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October Opportunities -week 3

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    October Opportunities -week 3

    Good morning guys - new week, new beginnings and new opportunities!

    It's a cold blustery morning here in Scotland. I'm listening to the wind out side and trying to summon the motivation to get up and walk Elle in the dark. I don't want to keep moaning about the climate here BUT :H it's horrendous! I seriously can't live here long term. 10 years in the sunshine has spoiled me......

    Rusty - I look forward to your homecoming on Wednesday as I like to hear what you get up to when your home You never complain about your travel schedule and just take it in your stride.

    Papmom - I'm sorry about your ribs :l and hope you are feeling better today.

    I don't have any plans for this week and that's how I like it, work and home is about it. I MUST not eat junk this week and try to fit in some more exercise..... HAVE A GREAT AF MONDAY GUYS!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    October Opportunities -week 3

    Good morning everyone

    Chill - thanks for starting us off. After a beautiful week-end we are promised gales, rain, frost, you name it this week. I am like you regarding the junk food. Rusty - I did go back to weight watchers a few weeks ago. Had only gained 3lbs over summer but gained another lb the first week!! Have been very unmotivated and cannot seem to get myself back on track. Plan to start my meditation again this morning and will try with the food.

    Pap/Star - Big cyber hugs to you both. Please dont stay away Star, remember your earlier struggles when getting a few days AF was huge. Now you are getting months under your belt.

    Looks like my computer is on its last legs. Hubby is on about upgrading etc. but I know what he is like. MWO is so slow I sometimes just give up. Am thinking of you all though.

    Have a great week.



      October Opportunities -week 3

      Good morning all...

      Thanks you all for your positive support, it means alot. I used yesterday to heal, sleeping, eating, and getting a few things done around the house. A wasted day for me, and I hate that. I thought about the day 1 stuff and really it doesn't matter how many days, just how my committment and life is going on the AF front. I appreciate all suggestions, and will continue to take this so seriously and use tools that have helped me in the past. As we know, failing to plan is planning to fail. I am not competitive with anyone but myself, and the quality of my life. Which, with alcohol, is a low quality. The effects on the central nervous system are horrible too. The strong feelings of shame and guilt are extreme. I can take a little anger any day, not the strong feelings.

      Sped, thanks so much for coming back after your DUI and having to put your life back together. You sound in a much better place. Your perserverance and courage are wonderful. 80s and sunny sounds good to us who are dealing with dark and cold.

      Chill, loved your living room, I know the weather is hard to deal with. Especially after living in a warm, that makes it harder. How lovely to spend time with your sisters on a Sunday.

      Pap, accidents happen and they stink. I dread getting in one as they are a pain in the butt. I am just so glad you were not hurt.

      Rusty, how nice to have a little time off to look forward to.

      Rustop59, I took my old computer in and had it upgraded for under $200.00, plus Walmart is having a sale on laptops, $248.00 here. I love a good deal. I remember when a computer cost upwards of $500.00. They are so much more affordable now. Try and splurge, we miss your daily messages.

      Work on this Monday, glad to have it.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        October Opportunities -week 3

        Good morning October ones,

        Waiting for the sun - may be a long wait today

        I'm sitting here waiting for my Ibuprofin to kick in. I have some seriously sore muscles in my legs from Saturday's chicken coop workout I don't think I'm going to make it to Curves this morning. I don't want to make matters worse

        I do have many business thing to tend to so I put my focus there today.

        Chill & Rustop, stay warm & dry today!

        Star, hope your day is good. Put the weekend behind you now & move forward, OK?

        Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          October Opportunities -week 3

          Well I must admit it?s been a cold, blustery and rainy day here today YUCK !! and I don?t think the forecast is great for the rest of the week either. Thanks for starting us off on another week Chill where is the time going?? Rustop good luck with weight watchers just take it ODAT and you?ll get there. I can?t offer any advice on the computer front I?m afraid as I am clueless with anything technical.

          I caught up with my friend who?s over here for a long weekend on Saturday and we had a lovely day, we went out for lunch to a great restaurant and did some shopping afterwards. It was so nice to just spend time together and have a good catch up and gossip about the families. On Sunday I met with a group of friends who like to hillwalk and we ended up walking Schiehallion (google if you want to see it) which is a munro not too far from me, I?ve done it before and it?s considered relatively easy but we had a couple of folk who had never done a munro before so decided not to make it too difficult. We were very lucky with the weather and had lunch sitting on the top, I had a flask of my homemade soup and all was right with the world, lovely feeling wish I could bottle it! I was even walking with just a teeshirt for ages; we got some sunshine, it did start to get colder on the way down though but it was quite crisp and fresh. I started a huge pile of ironing when I got home but gave up after doing essentials for this week, it can wait!

