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AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

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    AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23


    I KNOW I'm not the only one that gets up early!! Well, here's the official start and I have to tend to the laundry for a minute.

    IJM! The queen says with arms crossed and tapping foot.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

    I'm up!!!!
    My house guests get up at the crack of dawn

    36 degrees this morning - brr!

    I'm going to go feed animals, shower & change into several more layers of sweatshirts (because I refuse to turn the heat on yet) & I'll be back!
    Expecting YB today to help with some winterizing work that needs to be done.

    Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

      Hello abbers,

      Everything's breaking! So far this morning I've been onto my ISP about dodgy modem and gas company about getting boiler fixed. Hey ho, at least the sun's shining. Been out to buy paint and brushes so we can tackle some outside woodwork tomorrow.

      Kaslo - I definitely get fewer colds now I don't drink. Your question reminded me of that feeling the day after drinking of having a blocked nose/being stuffy. Something to do with alcohol's impact on blood vessels? Ugh. Mosquito question: would I get eaten alive by mosquitoes on a lake in northern Ontarion in August? Bearing in mind that I'm a north European so a big wuss where mosquitoes are concerned.

      LVT - I remember the whole fridge saga from your last birthday! I wonder if men give *appliance* type gifts because they like things like tools and practical stuff. I'm probably wrong, don't have any experience in that area :H

      Greenie - do you have to work weekends now? And what was the answer to DG's question - how do you cut your own hair at the back??

      Lav - put the heating on! It improves everything!

      Hello to everyone to come.

      Right, time for soup for lunch.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

        Morning abbers.

        Marshy, as an Ontarioan I can answer that for you. Yes. Take lots of deet and spray the hell out of yourself.

        What a day yesterday. After all the crap hubby had to go through at work we got a phone call at 6:30 from his stepmom in tears. His dad passed out and fell and was at the hospital. So into the car we go. He has parkinsons and his BP was 62/48. Obviously he was admitted. So today is going to be a lot of running around and we are all very tired. He is stable and joking but he cannot stand up without getting dizzy and is in a lot of pain in his back from the fall. He was lucky, nothing was broken. Yesterday pretty much was just a sucky day all around.

        We were hoping for a relaxing football day today but now not sure what it will bring. Both of us are exhausted, didn't sleep well so we will see what happens.

        I'll keep you all posted. Good news is through the entire ordeal although I was filled with extreme anxiety I at no time had thoughts of drinking. I am so happy about that.

        Okay, off to the hospital. Check back later.
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

          Morning All! A day of football, shopping and playground. Got all the cleaning/laundry done yesterday (sorry Greeneyes!) so today is PLAYTIME!!! Lav, TURN THAT HEAT ON!!! Marshy, if the Mosquitoes are anything like here in the summer, they are tiny armies and they attack. If you find something that really works, let me know. Universal, so glad your FIL is doing okay but hope he pulls through this in one piece. Have a great Sunday everyone!
          Living life to the fullest.


            AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

            Chores.... grrrr....

            Cutting tha back of my hair is a leap of faith. That is all.
            Really, a lot of haircutting is "feel". After cutting it, I use the hand mirror to see the back of my hair in the wall mirror and if see a place that isn't quite right, I know what to do to remedy it and can do it without being able to see the cutting.

