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Trying again - wish me luck

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    Trying again - wish me luck

    Hi folks, I was a visitor to the Moderation section last year, 12 months down the line and things have continued to deteriorate, so here I am, ready to quit for good. This is 'Day 1' of my new life and I've phoned and booked myself in to my first AA meeting this afternoon. Things have got to change and moderation quite clearly is not going to be possible for me. Wish me luck
    AL free since 24 October 2011

    Trying again - wish me luck

    Good luck to you. Be firm and gentle with yourself today, you can do this. Do everything you can to get AF, it is worth it.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Trying again - wish me luck

      Nollie: More than 2 years ago, I was right where you are now. My drinking had taken over my life, & I was ready for a change. I called a friend who was sober in AA for 16 years & asked for help. When I first started to go to meetings, I was very scared. But as time has gone by, I've seen that AA is the only thing that worked for me. No amount of resolve or trying to moderate worked at all.

      I'm now over 2.5 years sober & really enjoying this lifestyle. I've made friends in AA & am so happy I stuck w/it. In the beginning I kept going to meetings even though I didn't know if I belonged there. I had never lost my job, family, money, etc. as some folks in AA had. But, the only requirement for membership in AA is a desire to stop drinking, & I certainly had that.

      I had tried to stop drinking for years & years. Sometimes I'd even put together a few weeks/months. I tried moderation...something I just couldn't do at all. I broke all the rules I set up for myself. I now know that I can never drink moderately.

      I want to commend you on your courage in making the call about AA. Good luck at the meeting today. Please come back here & share about it...even if you didn't like it. That's perfectly normal.

      By the way, as much as I love MWO & have come here every day since joining in 2007, I couldn't stay sober wo/face to face contact w/other alcoholics.

      Good luck! Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Trying again - wish me luck

        What a great decision you have made Nollie!

        I myself wrestle with the notion of "moderation" however I think I would convince myself that moderating meant only drinking 9 beers a night instead of the usual 10.

        IMO there are a few benchmarks in quiting. Day one, seven, thirty and one eighty, you have already reached the first one. Now you can use that success, as a building block to get to the others. Its kind of like going on a diet, and shedding pounds, if you see results, you stay motivated.

        As you rid your body of AL, you will probably feel better, have more energy, and look better!

        I wish you luck in this battle, Im pretty new to being AF, and certainly dont have all the answers, but I can promise Ill be here to root you, and all the others along.
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          Trying again - wish me luck

          Hi nollie. Welcome back! Moderation didn't work for me either. I dont' have an off switch. What a relief when I finally accepted that! It took me a long time. MWO + AA is what's working for me. I hope it works for you too.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Trying again - wish me luck

            I can't tell you what a comfort that first meeting turned out to be, and how relieved I felt to be amongst people who understood. I don't know what I was expecting, something a bit seedy I guess, full of down and outs who'd hit rock bottom. I'm a professional person, run my own business and have been really worried that someone might find out I had a problem and the damage it might do to my business/reputation. I felt totally safe there. The reality was an incredibly welcoming and friendly bunch of ORDINARY people whose stories I could totally relate to. Such an inspiration to listen to people who have stayed AF for many years and see how fulfilling they find their lives now. I will definately be going back.
            AL free since 24 October 2011


              Trying again - wish me luck


              I am so glad the meeting went well for you! AA and women for sobriety as well as this site has helped keep me sober as well. It is nice when we realize we are not the only professionals who have this disease.

              Keep coming back!

              Good luck, keep us posted.
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                Trying again - wish me luck

                Hi nollie. I'm glad you had such a good experience! I too am a professional woman and my husband and I have our own business. I have been blessed to meet a very wide variety of people at AA. I so know what you mean about people who completely understand.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Trying again - wish me luck

                  Hi Nollie, all the best to you. Your experience will give hope to anyone who is afraid to make that first step into a meeting. It sounds like you found a lot of comfort there.....
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Trying again - wish me luck

                    Nollie: I'm so glad you enjoyed your first meeting. I too thought I wouldn't be able to relate to the people I met up w/at meetings. I'm a retired high school teacher & was really afraid I'd see students at the meetings. Well, I have seen students at meetings, & it's fine. I'm an example of someone who is trying to overcome a problem.

                    Since I've started to go to meetings, I've seen: teachers, doctors, nurses, & even my priest is a recovering alcoholic. So, there is no stereotype...alcoholics come in all stripes & colors.

                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Trying again - wish me luck

                      Hi Nollie am so glad your first meeting went well. I had my first one last week and like you was expecting the worst and was so pleasantly suprised to find that the meeting was full of lovely friendly people who were so welcoming. When I left the meeting I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I am going back this week for sure!


                        Trying again - wish me luck

                        Chelsea: Yay! I'm so glad it worked out for you. I go to different meetings just to see what the ambience is. It's fun especially if I call one of my AA friends & we go together. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012

