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October Opportunities - week 4

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    October Opportunities - week 4

    :welcome: to week four guys, let's take as many opportunities as we can on our final week!
    And names please for our November antics.........

    SD - I had to read your post fast in my head to get into the role of you! Boy between you and Papmom there is enough energy to light a town :H speak very nicely to Lav and she may hire you out YB

    Lav - the Insanity Twins could have their own Disney show with voice overs! Actually Lav I've been trying to think of ways to get out of my weekly meet ups with my Sisters, they are lovely but I have absolutely NOTHING in common with them. Our interests, values, outlook on life and things we want to talk about couldn't be more different. I have spoken to my Mum about it and I think she understands. I'm going to cut it back to every other weekend, there are just too many other things I want to do with my time off....

    Papmom - healing vibes coming your way :l, I need some too. Woke up with terrible pain in my knee, have taken an anti inflammatory and put a support bandage on it.

    I think I've been borrowing that mantra, over the weekend Starty and I decided we are going to go for our NLP Practitioners Certificate. The course is not until next May (wish it was sooner!) and it will mean staying in London for 8 days there are other things I want to get involved in too and I'm going to take full advantage of what's available in the UK over the next year which I never has access to before.

    Wishing you all a wonderful AF Monday.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    October Opportunities - week 4

    Good morning everyone

    Thanks for starting us off Chill. I have not been able to get near the computer all week-end so have a lot of catching up to do. My daughter was home from university and she has her first lot of assignments due so she took over the office the whole time she was here!! I think you are right Chill about taking time out from your sisters if that is what you want. I was just saying to a friend of mine that by the time I reach 60 I will probably be a hermit. I just cannot bring myself to be around negative people or those I dont really like anymore. Might be part of growing older. Speaking of which I hit the big 50 at the end of this week. Glad I have made the effort to be AF before it. I am starting the next decade with a lot more of a positive attitude.

    Some of you might remember me saying that we had applied for our second daughters US citizenship during the summer. I had planned to combine the interview with a family holiday. It did not work out that way and she has just been called for interview on 2nd November in New York. Looks like that is what I will be doing for my birthday. Dont mind really, I have done a deal with her, I will go around the shops with her if she comes to a Broadway play with me.

    Going to be a busy week trying to get everything sorted. Will have a think about November names. Hope everyone had a great AF week-end and enjoy the week.



      October Opportunities - week 4

      Good morning Octoberettes!

      Chill, hope your knee feels better soon! Funnyhow those things just pop up
      About your sisters - I guess we always want something we know we can't have.......
      I was always a bit jealous of friends who had a sister (even though they did a lot of fighting as youngsters). They seem to be friends now at this stage in life. Brothers are cold & uncaring for the most part. Good luck with your NLP certification.

      Rustop, I remember last year your wish was to be AF by the time you turn 50 - you've done it
      A trip to NY could be a fun way to celebrate. I hope you both enjoy yourselves & be prepared for some Chilly weather!!

      I'm running late this morning ~ just didn't feel like getting myself moving this morning. Could be age related as I am turning 58 in December :H
      Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

      SD - YB does have a good snow blower - good luck

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        October Opportunities - week 4

        Good morning to all!

        I had an incredibly busy weekend, daughter, son-in-law, and his mother came on Friday night. Shopping on Saturday for the entire day at an outside outlet mall. It was a wonderful day. The weather was perfect, and we split up, got together for lunch, split up again. I was able to buy my daughter her first anniversary gift, a new set of dishes, something I really wanted to do. Then in the evening, I had made Italian beef in the crock pot, so we tailgated at home and watched the Notre Dame Game. That was sad as they lost by so much. Sunday everyone left around lunch, then the big clean up, laundry and preparing for the week. Plus, we spent time outside raking, something I love to do, yardwork. A perfect fall day, but no wonder I feel tired today!!!

        Chill, how funny, a cult. I swear people make up the most ridiculous things. When I hear gossip, I always question whether it is true as things get exaggerated as they are told over again. I understand seeing your family every other weekend as that is a big committment. Cool that you are going to get your NLP certification. I can see you as an alternative healer in the future with numerous certificiations. That would be a wonderful way to make a living.

