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October Opportunities - week 4

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    October Opportunities - week 4

    WOWZER!!:nutso: You ladies sure keep this thread movin'!! Haha!!!

    Another WILD week at school for me...but in a very good way!! Just SUPER crazy was Red Ribbon Week (anti drug and alcohol week)---so LOTS of activities planned throughout each day!! SO much fun for the kids...I'm in charge of this week, so of course I'm running around like a crazy person making sure everything is in order and people are where they are suppose to be....we end the week with the 5th grade vs staff basketball game...whew!!!! They beat us by one point at the buzzer!!! Then on top of all that we had conferences until 9 PM Thursday night and again at 8AM Friday!! I'm so wiped out!! SO needless-to-say I've been a little absent the past couple days!! :H

    Chill's mini facial reminds me...I believe I have a facial this week Tuesday!!! YEA!!! Does yours hurt a little?? Because i think I may not just be doing "facials" (or maybe I am--I dunno) she puts this "stuff" on my face and leaves it there for like maybe a minute and it sorta burns...she says it feels scratchy...whatever...but its suppose to take away, slowly, age spots and fine lines...things like all facial do that??? Just curious???

    Lav & Pap3--I can't believe you all are getting snow already?? I thought this place was like snow capital USA?! Maybe we just have you beat in arctic winter temps??? Pap3--I sure hope your shoulder feels better soon...if you get snow, do you have people who put ads in the local paper looking to come earn a few bucks and will come plow you out??? Of course, if you go out there with your arm wrapped up, trying to do it one handed you will probably lure someone into doing it for free!!:H I'm so wrong, I know!!!!

    Rustop--HAPPY BIRTHDAY (tomorrow)!!!!! :bday1: Have a FABULOUS time in New York!!!

    Star--I'm sorry you are feeling under the weather again as well!! I sure hope the docs can figure out what is going on....its no fun to feel miserable!! Take care of yourself...and leave the will be there when you feel better...mine seems to never go away..and I keep waiting!! HA!!

    Cyn--My dog loves the snow---at first!! Then because she is so small, it doesn't take long before she jumps into a huge pile and she buried and I have to go dig her out (kinda funny actually). But after awhile, the snow and ice really bother her paws...I actually put some kind of cream on her pads before I take her out when it gets really, really cold here....honestly she will only "go" once a day when its that cold out!!

    Jolie--working at a school, we are always invited to those types of parties...I try with all mite to be busy...LOL...even though everyone knows I have ZERO social life!! I don't like clutter, so I'm not into buying knick knacky that helps...I like jewelry parties but they are way to expensive and the jewelry is kind of big or costume looking to me...I dunno...I also have very plain wardrobe consists of black, grey, a little brown and then more black. heehee!!

    Dew--Have a super weekend with the grandkids!!! How fun!!

    Lode--Welcome back!!! Looking forward to getting to know you!!!

    Rusty--You want to talk about some wacky names??? Oh my!!! Some of the names we are seeing come through the doors of our schools!!! YIKES!! ANd I'm guessing in this conservative community...this ain't nothin'!! One of the teachers at my school named her some Wyatt!! Another friend I know named his son Cash?? I'm thinking like Johnny Cash maybe??? How hillbilly is that???? Poor kid!!! ANd then the spellings!!! Por kids in kindergarten that have to learn to spell that crap..with all the y's and z's and silent h''s crazy!! Yep, what ever happened to Jan!!? Jen? Sue?? Bill?? Ted?? mom and sister want to go to lunch so I need to get moving....if I missed anyone..I am SO SO SO sorry....she JUST called and of course I'm not ready....I'll check in later!!! Happy AF Saturday!!!
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      October Opportunities - week 4

      :bday7: tomorrow Rustop!

      Wishing you a safe trip & please be prepared for cold/damp weather ~ snow actually so there could be some flight delays
      Enjoy your trip anyway
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        October Opportunities - week 4

        SD - cross posted earlier! Hope you have a nice time with your mom & sister. Busy is good the the soul btw

        I just took this out of the oven- Honey Whole Wheat & my new jar of pumpkin butter is waiting :H
        I'm going to look like a fat cow at the end of this long winter.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          October Opportunities - week 4

          Lav! I'll be right over! That looks fantastic - I've never had much luck making bread - I would love to have some lessons.

          Oh oh, lights just went out - 6 inches of snow so far -- I'm ready, did all my cooking earlier, have a camp stove ready for tomorrow and wood by the fireplace, lots of candles, batteries in the radio --

          Bye for now, more tomorrow if I can!
          to the light


            October Opportunities - week 4

            cyn - wish I could drive up there & get you
            The storm kinda fizzled out here, ended up with a decent coating. So unless it reforms & starts again - I'm happy

            The bread was good - just don't want to eat the whole loaf tonight :H
            I aslo put together a vegan mac & cheese recipe, like that too especially because it involved no dairy & no soy cheese (yuck). So in my granny years I'm learning to use nutritional yeast along with lots of seasonings & get that cheesey flavor I've been missing so much - go figure! Roasted up a big head of cauliflower I picked up at the farmers market yesterday too.
            Stay warm & dry Cyn:l
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              October Opportunities - week 4


              It is fecking cold and snowy out there!!

