Lav!! I really do hope you find something to do that keeps you off the streets! Or are you auditioning to star in an Indiana Bones movie???? :H

AFM, I wouldn't talk to my mother either if she talked to me like that. Enjoy your friend visit sans Mom today!!!
LVT - you are the adult female EB around here! I should go out and rummage in my garden today too and bring in whatever is left. Green tomatoes and some red cabbage is about it. I would definitely talk to the doctor about the generic v. brand (or whatever the difference in meds is) I know I am very sensitive to brand difference in my thyroid medication. Sister (my AA sponsor) was switched to a generic in the cancer med she takes, and that was a disaster. I don't know for sure what the differences are, but it's *something* and I think there are times when it doesn't matter, and other times when it does. I would at least want to know what the doctor thinks of the pharmacist recommendations FWIW.
OK. Back to the books! It's SO much more fun goofing around here. One more 2 page paper to write and all my homework for that class will be done for TWO WEEKS!!! :yougo: Then I can focus on my term paper.