Pap3--You silly girl...I have a nine year old son...always keeping me busy running to some sporting event!! Glad to hear the insurance is turing out good (well minus the 500 bucks!). Could be worse.
Lav--Thanks for posting a picture....what a sweetie!! Precious!! Looks like she had a great day with Mi Maw!!:h
Chill--You are funny...ask as many questions as you'd like...I'm 37 years old and as far as a one in!!! Haven't actually 'dated' anyone in probably over 3 years!! Kind of on a dry spell you could say!! HA!!! No, I've really had no desire to date...but anyway...I've been on the Cyrobank site (which was recommended by my OBGYN). So, no "guy" but #11674 looks like a good candidate!!

For all you with gloomy weather...may the sun shine upon you soon!! :rays::rays:
Rusty--Ahhhh...Home Sweet Home!!!!:l
Cyn--so nice to hear from you!! Glad you made it "home" safe and sound!
Well....I'm off to bed....all you other Octoberettes....Peace and Happiness!!