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AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

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    AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

    Hidey hi all!

    Well. It was sort of a long day. I only did 2 haircuts and I'm a busy sort of person so not being busy is difficult for me. I hung out with one guy who is very good and liked showing me his techniques. This guy is a different sort - briliant in some ways and missing some basics in some everyday aspects of life. Which is why the owner wants me to manage the shop if he works out a teaching arrangement and is away for lengths of time. I didn't mention that part did I? Anyway, besides him, the customers were few and far between. Granted it's only been open a few months. And I think the universe put me here so I'll hang out and see what happens. Oh, he took me to lunch and in the course of conversation asked me what I liked to drink when I drank. Or did I drink? No. Not at all? No. Did you use to? Yes. What did you drink then, when you drank? While thinking "Are you shitting me? Everything in site!" I said scotch. Now those of you that know me know it ended with vodka. For the obvious reasons. clear, hides well, less smell, blah blah... so I sure as hell wasn't going to say vodka as an EX-drinker! Way to obvious, right? :H Alkie brain hard at work! :H Anyway I said I didn't like the way it made me feel anymore and I liked my head space to be crystal clear all the time. Seemed like a long conversation about drinking, but in reality it probably wasn't. And it was probably reassuring to him that I don't drink. Working kinda eats up your whole day doesn't it? Nighters!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

      Oh Greenie, You are in for some adventure me thinks
      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

        Wow... t'was a busy day for all, I see!

        IJM... HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on 90 days!!! Whooohooo! And I really kinda like your stage name! Indiana Bones. Has a nice ring to it!

        Marshy, Happy Anniversary!!!! I hope you girls had a great celebration and after-party

        DG, Congrats on your test!! Dunno how you do it... somehow it seems much more difficult to retain things as we get older. Then again, maybe that's just me!

        Oh... and we're working on nothing but ROUND at the moment (getting to true collection later). Atlas is a total stress bucket... always inverted and high headed. He came from a very abusive situation and sees trouble/danger/horse eating things everywhere. Can't exactly blame him, either, I suppose. All in all, though, he is a very different horse than he was a year ago and has come a loooong way. We had some absolutely dreamy transitions tonight, as soft and light as can be! I don't love him much, can you tell? :H

        Lav... bet you had a great time with Lily! How old is she now? Peanut only crawls now if he has to get somewhere REALLY fast. If he gets too excited on his feet he usually ends up on his bum :H

        AFM, I'm glad your visit went well! And so sorry to hear about your mom's demeanor. I do know what you are/were dealing with.

        Greeniebum... not sure what to think of that line of questioning! Either he's really hoping you don't drink or wishes you were!? In any case, this sounds like an interesting venture (not that we expect any less from you!) Ohhh.. the stories from the barber shop you'll be able to tell!

        Hello to Uni, momof3, and whoever else I missed... I didn't mean to!

        I finished the last 5 sections of my round pen today (Yesssss!), bought the (wrong) hardware to hang the gate, and finish for the posts/boards. It's been a long time coming and I can't wait to actually use it! Got in a little work today (and I do mean little and that really has got to change real soon) and more stuff done on the barn. We are hoping to put the rest of the siding up this Saturday (as in, we'll actually have to use doors to get in and out... how novel). I'll be so glad when this is done for so many reasons. Of course, I want to actually use the Taj Mahorse and see my guys be comfy and dry this winter but I'm also looking forward to having a life outside that barn again. And to concentrate on my business. That's really suffering right now and I'm not happy about it.

        And now, it's almost 10pm and Mr. Wonderful needs me to help set up more scaffolding. See what I mean? :H

        Night night, everyone!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

          whew, home finally.

          yay for being home!

          Yay for being aF!

          yay for ________!!

          hyoooge kudos to IJM for fantabulous AF goal

          congrats for Marshy anniversary

          DoggyGirl, way to go acing your exams

          Sunshine, good to see you horsing around

          I'm sooo behind on the threads. hope to catch up soonish

          be well everyone
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

            Hello again,

            Nope, I think Sunny gets the EB nickname! Holy Cow, 10pm and putting up scaffolding!

            DG--one of the young vets I worked with relied quite heavily on his reference books. I had worked with a lot of veterinarians, but none this fresh out of college. I guess it made sense, teach them where to look for things, rather than trying to learn it ALL.

            Thanks for the tips on the ADD meds. What we switched to is supposed to be an older non-name brand Adderall but still cost me about $130 for a month. Of course we will have to increase the dose to get where he needs to be, so had to buy 2 different strengths.
            M3, I will see what I can find on the websites. I know Concerta is making a generic now, which is the first drug we were going to try. It would also cost $130. We have insurance, but not any special prescription plan. It goes toward the $5000 deductible. Anyway, if it works it will be worth it.

            Goodnight friends!:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

              GAC - please be VERY careful with that thinking, OK? I know in my own head, I gave AL an inch and he took a mile - and it took 8 months to recover from that. I'm not giving an inch ever again with ANY sort of thoughts that it will be OK - I don't like the taste or feeling, etc. Drinking will just never be OK for me under any circumstance. I'm not talking about beating up oneself. I'm talking about the mind game. For me, a few days from now (or today) my mind would be saying "it's OK to have one. You don't even like the taste of it any more. It will be OK." But I haven't read the Vale book, so I'm hoping there is something different that the mind will do after having read it. (or that yours is different than mine.)
              So true DG. It's not books that do it. It's not willpower that does it. It's certainly not thinking you've got anything licked or under control that does it. If you're addicted to booze you have to come to realise that only a daily acknowledgment of your powerlessness over booze will do it long term.
              That might look like weakness to some, but it is actually tremendous strength to admit you're beat and then just get on with everything else with hope, joy and to the best of your ability.
              AF since 11 July 2011
              You can never get enough of what you don't really want


                AF Daily - Tuesday October 18

                Hello ABBERs,
                I started AF a week into this month, and now 2 weeks AF and it was not that hard. Next goal is to the end of the year and that'll include the holidays! Mostly away from DH this month, but we'll be together in a few days, can't wait. Have a big party to attend this weekend, lots of old friends will be there, people I haven't seen since I started acupuncture school. My plan is to show up with LOTS of water, ginger ale, 7Up - these folks are major winos, so easy to overindulge, but I won't. Anyway, I feel happy and I feel myself healing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
                "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams

