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AF Daily - Wednesday

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    AF Daily - Wednesday

    hey there - horrible day at work - colleague and I were set up by line manager with our director. I feel like I am 6 years old and being told off in front of colleagues.

    Anyway - sober - cycled to work and grateful i have a regular salary.

    I've been in tears twice today - working on CV next week and trying to get idea of what i want to do next - anything right now! I am working not to let others' behaviour matter so much to me but it does.
    one day at a time


      AF Daily - Wednesday

      bear - keep telling yourself that you cannot control the behavior of others! I tell myself that all day long, believe me

      DG, if it makes you feel any better - my DIL is up to her eyeballs with papers due as well for her 3 courses. Trying to do all that while keeping an eye on EB & his brother Will is not easy. Just be grateful you're not breast feeding & changing poopy diapers too & dealing with the Insanity Twins all at the same time :H :H
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Wednesday

        Bear, when my job got to be too much to deal with that I was in tears all the time I went off on disability. I'm not sure what your doctor knows of this or if you see a therapist or what your benefits are like. For me, I was lucky, good benefits and my doctor said no more.

        I am having a brutal day today. I think after a busy Monday and Tuesday my body is like WTF. I cannot stay vertical for more than an hour without having to back to bed. Very teary today too. I think my body is just overwhelmed from 2 crazy days. It's okay, at least I know that and had such a great day yesterday. Will take it easy today and not worry about it!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily - Wednesday

          There's never a ho hum day around here....

          We start off with inspiration ...Greenie, you've reached an amazing milestone. I'm happy for you...happy for me and the others who you have shown how to keep on keeping on!

          Sunni...aiyee....I read of your concerns for your daughter. Sometimes....all we can do for our kids is to continue to love them and try to help them move forward.

          AFM....I know I am not the only one sending positive energy your have your head on right in this and it sounds like you have access to some of the best care out also have a huge and growing fan club cheering you on.

          Lav...I love your daughter's tude. In my world...I call it spewing and spinning. Figure out what they want and load up the plate with a heap of it.

          DoggyG ....I'm writing this post instead of putting together a proposal that is due Monday. When I have problems starting OR get stuck along the way....I take a walk...take some deep breaths and then get a notepad out. Low-tech for sure...but I find that roughing out an outline or two or three (depending on the complexity of the project) is helpful. I force myself to write one paragraph under each header. If there are multiple directions the writing can go, I use notecards and move the headers around to experiment with flow. You are a great'll get this done! Oh - and I'm sorry you and your friend in rehab have to deal with such a jerk-off.

          LVT -'ve got a lot going on too...Alcohol is so is a good thing that your hubby has you....

          Uni...What a great experience you had on the bus. No accident sounds like you were meant to meet. Are you considering becoming a counselor? You would be good at it!

          Marshy...I have survived nearly 30 summers of vicious Alaska mosquitos - they are our unofficial state bird. I rarely get bitten now...chalk it up to a hoarded stockpile of skin-so-soft and a fondness for cantelope. Apparently when you eat the melon, your skin sweats out a different odor that repels the skeeters. So I say...go to Canada and eat cantelope!

 hot flashes were so much worse when I was drinking...BUT...I'm still getting a few every now and then. My doc tells me to take it VERY easy on all soy products. Sometimes my waves work for me. Like when I'm in Home Depot at the return counter and burst out in beads of rolling sweat. The cashier works quickly to get me on the way cause I look like some lunatic whose about to lose it!

          off to finish the garage and to think great thoughts....
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            AF Daily - Wednesday

            Lavande;1198365 wrote: DG, if it makes you feel any better - my DIL is up to her eyeballs with papers due as well for her 3 courses. Trying to do all that while keeping an eye on EB & his brother Will is not easy. Just be grateful you're not breast feeding & changing poopy diapers too & dealing with the Insanity Twins all at the same time :H :H
            She has my utmost respect and I will try to stop my whinin' now!!!

            bear, it sounds like the workplace crap is really over the top!! Is Uni's suggestion a possibility? Or maybe one of those other jobs even though less pay? Some things just aren't worth it. :l Good for you not drinking over it!

            Turnagain, that's a great suggestion abut the index cards. Thanks! I also love cantalope and will try out that suggestion next summer!

            My word count just went over 1,000. :yougo: There is hope. I'm getting OCD with that word count feature.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Wednesday

              Quick check in from mosquito-free Canada!
              Marshy, skeeters love me lots, but with a bit off OFF Woods or whatnot it really isn't that bad. I'm in Northern Ontario and we do lots of outdoorsy stuff including riding and boating

              Thank you all for your thoughts in regards to my little Miss :l And for letting me vent. I haven't even brought this to Mr. Wonderful's attention yet. I guess I'm still praying that she is NOT really pregnant again.

              I think Marshy asked if she's happy... hmm. Perhaps this afternoon, yes. It changes quicker than the direction of the wind. She will call me or send me a message asking relationship advice and whether she's right/wrong to think/expect this or that and that something just doesn't seem right. Then, an hour later, there's a FB status like "I love you so much baby". I honestly think she's going through puberty now (well, for the last year, really). I never had any of the horror stories about 14-16 year old girls with her. None. Nada. It is now that she is all over the map, up and down like a yo-yo, discarding plans faster than she makes them. According to FB she got engaged today

              AFM... super good vibes and strength from here as well. I'm glad you have such a competent medical team. DG... 1000 words sounds good! You'll get there! Uni... hope you'll get some rest. Turn... I'm so glad there is a good use for hot flashes! Bear... :l This job really doesn't sound like it's worth it. Kas... *sigh* I'm sorry your in the same boat. Lav, I wish there was a Curves here... you sound like you're really enjoying it!

