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October Opportunities -week 3

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    October Opportunities -week 3

    Good morning kids!

    Didn't get out of bed myself until after 8 am
    Guess it was just one of those mornings!

    I have lots & lots of outdoor things that need to be done & the weather is cooperating so I should get to them.

    Have fun at the farmer's market cyn & chill - choose your dramas carefully :H

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      October Opportunities -week 3

      Hey Lav where are the rest of the gang today?

      Nothing dramatic or exciting to report tonight.....
      Oh apart from speaking to my best friend in Portugal, she told me she'd heard from a friend of a friend that the gossip over there is that I've apparently joined a cult! :H now THAT would be exciting!

      I'm heading off to bed with my book shortly unless something more dramatic crops up on the way....
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        October Opportunities -week 3

        I'm here!

        Cyn-I don't like those invisible fences for a variety of reasons but if that is what you've got to work with, then make sure you do the training exactly how they tell you. Myself, I would buy some garden stakes and 5 ft high green or black wire fencing and make a big enough area for them to potty in and use the rail trail for exercise. Where there are fox, there are coyotes and probably bear, esp. where you are. those critters are not stopped by invisible fencing. I hope things settle down for you soon. I feel for you doing this all alone. BTW, what kind of person rents out their house and leaves all their crap for the new tenants to deal with? Jeesh. Hope you got a rockin' good deal on it. Big :l coming your way. Did you have fun at the farmer's market and meet some nice people?

        Chill- a cult? You? :H Oh what some people will do and believe when their own lives are too boring!! Hope you had a great walk with Elle.

        Today was a complete bust. Got up at 9am after letting the dogs out at 6am (must have been something in the air this morning with all the sleepy heads!!) so got a very late start. After brekkie I decided to do a quick 10 pullups just to see if I can. I could but wreaked a muscle in my upper arm and now I can't lift it past horizontal. But Aleve works wonders on pain. Went to the auto parts store and bought the spark plugs and a replacement tail lite.
        Got home, opened the hood and stared dumbly at the assemblage inside. What I thought were the plugs obviously were not so inside I ran to google videos. Turns out I had to remove the battery, Air intake sleeve and boot and fluid resevoir. Oh, and once I took out the old plugs, there was a good chance that oil was going to leak from the valve gaskets and those would need replacing. So I changed the tail light bulb. :H Guess it's more money down the exhaust of this car. I'll call on monday to find out what the minimum is they can do to try to get the car to run a little better. Hoping for 100 not $400 as a quote. Sigh.

        Spent the rest of the day waiting for the alleve to take effect, watching TV and napping. Good thing the weather turned dreary this afternoon so I didn't feel too guilty about lazing it up.

        Work tomorrow-hope my arm is better so I can push all those wheelchairs!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          October Opportunities -week 3

          A cult???
          Now that could be rather dramatic
          What sort of cults are there in Scotland??
          People just love to run their mouths, don't they? :H

          papmom, were you really going to try to install spark plugs? Really? I thought you needed all sorts of special wrenches & stuff for that job.
          There's a guy directly across the road from me who just loves to work on cars & trucks. He had a special garage built for himself wiith a lift inside. He does sidework there on weekends - not sure how he gets away with that because I'm sure the PA State Dept.of Treasury doesn't know he does that......he helped us out with one of our cars when YB couldn't get a battery installed. Look around for a neighbor with special skills
          Hope your arm is better!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            October Opportunities -week 3

            Oh Lav, I know someone with just a tiny more bit of knowledge than I could do this job in about an hour which is what makes it so frustrating to me. I have the will, just not the skill. My friend's son can do it I think but he's so busy and my schedule sucks. I might ask her to ask him anyway if the quote I get is too high. And yes, I really was going to try and do it. The guys on the subaru forum made it sound so easy!!! I'll make sure my next car has the plugs where you can actually see and reach them!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              October Opportunities -week 3


              Have you tried looking for a youtube how-to? I recently learned how to troubleshoot a maytag washer...thanks to some dude named Angel who walked his cyber students through each no cost! I also found video instrux on changing a burned out high beam on my Toyota on YT - it was much easier than trying to parse the strange directions in the user manual. It's quite amazing all the things you can learn on the tubes....
              Sober for the Revolution!
              AF & NF July 23, 2011


                October Opportunities -week 3

                How about a trade of some sort? You get someone to do the spark plugs in exchange for.........??
                You fill in the blank

                I have to run out in the dark & grab some more fire wood - it's chilly & I refuse to turn the heater on. The fire is kind on nice & it's making the dogs quiet.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  October Opportunities -week 3

                  hey Turn: yep, the you tube video is what scared me away! i've used them for a lot of things successfully before-this was too complicated thanks to japanese technology and car making. my user's msnual was no help whatsoever. no pics of where they were, no instructions-just a warning to have it done professionally. bah.

                  lav-wouldn't even know where to look for that sort of barter and since it isn't simple, best to leave it to the pros. Fire sounds nice. if i didn't have to work tomorrow i would be at my bro's house in western ma watching Nate while they went out to dinner and i'd be snuggled up in front of the wood stove complete with window. sigh.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    October Opportunities -week 3

                    Good Evening Friends,

                    I'm watching college football with my mom....Notre Dame v. USC. We're having a nice time. She made her homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner. A perfect end to a perfect fall day. It was sunny and high in the 60s today.

                    Turnagain-nice to see you! Where do you live in Alaska? My friend's son is a charter boat captain in Alaska....not sure where. My relatives used to live in Fairbanks. It's one state I haven't been to and would like to visit.

                    Cyn-my sister has used underground fences for her dogs for over 30 years with no problems.

