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October Opportunities - week 4

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    October Opportunities - week 4

    I, too enjoyed watching that World Series Game!! I was very glad to see the Cardinals win!!! After the win they pulled of in game six, they sooooo deserved it!!!!

    As far as Sunday drinking...I think it was like any other day for me....except if I forgot to buy extra wine....then I knew I had to drink beer....which if I was lucky we'd go to my parents for dinner and they ALWAYS drink wine with dinner, so I knew I could kick start my buzz before I left there and keep it going with beer the rest of the night when I got home.....GAWD, drinking CONSUMED my mind, you guys!!!!! It SUCKED SO BAD!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that it hardly ever even creeps into my thoughts!!!!!!

    Sped--did everything go ok on Monday? If you don't want to share, I totally understand...just hopin' everything turned out ok!!:l:l to the grocery store and then....the dreaded cleaning of the bathrooms!!!! G-G-G-ROOSSSSS!!!!!! My son has an "aiming" problem if you know what I mean?!?!:flush::yukko::yukko:
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      October Opportunities - week 4

      11 pm & I'm just getting a chance to check back in here.....
      For someone with no plans for the day I sure ended up busy as hell :H :H

      Thanks for the monthly summary Chill
      We are a bit goofy, aren't we???

      Shelley, the church of Beethoven sounds awesome, glad you enjoyed yourself!

      papmom, I assume AAA finally showed up for you

      SD, I distinctly remember being so grossed out with the little boy bathroom thing I finally made him clean up after himself. Every time I found a puddle of pee on the floor (or elsewhere) I went right after the kid, dragged him in the bathroom & stood over him until he cleaned it up :H
      The vegan mac & cheese recipe you can find on Fatfree Vegan Recipes
      I have been lactose intolerant since my late 20's & am now completely intolerant of any dairy. I really, really miss, out of necessity I am searching for alternatives. If you do try it don't expect the taste of sharp cheddar cheese or anything - think of a mild cheesey flavor

      I spent some time with yB today - he seems to want to hang out so what the hell. I'm just letting it all unfold & not expecting anything or trying to control anything. DIL & grandsons were here for dinner too. Got some work done, etc. etc.

      Hitting the hay now, night all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        October Opportunities - week 4

        Good Morning and Happy Halloween From Ohio!

        Welcome, Lodestar! Let us know how you're doing.

        Papmom and Jolie-I hope you guys are ok, and you have electricity. I watched the news this morning and hope to God this weather will not have a negative impact on work, your families, etc.

        Chill-thanks for the lovely summary, as always!

        Shelley-I've never heard you so positive and you seem so happy. Oh yes, I remember those dreadful Monday mornings. In my worst drinking year, 2008, I would say that 2 Mondays a month I awoke with a puffy face, and hungover...and to think that I drank on Sundays because I didn't want to have to think about Mondays. Like the drinking really helped. I cringe to think if I just reeked of booze when I was with clients on Mondays. No, I didn't do anything in Chicago but work for about 14 hours. It's only an hour and 45 minutes away from me so if I really want to enjoy the city, I can. Shelley, I have an update for you remember me telling you about my friend's husband....the prominent community leader who got his first (and only) DUI at the age of 64? Well, it's been 9 years, and that DUI is what got him to be sober and stay sober. I saw him yesterday, my God he looks like he's about 60. No more puffy face, bloodshot eyes, big gut. He looks like a million bucks. He was a fifth a day vodka drinker for YEARS. He said if hadn't gotten that DUI, he never would have quit drinking.

        SD-yes, boys....what don't they get about the aiming part.

        Lav, I laughed hysterically when you told me how you cured your son of his aiming problem. I can just see you doing dragging that kid back into the bathroom. "DO YOU SEE THAT??!!! CLEAN UP THAT MESS!!!" :H I have not forgotten about the baby blanket and pillows. We'll be in touch this week.

        Rustop...I am thinking of you and wondering how your NYC trip is going...especially with this weather.:upset:

        Ok, I have to do some work before work. A cheery hello to anyone I may have missed. Have a wonderful AF Halloween!


          October Opportunities - week 4


          Oooppps....cross-post. I have not forgotten about my pillows, either. We'll be in touch this week. Oh, and the blanket for Briar.


            October Opportunities - week 4

            The last day of October, I can't believe it. I had a miserable weekend, sick the entire time, so will try again to find a doctor and meds. Of course, I still have to work, but that will be good for me as sitting around does not help.

