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October Opportunities - week 4

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    October Opportunities - week 4

    Cross post Shelley
    Glad you are doing well. Staying in the moment is the best thing we can do for ourselves :l
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      October Opportunities - week 4

      It's an AF Tuesday and I'm at h-h-h-h-h-ome. This is how I feel today.:bananacomputer::danthin::cheering

      It's a lovely fall day, I'm not traveling, and I just got my hair cut and colored and and it's three different shades. WHOO WHOO! And, I am a happily AF person.

      Regarding names for November....just a wild thought....."Nouveau November." Since nouveau means "new" in French, and it is a new November, a new month, a new opportunity to begin/remain AF....I thought, well, it's kind of catchy. I had 3 Novembers in a row where my drinking was every day...every night....all the while thinking that "I'm so happy." Oh what a crock. It's so different for me now.

      Chill-you are so sweet the way you talk about your sisters, and although you love them, you are not interested in what TV shows they are watching.:l It must kill you to make small talk with them. I am glad you see their positive apsects. I can't stand shallow people....and I'm around them all the time. Who gives a shit about who is on Dancing With The Stars and America Idol?! Like you, I would rather talk about topics with meaning. What is NLP, though? No Losers, Please. HAAHAHAH! Just kiddin.'

      Lav-Is your house Spic 'N Span now? I, uh, will be contacting you regarding my-soon-to-be-placed order. Geez.....good thing I work!:H

      SD-What a game! Did you see it? OMG! A real nail biter. Regarding sore muscles, my cousin is a natural health practitioner and she swears by Arnica. I've used does work. It's my mom's homemade chicken soup....I've never made it. I would butcher it.

      Star-hope you're feeling better. My friends swear if they take Zycam (OTC) when they feel a cold coming on, that if they take Zycam, the cold lasts only a day or so and it's not so bad. Hope you are feeling better.

      Rustop-We can't wait to celebrate your 50th! So sorry about the jerk and the interview situation. An opportunity to study in NYC? Wow, I would go for it.

      Pap-how are you feeling?

      Shelley-My condolences again on the death of your FIL. I was touched by your love for your 3 sons. Good job for fighting the Beast despite your upcoming court date.

      A cheery hello to Dew, Jolie (where did you go, girl?) Turnagain, and anyone I might have's great to be here!


        October Opportunities - week 4

        Hi guys!

        I'm here - I'm here - actually have logged on every night this week and then get dragged away from my computer for some reason or another. Guess I want to take time to read thru the threads and address everyone and when you don't check in every day - you kind of get lostu

        Lav - so believe it or not, I spent last Friday in Lancaster with a good friend of mine - then my daughter who has never been to Lancaster had off on Saturday and asked me to go with her! Two day straight in Lancaster dodging buggies, shopping the outlets and stopping both days for apple cider donuts (mmmmm). Sunday was church early and then went to watch one of my daughers very best friends growing up play her last college field hockey game - I was absolutely exhausted by Sunday evening! I'm usually the boring type who never does anything or goes anywhere. I've decided that I needed a change! Boredom brings temptation and I don't need that so I'm trying to stay as busy as possible! Please don't think I haven't been here for any other reason - and I'm going to try and check in every night!

        So is everyone ready for Haloween? We live so far out in the sticks that we have never had a trick or treater in the 20+ years that I've lived here.

        Rusty - you sound so positive - good for you! I like Nouveau November! Took 2 years of french so though I'm not fluent, I still like your suggestion!

        Shout out to Rustop - (I'm turning 50 next year - maybe we can compare notes, Lav, SD, Star, Cyn, Sped, Chill - hope you all had a great day!
        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


          October Opportunities - week 4

          Hi Jolie!

          It's so good to see you!!! I have missed you. Don't feel badly about logging on every night....I don't anymore....but I still read!:l We are all so busy. Yes, yes, yes, I am ready for Halloween, as far as decorations. I always decorate for Halloween. I will try and post some pictures. My condo is now French Country Halloween/Thanksgiving...but I never get any trick-or-treaters. So you'll be joining the f-f-f-f-fity crowd soon. Please tell us when so we can celebrate with you.

