks and I was sometimes called greeniebum, greeiebum-bum. As an endearment, of course. I've called sunshine-gg "sunnybutt" for a while now, though not sure when it started. got a nice ring to it doncha think?

          By the way sunnybutt, your barn is looking fantastic! You must be elated!

          Ha ha, and there you are X-posting!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Sunday October 16

            :H x-post Greenie!!!

            Oh, it'll be sooooo good when it's done! Really could have used it yesterday.. the poor horses were just miserable and hiding out in the cedar bush.
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF Daily - Sunday October 16

              Good morning Abbies

              Real live honest to goodness sunshine here again today - yay!

              Sorry about your crappy weather Sunni. Poor animals having to deal with that too

              Greenie, I just got my hair cut on Friday but it grows fast so I'll be making an appointment soon & would appreciate your AFness :H I hope the job works out for you! I kind of like dealing with a client for a short time then moving on to the next before getting wrapped up in all their drama

              Nursie, I feel for you having to deal with a 12 year old step-daughter
              I remember my daughter & her hormonal attitude at that age - Gawd!
              Good for you handling the situation the way you did!

              Greetings to DG, Uni, Det, Kaslo, bear, Marshy, Treya & everyone stopping in today.
              I'm in low gear this morning due to aches & pains from yesterday's chicken coop cleaning
              Didn't realize I used so many muscles.....

              Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                Happy Unhung Sunday All!!

                Day 6 and feeling good after the first days of anxiety, etc...I passed down an invite yesterday as well as I know it was just going to be sitting around drinking, not ready to put myself in those situations yet.

                I am being self - full and taking care of me, not caring what ppl think for a change and going to be my authentic self again.

                I am excited for the journey actually.


                  AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                  bonjour tout les Fabines. Merci avoir le congrats pour neuf pas le booze! Je suis tres ne pas hung ce matin!!! Ooh la la. Here is hoping someone on here actually does speak French and can point out to y'all that I am an idiot.

                  Lav. chicken shit shoveling is the worst! I am still crippled from my bizzarre gardening accident last spring.

                  DG dear, have a good day. That is all

                  Uni. I would love an evening spent in Chapters....the company of books sounds so much more attractive to me. wish there was one here.

                  greenie I am dying to know what the new job with the edge is Do tell. If anyone has the hutzpah to pull it off you do.

                  Sunni I used to raise horses myself, well I boarded them. And I had a nice thoroughbred cross range horse mare Miss her to this day.

                  Peaceful, I love your reference to your authentic self. So much of my time was spent slavishly adhering to the schedule of binge drinking and recovering from it that the other parts of my life were on the shelf, Quitting all of that allows me to chose my own true self interests. In the first few months after quitting I filled my time with my photos. What a great refuge that was for me. Also welcome, and please post more as you go. we are here for companionship and also to never forget the compelling reason behind it, which is to save ourselves from a really horrible shitty life.

                  A shout out to pap, ijm, det, marshy and all and sundry this Sunday.

                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                    happy Sunday AFeroooooniebutts!

                    at the field operations center sneaking off for a quick check-in.

                    Greenie what line of work you have in mind?

                    Lav, you could do a workout DVD based on the coop poop workout and make a million bucks! I've seen stranger things

                    Peacefull, hoooray and welcome!

                    with a clear head, I'm off to seize the day

                    be well
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                      Kaslo, cross pooooost xxxx
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                        This was from yesterday, late.
                        greeneyes;1193732 wrote:
                        The work I'd been looking for was office stuff and with no discernable level of excitement; all along thinking in the back of my mind... I really LIKE cutting hair. However, I'm not crazy for chemical use so I didn't feel like I'd be much of an asset to a salon and didn't pursue it. But I saw somebody spruce up this cool little place 2 1/2 miles from my house and put up a barber pole. And somehow, driving by one day I ended up in his parking lot getting out of the car. I just walked in & said hello, chatted with him, ate peanuts with some of his customers and it was more about the space -it's a cool little stand-alone house-like building where I'd seen businesses come and go and really wanted to see something take root and complimented him on what he'd done and wished him well. On my way out I said oh by the way, I have a barber's license and if you get in a jam on a busy day call me and I'll come over and help you out. We chatted after that a couple months ago. So he called me yesterday and we're sort of doing some non-committal navigating. And that's the story. Wait till I tell him about my "special" haircut!
                        He wants to bring back the concept of an authentic barbershop with a contemporary edge. A place with "guy appeal" where you get a high-end haircut.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                          Mornin all! It?s barely mornin? here in God?s country.

                          The thread has been really active this weekend. I love it. So good to hear from everyone.

                          Nursie ? I am soooo glad that I do not have daughters. My friend has one that I dearly love. She is my pal but I don?t have to deal with the hormones, dating, etc. Having teenage boys has enough drama but girls?. Enough said..

                          Kas ? 9 months? Did I miss the party?

                          Sunshine ? I used to be a software engineer in a pharmaceutical company but years ago I moved into middle management. The only problem is that I have grown accustomed to the salary the position brings ? I?d never get that slinging code. I have several friends that are independent contractors and most of them are hungry now adays. A lot of software firms are now sending stuff off shore rather than paying indy contractor rates. And I have a child in college and another one in a prep school and an ass load of debt. Maybe if I can hang on until the kids are off the payroll?

                          So my 30th high school reunion was last night. It was no big deal missing it. High school was not as big a deal for me as it was for others. I noticed that in 99% of all the pictures on facebook there was a beer in everyone?s hand. I could tell by looking at the eyes in some of the pictures that many were shitfaced. So because I am where I am at this station in life, I am wondering?.. Why would you go meet up with people you may not have seen in 30 years and make getting messed up part of it??? That sort of seems counterproductive. Oh well. Just an observation.

                          Got a lot to do today and haven?t even gotten started. Then I am headed back to purgatory tomorrow morning. I can feel my anxiety increasing every time I think about it. I?m not sure I can do this. I checked my work email this morning and ended up getting pissed off at some of the madness and politics that I read. I?ve got to work on getting my mind in the right place or I will have another melt down very quickly.

                          Ok, need to get started on my list of stuff. See ya?ll later.



                            AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                            Good Day Everyone!!!!

                            Just wanted to check in and say hello!! I'm really glad I found this place, AF day 17 and I'm feeling amazing!!! So happy to know I'm sharing my AF days with such great people here at MWO!!

                            Have a great AF day!!



                            Round 1 - AF/NF Sept 29, 2011-June 23, 2012

                            Round 2 - AF/NF October 6, 2012-December 2012

                            Round 3 - AF/NF January 5, 2014 - ????

                            Third times a charm!


                              AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                              Hi all,

                              Just checking in after being away for a while. I was having a helluva time not drinking and not smoking. Went to doctor, went to AA, went to counselors ( all told me to go to AA), etc....

                              Then I read the book "Kick The Drink", and it changed my life. I quit drinking and smoking and I have NO desire to return. I'm free.

                              Give the book a read if other things aren't working for you.


