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AF Daily - Friday

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    AF Daily - Friday

    Morning abberoos!

    I am not sure why my body decides it wants to wake up early every day but at least I'm on a rythym. Usually asleep, dead to the world by 10:30 - 11 and up by 7:30 - 8. So I guess that's a good thing.

    I got 88% on my 3rd assignment - woo hoo! Fourth assignment is going in today and then I can start on the 5th and final one of this course. Then on to the next. I'm slowly knocking them down towards my diploma.

    I HAVE to vacuum this house today. I've been saying that for a week and it is getting decidingly gross. Especially with a cat and a dog, you can see the animal fur fluff just floating around on the floors. So that is a definite for today!

    Need more coffee but I'll come back and check in later.
    DG - awesome job!

    Not sure who was asking about snoring but those breathe right strips really work - that's an option to try if you have them in the states.

    Okay, I'm off! One thing is for sure!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    AF Daily - Friday

    Good morning Uni & all Abbers!

    I'm up bright & early myself today but that's good because I have lots to do
    Starting with a trip to Curves of course!

    Good job on your assignment Uni!
    I don't think I have anymore studying left in gets harder when you're over 29
    The Breathe Right strips didn't work for YB but since he's no longer here I don't care anymore :H

    Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Friday

      Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's off to work I go! Must work on my time management skills. I want to start my day at the gym like Lav does.

      Hey, duct tape works for snoring. ...just sayin'...
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Friday

        fABbies! Uni, thanks for kicking things off today. I can relate to the floating animal hair!

        Lav - so wonderful that you are enjoying Curves! I am going to the gym sometime today. Wish I could go NOW but I can't. Oh well - I'll do it when I CAN.

        Greenie - Glad you like the new precision hair cut! Every hair stylist I meet says they usually cut their own hair and I never understood how you can do the back. Heck, I can't figure out how to blow dry the back of my head! :H Are you going to the barber shop again today?

        I need to get a move on. Too much goofing around lately which is fun, but putting me behind on stuff. Got book keeping to get done today too. So...zoom zoom. And one thing is for sure - there will be NO drinking for this girl today.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Friday

          Doggygirl;1196103 wrote: Are you going to the barber shop again today?
          I kinda need to live there to build a business.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Friday

            Indeed Greenie! Have a fun day there!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Friday

              hey ho aberoonies!!

              Beautiful day here in the Northeast. Wish I could play hookey. Well, almost did-the "check engine light" came on after I left the PT place so I turned around and booked it to my repair shop. I was hoping they would have to fix whatever it was then and there (hence a day off) but no such luck. Just a corroded spark plug and a warning that I need a $400 tune up SOON!! What????? $400 dollars? For what? you take the plugs off and put new ones on!! At least that's how it used to be done. Probably not so much now that everything is electric. Gonna google it anyway. Might be my project for tomorrow . Anyway, here I am at work and I do have my foundations class this afternoon so that will be fun.

              DG-yes, 2 kitties: 11 and possibly 18 yo. I don't talk much about them because really, they are so easy and agreeable and QUIET!! I've had them forever it seems. Long before doggies.

              Greenie-I sure hope this barbershop managing gig works out for your but if not, something else will. Have you guys signed a contract and you will be getting paid right??? And yes, how DO you cut the back of your hair? When I did a chop job a few weeks ago, I had to have a friend in the next office even off the back but I walked around for a whole weekend with it uneven!:H

              I sure hope IJM comes back home soon.

              Sarah-so good to see you and to hear that you are having real success staying AF!! It does get easier but yes, every once in a while the thoughts sneak in, especially the "forever" crap. Lately, along with the gratitude and the pure joy of getting through a day unhung, I've also been telling myself that by staying AF, I might just stave off the early onset ALzheimer's that took my mom 15 years ago. I believe I've seen research that directly relates AL abuse with an increase in amyloid protiens in the brain which indicate AZ. That and the fact that I am no longer prediabetic or pre kidney disease pretty much seals the deal for me that AL is toxic to me and there are other ways to celebrate good times and get through bad.

              OK LVT-come out come out whereever your are and tell us what the Universe screamed at you!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Friday

                Hello friends,

                Uni--thanks for starting the thread this morning. I told hubby I was going to stay in bed ALL DAY--since it is my 29th birthday (again).:H But, alas, I had to get up and get the kids to school, dishes to do, house to clean, last day at cemetery for the season too.