          Thanks for checking in!!!

 were in Lav's neck-of-the-woods. Yes, I used to go to Lancaster quite a bit. The Amish life is not one I would choose. When I am traveling and in airports, I see the Mennonites (sp?) often. Not as rigid as the Amish, but pretty close. Amazing....the women never look happy. Gee, is it because they have to wear those flowing, frumpy prairie dresses while the men get to dress in Lands' End?


            October Opportunities - week 4

            Rusty & Jolie :H

            The Amish women are miserable because they only get to take a bath one day per week :H
            Honestly, I feel sorry for them & have never encountered one with a half a smile on her face

            Rusty, my blank pillow order finally arrived today. Now I just need to get YB to do the needed maintenace on my machines. He was here Saturday & Sunday & didn't get it done. Said he would be back today then changed his mind & will be here tomorrow. What a PIA!
            I paid a technician to come here years ago & teach YB how to do this stuff - cost me a small fortune
            If he doesn't show up tomorrow there will be hell to pay :b&d:

            Jolie, i hear there are 1000 calories in each of those cider doughnuts - just kidding!
            Glad you enjoyed your trip to scenic Lancaster County. Once you get up to Route 30 the shopping opps are fantastic (esp. since there is nada around here)!
            I'm doing my best to keep boredom out of my life too - it's always been dangerous for me too that along with lonliness.

            I will continue on with my house cleaning tomorrow while my machines are down. You wouldn't believe the dog hair & cobwebs around here :H
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              October Opportunities - week 4

              Good evening all! Hey Sped, so good to hear from you! Yes, country living is better for me than city living, for sure, but there are lots of trade-offs. Also there is something painfully lonely about evening coming...I get a clutch in my chest every evening (used to be craving time, now is just anxiety time). I am working through it, but each night has been a challenge. RE: next week, you are doing such a wonderful job staying in the moment, good for you.

              Rustop - so sorry about all the hassles, good luck with all of it. Good to hear from you, Jolie.

              Lav - I stayed in ?Danville, PA on the drive out here to CT. It was close to a full moon, and so of course I was thinking of you, for that and because I was in your home state! Do you ever hear from PAGuy anymore? What about sister Dill? I miss her voice and pictures.

              SD - yes, arnica does work and it is great. I use the lotion for bruises. Star, ditto the Echinacea idea, and I also use Oil of Oregano capsules (not the kind you cook with). They are super powerful, and almost always have knocked out whatever I was fighting off. Expensive, but you only have to take a few days dose and then you can quit, the bottle usually lasts a long time. Hope you feel better soon. PMom, hows the arm?

              Well, time to do office work...I played hooky earlier in the day, going to a nearby town where they do dog training. I observed a K9 'Nose' class - training the dogs to find specific scents. I think it would be great for my pups. They will need something to focus on, now that I'm not letting them careen around the acreage here. Still trying to figure out the fence thing...

              Wishing all a happy AF evening, and sweet sleep. As LBH used to say 'bon reve rose' (I think that was it anyway...)
              to the light


                October Opportunities - week 4


                Great to see you again!! What kind of dogs do you have? I hear you when you talk about the "clutching" in your, I am so happy for you that you have remained so strong through all of this moving. I've read that moving is in the Top Ten Most Stressful Issues....a close 3rd or 4th to the death of a loved one and losing a job. How is your stepdaughter doing? Are you far from her? I remember you fondly throwing her a surprise 40th birthday party...she'd never had a b-day party before. Sorry if I sound like a 5-year-old with my rapidfire questions.

                Lav-:l Ok...if YB doesn't come and fix your machines, then tell him that this-mad-woman-in Wisconsin is going to kick his _ss! Nope, I've never seen an Amish woman smile. Yup, if I had to wear one of those homely black frocks, a hideous bonnet, and sit next to an ugly guy in a buggy, I wouldn't be smiling either!:H

                Must do some work now....but I'll be back.