        Papmom, just one thing after another for your. Sending you peace and healing energy.

        Rusty, you sound so at peace and just enjoying being AF and healthy. Enjoying the fall weather and being outdoors, it really doesn't get any better. How lovely to share chicken soup with your mother and watch the game. Lucky you.

        Rustop, I understand about not being able to get to the computer with both you kids home. My house was a zoo this weekend and I just could not get any time to visit MWO.

        Dew, pleased to hear you are getting a kick out of your granddaughter, she sounds darling.

        Cyn, dogs are so much work, whatever it takes to make it easier for you. I was thinking what an adjustment this move has been with totally different weather, foliage, different bugs, etc. You will have a cozy winter for sure. I did not realize that you were renting and not buying a house. Lots of work unpacking and settling in.

        Lav, you are so funny refusing to turn on the heat, but a good fire sounds warm and inviting.

        I have to work later today and am struggling with a sore throat, so will rest the entire morning. I was too busy and enjoy more balance in my life. I have a goal to eat well this week and exercise a bit every day. To all, have a lovely day, AF.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          October Opportunities - week 4

          Morning, all! Thanks, Chill for getting us going - SD, read your post from last night, whew! Hope your colleague appreciates the cake. Lav - we interrupted 4 white-tailed deer feeding this morning up by the house - they took off with white tails flagging... I need lessons on keeping dogs in the do you handle your pups outside?

          Chill - I'll have to read back and see what you said about your NLP London weekend. I was online briefly just before you went, and then wasn't able to get back on to hear the results. It must have been a good weekend, since you want to do more! I love the idea that perhaps you were drawn to the UK for a time so that you can soak up all the studies that you can get you know much about Reiki healing, I'm being drawn to look into that. Hope your knee is better ---

          After wrestling with the whole invisible fence thing, I canceled it this morning. Just showing the training leash to my boy dog was enough to make him run to his crate, so that's a clear message. Have decided to fence a part of the yard (if the landlord goes for it) that will not ruin the view, but will allow the pups to use a doggy door and have room to run, play and sniff. (So there's another unexpected expense. I'm trying to do happy $$ affirmations, but honestly, this whole move thing seems to be drawing down the well precipitously!)

          Dew - can you share what you're thinking about for a new career? I am looking into retraining as well, as I'm so burned out on the whole Move Facilitation thing...

          Rustop - happy upcoming 50th!! I spent my 50th birthday completely in transit for 18 hours, but I was coming home from Ireland, so it was very worth it. I can't believe that you'll be a mere 2 hours from me when you're in NYC! The rest of my furniture is arriving that weekend, so I can't slip away, and anyway your plate will be more than full with what you have planned. But maybe someday?.... (PS - don't know what shows you are planning on seeing, but if there is anyway to wrangle a ticket for 'Warhorse', see it. It is absolutely unbelievable, one of the most incredible theater experiences I've ever had - I know a movie is coming out, but the play version is really something special).

          Best wishes for everyone on an easy beginning to the week -
          to the light


            October Opportunities - week 4

            X-post, Star! Wishing you a balanced week -
            to the light


              October Opportunities - week 4

              Ok so I broke down and turned the heat on this morning-it was 59 in the house!! Too cold for me!! I only put it at 62 so that's not too bad but it takes the chill off.

              Cyn-great decision on the fence! I hope your landlord goes for it and even offers to pay at least half if not the whole thing-definitely a pro for future renters with kids OR pets!! As far as dogs in the country? No idea. WE'll let Lav help you with that!

              Chill-nice on the NLP certification! It is sooo you!

              SD-geesh!! where did you get all that energy! You should bottle it!! Hope you were able to get up this morning :H!!!

              Just hanging around today. Called into work-can't really drive anyway and typing is very laborious. I'm treating with heat and Aleve and hoping it will work. I will probably see if I can work Wed nite at the NH instead of tonite just to give my arm even more time to rest.