              And now, it's back to the barn. I really wonder sometimes why we have a house!?
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                AF Daily - Wednesday

                Well, I had constipation for the first 1/2 of the paper but managed to crap out the last 1/2 just fine. :H Sumitted to teacher for feedback. I hope there is no more crapping to be done on this paper by her OR me!

                On to the next homework project!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Wednesday

                  Sunni, this must be so frustrating with your daughter. I wonder if FB is a blessing or a curse?

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Wednesday

                    See DG? I told you crapping out term papers was the way to go :H :H
                    I do what I can to help my DIL out - babysiting, cooking, changing poopy diapers (sorry I can't do the breast feeding :H) We will all be happy when she is done with this & hopefully finds a job to settle in to for a while. She's a social work major & I know there is a growing need for them especially with the boomers passing 29

                    Uni, I wish I could send you some Lavan-ittude.......I've been sharing it all around here today!
                    I have been feeling just a bit teary myself the past two days & I don't even know why. Feck it!

                    Where is the Green One today?

                    Sunni, Curves is a lot of fun. Hopefully the cardio & weight resistance is doing my body some good. The company there is doing my soul some good - I do know that. Maybe you should open a franchise (hint hint).
                    I was asked to bring in some embroidered stuff for their craft sale next week so I'm stitching my brains out in the evenings to get stuff together like lace Christmas ornaments, linen towels with Christmasy designs, etc. Fun, fun!

                    Where is Det this week? Have I just missed him?

                    Kaslo - about the hot flashes.......
                    Don't say anything but they seem to be under control right now. I'm have much fewer & less drastic flashes

                    FB is IMHO a PIA.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Wednesday

                      Dog, cat, kid, husband - all needing something at the same time. I swear I'm going to lose my mind tonight. Overwhelmed today......didn't do any of my schoolwork and frankly I don't care. I'll do it tomorrow. I need to go take my meds and hit the hay - today is almost over -thank god!

                      DG - good work on the term paper.
                      Turn - yes, I am 6 courses away from being a liscenced addiction caseworker!
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        AF Daily - Wednesday

                        hey ho! Just landing in front of the 'puter with a cup of herbal tea.... I like the shop, I like the other 2 barbers, I like the customers. It's a good way to spend the day, which was absolutely gorgeous. We had both doors wide open letting a nice breeze flow through. Mojo was humming. I am grateful to have found this cool spot in which I feel so comfortable, have flexibility, and it's so close to home. Lucky me!

                        Thanks so much for the cheers and rah rahs! :kudos: It feels really good to have a 2 year anni at a transition point in the job arena. It's a good solid feeling to navigate life AF. I appreciate your camaraderie. :l

                        bear, great idea to cycle to work... very smart indeed.

                        LAv.. crap out a paper? :H Maybe I won't use that just yet with reference to haircuts.
                        I wonder if you're teary because you still mourn what might have been or wish it was or something like that with YB. The way he comes and goes has to feel a bit emotionally yo-yo ish.

                        Marshy , more grease? ohhhhh... ahhhhh...

                        DG, you're really hammering the schoolwork pace!

                        Turn, cantalope?? really? Makes me laugh to think about actually making the discovery.

                        AFM, Chin up and marching forward! You are SO awesome!!

                        Uni you're doing great taking brutal days for what they are and not "reacting" to it. You're really living what you learned eh?

                        Kaz, geologist on a chain! :H

                        Sunnybutt, sheri had a thread about detachment in what we believe section. You might find something helpful in it. It was a great thread - from a book by Karen Casey I believe. Here's a :l for you.

                        LVT, send you hubby down for a haircut, would you?

                        Yes, where IS det?? And P3??

                        I'm going to gather clothes and stuff to try to go to the gym and then on to work in the AM. I marked out an extra half hour - need some room for error! Jealous of Lav & curves commitment. Oh, the yoga instructor I like brought his son in today for a haircut. That was nice.

                        See you flip side! damn smilie limit
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Daily - Wednesday

                          Where is the Anni girl today??? I hope she didn't miss her own party!! And here I thought I was too late!!

                          I'm so sorry to not give an individual shout out to everyone. Sure was busy for us all today!

                          Special hugs to AFM-hope your 1st chemo treatment went OK and you're not too sick-and to Uni-just ride the wave and listen to your body and soul-they will never steer you wrong! And to Bear-I know all too well the pain of being in a toxic job-hope it sorts itself out soon.

                          Had my ortho app't for the hip/shoulder today: Hip is fine-keep going with PT; Shoulder-possible torn muscle-will need xrays and go back for a real eval on Tues (I kind of snuck it in today with the hip).

                          Closing went great yesterday-only owed $11 instead of $440!! Now I can get my fecking car a tuneup so I can go faster than 30 mph :H.

                          PT tomorrow, work then work at NH-repeat on Friday. Can't wait for Saturday so I can rest!!

                          Deter and IJM, please check in!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily - Wednesday

                            oh good! There you are Greenie!! Glad you had such a great day on this very special day!!

                            Sunni-big :l to you and your daughter. I can't even imagine what you are going through right now!

                            DG-great job on crapping today!! :H

                            Hi Turn, Kas, Treya, Lav, LVT!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Daily - Wednesday

                              I'm alive! At the restaurant near my hotel typing on phone.

                              Mega kudos to her Greenliness!!! Ab fab!
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)


                                AF Daily - Wednesday

                                Yay Papmom!! It's about time you caught a break! Whoo hoo!
                                NF since June 1, 2008
                                AF since September 28, 2008
                                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

