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    Hi Fabsters,
    Hope yer all in sparkling form this dull and dreary Monday. Tis where I am anyway but what the hey -it's only weather.
    So, now Im adding a spot of running to the weekly exercise routine. Maybe if I take to it I'll attempt a 10k in Spring. Who knows? One thing for sure..........

    Take Care y'all,
    AF since 11 July 2011
    You can never get enough of what you don't really want


    Good morning Abbers!

    Thanks for waking me up Treya, I did oversleep a little

    Rain due here this week as well. Must feed animals then get to Curves then back here for some work. Will check in later.
    Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



      Morning guys!

      Rainy and dreary here too. I have to go to the store and then check in on FIL in the hospital today. Nothing seems to be changing - he is in good spirits but blood pressure is severely low. They took him off his parkinsons meds to see if it is affecting his BP. I think he's going to be in for a while though.

      As for me, just really blah today. It was a long weekend, I don't feel rested at all. My daughter comes home from her dads today for my week and as bad as this sounds, I don't know if I have the energy. I really am just so exhausted I don't feel like I have the ability to be responsible. BUT I know I can so I better just get my ass in gear and get it done.

      AAAAAUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH - so glad I can come here to vent. Sorry about the sandwich post!

      Love and hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.



        naw, that was a very small snack post UnI!! No worries-that's what we're here for. I so hope your FIL feels better soon and they can find out what caused this. Sending pings to him and your whole family.

        Dig deep Uni-you can do this! As exhausted as you are, you will find the inner strength to welcome home your daughter. Hopefully she's old enough to understand Grandpaw is very sick and needs your attentions right now. :l :l

        Thanks for starting us off Treya! It's sunny here right now but clouds will be moving in and it's cold!!

        Lav-have a great day-hope it's a bit quieter for you than the weekend but at least the garage is cleaned out and your lawn is mowed!!

        Called into work today-I just feel I need to rest this arm so the meds can do their work. I can't afford not to go into the NH tonite so hopefully I'll be feeling much better by 5pm.
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!



          BEEEEEEUTIFUL here!

          Flying out the door to do some freelance work, then a memorial service for a friend.

          So the shop owner has a friend he wants me to meet. He says we can meet up for drinks and apps or whatever or do you drink at all? No not at all. Well that's fine it doesn't matter to him. My wife only has a drink every now and then, blah blah blah. That's really neither here nor there - I think he just back-paddled after saying meet for drinks which is sort of the automatic social thing. Point is, "Oh well, yeah I'm sure I could have just one and be fine" flashed through my unsuspecting brain. WTF!!! I really had that thought!! I think my mouth may have fallen open. Just goes to show ya - AL... sits there in the dark corner waiting, waiting, waiting. Fecker.

          Off into this glorious October weather with one thing for sure!!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



            Good Morning Abbers-
            Greenie - I know that feeling. I've been approaching it differently since reading this book that everyone here is raving about. Don't give into that lil' "fecker" 'cause you're on a new path here. I think it's AWESOME that you are able to simply put, tell people, "I don't drink." That establishes your stance, and then you can move on to different subject. However, if you give in to that little nagging thought, it breaks down the credibility of your statement. Any possibility you could meet this person for coffee or tea?
            Uni - I hope your FIL is doing better today. It sounds like you need a little "me time" before the daughter gets back in town. A bit of time to rejuvenate. Yesterday, I actually locked myself in my bedroom for some reading time. The kids were just going wild! Then between the 3 of them AND my husband, I couldn't take it. I snuck the car key into my pocket, went out the door & did some shopping therapy. I didn't shop for anything major, I just needed some time to myself to browse, stroll, be care free, etc. I came back an hour later, much calmer, prepped dinner, than relaxed to watch a movie.
            Gotta get goin'! 4 yr old's bus comes in 25 minutes & I haven't even got her out of bed yet. Procrastination! Procrastination!
            "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"



              Good Morning FABbies!

              Had a super busy but very productive weekend, and the weather gods were in good spirits. Phew. We need a few more weekends like that.