              Closing tomorrow!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                October Opportunities - week 4

                papmom, my house was 62 degrees this morning & I still haven't turned the heat on yet. When it drops to below 60 in here then I will break down & turn it on. I hear rain is on the way this week so that might just push me - I don't like cold & damp

                Are you sure you don't need to get yourself x-rayed??
                Hope you feel better soon :l

                As far as dogs around here - I hate to say it but they all kind of roam around. We teach them to stay off the road, don't chase the deer Maxie, etc but they do visit the neighbors once in a while :H My BIL's dog comes over & pees on everything - yuck. I usually tell him to go home.... The pit bull next door is now in a kennel (since he chewed up my BIL's dog). I also worry about the folks who feel the need to walk their horses down the road - there's no need for them to do that but they do

                OK, back to work for me
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  October Opportunities - week 4

                  Evening guys

                  Rustop - celebrating the big 5 0 in New York sounds like fun! I hope you get to check out that play Cyn recommended.

                  Lav - my Sisters are lovely people but we couldn't be more different, I'd secretly love to know what they make of me :H I know im the "odd" one but they'd rather talk about something that's going on on some tv show where as I want to talk about our souls and our past lives

                  Star - I hope that sore throat doesn't come to anything, it may just be your body saying it's tired after your busy weekend. After all the recent chat on MWO about Jason Vale's book on quitting alcohol, I have had to order it to get his take on things. I also ordered his book on healthy eating which I know is big on juicing, I fancy a change in my diet to kickstart me on a healthier road. I will let you know how I find it.

                  Cyn - I loved the NLP course although if I'm honest I didn't learn heaps of new stuff. It was really great to discover however that I was already incorporating lots of the practices in my life already. One thing I don't do is the tapping practice and Id like to get together with Starty who is great at that part so she can help me with it. I really sympathize with your unexpected expenses. Moving is a costly business and I don't want to even think about how many hidden extras I had in my recent one.

                  Papmom - I wish your arms a speedy recovery. My knee seems on the mend but I'm resting it tonight hoping I can exercise tomorrow.

                  Actually I've been dog tired all day for some reason and im heading to bed shortly. It made me realize how good I usually feel and gave me a flash back to days with mild hangovers.... :yuk: how did I EVER put up with feeling so lousy so much of the time!!??!

                  Catch you tomorrow Octoberoonies.......
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    October Opportunities - week 4

                    Evening all!!

                    Well not exactly sure how well the cake went over??? I suppose it was the thought that counted! :H It's suppose to be a fun thing at school where someone brings something to eat that is pink and blue...however this gal wanted to "trick" everyone and have me decorate the "treats" in chocolate frosting and halloween no one would know they were pregnancy treats until they cut into them....I think most people thought I just totally screwed up the cake is all!! :H

                    Chill--I can completely relate to how you feel about the sister thing. I feel the same way around mine too. I think I'm pretty much the "odd" on in our family and very different from the two of them. The one that is a year younger than me is VERY high maintenance and is "taken care of" by her very wealthy husband and my youngest sister has been fed with a golden spoon all her life and wouldn't know how to live in the "real world" if she had to! Both pretty consumed with their weight and how small the other is (and recently even me...which is HILARIOUS!!!) Anyway...I don't give a crap about money, clothes, fancy cars, country club life or stuff like that...pretty black sheep, but I like it better that way!!

                    Pap3 (and Chill)--Have either of you heard of Arnica?? I maybe spelling that wrong! My stepdad swears by that stuff for healing sore, bruised, swollen, aching...anything hurting body parts....and I have to admit...I honestly believe it works too!! If you can find some I'd take it...I believe it's natural...only because I can find it in our "Natural Abundance" store here. Happy Healing!!

                    Lav--I didn't mean YOUR YB!!:H I wanted my OWN YB! And speaking of sister and her husband are going to be moving to Seattle (her husband got offered a job with Microsoft) and I get their snowblower...guess it only rains there...yea me!!! Now if they can just find me a man that works at Microsoft that goes with the snowblower!! Heehee!!

                    Cyn--I think the gate sounds awesome!! I so wish I had some extra money to gate my backyard for my dog...I know she would just love it!!! She goes crazy when she gets to run free...and I mean CRAZY!!!! LOL!!

