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AF Daily - Sunday October 16

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    AF Daily - Sunday October 16

    CHIEF!!!!! It is so good to see you and I am SO HAPPY to hear you are FREE!!! :l :yougo: I think of you often - you kicked my ass at just the right time back when. Can't thank you enough for that.

    Welcome boh and CONGRATULATIONS ON 17 DAYS AF!!! :welcome:

    IJM, I have missed 100% of my class reunions. I've always felt a bit "meh" about going. High school was not really a positive memorable experience for me. So I can relate to not going! I hope you get your work situation resolved in a way that allows you to keep a balanced budget AND be reasonably happy with your work! Not always an easy balance to strike.

    Hi Sunni, Peacefull, Lav, Greenie, Uni, Kas, Det, and anyone I missed and everyone yet to come. Gotta zoom zoom...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Sunday October 16

      Happy Sunday everyone!!
      I have to agree with IJM - it's been a busy weekend on this thread. I've noticed that the traffic seems to slow down on the weekends. Which I've always found odd, because I would think more triggers would be out there during weekends.
      Greenie- I too have a barber's license and it's VERY hard to find an authentic ol' fashioned barbershop. I've never liked cutting hair and I only did it professionally for 3 years, but I've never let my license expire. I used to work in a traditional barber shop and men LOVE it! I've always told myself that if I ever were to get back into cutting hair, I'd start my own "Old Fashioned Barber Shop", with the barber pole, the straight edge line around the ears and the good ol' straight edge facial shaves. So definitely run with it! And run with scissors :-)
      Chief- is the book you are referring to "Kick The Drink" by Jason Vale? If so, I just got my copy in the mail yesterday. People are raving about it on one of these threads so I decided to order it. It says to read AT LEAST a chapter a day, so I'm off and reading.
      It's a lazy rainy day here so I just plan on a quiet day of watching movies on television. That is if the 3 lil' ones allow it.
      "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


        AF Daily - Sunday October 16

        Chief! So good to see you ol friend. And thrilled to hear peace in yor words.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Daily - Sunday October 16

          Happy Sunday All,

          Lots of new folks on the thread and older (not in age) returning (Hi Chief)!!!

          Just a quick check in.

          GREEENIE, I love your story about the barber. You are so awesome. Wait til he finds out that you are a queen to boot!! Can't wait to hear how this unfolds. I'm feeling the need for some popcorn so I can sit back and watch.

          IJM, The story of your step daughter reminded me of a great article in this month's National Geographic on the teenage brain. Really interesting stuff and a good explanation of why they take the risks that they do. I know it doesn't make it any better but certainly not worth drinking over which you didn't! I say fuck the bar too!!! PS. I remember stealling cosmetics when I was 13. Didn't even wear the stuff; it was just the thrill of getting away with it. Geez.

          Never went to a high school reunion; never wanted to.:yuk:

          Boh, Happy to hear that you are already experiencing the benefits of being AF!!:goodjob:

          Hi Det, Kas, Peaceful, DG, Uni and all to come.

          Whoa. Do I have a ton of reading to catch up on for my yoga teacher training. Lovin it though.

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            AF Daily - Sunday October 16

            GAC, yes, That's the book....Kick The Drink. I started reading it and couldn't put it down!


              AF Daily - Sunday October 16

              Chief, There is a thread in the general discussion forum devoted to this book. People seem to be transformed by it. You should check out the thread if you already haven't M3
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                Hello again everyone!

                Welcome peacefull & Boh!
                If yu want to be AF this is definitely the place to be

                Chief, so glad to hear you are well!
                Good for you finding the right tool for yourself, congrats!

                :H Chicken Coop Poop workout DVD - yeah, can't wait to star in that video Det :H
                Hoenstly, it IS a workout - sounds like you believe me too Kaslo, thanks

                Greenie, believe it or not YB has been going to a babershop for years just like the one you described.
                They serve certain spirits in there from time to time & the owner also has a number running operation in there. You would think the cops would interfere with that but they don't - they all place their bets just like everyone else. Come to think of it, I haven't heard from them lately for embroidery work The girls who work in that shop are real nice & seem to really like working there.

                Speaking of YB, he must have smelled the meatballs because he showed up again today. My DIL & grandsons came for dinner too so that was a good chance for him to at least see the kids. He's very awkward when it comes to interacting with them.

                Feels a bit chilly this evenin but I'm enjoying it myself - good sleeping weather
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                  Ok Dudes – I’m sort of having a hard time this evening for some reason. My anxiety over going back to work tomorrow has hit an all time high. I kicked back with a Xanax 0.5mg that I keep around for just such emergencies. But it doesn’t seem to be helping at all. What I would like is anything to dull my senses – be it beer, rum, hell, moonshine would be nice at this point. I know that if I had a couple that my anxiety would go from 100 to zero. I know that I could walk down the steet to my buddy's house and share a brew with him. Finally, I know that I'd be chancing the AB to turn me into a very sick puppy. I just can’t allow myself to do that.

                  The facts are:
                  1) I could not stop at just dulling my senses – no matter how hard I tried.
                  2) I’d be right back to where I was 88 days ago.
                  3) I’ll feel awesome now but I’d be majorly disappointed with myself in the morning.
                  4) Tomorrow at work would suck on a new level because I’d be dealing with all the drama plus a hangover.
                  5) If I had one tonight then I would easily rationalize a drink or two or three tomorrow night.
                  6) I’d start telling myself that I will restart once the job gets back in order – which it never will.
                  7) I'd really disappoint those that have been so supportive of me. They would have wasted their time.

                  Ok, I just needed to put that out there. I’m going to dive into my other favorite web site – and loose myself in some threads about reducing nitrates in my tank then I’m going to bed early…

                  CRAP! I really hate this sometimes….. Just sayin!



                    AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                    Why do this freaking temptations keep coming back! I thought I was over them!!!!!!! Damnit.



                      AF Daily - Sunday October 16


                      I know this sounds trite but have you ever tried meditation?
                      If nothing else it will help you take your focus off your worries for a while. I find even a 20 minute guided medtation helps tremendously & sticks with me for quite a while
                      Hang in there buddy!!!!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Sunday October 16


                        Use this link to some short guided mediations, they've helped me:

                        Guided Meditations | Chopra Center
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                          Hang on, IJM!! Dont go there. Its just a job! Its not your life. Your life is your wife and kids and your BBQ and your house and all that stuff. Work is annoying as hell. At least it pays the bills. Kick back with an ice tea, watch some tv, have a hot shower, go for a walk with one of your fam! ANYTHING but Al, dont let him in. He aint nice.

                          Thinking of you and wish i had come in from mowing the frigging lawn sooner. (Dont ask).


                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                            ditto Lav on the meditation. there are some guided meditations you can find on youtube and other places.

                            ok, I just found some free links to some download that may help:

                            Meditation Treatment |


                            Free Hypnosis Downloads |
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                              IJM.... go find mrs IJM and ___________. Seriously!

                              Then meditate.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                                AF Daily - Sunday October 16

                                Stare REALLY hard at those bold large letters that represent your countdown. That part of your post ALWAYS inspires me!!!!
                                "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"

