Well as some of you wonderful folk know, I have been trying to give up/ moderate. Anyway, I decided I couldn't moderate, so have stopped altogether for about a week now.
It hasn't been too hard, mainly as I reached such a low point it scared me.
The problem I now have( and I've posted about this before) is my partners drinking. For example: tonight I feel like a drink,there is always alcohol here, my partner will not go a night without drinking, at the moment he is currently slaughtered, and wants to talk, cuddle, relate. I may not have mentioned this, but we run a company together, so we are together pretty much 24/7 except when I go away on conferranses.
Sooo, when I'm sober, I find this behavior of his absolutely repulsive, I love the man, but not the boozey drunkenness. The way I deal with this is to withdraw, sometimes into another room, or just sort of become inacsessable. He then wants attention , won't leave me alone, gets hurt and rejected. This makes me very tense.
I also realise that I think this is one of tge reasons I started drinking,as I found it easier to deal with.
I think if we didn't work together, we probably would be broken up by now, because I get to he with him sober during the day, and see what a great guy he is.
I supose I'm asking for advice on how I can not get so tense when he's drinking?
Moving out is not an option at the moment,and he has never, ever said he will stop drinking.
How have others dealt with this ?
In the past( before I developed a problem) I would tell him whilst sober, that when he's drunk, I will withdraw. Not to make him give up, but so he knows that his actions will create a reaction.