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AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

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    AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20


    Nursie, boy I feel for you. Not having gone through that, I don't have much to offer other than a virtual hug so here it is. :l Here's another one. :l

    Crap I lost the copy past thing and I don't have time to go do it again.

    One thing's for sure!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

    Morning abbers!

    Up but not awake yet - on second cup of coffee. Hope that helps. Have to finish my assignment today and hand it in so I can start working on the last one for this course! I decided to go with the case management course next. I will get the materials next week to start on that one.

    Rainy and miserable AGAIN! Apparently it thunderstormed all night last night but I didn't hear it. So I must have slept well.

    Looking forward to a productive day today with a small nap in the afternoon if required. Have to check on my friend (the moderator from women for sobriety) as well to see how she is doing today. I feel bad for her losing her SIL. I hope she is coping well.

    Okay, I'm off, be back later!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

      Morning Aber-dabber-doos, Greeneyes and uni -up and at'em. I love it when I sleep through thunderstorms. That IS the test of a good nights sleep.
      Actually it's afternoon where I am.
      Feeling like a fitness freak these days.
      Pilates Monday, Power walking Tuesday, Zumba Wednesday, Aquagym Thurday, Weights Friday.
      Weekend - general dogsbody for all and sundry-but hey I'm, a FIT dogsbody! Ha Ha!
      Feeling ultra great again now that I'm off that evil substance sugar again. Off to do some housework now. What is wrong with me????? lol
      X Treya
      AF since 11 July 2011
      You can never get enough of what you don't really want


        AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

        Hola Amigos!!!!
        Up 'n' at 'em here in the Northwest. It's barely 7:15am & all three of my kids are ready for the day. Who are these children? I haven't even made it through my Monster Energy Drink yet.
        Just got the kids booked for a "photo shoot" with Santa. I know! I know! It's not even Thanksgiving yet. But the studio offered a rockin' deal of $9.99 for a 5x7 plus 4 prints and the best part: No wait at the mall !!! Last year we were in line for almost 2 hours. Who cares if the picture is taken only 2 weeks into November. Put a check in that box for my holiday plans. Maybe next year I'll have them taken in August! LOL
        Okay....gotta jet. Lots to do. Laid in bed wide awake last night with thoughts & ideas for planning my 7 yr old's b-day party. Didn't want to be thinking of that stuff at midnight, but I guess it was better than lying awake with alcoholic remorse.
        Happy Days to All!!!!!!!
        "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


          AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

          Hello friends,

          Nursie, I'm so sorry you had a lousy day yesterday! I hope the rest of your week gets better. It was nice of you to be there for your friend's parents.:l

          Treya--I want whatever YOU are having!!!! You go girl!:H

          Hi Uni--I wish I could send you some of our weather. It was gorgeous yesterday and supposed to be 73 tomorrow! And then next week it turns to crap. I told the guys at the lumberyard I would see them next spring!:H

          I had an amazing night's sleep last night. When my hubby drinks--he snores like a freight train. I told him last night that I was going to sleep in one of the boy's rooms--preferably the one in the basement because of his snoring. He said he would sleep on the couch, I said I didn't want him wearing out the furniture. When he came back in later--guess who was getting the cold shoulder??? Then he made up the hide a bed in the office--which is right next to our bedroom. I told him I didn't think that would help, and I would just get some earplugs I guess. He was being weird, didn't kiss me goodnight. I tried not to let that bother me--just enjoyed that big ole bed and quiet bedroom (with the door shut) and slept like a rock! Works for me! One of these days maybe he'll move into the man cave. He seems to be going to great lengths to prove to me that he does not have to quit drinking his beer! Lav--what a pair, huh?

          Greenie--sometimes I feel like leaving my kids outdoors with the animals!:H

          Better go fix my son's lunch.

          Have a great sober day all!:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

            Good morning FABs!

            Nursie :l from me, too. That must have been so hard
            Treya... Holy cow! YOU shall be known as the adult EB!!!
            GAC... there's nuttn wrong with getting the pictures done early! I hated the whole line up thing when my urchins were small. And inevitably, when it was our turn Santa was going on a lunch break! :H
            LVT... never mind the kids.. stick the hubby out with the animals! :H At least you did get a good night's sleep - good for you!

            Uni, Greenie.. have a great day! Same for all to come!

            The weather is just hideous, it's still pouring buckets but at least the wind seems to have calmed somewhat down. Mr. Wonderful was just about blown off the scaffolding last night and gave up and came in early. His advice to me was "You'd better nail down your horses!" Poor guys, they were so miserable yesterday, they were even picking on each other.

            Hopefully, I'll get some decent work hours in today. One thing is for sure...
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

              Good morning Abbers!

              The sun was late showing itself but at least it's here now

              Greenie, are you cutting hair again today??

              Uni, good job sleeping through the thunderstorm. That kind of sleep does wonders

              Treya, awesome job on the fitness routine. You have to be feeing pretty good

              GAC, a busy Mom's mind rarely ever rests! I used to do the same thing but somehow we manage to get everything done!