              I got up early and worked on the yard this morning. Took all the agility equipement in, rustled up the odd tools and put away, unplugged the pond pumps, drained the hoses and brought into basement, covered furniture and made sure the sXXXX blower works. My dad came over and fixed my deadbolt for me (source of HUGE stress for me over past 2 years. Got so bad I had to lock it from inside and go out the back and through the gate to get to my car). It works now, my car works now, my errands are done (kids have food, I have food AND a new LED lantern and power inverter-next best thing to a generator at least for heating the electric kettle and maybe powering the TV) and yes I finished the errands in the midst of the blizzard. I also managed to lock my self out of the car at the gas station (please don't ask how!) and I swear AAA broke a record getting to me even tho it took 15 min for them to answer my call and they gave me a 90 min estimate.
              They were there in 10.

              I've been home for a few hours now, doing dishes, laundry and relaxing. Tomorrow morning will be a bear-the snow will be deep and very heavy. Doubt I'll get to work on time but in I must go. I will also probably lose both new sweet gum trees the City planted this spring to replace the trees I lost to the beetle. So sad. I can't watch.

              time to feed the kids and snuggle under the down comforters and pray we don't lose power.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                October Opportunities - week 4

                PapMom, what a day! Be careful tomorrow - eeek what a drive you'll have.

                Obviously power went on again - I'm going to bed before it goes out again, maybe I won't notice it if I'm asleep snuggling with the pups for warmth...thanks Lav, I would love to see you, too much sitting here in the dark! I am staying warm and sort of dry: like PMom, I can't bear to see the trees so laden, and went out with a rake to try to get some snow off...most of which then ended up on me, oh well, for a good cause.

                Night all - hope you stay warm and dry.
                to the light


                  October Opportunities - week 4

                  Papmom, so sorry you got hit so bad by the storm
                  Just be careful lady!

                  Cyn, you be careful too!
                  Glad your power is back, I hope it stays

                  Time to call it a day - good night all.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    October Opportunities - week 4

                    Good morning Octavites

                    It was good to get that extra hour in bed although I did go to bed much later than normal. I have already been to my mega Sunday spin class which was awesome awesome awesome and im now heading to the beach with Elle wrapped up in my ski clothes.

                    Lav - I made home made soup lasterday and a piece of your bread would go so well with it.

                    SD - facials definitly dont hurt and are very relaxing, maybe it was some kind of special peel which felt like it was burning. I have never had one of those. I have to tell you though, it was a special deal I had and you could choose 3 things, mine were the facial, a back massage and an eyebrow tint. The 1st two were bliss but the eyebrows..... well think Groucho Marx :H

                    You guys with snow, keep cosy, Papmom that was indeed a great call out time! I hope you dont have far to go to work today.
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      October Opportunities - week 4

                      Good morning Octoberettes!

                      The sun is out melting the little bit of snow here - I'm grateful

                      Hope you were able to get out safely this moring papmom

                      Cyn, has the power stayed on??

                      SD, hope you have a relaxing day today - you deserve one!

                      Don't plan on doing a whole lot of anything today - will see what develops

                      Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        October Opportunities - week 4

                        Good Morning!!

                        Football starts soon...although it's the off week for Green Bay....I will probably watch a little Vikings just to see who they start (hopefully the young kid again....he did pretty well last week...gotta like to see that for any young kid!!) and actually I'm hoping they air the NE vs. Steelers game....can't stand either team...but I think it should be a pretty good game...I'd think??!:H

                        Gosh, I sure hope Cyn and Pap3 are up and moving around with heat and electricity today!! AND that some nice young fella came and helped our wounded Pap3 out of her driveway!!

                        Lav--I would love that vegan mac & cheese recipe....I was trying a bunch of vegan recipes this summer...not sure why....I'm really not much of a meat eater...maybe occasionally will want a steak or something or ribs on the grill...ok maybe I do like meat...hahaha!!! But those recipes were actually really good!!! That bread looked awesome!!

                        Chill--I think we are doing some kind of peels but they aren't chemical peels or anything like doesn't leave my face all red or's all natural she said and it is super relaxing...I've fallen asleep every time!!:H

                        Opppsss....and there is kickoff......I'm going to have to check back in with everyone a little later!!! Have a great afternoon!!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          October Opportunities - week 4

                          Where are all the gang today! I am enjoying a lovely afternoon catching up on lots of spiritual podcasts and at the same time have had time to reflect on all our Opportunities over the last month..........


                          October Opportunities.........
                          (its Sped's fav month you know!)