          Now on the ?luck? question SD I?ve thought about this for a while and I?m in two minds. I do agree with you wholeheartedly Chill about making our own good fortune and on positively embracing each situation that comes along and seeing the best in people and circumstances. I think we all learn from each experience we go through the tough alongside the good ones. Yet Papmom
          does seem to do everything she can to fight her corner and be upbeat and positive and I don?t really think that she is attracting what she thinks about into her life (unless she had a nightmare about a fender bender and didn?t tell us!). Sometimes life can throw you curveballs and some of them are very difficult to understand or accept. I?m thinking of my grandson who died recently, that?s a difficult one to see anything positive in for myself and especially my son and DIL and is it simply bad luck?

          I hear what you are saying about making your own luck and learning from our experiences, also the difference in what can be seen as luck and what are choices we choose to make. Also I take on board your comments about life-threatening illnesses, these can happen to anyone at anytime so I guess it?s the way we deal with the illness that counts. However I do think you are right and sometimes it?s ?the luck of the draw? ie when you win the lottery! Joking aside I guess we just have to deal with whatever life throws at us in the best way we can and with good intent we will attract good karma back. I?m not sure if any of that makes any sense?

          Well off to bed with a book, I?m tired tonight so it won?t be long before I?m asleep.

          Dewdrop :h
          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


            October Opportunities -week 3

            Good evening abbers!

            Sorry - haven't been checking in as regularly - a little paranoid about getting on at work - you never know when big brother is watching

            Had a busy weekend - lunch with a good friend, church on Sunday then went to visit my mom and then of course - FOOTBALL! (Go Ravens)

            Papmom - haven't had a chance to read back through all the threads but you were in an auto accident? Hope you are okay - thinking of you. I fell a couple of winters ago taking my dogs out to their kennel when it was snowy/icy - bruised my ribs and wow was it painful so hope your pain isn't too bad.

            Star - believe me friend - I have been in your shoes - what you did right was to come right back here and let your friends support and encourage you when you needed it most. I stayed away - shame of screwing up after so many months of being AF. I should have come back right away - sending you huge :l and know that we are all trying - none of us is perfect but we are all here for a better way of life - nobody ever said life wasn't a bumpy road and you've just hit a small pothole so stay close and glad you are feeling better.

            Lav - heading to Lancaster with a friend on Friday - never did make it up there last weekend. Ever been to the shady maple gift shop? Went there last year and absolutely loved it - making that a priority on Friday.

            Chill - loved your living room - hope your getting all settled in.

            Dew - hope you are doing well - sounds like you are staying very busy - getting together with friends is such an important thing to do for ourselves!

            Rustop and Rusty - hope you are all having a great start to the week!

            Good night all!
            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              October Opportunities -week 3

              Good evening all,

              Dewdrop, glad you enjoyed your weekend

              Jolie, we used to camp at Oak Creek Campground so running to Shady maple was always a joy :H
              Anything is better than hanging around a campground all weekend :H
              Glad yuo enjoyed your weekend too!

              'Something' in the air has set off my allergies this afternoon - sneezing my brains out at the moment - lovely :H

              Waiting to hear from papmom about those ribs - ouch!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                October Opportunities -week 3

                Evening Octoberites!!

                I'm doing OK, much better since I got some Alleve in me this morning. I didn't have any in the house last nite and Tylenol didn't touch the pain. Very rough nite with little sleep. Hoping tonite is better-will take another Alleve before bed.

                Tonite at work was kind of rotten. I had to ask the nursing staff to take out one resident out of my group as she kept trying to stand up from her wheelchair and then yelled bloody murder when I tried to redirect her. Very distracting to the rest of the group. 2 other residents who are very mobile but confused also left the group in the middle of the video. Did I stink or something? :H My boss pretty much left me alone tonite for the first time so I was none too pleased it turned out the way it did. Oh well, Thursday is a new day.

                So nice to hear everyone is doing well-
                Dew your weekend with friends sounded lovely!!
                Star-glad you had a chance to rest and be good to yourself.
                Jolie-sounds like you have a great weekend planned already and had a great weekend past.
                Chill-I'll try to Fed Ex you some sunshine!
                Lav-hope you're feeling better by now. Tomorrow try to do some walking or go to Curves and do a minimal workout. You've got to get the lactic acid out of those legs!!
                Rusty-Atlanta? Yumm-always wanted to go there. one day.....
                Rustop-sorry to hear about the laptop and the weather forecast! Hope you can find a new PC at a great deal.

                Have a wonderful nite everyone!!

                Have a great nite everyone!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  October Opportunities -week 3

                  papmom, I have been walking around all day including 3+ hours of babysitting but the thing still hurts. I'm going to back off the diuretic I take 3X/week for my B/P. I have a feeling that's what caused the muscle spasm to begin with.......

                  Glad you are feeling better
                  Don't take the behavior of a bunch of demented old ladies personally - really :H
                  There is no predicting what they are going to do. And I will tell you from my experience they act up when the moon is full (yes they do), when they are coming down with a cold or even when they are constipated (sorry but it's true). The best thing to do is just report their extra bizarre behavior to the nursing staff - they should know what to look for

                  Have a great night!!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    October Opportunities -week 3

                    Hi All!!

