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October Opportunities -week 3

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    October Opportunities -week 3

    Toot my horn and SD's...4 months today!!! Hang in there SD.

    Star, thanks for your words of encouragement about coming back after my DUI. It took me a while to decide to do that. Repercussions from that poor decision are still to come, no court date as of yet. Every day of sobriety I feel like I'm gathering strength to handle things.

    Rustop, I feel for you and your daughter. My youngest son went through a break up a couple of years ago. You're so right, you want to make it better but there's not a damn thing you can do.

    Dew, loved your description of your lunch on the mountain top. Wanting to bottle that feeling. I've learned in my ripe old age to appreciate things when they come. Trying to recreate a wonderful moment just doesn't work.

    Pap, hats off to you. Your job sounds challenging.

    Chill, just checked my crystal ball and I see you ultimately living in the sun.

    Lav, all I've got to say to you is someday I know we will meet face to face.


      October Opportunities -week 3

      Good evening friends,

      Cross posted with you this morning Chill

      Shelley & SD CONGRATS ON 4 AF MONTHS!!!!!
      You two are rockin it

      Shelley, when we do meet in person some day ~ approach me delicately as I have an overactive startle reflex :H :H

      I had a nice surprise visit from my daughter & Lily today!
      We went to a nearby pumpkin place/apple orchard. It was fun & a nice afternoon weatherwise. Lily is starting to crawl now & is a pro at sitting up on her own & playing with her toys.

      Wishing everyone a great AF evening!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        October Opportunities -week 3

        Good Evening-

        Well it's been a pretty quiet week so far around here (NOT COMPLAINING)!:H I just feel like I really need to catch up on my house cleaning...that's about it...but I'm pretty sure I'm always saying how I need to clean my house!

        Sped--:thumbsup:thumbsup We so ROCK!!!

        Dew--I looked up that mountain you went walking on....that was NO the way!! It looked HUGE!!! And GORGEOUS!!! It sounds like its a pretty popular place for walkers to go. It just looks so high....maybe it's not that steep of a climb?? The views looked pretty!

        Chill--I think selling houses would be so much fun!!! If nothing else, being able to go in and see how everyone decorates and get ideas would be awesome!! I better over there the houses and decorating is AMAZING!!!

        Lav--What a nice surprise you had today!! SOunds like Lily is getting to the really fun baby stage!! Did I ever tell you guys I really, really am getting pretty serious about wanting to have a baby??? I know probably crazy...but it's something I've really wanted for a long time and my "time" is running out. I'm looking at starting the testing after the holidays....and 6 months AF.

        Rustop--Snow??? Already??? Yikes...we don't even have that yet!! Although we are breaking out the winter coats this week!!!

        Howdy Tawny!!! This is a pretty awesome group of ladies (and G once in awhile)!!

        Pap3--How are you doing?? How are the ribs feeling? Have you heard anything from the insurance company? The last time I was in an accident, I hit a real a$$...tried to say I did damage to their car that was obviously damage from like 10 years ago...of course I hit a lemon!! That passenger's comment got me a little concerned....FAKER!!!

        Rusty--So are there touristy things to do in Atlanta while you are there?? I guess I don't know.....I must not be very worldly!! Well....anyway...happy and safe travels...get me something nice! LOL!!

        Well...I better go see if my son ate all the double stuffed oreos before I head to bed!! I think I've eaten the world tonight....for supper....donuts, pizza and oreos!!! WTH??! Have a happy hump day!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          October Opportunities -week 3

          Good morning guys and a happy humpback day

          SD & Sped - :yougo: :yougo: :yougo: 4 months AF! And the best part is you both sound so happy to have your lives back.

          Lav - your afternoon sounded lovely! Lily sounds like she is entertaining to watch, any photos?

          Sped - I like your reading! Don't supose there was a date in the crystal ball

          SD - wow, a baby! You are full of surprises! I want to ask you a million Q but don't want to appear nosey. Ok... Just one or two :H how old are you? Do you have a father in mind?

          Rusty - thinking of you arriving home tonight and enjoying some "home" time.

          I continued with my wholesome living yesterday, hit the gym after work then did 20 mins of yoga when I got home and ate well. Its a cold dark morning and I could do with a few more hours in my warm bed but it's time to get up and seize another day! Have a great one folks......
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            October Opportunities -week 3

            Hi everyone

            Happy hump day and :goodjob: Shelly and SD.

            Lav - so glad that your daughter and Lily got to visit. I know you would prefer them living closer but at least they are in the same country.

            Dark and dreary here today. Off swimming this morning, then quick walk before school pick up.

            Catch you all later.



              October Opportunities -week 3

              Happy Hump Day all! I can't believe that now I'm in the East, and so am not the last person to say good morning...

              Arrived here in CT last Friday night, after 6 days on the road with the pups. Movers arrived Sat morning, but I have barely touched the boxes. HB did the 2nd half of the drive with me, but could only stay 3 days, so we concentrated on trying to relax and get oriented. He will be gone now for a month, and I'm a little undone about being in this strange new house by myself, but thank goodness for the dogs!

              Just had time to read this week's missives, so here's a quick Good Luck to all with our various struggles, and thanks everyone for staying with the thread -- it's like coming home for me to come here, and I hope to be a much more regular contributor.

              oops - starting to rain, must get the dogs out before a downpour -- more later -- cheers!
              to the light


                October Opportunities -week 3

                Good morning to all....

