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Daily Thread - Wednesday

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    Daily Thread - Wednesday

    Uni - good for you taking charge of things and not going to "that place." I never want to go there again either. :l I wonder if there are any WFS meetings around here? I would love to go sometime just to see what it's like. And I'm always up for meeting more like minded women. Boy it took me a long time to get to THAT place! (wanting to get to know women)

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Daily Thread - Wednesday

      Ohhhhhh Lav, she's adorable!!!!! Looks like she's really enjoying herself, too!

      I actually just came across a pumpkin picture of my guys (many moons ago). We were still living in the city then and going out to this huge farm with corn mazes and all sorts of fun stuff for the kids each year.

      DG... I call it 'round'... I'm sure it's not an accepted technical term! :H It's pre-collection and simply means that he drops his head and rounds his back. Collection will eventually come on its own when he moves his bum and back legs under himself and movement will become much more powerful. Whatever happened to your equine friend?

      Uni, I love how in touch you are now, with what you are feeling and where those feelings are coming from or where they could lead to. Kudos, you're an inspiration.

      Bear, I hope you feel better. I guess this is the time where nasty colds make an appearance again, huh? Another reason why I don't like winter! Ack, don't mind me.. I'm just super cranky today. Weather is the pitts, got no work done outside, one of my servers went down so I got nothing done work wise, either. Hrmpfh.

      Guess IJM got a late casting call or something? I wonder if his impending fame makes us groupies, then?

      Hello LVT, GAC, and whoever else is lurking
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Daily Thread - Wednesday

        We can be GONAD GROUPIES for IJM :H :H

        Sunni, your kids were cute back in the day - shame they have to grow up, huh??
        Lily wasn't happy in her stroller so I put her in one of the wagons they had there & that just made her day

        Uni, I'm glad you are autimatically sorting out those thoughts....key to survival!!!

        I haven't gotten much done myself today - oh well. Must be a mid-week thing
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Daily Thread - Wednesday

          Thanks for the kudos guys. sucky thing is the meeting is cancelled - the weather here is CRAPOLA and the moderator had a family member die. But that's okay cause I kicked the beasts ass myself. Not letting him in my head anymore today! I did some journalling and read a little more out of my school books. I find that helps. Also to remember the bad times and play that tape forward. So instead of my meeting my hubby and I are going to cuddle and watch survivor (with diet pepsi) and then I am going to make a steaming hot cup of pepermint tea and have a nice hot jacuzi bath. Then off to la la land. 2 weeks till the 5 month mark. Feeling so much better!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            Daily Thread - Wednesday

            Hey ho! Read all the posts, but eek - only have a minute.
            Shout out to turn for sppedy recovery from surgery!!
            Lav, & sunnybutt, cutie pie piccies!
            Go uni!
            Glad you got the big book bear, & hope you like it.
            Buff arms.... I WANT THAT!
            GoAway.. it was a lunch conversation, I wasn't turning down an offered drink. I think he was just feeling me out to see if I was a partier or not in the interest of keeping things in order in the shop. Maybe.
            Gonad :H
            Shout out o Zincity!
            LVT & mtnmama, I've forgotten to let the dogs in at night and they had to sleep in the yard :upset: Good thing I didn't have kids.
            Hi to P3, kaz & det when they check in. Det's prolly still _______after his week:ey:

            Got a haircut today. I knew the different guy wouldn't be able to stand looking at my imperfect haircut (I cut my own hair) for long. So I now sport a perfectly aligned haircut. It's very nice. Marshy that smilie yeserday was funny as hell.

            Shit I have so much to do yet. This work stuff takes up the wholeday! :H
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Daily Thread - Wednesday

              checking in fabberoos.

              Greenie-yes, work definitely gets in the way of life but it does pay the bills. Welcome back! At least it will be interesting and hopefully fun.

              Love the pics Lav and Sunni!

              DG-did you start that term paper yet? :b&d:

              Turn-hope the surgery went well and you aren't in too much pain. I totally get it about answering the "how much do you drink" pre-op question. The night before my 2nd wrist surgery I drank as much as I could until 12 midnite. Stupidly figured as long as I stopped at the appointed hour everything would be fine. My surgery wasn't until 2:30 and of course I couldn't have anything to eat the whole day. Needless to say recovery was pretty horrible and the wrist never got back to normal. Fast forward 2 years and I'm going in for my double scopy procedures (colonoscopy and endoscopy). I was so proud and happy to be able to tell the doc I hadn't had a drink in almost a month. He was the one who really planted the seed that I had to cut the crap out or my health would truly suffer. The only doc who laid it on the line with me. I'll be forever grateful.

              hey Zin-nice to see you!

              Bear-glad the BB got here in record time for you. Hope you enjoy it and get a lot out of it. I will say something seems to have shifted in you and I'm very glad.

              Uni-you so rock! Your whole outlook on life and AL has changed so much and absolutely for the better!! It's a palpable and obvious shift. May it last forever and ever!!

              M3-buff upper arms? It can really happen to us 29 year olds? As soon as my hip gets back to normal sign me up!!

              Det, IJM (our other G man) hope all is well! Please check in when you can!

              All is well here. Spoke with ins. co today and found out I have full rental coverage!! Whoo hoo!! Not sure how much I'm paying for that but right now I don't care. One less thing to worry about.

              Tomorrow and Friday are nursing home nights and then a day off. No plans whatsoever and that makes me happy.

              Benedryl kicking in so will say nite nite.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Daily Thread - Wednesday

                Nite Nite P3 Sweet dreams :h
                AF Since April 20, 2008
                4 Years!!!


                  Daily Thread - Wednesday

                  Where's IJM?
                  "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                    Daily Thread - Wednesday

                    Hey everyone!! Had a great day today. Tomorrow is my day off. I'm a full time Mom and Hubby has the kids ALL day!! And what do I decide to do? Christmas shopping. Yes I began making a list a couple weeks ago and I need to get the time in when I can. Oh, and I'm donating blood in the afternoon. A feel good day! Have a great night everyone!!
                    Living life to the fullest.


                      Daily Thread - Wednesday

                      Hey Abbers,
                      Love the pics of those gorgeous kiddos!
                      Tough couple of days over here. Still dealing with the fall out from my stepdaughter shoplifting and what it's doing to our family. We are realizing we are not prepared at all for this age, the rebellion, the fighting. I'm in a hard place being a stepmom. Aghhh kids.

                      And remember how I told you how one of my best friends died last month? I helped his parents sort out his apartment yesterday for awhile and it was rough. It was a rough rough day.

                      I'm glad to have this site to come to!
                      Day 1 again 11/5/19
                      Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                      Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                      Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                      11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                      12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                      One day at a time.


                        Daily Thread - Wednesday

                        (((Nursie)))) Hope today is better for you

                        MtMomma-are you a John Denver fan? Have a great day xmas shopping! You can laugh at the rest of us scurrying around on xmas eve :H

                        gotta fly. BBL
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!