              Last night we went to visit grand peanut #2... Mr. Wonderful hadn't actually met his adoptive parents yet. I'm glad he likes them, too. Just really nice people. So, here's the little tyke. He's 5 weeks now and has changed lots already. I cant' really see my son anymore at all... he's all his mum now

              Uni, Hoping that your FIL will be on the mend again asap and that you will get some rest. Why don't you just plan quiet, girly things with your daughter? Movies with a blankie, that sorta thing?

              Lav, your post sounds like I could have written it... ditto here!
              Papmom... sending healing vibes for arm!
              Greenie... glad you kicked that thought to the curb!

              Ok, off I waddle (kinda sore after this weekend). One thing is for sure...
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                AF DAILY MONDAY 24TH OCTOBER

                x-post, GAC! You better hustle! :H
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  AF DAILY MONDAY 24TH OCTOBER

                  Sunni-grand peanut #2 is adorable!! But, what do you mean adoptive parents and that Mr. Wonderful hadn't met them yet? So confused (and nosy-sorry!)
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF DAILY MONDAY 24TH OCTOBER

                    papmom3;1197438 wrote: Sunni-grand peanut #2 is adorable!! But, what do you mean adoptive parents and that Mr. Wonderful hadn't met them yet? So confused (and nosy-sorry!)
                    Oh sorry

                    My son (just turned 19) and his g/f (who was told years ago that she would never be able to get pregnant and never much bothered with birth control) had a baby boy. They agreed on an open adoption, chose the couple, who happen to be really super nice people who care not only about the little guy but about his birth parents as well. And, who welcome his biological family into his life as well Clear as mud now? :H

                    Oh.. and Mr. Wonderful is my other (sometimes better) half
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      AF DAILY MONDAY 24TH OCTOBER

                      good morning Fabbers.Sunni, very cute grandbaby...dreamt of my grand daughter last night, I sure miss her. Shes so far away now though. Uni I hope your Father in law shows some improvement soon. Poor guy. Im gonna say it, and I expect it wont be popular but there is something wrong with being exhausted all the time at your age, its got to be somethings besides anxiety. I know that was a demanding weekend, but I would get your blood checked for anemia if you havent already and other things. You are too young to be so tired like this most of the time. Im just sayin'. as a former anemic. Alcohol can actually bring on anemia in people. I wont say any more though. Its really none of my business. Except people seem to boss each other around here, lol!

                      Also I wanted to answer Marshys question, even though its been answered already a couple of times. Yes the bugs can be fierce but not always. They are sometimes not so bad early in the morning up to about 11 am. If you are on the lake in a boat and there is a breeze its great. Any open areas they can be better. But the thing is Northern Ontario is very beautiful, the lakes are gorgeous, and the trip is worth it. You will see wildlife, and thats pretty exciting. There are a range of insect repellents, and the ingredient DEET somethings causes a nasty reaction in some people, although its very effective. The product Skin so soft was bought by the people who make OFF so they have named it something else now.

                      Greenie, its always a surprise isnt it? And you I didnt expect, either. I always just think of "drinks" as something non AL for me, and I dont even bother explaining it. And nobody seems to care. . I think its only to Us that it matters.

                      Good morning Lav, Treya, and P3. Hope you rest today. Can you get the shoulder checked for a rotater cuff injury. Those are nasty as hell. Had one for years now, and I still get out in the boat with it. Painkiller city.

                      Well better get my a%% out of the scratcher. Lots of work to do.

                      Love to all, and sure glad I am AF this morning. I seem to have caught Marshys cold, but I think I can beat it!!

                      One thing is for sure


                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF DAILY MONDAY 24TH OCTOBER

                        Hello friends,

                        Ugh, it was one of those exhausting weekend of volunteering and good will. It is so good for the soul, but man, I am feeling pretty darn lazy and unmotivated this morning! I could easily go back to bed!

                        I loved the photo of Lily in the wagon Lav! And Kaslo--wow is right! What beauty in nature, eh?

