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AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

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    AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

    Morning fABbies! Up and at 'em! It's Today! The Greatest Day Ever! The Only Day That Matters! The Here! The Now!

    OK. I AM crazy. I can't believe I went to bed at midnight, approximately 3 - 3.5 hours after my normal bed time. And I woke up at 4:30AM thinking it was 5:30AM so I got up. And here I am, just now realizing the error of my ways. I bet I will feel like a nap by afternoon.

    Human Development midterm opens at 6AM. First time ever taking a test "open book" from home. I wonder how many trick questions will be on it. LOL - we have short quizzes every week. Sometimes there are fill in the blank questions, which are always a land mine because ineveitably, there will be more than one phrase used in the book meaning the same thing. I inevitably guess the wrong one. So then I send the teacher an e-mail contesting that point, and quoting the exact sentence from the book along with the page number. The first time it happened, she said "no." So I contested it again even though I lost. The next time she conceded my point. This last time, she gave me the point and said in her e-mail "we will no longer be having fill in the blank questions on the quizzes." :H I hope I wasn't the only one who was e-mailing her with grade grubbing stuff. Otherwise she will probably be lying in wait to get even on my term paper grading. :H I suspect it was too late to remove fill in the blanks from the mid term though!

    I'm glad I don't study for tests in bars anymore. Or head straight to a bar after a test. Don't know how I maanged it back then.....I definitely could NOT manage it today. Much less have a quality life. So.....ONE THING IS FOR SURE!! There will be NO AL for this girl today.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

    Good Mornin? DG!

    To answer your question from last night?.. YES, That person (Ron Jeremy} is/was a porn star! Go figure?.

    Got to get ready for work, but one small thing I wanted to mention:


    Oh yea, whose yo daddy, I rock??

    Ok, now that that is out of my system, I return you to your regularly scheduled thread?



      AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

      Well....YOU'RE not my daddy but.....

      :yougo::yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS INDIANA BONES ON 90 DAYS AF!!!!:yougo::yougo::yougo:

      Enjoy your special day!!!!!! What's the next goal? (and if you say "100 Days" then we will for sure know you are a party animal!)

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

        LOL. Thanks Dude. Next goal will be 120 days.



          AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

          Good morning from here in the present moment!

          DG, how is an open book test different from homework? Does it have to be finished by a certain time? Why does it start at 6 AM!? Or is that just your thing.

          IJM YOU ROCK OUT LOUD!!!

          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

            Morning DG - good luck with the test. I used to argue about the answers on tests at school!

            Kaslo & IJM - congratulations on nine months AF! Kalso, good to see you back. IJM, fantastic that we were sober and able to respond to your son's emergency!

            It's mine & GF's anniversary of our first date today, even though we'd know each other for a few months by then. Anyway, we've picked today as our anniversary date because neither of us can remember the date we met! We're going out to dinner tonight to celebrate.

            I've just had my boiler fixed, very pleased it was an easy job and the guys fixed a radiator too and only charged for half an hour even though they were here for an hour so I'm pleased about that.

            My bike ride on Sunday was great - sunny, nice bunch of people and I managed to keep up even though I haven't done a proper ride for ages. Couldn't sit down on Monday though! Need to get a more comfortable saddle...

            Hello to Greenie and all to come. Have a good day.
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

              greeneyes;1194827 wrote: DG, how is an open book test different from homework? Does it have to be finished by a certain time? Why does it start at 6 AM!? Or is that just your thing.

              I'm not sure how it will be!! My guess is it's probably just like the homework only probably longer. Will report back later! She is making the test available from 6AM until 9:30PM. I hope it won't take me that long to find the answers in the book. There is also some sort of short answer written thing too. Why do I think that's a trick?

              Marshy - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!
              Oh I remember well your first date with XNGF. You guys were having so much fun and lust and everything. I can remember it like yesterday because for some reason, the popcorn was stale.

              OK. Off to test now. Wish me luck.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

                Doggygirl;1194830 wrote: Why do I think that's a trick?
                It's your suspicious mind :H:H Good luck!
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

                  DG, gawd I HOPE you're done by 9:30! Good luck!

                  HAPPY ANNI MARSHY!! I remember that date like it was yesterday too~ you knicker-ripper! :H

                  Today I go hang out at the barber shop. Is that the same as going to work? I don't know. Whatever it is, it feels like the first day of school.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

                    CONGRATS ON 90 DAYS IB/IJM!! YOU CERTAINLY DO ROCK OUR WORLD!! notice the manly porn star blue instead of pink-just for you!!

