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AF Daily Tuesday 26 October

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    AF Daily Tuesday 26 October

    Lavande;1198073 wrote: Hopelessness does indeed trigger relapses......been there & done it

    I credit the birth of my first grandson EB for getting me out of that & I won't go back - ever
    I hope your friend can find a new reason to break the pattern.
    I hope so too Lav. Something she can hold onto. I hope she finds it soon. She will need a source of strength and definitely will need to be sober in order to put her life back together again.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily Tuesday 26 October

      Hi guys,

      Sorry for the late check in - crazy but great day!
      Volunteered at daughters school in morning, then went to AA meeting (was an awesome one, so glad I was there), then home for a quick nap and change of clothes, then off to hospital, then home to feed the troops, homework and teach daughter how to bake Pillsbury cookies. Busy, but a very happy day. I'm going to bed feeling exhausted but peaceful.

      DG - Yes, the view on addictions and recovery and treatment in Canada is becoming a strong focus. People are beginning to realize that mental health and addictions causes a great deal of money if not dealt with and are beginning to realize that early intervention is key. I'm hoping that I will get to play a role in that when I get my diploma.

      Okay, I'm off - I would love to comment on everyones day and I did read everything but I just need to go veg with a tea and my book!

      Love and hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily Tuesday 26 October

        Hi Uni,
        Glad you had a good day!

        I just saw this quote on Facebook & had to share it here :H

        “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounding yourself with assholes.”
        ― William Gibson

        Makes perfect sense to me :H
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily Tuesday 26 October

          Yoo hoo!!!

          Waving as I run by on the way to bed! I recently read that according to some rhythm, the best time to be asleep is between 10 & 12 PM so I'm going to do my best to get the good stuff.

          Geeeeeeeezzzz, this working stuff takes up THE WHOLE day!!!

          Different guy..... said today he was dividing up some soil mix he got from a place that was going out of business - 2 different kinds, could get a bag or half a bag.....and he realized what I had been talking about the other day re the overheard phone conversaton. I know he is a gardner & believe him. He just didn't seem the dealer type. (don't even think of asking me how I know )

          DG, you're a good friend to that woman. :l I'm glad you're MY friend.

          LVT, YOU'RE probably saving your sons a whole lot of grief later on in life by your example and talking to them. I know it must be hard. Here's one for you:l

          Lav, funny quote!!

          Cindi, it was great to see you the other day!

          Uni I'm glad you had a happy day! You deserve every day to be happy.

          Turn, glad you're good to go! I L-O-V-E my car being in the garage!

          That memorial service was nice. Even though he quit drinking 4 to 5 years ago.....well, I guess sometimes the damage is too much. :upset:

          Hey, tomorrow is 2 years for me. Too bad it isn't 3 & 1/3 but then again, that relapse was a valuable lesson.

          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily Tuesday 26 October

            Late check in today! I had to chuckle about all the comments regarding the thread being posted late today. I too signed on this morning, caught up w/ yesterday's posts, then realized no one had done today's AF Thread. This was around 10am my time! As worried as some of us get when our friends here come & go, I'm starting to realize that we are all just busying ourselves with actually living life, rather than tipping a bottle back.
            DG - Is this the person you barely knew that reached out to you in her journey to recovery? If so, WOW! You are such a wonderful person! What a "Richard Cranium" her husband is. What is he doing? Assuming that you're holding on to the money? WTH? I think you are right to ignore his messages. ALL of them! Including any that pertain to his wife. If he wants to know about his wife's recovery process, he needs to get his arce a little more involved! Maybe if he took his head out of it, he could see a little more clearly! LOL
            Greenie- That's funny about the soil thing. A good funny though! How's shop life? Are you catching up on lots of reading while waiting to build up the clients? I remember slow days at the barber shop: as much as I needed the money, I always wanted to cut out early if it was slow.
            My mom's flying into town tomorrow, so I might be a lil' more scarce here in the next couple days. Looking forward to some Mommy-Daughter time. Or maybe, I'm looking forward to Grammie- Grandchildren time, so that Mommy can have some time away. :-)
            "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


              AF Daily Tuesday 26 October

              I AM holding on to the money. This one is a much closer friend of mine. Unfortunately, relapse is part of this so to be in the trenches of recovery means I am learning to deal with relapsing. Thankfully, this is balanced by many, many people surrounding me who have been sober for years and years. It's really funny - here at MWO, a few years of AF time seems like a LOOOOOONG time. I'm just a baby at AA.

              Guess I better go find todays thread.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.