                        Sunny--aren't babies wonderful? It will be awhile before we have any grandkids (I hope) but a lot of my friends have them. At our little get together one of our friends made the comment "If I'd known grandkids were so much fun, I would have played with my kids more." He is a funny guy--despite the fact that he is in a wheelchair from a really bad car accident a couple of summers ago.

                        The gathering Saturday night turned out quite well. I was proud of my husband for doing this for his best friend. There were people there we haven't seen in many years! It was kind of funny though, the party was over before 10 pm! Old farts can't drink all night like they used to. It was awkward and uncomfortable at times for me. But those that truly know and love me accept the new me. Hubby got very drunk but I managed to get him and an out of town friend home at a decent time without any problems. He slept in my son's room who was at a friend's house overnight.

                        I'm thinking about my new friend headed to rehab today. I am happy for her. I can't wait to visit with her when she gets out. DG-I'm thinking about you and your friend as well.:l

                        Uni--it is stressful and so tiring with someone in the hospital--keep taking care of yourself too! (And that didn't begin to qualify as a sandwich post IMHO)

                        Hi pap, gac, greenie and Treya--and all to come!

                        It's great to see you Cindi and Chief! Guitarista and everyone else--please keep posting!!

                        I'm starting back to yoga today. It is going to be hard--I hate starting over! I hope I can find my yoga mat! Have a great sober week all!:h

                        (Hi Kaslo-cross posted)
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          AF DAILY MONDAY 24TH OCTOBER

                          hey all - busy day - tired now - feeling good for being sober.

                          dg - weekends -this Friday evening off to spa and sat off to watch a band(not high risk for me)- up early to skate Sunday.
                          until then lots of work and focusing on long term if i were to continue drinking/plus immediate loss of faith in myself/confidence/feeling and looking rough.
                          Time to put me first.
                          one day at a time


                            AF DAILY MONDAY 24TH OCTOBER

                            Afternoon Abbers!

                            Got my Curves fix this morning

                            Uni, hope your are energized by now & ready to deal with your daughter. Honestly, you miss them once they grow up & leave. Hope your Dad is holding up. They still haven't found a cause for his hypotension?

                            papmom, rest that arm dear!

                            Greenie, the working woman

                            GAC, having my grandson here yesterday for a few hours did me in - he'll be 3 next month & has SO much energy!!! now I remember why I wanted to have my kids before I turned 30 :H

                            Kaslo, I imagine you are working on something mysterious as usual

                            LVT, glad your weekend event went well. If YB was drinking on top of his emotional problems I probably would have shot him. He never could handle more than 2 beers. I'm sorry your husband hasn't seen the light yet, hopefully he will soon. I told YB a long time ago that my drinking was to escape/block out his chronic foul mood. so rather than change his behavior he just left.
                            Although I wonder now if he's beginning to reconsider because his mood has lightened up quite a bit & he's here several times/week to help out with house & yard chores that he had ignored for so long. Who knows??? I'd love to try a yoga class one of these days
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF DAILY MONDAY 24TH OCTOBER

                              g'day all...

                              I can't tell you how much it helps me to hear about how ya'll deal with life's problems...big ones...small ones. okay....I can try to to tell you by posting my appreciation. Thank you for sharing! I learn from and am inspired by what I read here every day.

                              My big challenge today is to get up and move a bit. The knee is feeling better, but is very stiff. I really don't like being bed-bound. The upside is that I have been doing a lot of reading. I plowed through the book, Drinking, a Love Story and am halfway through the MWO book (finally.) I'm trying very hard to finish the Jason Vale book, Kicking the Drink...but just can't seem to bring myself to tackle the last 100 pages. Maybe it's because of his repetitive style? I've read quite a few earlier posts on this site as well. It's inspiring to go back years and read positive posts from some of our long-timers here....notice I didn't said 'Old' Lav and DoggyG? you both have amazing wisdom for such youngsters!

                              I love the pix that get posted here...fabulous scenery and cute kids (aka peanuts) and of course, cute critters. Lav - I would love to see the chickens in their newly cleaned coop. Just warn me if you are going to post any more giant bug photos!

                              Back to the books after I do two laps around the house!
                              Sober for the Revolution!
                              AF & NF July 23, 2011

