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October Opportunities -week 3

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    October Opportunities -week 3

    Pap3--You silly girl...I have a nine year old son...always keeping me busy running to some sporting event!! Glad to hear the insurance is turing out good (well minus the 500 bucks!). Could be worse.

    Lav--Thanks for posting a picture....what a sweetie!! Precious!! Looks like she had a great day with Mi Maw!!:h

    Chill--You are funny...ask as many questions as you'd like...I'm 37 years old and as far as a one in!!! Haven't actually 'dated' anyone in probably over 3 years!! Kind of on a dry spell you could say!! HA!!! No, I've really had no desire to date...but anyway...I've been on the Cyrobank site (which was recommended by my OBGYN). So, no "guy" but #11674 looks like a good candidate!!

    For all you with gloomy weather...may the sun shine upon you soon!! :rays::rays:

    Rusty--Ahhhh...Home Sweet Home!!!!:l

    Cyn--so nice to hear from you!! Glad you made it "home" safe and sound!

    Well....I'm off to bed....all you other Octoberettes....Peace and Happiness!!
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      October Opportunities -week 3

      Good morning to all on this blustery rainy Thursday.....

      I was unable to keep to my liquid fast as, like Chill, all I could think about was food!! So, no more of that for me. I am just wanting to lose a few pounds and having no success. I know it is menopause and I need to eat even less and step up the physical activity.

      Progressive Relaxation is a way to totally relax your body with deep breaths, then focus on each body part to relax. It takes practice but is amazing. I have done it since my twenties to decrease my anxiety. I actually get a tingly feeling throughout my body. With meditation, it is hard for me to totally empty my mind, with this other, I can focus on my body.

      Pap, I am hopeful about your insurance and glad you were not hurt.

      Rusty, you are heading on home.

      Lav, adorable picture, what a little lov.

      SD, any good football to look forward to this weekend?

      To all, have a gentle and harmonious day.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        October Opportunities -week 3

        Good morning everyone

        We have a nice frosty morning here. Cold but bright, much prefer it to the rain. We have new neighbours so I took her out walking with me this morning and introduced her to the local woods. It was a lovely walk and then we came back to my house for coffee and some of my other neighbours came over and met her. It was nice to catch up with everyone. She is about my age 29! but has 5 year old twins. My daughter babysat last week and is doing it again this week-end, that is how I met her.

        Lav - adore the picture of Lily. You must be a very proud grandmother.

        Star - I do the guided body scan as part of the meditation I started last year. Have been doing it all week and I feel it relaxes but also grounds me.

        SD - Are you planning another baby? This computer is so slow I must have missed a post somewhere along the way.

        Chill, Pap, Rusty, Jolie, Dew and anyone else I missed big hello and have a great AF day.



          October Opportunities -week 3

          Good morning!

          Glad to see some sunshine today

          Mi Mom is happy, especially when she spends some time with the grandkids. They help balance out the weirdness in my life created by YB.

          SD, all I can say is Wow! You are a brave girl to consider a donor daddy. I actually know a lesbian couple who have had several babies now from the same donor so the kids are actually all related. I wish you the best, whatever you decide to do!

          Star, losing menopause related weight is just freaking ridiculous, isn't it? That's the reason I joined Curves ~ hoping to kickstart my sleeping metabolism

          Rustop, glad your weather is dry today. I feel crazy being cooped up inside for too long. Have fun with your new neighbor!

          I need to get myself to work now! Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            October Opportunities -week 3

            Evening guys,
            Well early night for me, I?m really tired it?s been a busy day and I?m glad tomorrow is Friday ? where has the week gone?? I?m cuddling down with a book and a cuppa fennel tea. I?ve been researching some franchise ideas and have come up with a few that are really interesting and completely different so I may do a little online research. I?ve also come across a couple of courses that I?d like to find out more about too, and possibly sign up for one during the winter.

            It?s raining tonight but my friend who lives up north in Inverness had snow yesterday and it was -1 last night, she said it was bitterly cold and she couldn?t believe it?s only October?? What a mad world this is becoming weather wise. I need to get into the garden this weekend to clear it up for winter so hopefully the weather lets me.

            Catch you over the weekend Octoberites

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              October Opportunities -week 3

              Good evening Octoberoonies

              Dewdrop - I will be joining you in an early night, I went to the gym after work then to my Parents and Im not long home. Its raining and Im not good at driving in the dark so its a relief to be home. I look forward to hearing more about your business ideas.

