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AF Daily - Monday

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    AF Daily - Monday

    Morning abberoos,

    Well, it was a busy weekend and a hard one for some based on the threads but we all won the al battle.

    IJM - I really hope your son's GF is okay, please check in and let us know.

    Re: shoplifting - I remember shoplifting when I was a kid and getting caught. The store owner was nice though and said she had seen me with my mom so if I gave back what I had stolen she wouldn't charge me. My sister was with me and she never told on me so my mom never did find out. However it scared me straight enough that I never did it again.

    My anxiety has been high the past couple of days, call it being overwhelmed I think. I know it sounds stupid but by the end of my week with my daughter I am feeling so overwhelmed that I am actually glad she is going back to her dads. I feel horrible saying that because she and I are very close and she is my everything but I guess the reality is that I am still not healthy enough to be a primary caregiver at this point. The anxiety hits and it's awful. Had an attack yesterday and was waiting for a half an hour for my anxiety meds to kick in and during that time I felt like I was going to die - or at least I wanted too. Good thing is the thought of using al as a medication tactic never crossed my mind which is what I used to do.

    Therapist meeting today (thank god! Highly needed) and then some homework. It's cold and dreary here but at least no rain so that is good.

    I hope everyone has an awesome AF day!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    AF Daily - Monday

    Hi fABbies! Uni, thanks for getting us started today. I'm sorry to hear that the anxiety was running high for you. I am so happy for you though, with your better understanding of yourself, and how to use effective tools to deal with it. Drinking always seemed like such a good solution to every problem, but it rarely worked out that way. You are so right that we have had a good weekend of perseverance here on daily AF this weekend!

    IJM - I am so glad you didn't drink and am sending prayers and good vibes your way for your son's GF. I too was thinking that the universe has an interesting way of presenting things to us. So glad you were clear and present and able to make the drive. This sobriety thing WILL get easier. I remember those early days/weeks/months feeling like an eternity trying to just hang on to AFness day by day. And yet in the grand scheme of things, AFness is still very new especially compared to the many years that we tried to use AL as the "solution" to every problem. This WILL get easier. 2 more days. (one more day now I think??)

    Lav - can I order an early release of the chicken poop scoop workout DVD? I need it! When I read your post about YB being uncomfortable with the family, it so reminded me of my Dad. My Dad loves his family so much, and yet on an "up close and personal" level he has such a hard time connecting. (That is the heart of the family stuff that is making me so uncomfortable working through my human development class. ) sad for him and how sad for the g-kids.

    M3 - it sounds like teacher training is keeping you hopping!

    Bear - GREAT to see you and good for you 9 Days AF. I too am working on the "eat healthy" thing (the ever on-going battle). Can also relate to the switching of the seasonal clothes. I've been doing that piecemeal, so everything is really a mess!

    Hello to everyone else - may we all have a fABulous day! One thing is for sure....

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Monday

      Good morning Abbers!

      Have decided to skip my Curves workout this morning. I'm sad about that but I have some seriously sore legs muscles from Saturdays CPS workout (chicken poop scoop)
      Just happy that I used my leg muscles & not my back!! I still remember the body mechanics movie from my nursing 101 class a hundred years ago :H

      DG, it is really pathetic watching YB around the grandkids kids. He is visibly uncomfortable around them. Speaking of Human Development class - EB is turning three next month & he is starting to develop a little interest in people other than himself ~ if you know what i mean. I've watched him trying to interact with YB but with an unsure look on his face at the same time

      IJM, thank goodness you were in shape to help your son last night!
      I hope his GF is OK. These events really help put things in perspective, don't they?

      bear, congrats on 9 AFdays! Keep going!

      M3, still the busiest person I know next to DG

      Hello to papmom, Kas, Treya, nursie & everyone stopping in today.
      I will focus on business stuff today & allow my muscles to heal.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Monday

        Good morning FABulous ones!

        IJM.. how's your son's g/f? So sorry you had such a fright but you were able to be there for your junior and that's a wonderful thing.

        Uni.. please don't feel bad for saying or thinking that your daughter can overwhelm you. You're not alone. While many of us don't say it, we all feel that way at times. I remember when mine were still small (they're only 16months apart) there were times I wanted to run into the street and hand someone the keys to my house/life. Recognizing that you are not completely well yet and dealing with it in a non destructive manner is what counts and you are doing it.

