:cheering:CONGRATULATIONS ON 90 DAYS TURN!!!:cheering:I'm so glad for you! You rock!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LVT!!An appliance, eh? I would like an appliance for my birthday, provided it came with a newly remodeled kitchen.

Lovely pics yesterday - I really enjoy seeing where you folks live.
Yesterday a guy gave me a tip equal to half the price of the haircut. You can imagine the surprise on my face (I never would have guessed it would come from this guy - judging the book by the cover thing) and he said it was the best haircut he EVER had. :crowned: I was particularly happy because he was on his way out of town to be in a wedding.
In other shop news, the shop owner is vamoose to go work for the instructional schools. We cut a deal in my rent for me to hold down the fort and I signed the lease (terminate any time for any reason by either). That felt like something between hilarity and panic and I still have flashes of it. Inappropriate laughter is a mild comparison.

Is the different guy a dealer? Eek! I overheard a phone conversation and it sure sounded like it. I have to bring it up because my client heard it too and it seemed to just hang there. I sure felt uncomfortable, not wanting to reveal how I interpreted the conversation.

Off to yoga and then to work for half a day then to a blues festival downtown. I'm looking foward to Sunday. I have a new appreciation for a "weekend" day all of a sudden. One thing's for sure!