              LVT, YB's snoring was so horrendous........
              I had a hard time finding a quiet place to sleep. He had a sleep study done years ago & was told to lose some weight to stop the snoring. He chose to gain even more.
              I feel for ya, I really do :l

              OK, I do need to get to work! Have a great AF day one & all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

                Thanks Lavande,
                Treya, awesome job on the fitness routine. You have to be feeing pretty good
                Yeah I'm feeling pretty good (in between naps :-)
                But the Zumba. No-one told me! It can't be exercise. It's too much fun. All that thrusting takes me back. Tee Hee. Seriously. It should be compulsory for anyone who can breath. Go try.
                AF since 11 July 2011
                You can never get enough of what you don't really want


                  AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

                  hidy ho ABeroooos!

                  a quick fly by.

                  Treya, your kicking some serous bootie!

                  I had a nice workout last night myself, feeling pleasantly sore and happy now

                  zoom zoomm

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

                    ya'll are inspiring me to heal quickly. I can't wait to perspire again....I dream of the zumba, Treya!

                    Surgery went fine as far as I to see the doc for followup today.

                    I could not make it up the stairs last night so I had a lovely snore-free sleep on the couch. My dh is an awful snorer too and it drives me nuts. He roars like a lion with a massive mucous build up. If we could invent the ultimate snore-blocking ear plugs we would be fabulously wealthy....indeedy. My husband says I was quite the snorer...but now I snore no more. Another great benefit of being free of Al.

                    GAC...I got a kick out of your xmas pic story! Brings back memories...the kind that we can laugh about now...
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

                      Hi all! Well, today didn't turn out the way I'd planned or hoped. The blood drive was 2 1/2 hours late starting so I had to reschedule for December. That really bummed me out. Christmas shopping was awful. It turns out I didn't think it through. I was disappointed in myself, I missed my kids (it was a day out by myself. Hubby had the kids all day). The great part was my workout this morning. The BEST part is I'm not hung over or drunk so I guess you can say, it was a good day. I didn't read through the previous posts, just popped on real quick. Hope everyone's day was great!
                      Living life to the fullest.


                        AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

                        Hi fABbies! Whew. Long day. Should have more fully appreciated the week between when the 101 class had the final, and today when the 202 class began. Was that final only a week ago??? Guess so. Got an A in that class so I'm pretty jazzed about that!! Also stopped by the teachers office to look at my final. He really likes to chat and shares a LOT of great information about his experiences over the years as a counselor. I think I was in his office over an hour. I had to pee from BEFORE going in there. I was about to wet my pants! Great stuff though. He is a firm believer that each person needs a recovery plan just for them. There are lots of common themes but he agrees nothing works for everyone. He is also a HUGE believer in therapy of some sort - not just a stopping of drinking. Some sort of specific activities to develop new coping skills. We even talked about things like medications for depression, anxiety, etc. He is a big believer in using all appropriate tools and that includes meds where appropriate. But once again, for depression, anxiety, lots of stuff like that he firmly believes meds are usually only part of the solution. Relaxation techniques, exercise, yoga, CBT, etc. are among the things in his bag of possibler recommendations. So of course I thought of our groups here, and the myriad of things we are all doing in various combinations to get/stay sober and learn to LIVE again. We really are quite a group I think!

                        Nursie - I hope your day today was a little eaiser. :l

                        LVT - I am just so glad my husband doesn't snore much. He doesn't drink much either - I suppose there might be a connection.

                        Lav - Maybe on the snoring front there is a beneift of YB sleeping in another place and just coming 'round to do chores and eat your food?????

                        Turnagain - sympathies to you as well on the snoring thing....

                        Greenie - thanks for kicking things off today. Did you go to the barber shop again? Do they fully understand by now who is :crowned:?

                        Treya - I only did Zumba a couple of times when I was at Curves. Very fun and also very funEE! Exercise reminds me that yesterday at the Jim, there was a 29 year old gentleman doing some sort of ab work down on the floor that involved a massive amount of thrusting. And judging from his abs, he still has a LOT of thrusting to go before there will be hope of finding a 2 pack. With all that thrusting going on, I of course thought of our dear IJM aka Indiana Gonads. Where is he, anyway?

                        Sunny, are your horses outside until the barn is done?

                        GAC - awesome on the photo deal!

                        Uni - a NAP. That's what was missing from my day!!!

                        Well, time for homework. No rest for the wicked. Hello to P3, Det, Marshy, and ALL other fABbies yet to come for the day!!!!

                        One thing is for sure...I am SO glad AL no longer rules my life. Can I hear an AMEN?

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

                          AMEN! and a big congrats on your A, DG!!

                          Hello to the rest of you!

                          Just a quick check in from me.


                            AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

                            Hi Det - missed you the first time through! And hi Mtnmomma and AFM!!!!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily ~ Thurs 10/20

                              And big thumbs up on the A, Missus!!!!

                              Hello to everyone else.. gotta put Mr. Wonderful in his highchair (as JC would say)
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013