                It was so dark when I got up, I thought it was the middle of the night, but it is just cold and rainy. I slept almost 10 hours, this time of year is made for sleeping.

                Chill, I exercised yesterday, and plan to work out at home today before work. Have you ever fasted for a day or two, a liquid fast or anything like that? I feel the need to limit my calories today and will just have shakes and soup. I have been using progressive relaxation techniques and chakra cleansing that really lifts me up. I know, it sounds kind of kooky, but it is free and harmless.

                SD, enjoy the down time. Another baby, really? How exciting but I understand where you are coming from. We wish we would have had a third child but at the time we felt too overwhelmed. Now we are older, a third child would be an added blessing. Lots to consider.

                Lav, so great to have a surprise girls day out. Know you enjoyed it.

                To all,have a great day.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  October Opportunities -week 3

                  Welcome cyn, xpost.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    October Opportunities -week 3

                    Good morning Octoberettes!

                    Dark & damp here as well this morning

                    Hello to everyone & welcome back cyn
                    You are in for some enormous weather changes.......this is the damp coast!!!
                    Happy unpacking, take your time!

                    I'm in a rush, I'll be back later with a cute pic.
                    Wishing everyone a great AF day!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      October Opportunities -week 3

                      Good Afternoon October Friends,

                      I am writing to you from the plane.....on the way home to Wisconsin!

                      Hip Hip Hooray and congratulations to Shelley and SD on 4 Months AF!!!:yay::happy:

                      I'm trying to finish up some work so I won't feel so stressed so my apologies for not addressing all my friends right now.

                      Papmom-I don't envy you taking care of elderly patients who have dementia. My mom is 84 and her mind is still sharp but she says a lot of things and my sister and I just laugh and think WTF???? I hope you don't take it personally....and please be careful with your broken ribs.

                      Shelley-I am so proud of you for being so levelheaded about the fallout of the DWI. Is your husband being supportive of you? I feel nothing but compassion and empathy for you because Lord knows it could have been me instead.....dozens of times.

                      Star-I'm glad you took time out to exercise. I know you are extremely busy with your job and commuting....and to make time for exercise is just great.

                      Cyn-good to see you! I'm glad you made it to CT safely and you popped in to say hello.

                      Lav-can't wait to see the pic. What a joy to have your daughter and Lily stop in for a vist.

                      Ok, back to work....good thing this plane has WI-FI.

                      I will stop by on Friday when I have the whole day at home!


                        October Opportunities -week 3

                        Guess who had a good time pumpkin shopping??

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          October Opportunities -week 3


                          She is so cute! Broken hearts everywhere when she grows up!


                            October Opportunities -week 3

                            Thanks Rusty - I think so too
                            She also has one heck of an attitude :H :H
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              October Opportunities -week 3

                              Evening guys

                              Lav - She is SO adorable and looks full of fun! What a fab photo.

                              Cyn - Lovely to hear from you and that you will be joining us more often, im sure you will settle in soon and feel at home. What a great new chapter in your life.

                              Rusty - look forward to hearing from Rustyland soon.

                              Rustop - We ended up having the 1st non rainy day in I dont know how long. It was extremely cold but just wonderful to see the sky for a change. I wrapped up with hat and scarf tonight and had I lovely autumnal walk with Elle.

                              Star - I havent ever fasted very sucessfully. I find that all I can think about is food! :H I sometimes have a few days on nothing but cabbage soup which always boosts my weight lose and makes me feel good. Are your relaxation techniques similar to meditation? I find that anything that helps us breathe more deeply has a calming effect. Anyone who isnt sure about meditation can just stop a few times throughout the day and take 10 conscious deep breathes. I try to remember to do it when im at the traffic lights and its amazing how instantly it de-stresses me.
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                October Opportunities -week 3

                                Lav-Lily takes after her Mi Maw-Lilanitude :H Gosh she is soooo cute! What a great pic. Suitable for framing!!

                                Rusty-no broken ribs-just bruised but much better today. Thanks hon! Hope you got home safe and sound to WI. I don't take the resident's outbursts personally. I can't. Hope tomorrow nite is a bit better.

                                Cyn!! Welcome to New England!! Sorry the weather is so blustery today but should be nice over the weekend. I hope we can try to get together at some point. How are doggies settling in?

                                Chill-so happy to hear the sun finally came out for you! I see warmer temps for you in my crystal ball too but not just yet. There's something you have to do in Scotland first. Yes, I do try to remember the 10 deep breaths when I'm particularly stressed and definitely in the doctor's office as they are taking my BP. It works!!

                                SD-a baby?? wow!! you are full of suprises!! Do you have any other kids? I can't remember.


                                Star-there is no way I could do a fast of any kind. Just withholding breakfast on the morning of a fasting glucose test knocks me out!! I swear I get hypoglycemic but have never been able to confirm it.

                                Rustop-hope you had a great day despite the gloom

                                Talked to ins. co today and the appraiser should be calling by Monday at the latest. The one good news is that I apparently have a rental rider on my policy I knew nothing about. It covers a full size car for however long I need it. Whoo hoo!!!! :happy: Now to figure out where I'm going to get the $500 deductable. A worry for another day.
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