            I told the different guy about overhearing the conversation which was loud enough for me and my client to hear and said it sounded like a drug deal. I didn't ask him if it was. And he didn't say. As I think turn pointed out, overhearing one side of a conversation can easily be misinterpreted. We are independent contractors and rent space. (so marshy no, I don't HAVE to but right now I need to in order to build a client base and 1/2 day saturdays isn't a big deal as I'm single and it doesn't cut into time with a mate that only has weekends off) But we must function as a cohesive unit in the interest of the shop and our individual success. When I said I signed the lease, it is only as me as an inde contractor; I'm not a partner or anything. I just get a better lease rate in exchange for keeping up with stuff like credit card receipts, retail sales, supplies, stuff like that. Shit I forgot to get the mail. Different guy can't do it. He says the other girl is a big drinker/partier. I think that was what the drinking conversation was about. Once I get used to it, it'll be cake. I'm just in the learning curve right now. I'm proud to say that I said NO to doing the towels myself. That's like bringing work home. Because the shop is new and he (as the person with the business experience) has no "presence" any more at this early stage, I hope the shop can carry it's own being so new. I plan to enjoy the ride and if it isn't fun, I'll get off. Life is short. So if you see me bitching, remind me of that, OK? :new: :H

            Lav, 36! Yikes. It's gorgeous here. Long sleeve afternoons, light jacket nights.

            LVT, I'd do whatever necessary to not have someone else's self-induced snoring interrupt my sleep. And it wouldn't be me sleeping in my lesser choice of rooms. duct tape

            bear, you amaze me with the amount of books you've read. Did you read the one chief suggested?

            Marshy check this out. Fishermen swear by it. The ORIGINAL Bug Shirt - protection from biting insects without repellents since 1991

            Uni, today's a new day. :l

            Mtnmama, have a fun day! Envious here!

            OK, I have to go meet a friend at the river
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

              Wazzz up Dudes!!!

              Jeez, so much happens around here when you are gone for such a short while?

              Quick update on my screen test for ?Gonad the Barbarian? ? they said I didn?t quite ?fit the part?? But I am auditioning for another one ? ?Driving Miss. Daisy Crazy?. I feel like I have a ?shot? at this one. (ok, I admit that one was bad?..).

              First the most important things I need to say?

              CONGRATS TURNAGAIN! Very Freaking awesome.
              I?m sorry I missed the party.

              Happy belated 29th birthday LVT!

              I have so much reading to do here I?ll never catch up. But I do so enjoy hearing what everyone is up to.

              So, you know that mental week I took off? I?m paying it back in spades. Mrs. IJM is getting a little ?torked? as well. I go to work every morning. When I leave the office (I have a 1 hour drive) I get calls from work. I walk in the door at home and in less than 30 minutes, I get calls from work. Friday night we were out shopping and I got a work call. That was when Mrs. IJM expressed her displeasure? The deal is that I have to take the calls. This is the start of the flu season and coming up on the end of most everyone?s prescription insurance plan year so that is when I am the most busy.

              Yesterday I got a truck load of fire wood (yes, it is starting to get cool here in God?s country). Let me paint a picture for you. I am setting in my favorite chair, feet up, laptop in my lap (still wearing my robe-lazy Sunday). My baby dog is in the chair beside me snoring. (I crack up when she does that ? she has an ?Elvis Snarl? when she sleeps). I have a fire in the fire place, and the house is totally quite except the crackling of the fire. A Sunday morning doesn?t get much better than this!

              I have big plans for Halloween ? I am taking the day off. I am going to be smoking some farm animal (not sure the type yet) all day. Then around 5PM we are going to block off our cul-de-sac. We will set up a long table and I will put my outdoor fireplace in the middle of the cul-de-sac. Then all of our neighbors will have a outdoor bar-b-que. As the kids show up for candy, rather than going to each house, we will have one big candy handout. This is the first time we have done this and I think it sounds pretty fun. Also, this is the first big social event that I have done sober. We usually have at least one annual BBQ that I host and I am usually lightly toasted by the end of the evening. I?m looking forward to enjoying this AF.

              Ok, I gotta fix lunch then I have a lot of catch up reading to do here. I hope everyone has an awesome day!



                AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

                Well all the books in the world won't help me until I finally accept deep down - i can't drink - ever.
                No more experimenting - that's it - I'm done.

