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Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 24 - Oct. 30

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    Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 24 - Oct. 30

    I too feel like I'm too busy to participate fully in the program...especially now as I'm getting ready to go on vacation. Last night was a perfect example. My husb & I went out for dinner. Afterwards, we planned on going our separate ways: me to a meeting, him somewhere else. In a weak moment, I suggested ditching, he said: "No go to your meeting." I was so glad I did. It was a different meeting from the ones I usually go to (maybe that was part of my motivatiion for skipping it). I saw familiar & new faces there & really enjoyed the meeting. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 24 - Oct. 30

      DG & Mary, I'm so glad that I shared on here about what I was feeling. You guys have really helped me gain perspective.
      Yes I do normally get more from giving than I gave (even if I am feeling resistant beforehand). Plus....I nearly always leave a meeting feeling better than before I went in. The few days that I have skipped a meeting, in hindsight - a meeting was probably what I needed most and I didn't go because my self-care was slipping.
      Wishing you a fantastic time on your vacation Mary.

      Sober since 30/06/10


        Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 24 - Oct. 30

        Last night we had our first, premature dusting of snow. It would have been a perfect excuse to stay home from a meeting, but I'd promised my sponsor I'd bring her. We ended up being the only women in the room. We enjoyed the speakers & had a great time together. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 24 - Oct. 30

          Mary, one of the reasons I know I mentally resist giving rides is that it makes me less able to skip a meeting at the last minute. I don't like that feeling - I love my freedom to come and go as I please. But I have learned that despite my negative feelings about making that committment, it's not only the right thing to do for someone else, but is good for ME as well. Humility is hard for me sometimes.

          I have been reviewing step 4 material prior to my sponsee meeting later today. Working with sponsees is such a wonderful opportunity to revisit the steps ourselves. When I first came to AA, I really resisted the idea of acknowleging my weak areas - areas that can use improvement. I was pretty amazed today reading the Step 4 material in the 12&12 that I am much more welcoming to these acknowledgements today. I think I have seen the benefit of pulling out those weak areas from their dark and hidden places, and examining them. Doing that has helped me develop better tools for dealing with life. And that has resulted in a far more peaceful Doggygirl. I know other people around me are winners in my process too, especially my husband.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 24 - Oct. 30

            We read How it Works last night in the BB. It makes me proud of myself that I have a sponsor & am working the steps. I don't know if you've all heard about the 4 S's. I hadn't. Here they are:

            I've decided to be the group rep for our Sun. group. It's service at the district level which I haven't done yet. I'll start after our trip & Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to it.

            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 24 - Oct. 30

              Hi Everyone, just want to say thank you for all your support it helps,
              I know i need to be in the middle of the bed in AA now and in time when am ready i will move a little bit back and let someone else get in the middle that needs it but right now i need to be in the middle.
              Someone give me advise on my running the other day and it helped he said when am running, run on the line so what i do is i make out there is a line am rnunning on i dont look up to see how far i got to go because it can be overwhelming i just look at the line...It a bit like at the beginning with my AF days dont look too far ahead ( will i ever get past Xmas) just keeep it in the day or in the moment.
              Amelie have no training partner, dont time myself i just do a slow jog at the moment, but my distance am doing is 2miles a day.
              Really heard a great chair on friday on step7 the guy got so deep and honest about himself being in prison to do with his shortcomings it really blew me away and open up my eyes on step7. Going to ask him to do a chair for me, his 20years sober.
              Have to go... will be very busy with work and running so if am not posting much on here you know am running

              Take care all and thanks again to you all... Mary Doggygirl kimberly and Amelia and anyone i missed you all mean a lot to me :l

              Catch22 x
              Formerly known as Teardrop:l
              sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
              my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                Weekly AA Thread - Oct. 24 - Oct. 30

                Mary, congratulations on your decision to take on service work at the District level. I'm guessing it will be time consuming but hopefully rewarding. I know the work is much needed!

                Catch - WOW on your unning! I like the idea of the line. And staying in the moment (line) rather than looking too far ahead.

                My meeting attendance is down lately, but I'm spending a lot of extra time helping some fellow alcoholics outside of meetings. Feels like the right decision with limited time available right now.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.