                    Yep, I remember it like yesterday too! But I thought the popcorn was good-it was food and allowed on WW!!

                    Gotta fly now-first PT appointment for my hip. Figures this is the one day in 4 years it actually feels normal :H !!

                    Good luck on the midterm DG-open book is way more work in my opinion and yep, look out for the trick questions. Love that you contested the fill in the blank answers!! She's probably dreading correcting your midterm! :H :H

                    Have a great AF day Fabbies!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

                      Holy busy thread already!!!

                      IJM - YOU ROCK!!! Congrats, 90 days is a big milestone!
                      Marshy - Happy Anniversary! Have an awesome night!

                      I'm off to volunteer at my daughters school for an hour this morning and then to a meeting. My therapists appointment yesterday was great but very difficult and emotional and I was exhausted by the time I got home. I hope today I manage to find a bit more energy.

                      Okay, coffee and off I go!

                      No AL for me today.
                      Love and hugs,
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

                        Uni - enjoy your :coffee: Hope today is smooth and relaxing for you!

                        P3 - I have a bum hip too. Arthritis I think. It definitely feels better some days than others. I can relate to having it feel GOOD on the one day somebody is looking at it!! Hope the PT appointment helps.

                        Greenie! FIRST DAY AT THE BARBER SHOP!!! Have a blast! This somehow feels right for you. I have tingles anyway. :h

                        Test is over. No fill in the blanks on that part of the test! :H Multiple choice and T/F only. Got 100% on that part. We also had to do a short paper. I just went by the book and should get 100 on that too. Unless it was trick questions. :H I'm a bit over the purpose of this class in general, and the learning value of open book stuff. But oh well. Memorizing all that poo would have really sucked the big one. So I'm grateful!

                        On to Dual Disorders, and more personality disorder work. Oh Joy. More shades of con man I'm sure. The upside is that I don't have that much left to finish it.

                        One thing is still for sure...

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

                          Good morning Abbers!

                          DG - don't burn out that brain of yours before the first semester is over :H
                          Take deep breaths now!

                          IJM, CONGRATS ON YOUR 90 AF DAYS DUDE!!!!!
                          I'm so happy you made it through & bet you are too

                          HAPPY ANNI TO MARSHY & GF!!!

                          Wow, a year does go by quickly especially when your in the background eating popcorn

                          Good luck at the barber shop today greenie!

                          papmom, we need our hips to help hold us us & to get around so I hope your PT appointment serves you well

                          Hello Uni & everyone stopping in today!

                          Must go find something to do to keep me off the street corners today (just kidding).
                          Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

                            Congrats on 90 days, IJM!!

                            Happy Anniversary, Marshy!!!

                            Hello to everyone else!

                            I was up at 5am this morning (feel your pain, DG!) Only a few hours sleep for me as well!! But feeling good. I am going to drop Little AFM and her classmate off at school this morning and then go up to Nanaimo for a visit with my Godmother, and a childhood friend for coffee this morning. I saw them over a year ago, and it was not good. My mother came along and totally put me down on how much of a 'drunken loser' I am. There is a reason why I do not speak to my mother!!! So, this visit will be much better!!

                            OK, Off and running to get dishes from last night done and shower etc... although it is only 6:25am!! UGH.

                            Have a good one!


                              AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

                              Hello friends,

                              Geez, I feel like a bum, haven't been up all that long and DG has already taken a test online!

                              Congratulations IJM! It has been a pleasure having you on the daily thread. 90 days was definitely a milestone and turning point! You are doing great.:goodjob:

                              Have fun at the barber shop today Greenie.

                              Happy Anniversary to Marshy.

                              Happy hip therapy Pap!

                              Hi Uni! and Lav! And all to come!

                              Since I played hookie yesterday, I am going to do some more laundry and some other projects here until mid morning, then go do my book keeping, then some work at the cemetery. It is suppose to freeze hard tonight, so I might just go and pick the green tomatoes in the greenhouse since we don't have a very good way to hold the heat in. Hubby did put a propane heater in there and even got up at 1 am to check it.

                              #1 son and I go to his ADD doctor this afternoon. Twice now he has written a prescription and the pharmacist has talked me into a different plan because of the cost. I appreciate that from my pharmacist, but now I feel kind of dumb talking to the doctor about it. My son says the meds just aren't working, so I told him we would try the costly stuff and see if he notices a difference. It is a real pain taking it at school. I'm not sure how I will find an extra $150 a month, but I'll find a way.

                              Ok, I am going to get busy now! Have a great sober day all.:h
                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