                    Star--sounds like we had about the same day of yard work!! Oh my though....I am SOOO sore today!!! Holy buckets my back is sore!!! You know that that spot between your shoulder blades that is impossible to reach to rub!!??:H

                    Rustop---Awwww.....New York!!! I love New York!!! Finally some place I've been!! I actually want to take my son there this summer!! Or some place...I'm not sure...I was really leaning toward NY...but then I was thinking going some place more "beach-y"!! LOL!!
                    Also, congrats on reaching your "50 Goal"!! Awesome job!!

                    Rusty--I've always wanted to know how to make homemade chicken noodle soup!! I'm sure there are recipes on the web....but would you mind sharing yours??? DO you use those fat noodles?? Do you know what I'm talking!! So......who's the only winning football team in the NFL???? JUUSSTTTT CuriouSSSSS??!!!! HHAAAA!!!!!!

                    Well....I better head for bed....once again...after 11:00 here....I think most days I run on fumes...that and oreos!!! Have a great Tuesday!!!
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      October Opportunities - week 4

                      Good Tuesday morning kids!

                      Am I really the first one here - it's after 9 am.

                      Partly sunny so I'm going to try to spend some time outdoors, rain on th eway for tomorrow.

                      SD, I simply have no interest in firing up gasoline or diesel fueled machines other than my car :H
                      The snowblower, the tractor, the tiller, the weed whacker can all sit in the garage & collect dust. I just don't wanna touch them :H
                      Have you ever been to Virginia Beach or the Outer Banks for vacation? Nice beaches there & plenty of other stuff to see & do

                      Well, I need to get in gear - haven't even fed my starving animals yet!
                      Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        October Opportunities - week 4

                        Hey all,
                        Busy day ahead of me, still fighting this sore throat thing. I have been doing lots of deep breathing, rest, and healthy eating. Wish I could stay home, but too many things going on at work. To all, have a great day.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          October Opportunities - week 4

                          Hi everyone

                          Just a quick check in from me. Am really busy trying to organize everything for next week. It is so frustrating. We submitted everything last June and only get a week's notice of the interview and he has scheduled it at 8 a.m. We are dealing with a real ****, did not answer e-mails, wrote for stuff we had already sent in. The first e-mail we got he wrote his name in about font 30. Hope it goes ok for her. Also we are paying top dollar for everything as it is last minute, aghhhh.

                          Well thats my vent for the day. Star - hope you are soon feeling better. Cyn - good to see you back, hope you get sorted with your doggies. Everyone else big hello.



                            October Opportunities - week 4

                            Hey everybody,
                            Just checking in. Had such a busy weekend. My father in law died about six weeks ago and we had his memorial this weekend. Lots of people from out of town. Wonderful to have my sons home altogether. Speaking of siblings, I must say I have been blessed with 3 boys/young men who love each other, love hanging out together, are always there for one another. Its so great to just watch them be together. The memorial was beautiful. My father in law was an engineer, an educator and a social activist, loved by many people.

                            Chill, I learned a while ago that some family members, though I love them, I don't necessarily enjoy spending time with them. With my sister, we have so much baggage that goes along with our relationship, that we get along the best in small doses.

                            Rustop, your daughter might go to college/university in New York? How exciting. My three all went far away for school. It took getting used to but now they know people from all over the country.

                            SD, congrats on that snow blower. I can just see you tellin' that Dakota winter to bring it on.

                            Pap, what did you do to your arm.

                            Star, your weekend sounds like mine, full of family, food, sports. Careful with your sore throat.

                            Cyn, Lav am envying your country living. Hey Rusty, Dew.

                            I'm doing okay. Have my court date a week from today. Have been working hard on staying in the moment, taking care of myself, asking others for moral support and getting it. So am feeling pretty calm about court. It is what it is, nothing I can't do to undo something I did in the past.

                            I'm off guys for a bike ride. It's 70, will it ever get cold??


                              October Opportunities - week 4

                              Wow rustop, I'm sorry you have to deal with such an idiot like that!
                              When all is said & done I hope you can find some way to report him to his supervisor.....

                              star, I used to take Ecinachea at the first sign of cold/whatever symptoms & I think it helped. I ready should get some of that in before something happens. Hope you feel better soon

                              I am actually kicking some house cleaning butt today - :yay:
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