                    Papmom-I'm impressed that you know so much about the inside of cars. I hope your arm doesn't hurt in the morning.

                    Chill-you in a cult?!? Well, ok, then you are a member of the October Opportunities' Coven.:H :Let me know when you want us to hold a seance so we can help you cast out your demons.:H

                    Lav-an evening in front of the fireplace sounds heavenly to me.

                    Ah, another AF Saturday night. To sleep well, and wake up on a Sunday unhung,'s just a great feeling.

                    A big hello to Star, Rustop, Dew, SD, Shelley and anyone else I may have missed.

                    A shoutout to LBH....come back, come back.

                    Ok, back to the game....I'll see you tomorrow.


                      October Opportunities -week 3

                      Rusty;1196922 wrote: Well, ok, then you are a member of the October Opportunities' Coven.
                      :H :H
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        October Opportunities -week 3

                        Hi guys - PMom, you are brave to try to change plugs on a foreign car! When I owned my parent's '47 Pontiac, changing the plugs was a breeze - straight 8, plugs on top, couldn't have been easier. Nowadays, though, and with the computerized systems, etc...I agree, let the pros do it. Just one drop of oil in the wrong place, and you're sunk. Good luck with the arm!

                        Thanks for the opinions on the Invisible Fence. My biggest problem is that my sweet weimy boy suffered a badly broken leg when he was 6 months old (before I had him), and is hugely sensitive to pain. The trainer put the 'shock' on the 'puppy' setting for the second training day, but my boy not only reacted with a big yelp, but kept on whimpering for a good 30 seconds. When we moved and continued the training, he got another shock, and turned around and just wanted to go back to the house. The next day when I was going to take him out (just to review the flags, not to shock him) he ran away and wouldn't even go out. It's just breaking my heart, because he's such an outdoor dog at heart. So I'm worried about him, and also worried about the other critters, PMom. I just think there is no way that they will see a fox and stop at the boundary because they are being shocked...and I don't particularly like the idea that they could catch a critter and maybe get some sort of cross-critter infection...

                        My HB says that I'm just being controlling and a worrywart, but I'm not so sure. I would rather be safe than sorry. Problem is that the invisible fence is already there, and we've already spent alot of money on the getting the training. And putting up another fence would be costly, and we're renting, for heaven's sake. But still, I think it would be more effective: see the fence, stop chasing the critter. UUUgh I don't know - I was supposed to do more training today, and I just didn't have the heart...

                        Ah well! Onward and upward. I'm still trying to get curtains up in all the rooms. The house is practically all windows, and there is nary a curtain on them. That has totally unhinged me this week, until I can get enough windows covered so that I feel 'contained' at night. Got the kitchen and a bedroom done, so at least I can hang out in the eve and have a place to sleep. Maybe that anxiety is what is making the training so upsetting for me, don't know.

                        Anyway, as always, thanks for listening! I'm with you, Rusty, looking forward to a discomfort-free Sunday morning. (And I also join you giving a shout out to LBH...)
                        PS - I'm listening to a podcast of my favorite radio show 'Thistle and Shamrock', a program I haven't been able to hear for 8 years. She's playing Scots music about some battle in here's a big hug to Chill and Dew!)
                        Sleep tight, everybody --
                        to the light


                          October Opportunities -week 3

                          I am proud to be a member of this 'cult!'

                          October Opportunities' Coven
                          Rusty - lol!!!!


                          other names for our "cult"?

                          Society of Sober Sisters and a Few Brave Brothers

                          Babes Without Bottles

                          c'mon...let's hear your ideas?
                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            October Opportunities -week 3

                            Busy weekend here so a quick flyby today but had to tell you a funny thing my granddaughter said to me yesterday. She was telling me a story and said ?we went to the swings lasterday? so I corrected her and said ?I think the word you mean is yesterday, today is today and the day before is yesterday?. She looked at me quizzically and was quiet for a moment then said ?No Gran you?re wrong, today is today but the last day is lasterday? shook her head and gave me a look that showed how stupid she thought I was! I had to laugh, she?s not 3 until January and the things that come out of her mouth at times are priceless

                            Wishing you all a sober and peaceful Sunday, I am so happy today that I am sober, healthy and feeling peaceful. I know that life can be a roller coaster at times so I hold on tight and appreciate the times when I feel like this, when life is good especially the simple things that we oten take for granted.

                            Dewdrop :h
                            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                              October Opportunities -week 3

                              cyn-i think you are going to do serious psych damage to your dog if u keep up that training plus if they do break through the fence because the prey drive is so great(and that happens a lot!) they will get seriously hurt and in the pain and confusion could be hurt even more. i promise you the garden fencing is not that expensive and you can even get the gate component of a dog kennel to attach to it. all your concerns are valid and real.

                              i have a 6x7x12 dog kennel that i don't really use-i would be happy to let you have it for a donation to rescue if you think that might be a solution-i can send you pics. super easy set up. good excuse to come for a visit!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                October Opportunities -week 3

                                Good morning Octoberettes!

                                Brr, super chilly this morning
                                The Insanity Twins were up at the crack of dawn - why??

                                Rusty, glad you are on yuor home turf & enjoying time with your Mom

                                cyn, my neighbor owns a rather rambunctious Pit Bull who broke through his electric fence frequently. Once he went right over to my BIL's house & chewed the crap out of his dog. Obviously an electric fence is not appropriate for all dogs. Keep working with your trainer, I'm sure you'll be able to come up with a happy solution

                                Greetings Turnagain & papmom!

                                Dewdrop, I love hearing the kids invent words like that!
                                My grandson will be three next month, he is a great source of entertainment for me

                                OK, time to feed all the hungry animals!
                                Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