                Disappointed with myself but I have really accepted it FINALLY - I can't drink - I feel rubbish today - didn't even enjoy it at the time.
                getting my program together - no matter what else - I won't drink.I get it having to be the first priority - I GET IT.
                one day at a time


                  AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

                  Good Sunday Morning To Everyone!!!!!
                  I actually got to sleep in until 8:30am!!! It's pretty sad that I consider that sleeping in, but when you have 3 kids under 8, 6:30am wake-up calls are the norm. My 8 year old will wake up * plop herself on the computer; my 7 yr old will wake up, come snuggle with me & fall back to sleep, but my 4 year old......"Mommy! I'm hungry. MOMMY!!! Get up! I'm hungry!" Give it another couple years & she'll be making her own cereal. I do love mornings with them though. This morning the 8 yr old made smoothies for them all, then me & the other two made some doughnuts with maple frosting. Nothing like HUGE sugar rushes to start the day!
                  IJM - Glad to hear from you. Your Halloween idea sounds like a blast!!!! Make sure you get the neighbors joining you to bring a side dish so you don't get stuck supplying everything. I wish my neighborhood did things like that. Alcohol is the worst thing to mix with neighborhood get-togethers so it's awesome that you'll be sober. Nothing's worse than doing something stupid cuz you're drunk & then you're stuck living next to the people who witnessed it for years to come. A common thing here in the Northwest parts where we live is something called "trunk or treat". Rather than having the kids go door to door, people park their cars in a parking lot with trunks open & kids go "trunk or treating" to each of the cars. It sounds like your party can kind of be the same thing, just minus the cars; each neighbor with their own bag of goodies.
                  Kaslo - Maybe I'm being sick in the head, but I kind of like your husband's saying "No blood - No sympathy". Of course, it's probably a guy thing; I can't see my maternal side getting away with it if one of the kids gets hurt. They still think kisses cure owies.
                  Marshy - As for the mosquitos, I don't know if anyone sells Avon products in your area, but they make this spray called Skin So Soft. It wasn't made to be a mosquito repellant, but that's exactly what people have been using it for for years. The added bonus is that you don't smell like repellant when you spray it. My biggest piece of advise for you, whether you find the Skin So Soft or not, is to make sure you cover ALL parts of your body. It is amazing how those little buggers can find the one spot on your ear, or your ankle that you happened to miss covering up.
                  LAV - I have to say, I'm with you on the whole putting off the heat thing. When it's 40 degrees out, my husband will bump our heater up to 72-74. I run hot, so for me, that is baking! I prefer to keep it at about 68. Nothing's worse than him running around the house in a pair of shorts, complaining about how cold it is. HELLO?????? He owns like 20 sweatshirts! Make use of them!
                  Greeneyes - In my years as a barber, I found that a large majority of them are drinkers. My fellow barbers & I used to comment on how barbers are definitely an "odd" group. Maybe it's because the license gives us the freedom to wonder wherever we want to in that line of work. We can do or be whoever we want to, and if it doesn't work out, we can move on. Since the shop is just starting out, have you considered doing small promotions? Punch cards - Buy 5 (or 10) haircuts, get next one free; Senior citizen discount day? Family discount (usually for dads & sons?)? Gift cards for Christmas? I was fortunate enough to be part of a barber shop that went through a lot of these promotions & to this day, it is one of the most established barber shops in that town.
                  I'm sorry I'm being such a rambler. I actually had something to share with Uni about dealing with anxiety, but I'll save that for another post. My husband is begging for my attention, so I must wrap this up. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!!!!!
                  "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                    AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

                    Hello Fabbers,

                    Wow, what a diverse and interesting group this has become. I love it.

                    Greenie, my daughter "did" hair. She was a Master Stylist. After the birth of two children in a row, that went down the toilet, but, she tells me that Salons are rife with alcoholics and drug addicts. As you well know, she is an alcoholic herself. She used to have to run "next door" when she was having shakes to make them go away so she wouldn't have shaky hands while cutting hair. She said that always seemed to make the clients nervous for some reason. :-)

                    Amazingly, her clients still call her and want her to do their hair. She is one of the best stylists/colorists I have ever known. No bias here, though....