        Lav.. omg, EB is going to be 3 already?? Time sure flies! I'm with DG... reserving my copy of CPS workout now! They're gonna go like hot cakes! :H

        Well, I should probably start doing something constructive. Mind you, one look outside and I just want to crawl back to bed. Another grey, gloomy, wet day. Yick. My 4-legged house guest will be leaving today (have been dog sitting for a week)... I'm gonna miss the little guy

        Hope everyone has a great Monday. One thing is for sure...
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          AF Daily - Monday

          Chicken Poop Scoop workout - I love it!

          Halfway through mega clothes sort out - warm coats out of loft - summer dresses in loft - now to get winter shoes on rack and summer shoes in storage under the bed! It's quite therapeutic - though we do need to allocate some time to clear out our loft.

          Next step washing up, shower and getting dressed - then off to the gym followed by food shopping - cooking healthy dinner and planning. Trying a carb curfew approach - eating good carbs in day then meat/fish/pulses with veg/low fat dairy and fruit for dinner.

          Dying hair red later tonight too - can't wait - went blonde this year done by hairdressers - expensive,great colour AWFUL condition.I have dyed my own hair for 20 years - including using bleach under red to make it bright - it has NEVER been in such bad condition. Expensive clearly isn't always best people!!

          I have e-mailed AA again - ordered big book - still not sure re meeting - but finding being back here/living sober approach is helping me. I still like SMART tools as well - someone else described themselves as a sobriety slut - I think that's me.
          one day at a time


            AF Daily - Monday


            Whew, the move went relatively easy, and pretty much already settled in! I love my new place. It is a bit smaller (went from a 3 bedroom townhouse to a 2 bedroom), but it is not drafty, and my stuff looks better here! lol!

            Had a great sleep last night. I was really sore and tired yesterday. A bit stiff today, but woke up in a good mood. I have been feeling so overwhelmed pre-move and move day on Saturday. Moving is not my thing!!

            Uni, I know all too well about anxiety, attacks, and even my little one brings me some days full of anxiety. For instance, yesterday, she was super whiny and then kept bringing all of her 'new' friends from the complex inside while I am trying to unpack. I honestly just wanted to 'lose' it, but didn't want to embarrass myself or her...... so I had to take an anti-anxiety med. Nothing like being overwhelmed and then you add kids to the mix!

            Bear, nice to see you back.

            Chief, so good to see you check in as well!!! I have been thinking about you a lot over the last few months. Wondering how you are doing. I know you were dealing a lot with your father-in-laws cancer.

            Well, I am gonna shower, and get on with my day. Have a fantastic day everyone!! xoxo


              AF Daily - Monday

              Hello friends,

              I just spent some time catching up on yesterday's thread. Wow, some real trials and tribulations for you guys! IJM, I hope and pray your son's GF is going to be ok. Really frightening stuff! I am also so glad you were sober so you could go be there for your son! Last year my son was involved in a roll over accident late at night. He had gone joy riding with some kids because his friend had to go home early. He didn't bother checking in with me and I woke up because he was late getting home. I'll never forget that feeling in my stomach and heart. But, I was also so glad I was totally and completely sober and able to deal with it---unlike my hubby.:l My sons were the biggest reason I decided to quit drinking.

              Nursie--sounds like you are doing a great job working things out too! A little communication and cooperation goes a long way. It is important to remember what is (or isn't) going on in the teenage brain--I need to keep that in mind myself at times!

              Pap--I'm so sorry you seem to have this dark cloud testing you all the time!!! The good news is you are passing these tests with flying colors! I am so proud of you!:l

              Greenie--my hairdresser told me there is a real shortage of barbers. And, since you are obviously so much more than a barber.....more of a design artist....maybe this is your latest calling????

              I was really hoping I would just love spending a little time at my old job. I'm pretty sure I could go back to work there anytime I wanted, and stop this running around from job to job. But, then I would have a difficult boss to deal with, expectations to do way more than I'm legally supposed to, and the worst part is the difficult clients that really need to get a life and realize how petty and unreasonable they are being.