            Sunday drinking, ugh. What a way to start the week, hungover and sick. No thank you.

            So sorry to hear about the massive snow out east. Pap, just take care of yourself. You have certainly had adventures with transportation.

            To all, have a great AF day.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              October Opportunities - week 4

              I was in such a mad rush I didn't check in here this morning - geez!

              Got myself up, coffee-d, showered, dressed, fed chickens, fed the cockatiel, fed Maxie, workout done at Curves, stops at bank & gas station & arrived at my son's house by 9:45 this morning (not sure about the mileage). Wtched the boys until my son arrived at almost 2 pm. (only had to change 1 poopy diaper). Back home, fed myself (finally), did a load of laundry, stitched up 3 ebay sales, fed Maxie again, collected eggs & I still have a few hours of work left to do - I'm tired :H

              Star, hope you find some relief soon! No one should feel like that for such a long time....

              Rusty, just let me know what you need & when

              I'm thinking rustop probably ran into some flight delays today - NYC airports are sure to be pretty well snowed in....

              papmom, hope you have your head above the snow piles!

              A quick granny nap would be nice right about now but I can't - boo hoo.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                October Opportunities - week 4

                :anyone:WHERE IS EVERYONE????

                I am in Ohio working until Wednesday, and I am checking to see if our East Coast friends are there, safe, sound, and warm.

                THIS IS A COME OUT, COME OUT, CALL TO PAPMOM, JOLIE, CYN AND RUSTOP. I am praying you guys are ok with the raging storm that has affected the East Coast.

                Cassia-where did you go, woman?

                Dew-I haven't heard from you recently.

      're probably sleeping.

                Lav, please read your e-mail.




                Don't worry about me, I am A-OK....working with a new and nice client...but I am a I'm just sayin.:h

                I love you guys.


                  October Opportunities - week 4

                  No worries here Rusty! I'm fine and the snow is melting fast with temps in the 40s and in the 50s tomorrow. Lots of damage tho-rivals the ice storm of 08!! My bro and sis are still without power. My sis and fam are at a hotel indefinitely, by bro and fam are roughing it with a generator, the wood stove and the grill for cooking. Not too shabby!!

                  Wierd night at work-the dementia crew were in rare form!! I go solo (sort of) on Thurs. Still not sure I want to do this long term. I'd rather do something from home. To that effect, I added a new post to my blog, Agility Fool. I saw that I have earned a whopping $.21 so far! :H That was in June. Should only take me 10 more years to get my first Ad Sense check! :H Obviously blogging isn't going to do it but there's got to be something out there!

                  kids are fed and business done for the first go around. One more let out and then to bed with tea for me. Scratchy throat and dry cough since Saturday. yech. Hope it doesn't get any worse! If I was still drinking it would turn into bronchitis for sure. And yet I convinced myself all those years that AL was killing the germs! What a fool!!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    October Opportunities - week 4

                    [PAPMOM, SO GLAD YOU ARE OK!!

                    Ok, 1 down, 3 to go.


                      October Opportunities - week 4

                      I'm here today too...just a long day with no, errands, eat pizza, get ready for trick and treating...took kids out for the evening...just got home and got "candy high" son in bed...ugh..I'm exhausted!!! At one point, I had to circle back to the house and get the car..I had enough of the walking house to house....I swear my son would have kept going all night if I would have let him!!
                      I hope everyone had a SPOOK-TACUALR Halloween!!!
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        October Opportunities - week 4

                        rustop59;1198671 wrote: Hi everyone

                        I too like that name Rusty. Have had a busy few days getting things organised so even though I dont get to post I am thinking of you all and read whenever I get a chance. Good to have you back on board Cyn, I too miss hearing from Dill, Sooty, John, hope they are all ok.

                        Its really dark here this morning. Our clocks change at the week-end so we will have really long evenings. Terrible flooding this week but we were lucky to escape any damage.

                        Got to go make school lunch, have a great day everyone.

                        I went to the doctor again yesterday as I was ill again and it was a useless waste of time and money. I woke up this morning with swollen glands and feeling sick, but I am told I am OK. The weather has changed drastically and is is really cold, but no snow. I think this is affecting my sinuses and I don't like it. I will go to work anyway as I only get paid if I go. This weekend will be rest, rest, rest. Then I think I will heal. Sorry to be such a whiner.
                        virtual assistant

