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October Opportunities - week 4

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    October Opportunities - week 4

    Cyn & Chill -

    If you use the Lavan-ittude with a on your face it's not so threatening!
    I even know how to :b&d: with a smile, :H I thinking raising kids taught me that skill.

    I'll have to get in touch with Sooty again & give her a loving nudge. I miss her too & maybe I'll go after LBH & Dill while I'm at it

    I'm in my shop still stitching up small things like lace Christmas tree ornaments to sell at Curves next week - they asked for crafty stuff so I'm obliging! At some point you should all send me your addresses & I'm mail one to you for your trees.
    I actually do have papmom's & Rusty's addresses....

    Wishing everyone a comfy evening. Cyn, I hope it doesn't snow much - Bah Humbug!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      October Opportunities - week 4

      Hi all-quick flyby for me. I'm exhausted and have PT at 7am!!

      Shoulder most likely has a torn muscle-will know more next week

      Cyn-don't tune out any whispers you're hearing about your safety. Don't let them become loud voices OK? Glad you're liking your new town-awesome that you have the time to explore!! Love wellies!!

      Star-glad you're feeling better. Probably your body telling you to sleep and slow down and you did!!

      Chill-soul sista!! Glad you're knee feels better!! I've been taking Aleve non stop since Sat. Doesn't seem to make me too tired and it really does take the edge off the pain.

      Hey Rusty-nice that you're home for a spell!! Sounds like you're having better weather than we are in the Northeast! Snow tomorrow!! :upset: I haven't finished my yard work and probably won't with this shoulder. :upset: Serenity Prayer.....

      OK, gotta feed the kids. They are getting whiney!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        October Opportunities - week 4

        Good Night Everyone,

        Lav, I hope YB fixed your machines so I can officially order my Xmas holiday pillows.

        Off to bed now.


          October Opportunities - week 4

          X-post Papmom! Always good to see you! :-)


            October Opportunities - week 4

            Machines are in good working order Rusty

            papmom, ouch for your shoulder! Screw the yard work & just take good care of yourself. You don't want a nurse with Lavan-ittude showing up
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              October Opportunities - week 4

              Hi everyone

              I too like that name Rusty. Have had a busy few days getting things organised so even though I dont get to post I am thinking of you all and read whenever I get a chance. Good to have you back on board Cyn, I too miss hearing from Dill, Sooty, John, hope they are all ok.

              Its really dark here this morning. Our clocks change at the week-end so we will have really long evenings. Terrible flooding this week but we were lucky to escape any damage.

              Got to go make school lunch, have a great day everyone.



                October Opportunities - week 4

                I went to the doctor again yesterday as I was ill again and it was a useless waste of time and money. I woke up this morning with swollen glands and feeling sick, but I am told I am OK. The weather has changed drastically and is is really cold, but no snow. I think this is affecting my sinuses and I don't like it. I will go to work anyway as I only get paid if I go. This weekend will be rest, rest, rest. Then I think I will heal. Sorry to be such a whiner.

                Well, off to work.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  October Opportunities - week 4

                  Good Morning Everyone,

                  I have off today but will be going to the doctor's in a little while so she can look at my neck and give me an adjustment. I wonder if she gives attitude adjustments, too?

                  Star-I sure hope you feel better and I so know about your frustration with going to the doctor...only to find out it was a completely useless trip. Like you, I don't get paid unless I am with a client....and that is the drawback with our jobs, isn't it? When I was in the hospital with my neck, I missed a whole week of work.:upset: Hopefully, Nurse Lav will log on soon and she can tell you what to do about your glands.

                  Lav-can't wait to place my Christmas order....and um, the baby blanket, too....I will be the last one in my family to buy Baby Briar a gift. Oh, I's a goofy name....Briar Patch, Friar Briar. What's wrong with names like Elizabeth, William, Katherine, Susan, etc? My 84-year-old mother really blew it, though. She told my niece, Briar's mom..."Oh honey, what were you thinking?!" Then, feeling mom writes my niece a note of apology and says, "I'm so sorry I reacted that way, dear....but I'm sure once I see her cute little face, that I will forget all about her name." I said, "MOM, NOW YOU HAVE TO WRITE AN APOLOGY LETTER FOR THE APOLOGY LETTER!!" :H


                    October Opportunities - week 4

                    Good morning October Ones!

                    Come to think of it - I have been extra sinus-y, extra sneezy, & have some tender glands in my neck too this week. Are we passing this vrus back & forth to each other? :H :H
                    I really think it's the typical Fall thing that goes around & gets almost everyone at one point or another. I like to treat this with copious amounts of decaf green tea, Tylenol & just may haul myself to the drug store for some Echinacea. Don't care what anyone says......that stuff works for me

                    Hope you feel better soon Star. Personally I stay away from doctors if at all possible.

                    Rustop, expect to find some chilly, damp weather in NYC this weekend!

                    Rusty, I'll email you later.