              We had a really productive weekend. With a weather change in the forecast we did some work in the garden. Dug the spuds and onions. I invited some friends with young kids out to pick out some pumpkins. It was awesome seeing the smiles on their faces. This will def become a tradition! I roasted some chili peppers and made a batch of pizza sauce yesterday. The greenhouse tomatoes are beautiful! I may sell some of them as I just don't have room to store any more canned stuff. We have it all closed off and hubby has the heater out there all ready for the 20 degree weather tomorrow night.

              This will be my last week at the cemetery for the season. I don't know what next year will bring, so I want to get as much done as I can now. It will be time to pinch pennies for the next few months.

              Great to see you back Chief and Kaslo!!!! Hi to all and wishing everyone a great sober week!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily - Monday

                Good morning everyone...thanks to all of you for the warm welcome. I can sympathize with ANYONE struggling with children, of what ever age. Mine havent grown up yet, apparently and they are in thier mid twenties. I have an horrendous deadline this morning, so gotta fly, but here is a black and white (purposely faded and softened) shot of some Canada geese taking off from the Birchbank Sny yesterday. Have a great AF day.


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily - Monday

                  Hey Dudes! First, thanks so much for being there for me. I really felt you guys with me. (Did I smell popcorn???)

                  Anyway, I think the drama is over. My son?s gf is ok. She goes to nursing school up in north east Georgia and they both work together at a retail store there. Anyway, my son?s car was put in the shop this weekend so the gf was driving him around. Apparently she took a curve too fast, overcorrected and went off the road. Must have been a good crash because both air bags deployed. Anyway, she was in shock. The call I got was something like ?Dad, we just had a wreck and I am in an ambulance?.?. What the initial statement should have been was ?Dad, everything is ok. We were in a wreck and I am in the passenger seat of an ambulance?.? . Anyway, I took off on the hour and a half track up into the blue ridge mountains to some hospital that my GPS even had trouble finding. Short version is that everything turned out ok. They released her somewhere around 3AM. She is totally on her own ? her parents live somewhere in Florida. So Mrs. IJM and I took her in for a few days until she can heal up and get back on track.

                  I just keep going back and thinking if this had been three months ago?. I would not have been able to drive. What the heck would I have done???? For anyone reading that and is on the fence about giving up AL ? let me be the poster boy for why you should!!!

                  As far as work, I am working from home today since I did not roll out of bed until almost 11AM. This helps me ease back in to things too. Finally, last evening put work into perspective. It?s just like many of you said ? it?s just a job. It?s not something to get out of the box on. The important thing is my family.

                  Again, I really appreciate all the well wishes. I felt your prayers and support. Whether you want to be or not ? you are all a part of my life and I am glad that you are there.

                  Ok, back to work and done with the sappy posts. The next IJM post will be back to his typical, southern, politically incorrect, irreverent self.

                  Take care all!


                    AF Daily - Monday

                    Hi All,

                    Glad to see everyone up and at'em today. It's a beautiful day here in Ohio....sunshine, beautiful color with the leaves turning, a nice fall day.

                    I'm gonna go see my mom (she's in a nursing home with severe dementia), then go to the gym and go for a run outside while I still can before the snow starts to fly...:upset:

                    AFM, yes, my FIL had lung cancer. I went to Michigan Jan 1st to help my MIL take care of him. He stayed at home, we had Hospice coming to the house 3 times a week. They were a big help. My MIL and I took care of him 24/7. It was no fun and hard to do. At the end we were giving him morphine, vicodin and ativan every 2 hours. I went in at 1:00am on Feb 19th to give him meds and then went back at 3:00 and he had passed. He died in his sleep and his wife didn't find him so that was good. It was an experience I don't want to go through again, but we have to play the hand we're dealt. Will you PM me and tell me your circumstance with cancer? I don't know because I've been out of the loop for awhile.

                    Hope everyone has a good day.

                    Glad to be free from the AL and the battle.



                      AF Daily - Monday

                      OK - test review:

                      Lav, Piaget would say that EB is in the Preoperational Period of Development. He see's the world from an egocentric point of view, believing that others see the world exactly as he does. NO WONDER HE LOOKS QUIZZICALLY AT YB!!!! He also believes at this stage, that object are as they appear to be. It LOOKS like Grandpa....... :H

                      OK. That was bad.