              Lav - Children are great at keeping you grounded when all else around you is madness

              SD - Now I know you are open to Q's I will be sending you a questionnaire :H

              Papmom - Hoping your evening at the care home goes smoothly

              Rustop - You sound like a good neighbour as well as a great Mum, I have to admit that the thought of 5 year old twins sounds exhausting to me, I would be better at coping with a litter of puppies! :dog:

              Star - I reckon fasting isnt that good for us anyway. When you are on the go with work and exercise and running a home we need energy. I have looked at these weekend retreats that involve fasting and I think in that kind of controled environment it would work much better.

              Im glad tomorrow is Friday but cant believe how fast this week has gone!
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                October Opportunities -week 3

                Dewdrop & Chill,
                I hope you are cozy & warm at this point!
                The weather is definitely starting to feel more seasonal here but not cold yet

                I'm pretty beat after a busy but good day. Watched my grandsons for a couple of hours tonight so that was nice.
                Looking forward to some outside time this weekend & the weather is supposed to cooperate
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  October Opportunities -week 3

                  :eeew: We got puker over time to post....gonna be a long night I have a feeling!! Dang...and right after we spent an hour doing homework too!! :H

                  Have a great night everyone one!!! Oh yea...he wants to sleep in my bed...:yuk: but of course son!!:l:l
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    October Opportunities -week 3

                    Good morning Octoberettes!

                    SD, the joys of motherhood.........hope he feels better soon School aged kids are total germ factories.

                    Chilly here this morning but dry.
                    I have work waiting for me but first a trip to Curves

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      October Opportunities -week 3

                      TGIF Guys!

                      SD....oh, dear.....I hope your son feels better soon and that you don't get sick. Kids' germs are so powerful!

                      Well, after two days of rain here at home, the sun is out....and I am going for a run along the lake path to celebrate. I feel joyful, AF!

                      Dew-snow already???? Bummer!

                      Rustop-how fun that you have new neighbors....I hope you have a new walking partner, too.

                      Star-I agree that with menopause, it is so much harder to lose weight! It's also lovely when I'm with MALE clients and suddenly, my face turns beet read (I'm a redhead with very fair skin) as a hot flash moves through my body.

                      Papmom-good luck with the insurance man. Sending good thoughts your way.

                      Lav-enjoy your Curves workout.

                      Chill-you sound so well-grounded, at peace and your usual lovable self.:l

                      On a side note, are any of you familiar with the band "Weezer"? The lead bassist, Mikey Welsh, died a few weeks ago of a heroin overdose. It turns out his wife was at my niece's wedding last month. My SIL told me that his wife and he had separated over his drug use....she couldn't take it anymore. My niece and his wife worked together for a utility company in Vermont. My niece said his funeral was very emotional but she couldn't help but think..."this was preventable." He left behind a beautiful wife and two little kids. The Beast and drugs can be so cunning because we think, "well, that could never happen to ME." I'm glad all my friends here want no part of a Beast who keeps us imprisonned and yet all the while whispering in our ears, "but I'm so much fun to be with.

                      Well, I'm off to enjoy my day off....see you later!

                      Happy AF Friday!


                        October Opportunities -week 3

                        Evening guys

                        Rusty - When I hear stories like this one I always think "there but for the grace of God go I" the only reason I didnt end up a drug addict was I just didnt mix in these circles. In my 20's I was such a party girl I would have tried anything I was offered and thanks be to God, I was never offered anything other than booze.

                        Its funny, your comment about me being grounded and at peace is spot on but I was just thinking to myself today that there is nothing going on in my life at the moment. :huh: By that I mean no sort of drama or excitement and its amazing how we get addicted to that as well. I cant remember a time in my life when it was ever like this and I guess I should be enjoying the calm in case its the calm before another storm.

                        A quiet night for me as I have an early spin class in the morning. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          October Opportunities -week 3

                          Hello all, hope you are having a quiet and beautiful Friday evening. I am sitting in the kitchen amidst a forest of boxes. I can't seem to get too far at once...we are in a rental house, which is set on a gorgeous property, but part of the deal is that the landlady is leaving much of her furnishings and kitchenware, etc in the house, with the invitation to put hers away and move our stuff in. It's made unpacking very complicated - I unpack a little of my stuff, move her stuff, put my stuff in, re-pack her things in my boxes and re-mark them, then see what other things I might want to unpack. It's really a mental game, and I'm finding no patience for it. Already we were in a rental since February and much of what we own was in storage or packed away. Now this - it's making it hard to feel like I'm creating a 'home' with our things....