                    As far as baby names.....some of them are just plain stupid. I know a girl who named her daughter Tyler Spencer & her son Wyatt - huh? WTF? They aren't family names on anything just some crap she pulled out of a magazine. I stuck with biblical names (Elizabeth & Matthew). Thought my kids would appreciate it when they got older!

                    Must feed animals!!!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      October Opportunities - week 4

                      Evening guys from a very tired Chill

                      Im not long home after being at the gym then collecting Elle from my Parents who live in the opposite direction.
                      Im going to watch a half hour of mindless tv then hit bed with my book.
                      I went a bit mad on Amazon the other day and have a whole new pile to it!

                      Yipee Friday tomorrow! :banana::bananacomputer::yougo::disco::dancin:
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        October Opportunities - week 4

                        Quick check in for me too. Work was a killer then hit the grocery store - going to a home interior (not called that anymore but can't remember the new name) party tonight.

                        Lav - I heard a nasty rumor that there is a chance of snow here Saturday morning! I'm ready - stupid I know but I just love the sight of snow flurries - that's all I need though - just the flurries.

                        Rusty - that story was hilarious! your poor Mom - yes she will probably have to apologize twice.

                        Papmom - will it need surgery? Hope not and hope you heal quickly. I think we so take forgranted our health and physical well being until something happens. I'm keeping you in my thoughts as I know how hard it is to want to be back to normal. Seems like it took forever for my foot to heal when I broke it in July and I still have twinges but it's so much better than it was. Hope each day finds you in less pain and healing nicely!

                        Star - sorry you are sick - I know my sinuses are bothering me too - must be the time of year. You are not a whiner! If you can't tell us your problems than who else will listen? Get some rest this weekend and I bet that will make all the difference.

                        Chill - reading anything good? I'm a huge Sandra Brown fan and just finished her newest book and for once wasn't thrilled with the ending. I also want to read the new book that is out by the wife of Bernie Murdock's (sp) son (who committed suicide). It's just such a tragic story that really caught my attention.

                        Okay - who's missing? Where has John been? Hope everyone is doing okay even if they aren't checking in on a usual basis.

                        Off to my home interior party - wish me luck that I don't spend a fortune!!
                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                          October Opportunities - week 4

                          Rustop - hello there! Sorry - I knew I would forget to say hello to someone but glad to see you!

                          Okay - now really gotta run!

                          Have a great AF night everyone!
                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                            October Opportunities - week 4

                            I'M NOT READY FOR SNOW!

                            I just heard the first freeze is on the way tonight so I'd better go plug in the warmer so the chicken's water can doesn't freeze

                            Chill, enjoy your books!

                            Jolie, I hate Home Interior shows......I have way too much crap around here as it is :H
                            Have fun anyway!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              October Opportunities - week 4

                              Good Evening October Friends,

                              Papmom I am so sorry.:l...I owe you the biggest apology...I just looked back at your post from yesterday and totally missed your post that you might have a torn muscle in your shoulder. You poor thing....the pain must be excruciating. How often will you have PT? Will this affect your job at the nursing home? I can't imagine help left people with a torn muscle in your shoulder. But, it's just like you in your post....always concerned about other people....never yourself.

                              Jolie-those home decor parties....I haven't been to one in years....probably because I refuse to go! You're such a good friend to go. I used to get invited to a lot of those parties when I worked in an office....Tupperware (kill me now), Mary Kay (no thanks...and no offense to you, Doggygirl, if you are reading this ), Pampered Chef....etc. Is there a book out about Bernard Madoff's son committing suicide already? Wow, that didn't take long.

                              Lav-I loved your pic of the chicken who flew the coop (I lurk on the Daily Thread). Did he/she fly back? Not sure how you find out if it's a male or female chicken without looking under their feathers?:H Do you know why she/she left? Were they not thrilled with the food at Lav's Chick-Inn?:H

                              Chill-thank you for posting the piece from Wayne Dyer on the Inspiration Thread. It was very a propos for me today.

                              Rustop-which ever day it is this week, happy birthday!!!:h

                              Star-are you feeling any better today? What a drag to have to work when you're sick.

                              Papmom and Star-if you're not feeling any better tomorrow, just ask Nurse Lav what you should do. Fridays she takes walk-ins.

                              A warm hello to Shelley, Cyn, Dew, SD, Turnagain...and a shout out to Cassia, LBH, Sooty, Dill, and anyone I may have missed.

                              It's back to work tomorrow....have a wonderful AF Thursday evening!


                                October Opportunities - week 4

                                Rusty - I have all hens.
                                NO ROOSTERS ALLOWED :H

                                Those younger birds are a different breed & are lightweight enough (so far) to do a little flying. They are nosey as hell & like to jump up on top of the fence to get a better view. I've even seen one sitting on the roof!!!! They also like to get up there & munch on the leaves of the overgrown forsythia bush outside the fence. I leave it that big on purpose to hide them & give them some privacy Don't work too hard tomorrow.

                                papmom, I sure hope you are taking care of yourself :l
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