                  October Opportunities - week 4

                  cyn, thanks for thinking of me
                  This last full moon didn't bother me as much as usual......I think it's bothering me now or maybe I'm just PO'd because my goofy spouse hasn't been here to fix my machines :H
                  Danville is up in the Poconos, have never been there myself. Sitting by yourself in no man's land is not's something you have to work on. Since my Girl Dog passed away last month I only have my piggy Swissy to keep me company. I just may be looking for a new pup soon

                  Rusty, there will be no more meals served until the maintenance work is done - I guarantee you that :bat:
                  I really, really hate being taken advantage of & have no problem reminding him or the kids of that :H

                  Now I really do want a new puppy..........
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    October Opportunities - week 4

                    Lav - you lost Girl Dog?! OOOh, I'm so sorry, the loss of a dog is so hard to bear. Be kind to yourself (and ps - just a reminder - puppies are soooo different than our older dogs; it's always a shock...)

                    Rusty, you are too sweet to remember that Bday party, just a year ago. The remarkable thing is that all our lives changed at once. We made the leap to come east and HB to cut back on his W2 work. Stepdaughter got re-organized out of her job of 5 years, and landed a new one within a couple of weeks. Thank goodness it is in the east - Durham, NC. South, but still east. I will be going down in a few weeks to help her unpack and get set up, as she will start working as soon as she arrives. (More boxes, I feel like Sisyphus...). How remarkable is all that? AND my mother is ensconced in her new apartment in NE, and her house sold for more than she was asking for it, and she closed last week. So...lots of transitions. Yes, as many here can tell you, moving is terribly stressful - on top of which this is the second time in 8 months I've moved our whole household (and packed it up and unpacked it) by myself. I'm over it.

                    RE: Dogs - I have 2 fantastic weimaraners, both rescues -( you know the dogs that that artist dresses up in ridiculous human outfits and takes famous photos of)? They are wonderful dogs, and have single-handedly gotten me through these last hard months. I drove them with me to NE this summer, and I don't think I would have survived all the work and all the emotions of clearing my childhood home if their steadying presence had not been constantly at my side. Now I feel that I must put on my big girl panties and be as good a pet parent as I can be for them in this very new environment.

                    Thanks for asking all your questions - so glad that you are home for a little bit, I don't know how you do all the travel that you manage!

                    Big hugs all around -
                    to the light


                      October Opportunities - week 4

                      Good early morning to all....

                      After sleeping ten hours Monday night, my sore throat disappeared. Today I woke up at 3:30 a.m., and will now probably be tired all day, but could NOT go back to sleep.

                      Sped, so great to hear from you, sounds like we both had a great weekend. It will be a relief to get the court date over with, no more dreading it. You sound peaceful and in a good place. After the DUI you have had a time of healing and getting yourself together, the silver lining in the dark cloud. Sending you good outcome energy.

                      Cyn, what is it about evening that brings up anxiety? I always feel that I am not doing enough, am just not enough around that time. Isn't that ridiculous? What are your thoughts as dusk appears? I know when I moved six years ago I needed three months of not working just to acclimate to the new house, area, life. It was all positive though and I don't miss the old life. It just took time and patience.

                      Rusty, I like nouveau november, it get's my vote! It is fun to get a new hairstyle and color. I get my hair done on Friday and look forward to it. Always have. Lucky you to have a day off, I want one today!! I could never call off though, the guilt would ruin my day.

                      Jolie, good to hear from you, busy and productive as you are.

                      To all, have a great day.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        October Opportunities - week 4

                        Good morning October friends!

                        Up early myself today but that's a good thing, have lots I want to do today!

                        Star, glad you are feeling better today
                        Darkness has a way of awakening insecurities. Do you think that's learned behavior left over from childhood?

                        Shelley, I hope you know we will all be with you in spirit next week for your court date. You have come so far & can look forward to a wonderful future :l

                        Rusty, I meant to tell you yesterday that I like your November name idea & is very fitting with your brand new hairdo

                        Cyn, hope you have a great day, you too Jolie!
                        Where is the busy papmom?? Hope her arm/shoulder is OK!