                          Rusty returned from another trip to France.
                          Poor Star started it off with sore eyes and ended it with sinus trouble. :l

                          We discussed herbal remedies, laptops, Sisters, luck & karma, baby blues,
                          fasting and life without drama. Then there were wacky names, balloon fests,
                          autumn gardening, weddings and crockpots.

                          We vented, meditated, ate apple cider dounuts, kicked butt, said NO to Roosters, :no:
                          did NLP in London, hill-walked, baked bread, had drinking dreams and cheese (?) dreams.

                          Tawny called us sane! *proud*
                          Cyn moved East and Chill joined a cult! :wow:
                          There were the usual full moon antics, trips to the Cape, hot flashes, lasterdays,
                          coop cleaning, car mechanics, power cuts, dog stories and BIG Birthdays.
                          (Rustop turned 50 and YB turned 30!) :bday1:

                          The BIG stories of course were:-
                          Jolie ditched dial up!
                          Turnagain and Lodestar decided to join the Sanity Team!

                          :award: And the award for energy goes to Papmom who does two jobs while re-modelling,
                          re orgainizing, quilting, agility, car maintenance and doing God knows what!! inkele:

                          P.S. Its only October so it obviously far too soon to be mentioning the S word.
                          Lets just say some white stuff was spotted in some regions........

                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            October Opportunities - week 4

                            I'm Baaaaaccccckkkkkk!!

                            yep, power came back on around 11:33 am EST(OK, exactly). After I had taken a luke warm shower! Ate lunch got ready for work (half day), got in car and ........ Nothing. Nada, zip, zilch. Must have left a door ajar abit when I put the car back in the drive after snowblowing. Bummer. Still waiting for AAA. Wow, twice in 2 days!! Gots to be a record! 2 hour wait this time-no red flags!!

                            Only lost 1 tree!! Main leader snapped right off. Boo hoo. but the other one which I thought I lost is fine, my ichyanthis (sp?) is fine but I did have to rescue it and the lilac too. See some branches broken tho so will have my bro prune both up before winter REALLY sets in!

                            Was supposed to have dinner at Sis's but her power is still out so that's cancelled.

                            We definitely got almost 2 feet but already the melting has begun (after all that work!!).

                            Chill-GREAT summary for October-bet you'll be able to add more tho!! Thanks for the energy award . I haven't gotten any awards for anything in a very long time so I'm happy!

                            Lav-I want some homemade bread!! Think i will get the bread machine going today-I have a mix somewhere.

                            SD-WHAT????? You HATE the New England Pats???? Hrmmphhh.

                            Star-hope you're feeling better today!

                            Cyn-how'd you make out? I can't believe our power went out AFTER the storm ended with the sun shining!!!(It did go out around 3am I'm told but it was back on by 5am).

                            OK AAA-anytime now...............
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              October Opportunities - week 4

                              Hello everyone,
                              Cyn, Pap can't believe your snow situation. Cyn, I'll bet you are loving it after the desert.
                              Chill, thanks for the October recap. I do love October but November is second.
                              Rusty, did you do anything fun in Chicago? I love that town.
                              Rustop, Happy birthday, good luck in NY.
                              Star, try to get some prednisone. One time I rode thru poison ivy smoke (they were burning a field). My face swelled up like a balloon, prednisone was like a miracle drug. Swelling started going down after the first dose.
                              SD, enjoy your football. For me I had a fine time watching the Cardinals whoop those Rangers in the World Series.
                              Lav, send bread immediately.

                              Jolie, did you buy anything at the home party. Like others, at this point in my life I am trying to unload stuff. Every time the diabled vets come around, I've got a bag of stuff for them.

                              Have had a nice Sunday. Good run this morning although I may have pulled a muscle in my calf; it's a little achey. A friend and I went to the Church of Beethoven. It meets every week. Amateur and professional musicians play music, poetry is read, brief meditation period, plus wonderful cappecinos (sp?) and home baked goodies. They played Appalachian Spring by Aaron Copeland.

                              I have wonderful books to recommend. The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom and State of Wonder by Anne Patchett.

                              Welcome back Lodestar. Let us know what's going on when you feel comfortable talking about it.

                              Anyone excited about Halloween. Some folks in my neighborhood go all out decorating.

                              Wishing a peaceful rest of the weekend. Sobriety rocks. Anyone remember drinking on Sundays and dreading the thought of work on Monday?


                                October Opportunities - week 4

                                spedteach;1200764 wrote: Sobriety rocks. Anyone remember drinking on Sundays and dreading the thought of work on Monday?
                                Sped - I used to start drinking at lunchtime every Sunday (cringe!) it was always a big day to meet up for lunch in a beach bar where we'd stay till sundown then of course it was home and more wine would be drunk until I passed out..... I started every Monday feeling like shit and depressed as hell.

                                I can't believe that was my life for so many years?! I don't recognize that person anymore.

                                SOBRIETY ROCKS BIG TIME!! :yougo: :yougo: :yougo:
                                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                                NF - May 1996