                Ok. The Universe. I have a friend of Facebook--don't know her very well, just an acquaintance. She works at the school and seems like a nice person. Her husband I don't care for--he is a drunk and was mean to her--she left him. Keep in mind this is a small town, and she is local. Anyway, she hasn't been posting much on FB lately, and when she does she seems sad and talking about going away. The other day her uncle had posted on her wall and she replied that she was going through a bad time, her mom and sister were helping her through the worst of it, but she might have to go to rehab. I'm For what? Ya, shes talked a little about having drinks with friends, etc, but she never struck me as an alcoholic. I figure it must be something else. I debate about sending her a message offering support. But since I don't know her very well I decide against it.
                But, I can't get her off my mind. Yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine, and I asked her if she'd seen this person lately. I told her my concerns, blah de blah. She had seen her at the bar last weekend, but said she wasn't drinking....just seemed out of sorts.
                Anyway, I went back to work. An hour later I went back to the shop for a drink and checked my phone. I have FB on it and there was a message from this person! Seriously! She wanted me to call her! So, as I am putting her number into my contacts list....the phone rings! It is her. Without going into too many details, she is going to rehab and they suggested she seek out friends in recovery here for support for when she gets back....and for some reason she thought of me. She was not in the listening mode (I think she was drinking) but she said she was a closet drinker and things got a lot worse after the break up with her husband. Anyway, I told her whatever, whenever she needed I would be there for her. I told her she would never regret what she was about to do. I hope it all works out for her.
                I told my son about it and explained the laws of attraction, etc. I told him that is why I get upset when his dad is so negative. I didn't mention to hubby, as he had been drinking and I knew he would just say it was coincidence.
                Pretty cool, huh?
                Ok, I gotta go. Have a great sober day everyone!!!:h:l
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - Friday

                  Where exactly do you place the duct tape Greenie? :H :H
                  My overweight piggy swissy snores too
                  Have a happy haircutting day!

                  I do like starting out my day at Curves DG - thanks for the idea
                  I am now catching up on stuff at my desk,

                  Papmom, I'd love to throw you a rope & haul you out of that money pit. Geez, I hope things ease up for you soon.

                  LVT, the Universe does work in mysterious ways. I hope your friend does well in rehab.
                  Staying away from the chronically negative husbands is beneficial - I won't lie about that! I have come to realize that I could no longer hear myself think because I was trying so hard to drown out the negativity coming out of YB. It's no freaking wonder I ended up in the mess I did but I am grateful to have come through

                  :bday7: WISHING YOU A VERY HAPPY 29TH BD !
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Friday

                    Thanks, Lav! I like the duct tape idea, and don't think I haven't considered it. #1 son came home last night and said the night before his dad was not only snoring, but gurgling. That is a sign that he had at least a 12 pack. Honestly, he has woken himself up choking and coughing before--it kind of frightens me, and the gurgling is just creepy. It sounds just like the way my dad was breathing before he passed away. He has been sleeping on his back, because he has a bad shoulder on one side, and a bad elbow on the other.

                    I've been giving a lot of thought to having a heart to heart with him. Not so much about his drinking even--I honestly don't want him to quit because of me--I know how that would be. But let him know my concerns about us, our future, our sons and his health. I am going to warn him so he can be prepared and maybe won't be so defensive.
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      AF Daily - Friday

                      LVT - I think the Universe is absolutely miraculous sometimes. I'm sure you will be a HUGE help to your acquaintance. Us women can sure hide a lot of drinking in our private hell holes, can't we. I hope Mr. LVT sees the light at some point.

                      Lav, Buck the beagle used to put on a good snorefest. I can't even imagine what piggy swissy snoring would be like! :H

                      P3, it really IS your time to enjoy some relief from the money stuff! :upset: I hope you are able to fix this for far less than $400. We need some kitty pictures!

                      Uni - thanks for commenting once in awhile about Women For Sobriety. Mentions of that group have been crossing my path a lot lately from multiple places. So i signed up on the web site and also have requested info about local meetings. I hope there is one somewhere not too far. I want to learn more about WFS, both for personal reasons and who knows - maybe future reasons too. Good to know more about the support options out there.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Friday

                        Hey Fabstinessentials. Cross post with DG! Hey! Shouting out to you over the ether, bought a book mark yesterday and thought of you.

