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October Opportunities -week 3

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    October Opportunities -week 3

    Rusty;1196922 wrote: you are a member of the October Opportunities' Coven


    Rusty - Silly me I was forgetting about THIS
    Like Turnagain Im a VERY proud member and cant think of a better group of people in the world to be affiliated with :l

    Papmom - where would we be without "how to" on youtube!? I remember last year checking out how to peel prickly pears...... I ended up with needles in my tongue for a week :H

    Dewdrop - I loved your story about your Grandaughter! Lasterday makes so much more sense, listen closely to this girls logic, we could all learn a great deal

    I've had a really good Sunday, did my double spin class which makes me as high as a kite! 900 calories burnt and the most incredible sweat.... I LOVE IT!!
    Spent the afternoon with my Sisters.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      October Opportunities -week 3

      SD ? WOW on the Donor Daddy idea that?s quite a big step but I know you will have thought it through and I guess with the time ticking away and no ?partner? on the horizon it makes sense. I?m sure it happens here in the UK but not something I?ve come across, Feeling broody is a very powerful emotion. Hope the little guy is feeling better nothing worse than a puking child ? maybe a puking child with diarrhoea :yuk:

      Cyn it?s lovely to hear from you and to hear all your news, I hope the unpacking is nearly over and you are settling in with less anxiety. I am sorry to hear about your dogs and the invisible fence, I?d never heard of that before but it does sound like the training is not good for your dog, maybe a fenced area would be worthwhile for your peace of mind. Moving takes a huge toll on our emotions so be good to yourself and don?t beat yourself up, listen to your body and mind because they are the barometer on your feelings. And 10 months is amazing so big pats on the back :goodjob:

      P3 I would never contemplate tackling anything under the bonnet of my car so hats off to you girl for even contemplating the job, you never cease to amaze me. Hope the shoulder is on the mend and the financial problems are dwindling and if not that you are finding the best way to navigate them. Lav little Lilly looks so happy and really cute in the picture, you are very lucky to have such great kids and grandkids and the g/kids really are a fantastic payback for all the troublesome years bringing up our own kids I think.

      I love to hear your news but I always have this picture in my head of you running along your lake path smiling at people you pass with your head held high and a mane of red hair streaming behind you. Homemade chicken noodle soup with your Mum sounds so comforting must make it one of these days. Chill
      I have learnt to avoid the drama and excitement of life because it unsettles me too much these days although I am inspired and very motivated at the moment looking at future ventures so I guess that?s quite exciting. The big question is do I have the courage to take the first step once I have clarified the right decisions; it?s very easy to talk the talk but a different story walking the walk. We shall see......

      Saying a big Hi to Tawnyfrog, drop by more often you?re more than welcome and a big Hi to everyone else too.

      Dewdrop :h
      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


        October Opportunities -week 3

        Dew-I love that name for the hood of a car-"bonnet". I was watching Oprah's Life Class Friday evening and after the show on OWN they continued the conversation and answered questions from the audience and from people Skyping in or webcasting in. On of the Skypers said she was stuck. Made decent money, had been a risk taker all her life but now that she is a single mom, stays safe (understandably so). But now she's stuck. Oprah's guest, Iyanla (who is a relationship expert and was once a rising star that Oprah found and who then lost everything to bad management and choices) said the woman is not stuck, she is scared. And to get past being scared, she gave her a mantra to repeat: "Oh........what the it anyway.......". So Dew, I give you the same Mantra and hope that you can see that you really have nothing to lose except opportunity. :h

        Chill-so glad you were able to get 2 spinning classes in-that is fab!

        Shoulder kills today. i don't know how i made it through work. had to push the wheelchairs one handed. can't wait for 8pm when i can take another Aleve-maybe 2! will most likely call off work tomorrow-driving was torture and i am typing one handed. hand is pretty swollen-glad i had tjhe foresight to take my ring off this morning!

        will call it an early night Octoberettes and dudes.:l
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          October Opportunities -week 3

          Good Sunday eve to all! Thanks, PMom for the thoughts - I will see how things go, but am thinking more and more about a simple fence for part of the yard, vs. letting them go on the whole 5.5 acres. My female found some vile stuff in the garden and dove in and rubbed herself completely in it before I could even say 'leave it'! Uuuugh, I think I'm struggling with country life...just nabbed a tick off myself and flushed it down the drain. Well, it may beat scorpions, which was what we dealt with in the desert!

          PMom - my goodness, what an injury - maybe you should have it looked at? Lav - belated thanks for the incredible picture of Lily - what a light! Dew - a priceless story about your 3 granddaughter - what are you reading nowadays? Chill, your energy never ceases to amaze me. I took the dogs for a long walk on a 'rail trail' here that I found. I'm trying to step up the pace for myself. Rusty, Rustop, SD, Sped, LBH, Star, anyone that I missed, hello hello, and I hope you are well tonight.
          to the light


            October Opportunities -week 3

            Hey Cyn-at least there is Frontline Plus for ticks! Not sure what was available for scorpians-"Run screaming hysterically"?? :H You guys are in huge Lyme Disease country so make sure you do regular and frequent tick checks even if they've only been on the rail trail. I think the idea of a small fenced in area is just right. You can then sprinkle it with diatomaceous earth (food grade not pool grade) which will kill the ticks in that enclosure but will not harm your pups. If I didn't have a bum shoulder I'd offer to come on down and help you install one but then again, the fence companies do have to put food on the table!! Luckily I have an ortho app't for my hip on Wed. if the shoulder is still in bad shape we'll add that to the exam.
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              October Opportunities -week 3

              The Insanity Twins have gone home :yay:

              Maggie did nothing but bark incessantly in my face all weekend & Jack woke me up this morning by dancing on my bed - awful dogs
              IMHO they both need sedation......

              Chill, it must be nice to have sisters to spend time with. My brothers couldn't care less about anyone but themselves. They don't even bother talking to each other. That's why I enjoy my kids & grandkids so much!

              Dewdrop, I really hope you can find yourself a nice business to settle into

              cyn, country living takes some real practice!
              I think it's taken me years to get used to things around here! Change is not easy when you're 29 if you know what I mean
              I let the Goldens out this morning & Jack discovered the freshly tilled garden - the one we tilled all the chicken poop into last weekend :H Oh yeah, he's going to need a bath :H

              I ready for a good night's sleep!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                October Opportunities -week 3

                Oh Boy....I thought I would have so much today to get on here and catch up with everyone and post to each of such luck...I had to do ALL my final yard work for the year??? I guess you could say...Its suppose to snow this week!!:upset: So I was out whacking bushes down, mowing, putting away pots, lawn furniture, grills, fire pit etc....doing laundry, cleaned the house, helped son with all missing homework from Friday, went to parents for home at 8 and THEN remembered I am suppose to bring "baby announcement" treats for my friend tomorrow!!! SH*T!!! So I run to the grocery store, pick up all the stuff to make the special cake she only took me 3 hours....finished my laundry, helped my son restudy for spelling test missed on Friday...and just sat down for the first time all day! I'm so tired I can't even believe it!! So....with that said...I'm heading to bed and I will have to catch up with everyone tomorrow!! My apologies!! I need a yard boy (and lets hope he can run a snowblower!!):H
                G'd night!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