                      Lav, M3 is way busier than me. I goof around too much and then I'm stressed out at the last minute, creating a very busy appearance. :H Sore legs from the CPS workout, eh? Who needs Curves? You can just hang a sign from your mailbox and distribute some flyers in town! You will have the fittest friends and the cleanest coop in a 6 county area.

                      Sunny, so when is your barb going to be done? I'm sure you've told us many times and I keep forgetting.

                      Bear, Good to see you! Congrats on one more day of AFness. For me, no amount of books, reading, etc. can replace what it's like to have a real person give me a hug, look me in the eyes, and tell me they understand exactly what I am going through.

                      AFM - I love your new avatar! :yougo: Moving is so stressful. Glad you survived yours, and I hope it's a nice and pleasant process of just getting settled into your new space and making it home.

                      LVT - I think YOU are the busiest person here!!! Wow - I'm impressed by all you got done over the weekend.

                      Kas - that is an awesome picture as always!

                      IJM - you are so right that there are occassionally just moments that really solidify the purpose of all this effort at AFness. Glad your son's GF is OK. Very nice of you and Mrs. IJM offering to help like that. I hope your work day commences without a hitch!

                      I am really struggling to stay focused on studying for this test. But I better get back to it.

                      One thing is for sure...

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Monday

                        Hey Everyone-
                        As much as most people hate Mondays, I'm actually happy it's the start of a new week. The kids have had 2 four day weekends in a row and it's really taken a toll on the house. I have a full list of things to accomplish today, primarily getting the house back together one room @ a time. 3 rooms down; 7 to go (and no we don't have 10 bedrooms, I've simply listed one room @ a time so I can stay focused). I'm still reading "Kick The Drink". Finished 3 chapters over the weekend and moving on to the 4th today. You definitely have to read with an open mind because it does go against the conditioning we've endeared our entire lives regarding alcohol. I must say, I'm very open to NOT being a slave to alcohol!!!
                        "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                          AF Daily - Monday

                          X-Post Chief - good to see you. You have had a lot to handle with the parent generation. My Dad is really sick with diabetes and all the attendant complications. And recently he's been showing signs (I think) of dementia creeping in. This is not a good situation as my Mom is an excellent care taker, but they have never communicated about important matters, and they have no plans for his care as his condition continues to deteriorate. It's scary.

                          GAC - I haven't read that book - maybe I should order a copy since everyone is reading it. I DO know that I was a slave and AL was my master. No doubt about that. Glad to be free of it and back in charge of my own life - to the degree that a few things ARE within my control :H.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Monday

                            My plan for the day was completely turned around when my DIL called needing emergency babysitting :H
                            My son was late getting home from work today (after his 24 hr shift in DC) & she had to get to her classes so Mi Mom was called into action :H
                            DG - EB would be an intersting subject to study for your HD class. By the way, I think YB is stuck in the same developmental stage - now that's interesting

                            Hi to Sunni, bear, AFM, LVT, Chief, GAC & everyone!

                            Kaslo, I just pointed out a huge flock of Canadian geese flying grandson thought they were airplanes :H
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily - Monday

                              Holy smokes ya'll are busy today!

                              Fly by here.

                              Shout out to chief!! I had been thinking about you lately! funny how that works. so glad you are back on track!

                              IJM, nothing like a lesson when you need it, eh? Glad everyone is alright.

                              Nursie - Nerves of steel! You are awesome!

                              AFM, Glad you're getting settled - must feel good to have gotten rid of a bunch of stuff you don't need anymore.

                              Uni, your work on yourself really shows up the way you recognize where you are with situations and not just react.

                              bear, great to see you and glad you are still going strong with the gym.

                              goaway, I like monday's too. Fresh start to a new week.

                              hey to sunnybutt, lav, kaz (love that piccy - soften and fade huh? I have a camera that uses film :H)

                              I have 5 million things to do in not enough time. It always seems like that.

                              sound of flapping wings as I take flight................

                              PS: It's time for AAthlete to show up
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