                    Years ago when my children were in elementary school, we lived on a cul-de-sac. The parents used to get together for occasions and we would block off the road, we had a police officer who actually brought a barricade and put it up, and we would have block parties. They were so much fun. The children would skate, bike, run around and play and the grown ups loved the time just sitting and watching the fun. That was "back in the day" when I wasn't a drunk. I did drink but not to complete and total idiocy. Very fond memories. Some hilarious July the 4ths.


                    You never know what inspiration a book might bring. Being a reader, I bought the book and am going to read it today. :-)


                    I am with you. No heat yet. It costs money and it dries out my skin and sinuses. I will wait. I have warm clothes. However, here in Chicago, the weather is gorgeous today??? I was expecting cold. Being the IT person I am, one would have thought I would have looked up the weather online.


                    Some days just suck, don't they? Sometimes the day becomes more than a day. But, a sucky day sober is better than a good day drunk. I hope your FIL comes out of this okay.

                    MtnMomma, Hello.

                    DG and all others, a shout out.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

                      Hi all, no time. Here was my lunch spot today on Little Slocan Lake. We just hooked the boats together and drifted.

                      Sorry, no time, gotta get some wood in before it gets dark.


                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

                        Lav- I'm with you on delaying the heat gratification. tonite is the first nite it's really felt cold in the house-it's 62 inside. i just put the down comforter on my bed-can't wait to snuggle in with the pooches.

                        IJM-thank god you're back!! no more worrying us again OK? your sunday sounded idyllic. my next house is going to have fireplace but for now i will save up for an electric one that is also an entertainment center.

                        Greenie-thanks for illuminating us on the scope of your new venture. i sure hope it works out for you!

                        Marshy-your nose got all stuffy too when you drank? i thought it was just me and this house but come to think of it my sinus problems were pretty much nil this past year year!

                        GAC-cool that you got to sleep in! back to reality tomorrow right? :upset:


                        hey to Turn, MtnMomma, Treya, studious DG, LVT, Kas and anyone i missed.

                        Shoulder kills today. i don't know how i made it through work. had to push the wheelchairs one handed. can't wait for 8pm when i can take another Aleve-maybe 2! will most likely call off work tomorrow-driving was torture and i am typing one handed. hand is pretty swollen-glad i had tjhe foresight to take my ring off this morning!

                        will call it an early night Fabbies.
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

                          xpost kas! oh my! THAT IS ALL!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

                            Wow, what a group we have......everyone living their own lives and dealing with personal issues yet we all have a common thread and relate to eachother so's just cool!

                            I love being sober and I love hearing about others who remain sober while facing life's journey. And I love seeing people who are still struggling but can see a glimpse of sobriety in their future because of the success of others here. I hope that makes sense...
                            We must never give up. You never know when you will wake up one day and say, that's it....I'm done drinking, it's not worth the battle. The only way to stop the fight with alcohol is to step out of the ring.

                            Have a great Monday everyone!



                              AF Daily ~ Sunday 10/23

                              bear73;1197146 wrote: Well all the books in the world won't help me until I finally accept deep down - i can't drink - ever.
                              No more experimenting - that's it - I'm done.

                              Disappointed with myself but I have really accepted it FINALLY - I can't drink - I feel rubbish today - didn't even enjoy it at the time.
                              getting my program together - no matter what else - I won't drink.I get it having to be the first priority - I GET IT.
                              Great post Bear. Go for it! :h

                              Spot on Don. Great to see you again, and i always enjoy your post's.

                              I cut my own hair too usually. Including the back. :H I do go to a professional now and then though just to check it. The last barber i went to about 2 yrs ago, reckoned i'd been doing a good job! It is a bit hit and miss though i suspect!

                              Have a great week Fabber's!

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