                          OK, thanks for listening, just had to get that off my chest. HB is back in the desert, working through the end of November, so it's just me and the dogs here trying to settle in. He LOVES this house (I'm not so crazy about it), and he is already very sensitive and worried about me being lonely and depressed (bingo), and feels helpless to be able to be here for me, so I'm trying to keep a good face on things when I talk to him. So it feels great to unburden myself to you! Cassia - are you still on this thread? I seem to remember that you did an immense move, and got a job right away, and jumped right in. How did you do it? And Chill too - you are amazing!! Give me some secrets...

                          Congrats to Shelley and SD - you guys really DO ROCK, with your 4 months. That is so great, congrats. And Shelley, I ditto everyone here saying 'it could have been me'. Good for you for hanging in there.

                          I remain AF, over 10 months now. I'm so glad that those cravings aren't a part of this transition - that would probably push me right over the edge!

                          Rustop, what a great neighbor you are to take such good care of your new person. I am making a big effort to meet people here - I am actually quite shy when not doing public speaking, so it's an effort, but already I have struck up conversations with a few of the town's vendors. I'm looking forward to finding a knitting group - that should help with some companionship.

                          Sending big hellos and greetings to all - sorry not to mention all names - I love reading everyone's posts -- wishing all a safe and lovely Friday night.
                          to the light


                            October Opportunities -week 3

                            Good evening guys,

                            Kinda chilly tonight but I'm not quite ready to turn the heater on, cheap, cheap :H

                            Rusty, musicians seem to drop like flies, shame really. You wonder how some of them overcome the heavy drug & AL cuture

                            Chill, it's strange when we enter a quiet period with no drama going on........makes me just a touch paranoid because you know there's something lurking right around the corner :H

                            cyn, sorry you have all that confusing unpacking to do yourself! Come to think of it my spouse was absolutely no help whatsoever when we moved here so I guess I did do it all. Spend whatever time you can outdooors before it gets really cold. Are you nearby any gardens or anything?? Don't forget we are here for companionship as well

                            Have a good night kids
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              October Opportunities -week 3

                              Good morning my friends

                              I slept in! My alarm was supposed to go off at 7am but my phone had switched itself off and I woke up at 8am. So I missed my spin class :upset: however it's ok I accept my body must have needed the sleep and I'm going to take Elle a long walk instead then go meet my folks for coffee.

                              Cyn - oh my, I feel for you! Having the owners things still around is a pain in the butt. I'd box then up as soon as you can and give yourself space to unwrap your own stuff. I find renting very difficult, I bought my 1st apartment when I was 23 and have owned property ever since. I find it so hard to not be able to make it the way I'd like it but I have no choice and when the pity thoughts start I have to switch them off as they only lead to a big black hole and I ain't going there! :no: Anyway getting my personal stuff around me is good, once my books and pictures are out I feel a whole lot better! Your move is a whole new adventure and it's difficult being there on your own for the 1st part. Come vent here as much as you need. The beauty of having this virtual home, is that it's a one constant even when everything else is upside down.

                              Lavande;1196428 wrote: Chill, it's strange when we enter a quiet period with no drama going on........makes me just a touch paranoid because you know there's something lurking right around the corner :H
                              Lav I know exactly what you mean :H the crazy thing is Im feeling the need to create some drama & excitement as it feels so odd without it
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                October Opportunities -week 3

                                Good morning! Thanks so much, Chill and Lav for the good wishes. Your (all of you!) support means so much. In many ways, I think that this group knows me better than most anyone in my life -- at the very least, you all know that ways that emotions can overtake us.

                                I managed to get the owner's kitchen things packed up last night, and to get my most beloved things out. I still have 8 boxes of kitchen things that there is very little room for...going to have to make decisions on what makes the cut...must find a place for the slow cooker and pressure cooker.

                                Chill, I also have owned since I was in my 20s, but after our luck selling our house in AZ so quickly (where it usually takes a year or two to sell) we are not too interested in getting under a mortgage again. And yet....

                                Lav - thanks for the reminder to exercise. I will post pictures of the land here at this house - 5.5 acres, all looking out on gorgeous fall-lit hills. There is an invisible fence for the dogs, but we are in the process of training my dogs for the fence. (I'm not too comfortable with the training, but more on that later). So my exercise right now consists of me being dragged around the yard by my 2 AZ city dogs who are in hog heaven with all the sights and scents. We spotted a fox yesterday, and they about lost their minds. There is a 'rail trail' near here though, so I might do that today when there will be plenty of people about...

                                I'm going to an art fair and farmer's market today to get a little adult conversation going...will try to send some pics.

                                Cheers for a happy day to all ----
                                to the light