                        OK, time to get myself in gear! Wishing everyone a great AF hump day.

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          October Opportunities - week 4

                          Evening guys

                          Sped - I loved what Star said about it being a relief when your court date is over. Its so true, we cause ourselves anxiety over things that havnt even happened yet and no matter the outcome there is always such relief when its behind us. You sound like you are already dealing with it in the right way and I think your attitude is great. Like Lav says we will all be there with you in spirit. :l

                          Rusty - Nouveau November gets my vote too, I love new beginnings!

                          Lav - maybe I could hire you to deal with my ex?! You seem to get better results than I do..... If that fails I will send in Rusty!

                          Cyn - Im so sorry you are feeling anxious. I seemed to be on a strange impenetrable high when I 1st got back to the UK in May, looking back it was an automatic defense mechanism for which I am very grateful. The impact of the move didnt hit for about 3 months when I was struck by dreadful homesickness which I still feel. I deal with it by not allowing myself to go there. Like Sped I seem to have mastered living in the moment for now and not allowing myself to dwell on thoughts of what's next.

                          Star - Im glad the throat is better. I couldnt understand why I was so tired Monday until I realized Id taken a very strong anti inflamatory on sunday. I hate to take medication of any sort and it was only because i was in such pain. It scares me though how it still impacted me the next day.

                          Rustop - When do you leave for NY? I spent my 27th birthday there in the Marriot in Times Square.

                          Jolie - Good to see you here, 50 next year huh! Does that make SD our thread baby? I just turned 47 last month.

                          A SHOUT out for my pink soul sister Papmom urgirl:
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            October Opportunities - week 4

                            Chill, I'll galdly share some of my famous Lavan-ittude with you :H
                            I admit, I have always been a bit stubborn but I am fair & have been told so by many people. Dealing with these men is frustrating to say the least. I really get angry when I feel I am being ignored & that's when the attitude comes out :wow:
                            I just want to be treated fairly & honestly, I'm sure you do as well.

                            Here, you can borrow this: :b&d:

                            and this : :bang

                            and this: :bat
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              October Opportunities - week 4

                              Lavande;1198368 wrote:
                              Here, you can borrow this: :b&d:

                              and this : :bang

                              and this: :bat
                              thats the problem...... its more in my nature to try this: :truce:
                              do this: :xmouth:
                              and pray for this: :lordhelpme:
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                October Opportunities - week 4

                                Hey kids - Star, glad you are better. About the evenings, I can't say that I am thinking anything in particular, there is just a sadness - probably has to do with serotonin levels or something. At this point, I get anxious because I am having trouble feeling safe in this house, but more about that some other time. As for you, I can't imagine you ever thinking that you are not 'enough', my goodness everyone here is a dynamo.

                                Thanks, Chill for your move story. I am actually so happy here, and so happy to be out of the desert that my feelings of an evening don't make a lot of sense...probably just 'transition mode'. Lav, you make me laugh - I could use some of the 'tough but fair' energy. I'll have to call up some Lavanitude and try it on for size every so often.

                                Rusty - definitely love the November name, thanks for the idea. Pmom, Dew you guys still out there? Lav, what about Sooty? Some time ago I thought that you wrote that she was going to be posting again...hmmmm, listen to me, I'm like a dog that wants its pack all together! Hey to Sped, wow what a busy weekend for you - I love to hear how you talk about your sons...

                                Had a real bonus today - in a nearby town I joined the local library (the first publicly supported Library in the US - 1810!) and found that they stock all my favorite BBC shows on DVD (anyone remember 'the Dutchess of Duke Street'?). Then walked down to a consignment store (woo-hoo for the budget), and found 2 pairs of wellies (one for country one for town) for less than I saw for 1 pair online. According to the weather report, I'll be needing them for the next few days - snow expected as well!

                                Have a good evening all - if I get a few more boxes unpacked and figure out the DVD player, I'll be treating myself to a Masterpiece theater evening...but now I'm off to try my split pea soup that I made -
                                to the light