                        Uni, I am with you on the dustballs. But I only have one cat and a husband so the trajectory back to the dawn of vacuum time is at a low angle, like the winter sun in Canada. Giddyup, is what we should be sayin'. (Still dont feel like it tho).

                        Greenie, good use for duct tape. Perhaps the best yet. I have a snoring DH as well, and frequently try the elbow jab to the shoulderblade, or slip quietly from the room to the spare bedroom down the hall, where I can hear a much fainter version drifting west past my window. Dont get me wrong. Love the guy, hes a very nice man, but his snoring is basso profundo or how ever that is spelled.

                        Also GreenQueen, good luck on the business development. I just hope you get to do what you think is needed, and if you put equity, sweat or otherwise, its returned to you. Development is something I am pretty sure I dont have the energy for anymore.

                        Papster, sending you good will.

                        DG, keep on a going, gal. How long are the courses you have to take, and when do you get to do a practicum, or actually start to work in the field?

                        LVT, your facebook friend could have been me, a closet drinker, in a small town with no friends. She is obviously pretty much desparate for help, I am guessing. Thank goodness she has found you, and perhaps she will be a good friend to you in the future as well. We all know that having someone of like mind around to help you quit and build your own life back up is critically important in recovery. I got my support from....places like this, and from talking to my SIL and friends of my step mom, may she rest in peace.

                        Lav, I too dont go much for negative nellies, navel gazing is probably the one human trait I loathe the most. I guess I should wake up and realize these people are depressed and ill, and they need help, but I am more likely to advise them to get over themselves. So in the end I am not very sympathetic. Another use for duct tape. And a sock.

                        Ok, so I have been writing stuff about soil issues in a place in Canada that is a major supplier of oil, you can all guess where, and about an explosion that happened ten years ago (on my DHs birthday, of all things), and now I am starting on the potential for harm to an arctic ecosystem. BUT yesterday, desparate to get out in the crisp fall air, I took my camera to Rossland, the highest city in Canada. (Jasper Banff etc are in river valles at lower elevation). To the north the alpine peaks are only 1/2 mile away. It gets very steep very fast here. This is the lowest elevation part of the town, so it doesnt look very interesting but think 25 feet of snow here. My main theme is fall light on trees. My favorite time of the year.


                        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                        Status: Happy:h


                          AF Daily - Friday

                          Kaz, that's GORGEOUS!

                          Next semester will be 100% classroom but Fall 2012 (assuming I keep everything going at the current pace) I will start working in a bit of internship. Then Spring 2012 should be nearly full time interning. I will do a total of 500 hours of internship as part of this program. That far exceeds the required amount of internship for the state Certification program which is 150 hours for the entry level certificate.

                          One HUGE requirement I am exempt from by getting an Associates degree in Addiction Studies through an approved program (which mine is), is 2,000 hours of paid work providing direct care to clients. (within a maximum of 4 years) This can be a tricky one as most work is not 100% client facing, and some jobs are significantly less client facing. So people who are pursuing certification outside of a program like the one I'm in can really get stuck in some unmanageable situations meeting the work requirement.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Friday

                            hey all - staying in for a quiet fFriday night - drinking my red bush tea with vanilla and feeling happy about it!First week back at work over with - been reading lots of the big book.

                            I am seeing bits of myself in almost each story - the feeling of initially being so much more happy/comfortable once I discovered alcohol, being sick through alcohol, not having savings, not being able to stop, or being able to stop for a bit but always at some point going back to big drinking, trying everything but stopping drinking to 'sort out my problems',feeling that it will just get worse and worse and feeling worse and worse,the not enjoying moderating but not enjoying getting drunk anymore - if i need to control it - it's probably out of control.I like the idea of accepting that you can't always change the external world but you can change your internal world - better to focus on that - especially relevant to my work situation.

                            So staying in tonight - early night - bath and a bit more reading and some bad tv and hanging out with my cats.will post properly tomorrow and catch up.
                            one day at a time


                              AF Daily - Friday

                              Early to bed sounds awesome to me too Bear! Hope I can manage that when the time comes. I can relate to lots of that same stuff that you pointed out.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