                    I'm going to have to just WHIZZZZZ through tonight I'm afraid....sorry!! Mondays seem to go like that....FAST!!! I was up WAY WAY to late last night (and now once again tonight)...I really need to get some sleep!! I promise I'll hop on earlier tomorrow!!
                    Wishing you all a terrific Tuesday!!
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      October Opportunities -week 3

                      Good morning everyone

                      We had a horrible day here yesterday but did not get the worst of the weather. Northern Ireland had snow!!! Thats so unusual for this time of year, must be global warning.

                      Started back at my meditation and felt better, dont know if it is psychological or not but am going to try and fit it in each day.

                      Younger daughters romance is off and the humour is something else. You know they are hurting and there is not a thing you can do. Trying to stay calm. They have been going out for over a year and saw each other nearly every day so big change. Having said that they could be back together by the end of the week! My other daughter has been going out with the same guy for 3 years. Bit worried as he is on a very different path but she seems to have settled into university and is very busy at the moment getting her first assignments finished. She never saw as much of him just at week-ends. Oh well the joys of life.

                      Hope everyone has a great AF day.



                        October Opportunities -week 3

                        Visiting Undie popping in just to say how much I enjoy reading this sane thread about a lovely bunch of gentle people with nice things on their mind.

                        Thank you.


                          October Opportunities -week 3

                          Good morning all....

                          Jolie, thanks for the lovely message, it was very kind and I appreciate it. It was hard to fess up and come back to the thread after my mistake, but I really want to live an honest life and do the right thing for me. Plus, I do feel a connection to all on this thread, emotionally and invested in all our journeys.

                          Dew, I looked up your mountain top and it is beautiful and fascinating. What a wild and gorgeous country you live in!!! To think you climbed that mountain is just unbelievable to me. I live in land that is mostly flat, with some hills here and there. It must have been a spiritual experience at the top of that peak. Thanks so much for sharing your interests.

                          Lav, yeah, I am doing better, just disgusted and somewhat discouraged. Sorry you are so sore from your big clean up.

                          Pap, what a hard job working with seniors. Sounds totally different than your day job.

                          Chill, I am trying to fit in more exercise too this week. To health and wholeness.

                          Rustop, doesn't it just hurt to see your lovely child suffering from a breakup? I have lived through that too and found it painful. I would rather hurt than my kids, but it is a necessary part of life. I just want them to end up with someone they get along with most of the time.

                          Tawny, thanks for stopping in, feel free any time, you are more than welcome.

                          Today we are having rain move in, so it is exercise and work for me today. I am happy to be working and healthy enough to engage in an exercise class. To all, have a great AF day.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            October Opportunities -week 3

                            Happy Tuesday my friends

                            Lovely to see so many of us check in yesterday.

                            Dewdrop - We had sereve flooding in Troon yesterday, the centre of town was completely closed and the poor shop keepers had sand bags at their shop doors. I guess the beauty of getting to the top of a mountain is you can even get above the cloud. I totally accept Im a complete wimp for getting out in it! I spent 2 weeks cycling in the North Vietnamese mountains in landslides and monsoons.... that finished me off for braving the elements for all time.
                            Give me a humid jungle anytime

                            Papmom - You sound in good spirits despite your ordeals, change your perfume for Thurday and see how you go :H

                            Rustop - Good to hear you are back on the meditation, I too have made a conscious effort in the last few days to fit it in.

                            Lav - I hope you're aches are subsiding. :l

                            Tawny - Its lovely to hear you enjoy our thread and you are right about it being full of lovely people, I feel blessed to know them.

                            Star - Im so similar to you in what makes me feel wholesome. For me the mind body connection is inseparable and if I dont take care of my body it effects me SO much psycologically. So Im the one who suffers and its just not worth the over indulgences :no: when I eat well, exercise and get plenty sleep Im invincible! I managed yesterday with no junk food and intend to carry it through all week fitting in exercise where I can. It completely changes how I am so is worth the effort tenfold.

                            As my job is selling houses and no one is buying any, my days can be a bit boring so I went to my boss this morning and told him I want to take on some work from another department. He of course was delighted so I will now be getting involved in the rental market which is booming at the moment due to no one being able to get decent mortgages. It is pretty tedious work but my thinking is I want as much experiene as possible to enhance my CV. People will always need somewhere to live......
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              October Opportunities -week 3

                              Good morning Octoberettes!

                              Grateful to wake up without a limp this morning
                              I guess giving it a rest yesterday was a good decision.

                              Hello to SD!

                              Rustop, mediatation really does center you, doesn't it? I sleep better after I do one of the guided meditations. Hope your daughter is OK.

                              Hi tawny, what's going on with you? What makes you think we are sane? :H

                              Star, your rain will be arriving here tomorrow unfortunately. We don't need any rain around these parts Hope you have a good day!

                              Don't have much going on today but am looking forward to meeting some friends for lunch tomorrow. Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

