Well done P3! Eleven bucks? Okay!
Hi Det!!
well I have to report that the Geologist was a good rock monkey and ate his contractual dinner. Then was about to retire to making dinner when Huge Client phones wanting a project I did in 2008. No problem. But I did have to scramble . THEN Land Manager, female, youthful working for the same old industrial client called at 430 pm and wanted me to find an excel spreadsheet I did in 2007', right when I was transitioning from a big engineering (the WORST) now. Then called to say she was coming to get it. No you are not sez I. I spent three hours trying to find the project....was it on a portable in use after leaving Company x? Noooooo. Turns out it was mr kaslos project. I worked on it for six hours. In sept of 2005. Wtf. Been at it since 7 am and it's now 10 pm. Mr Kaslo is mercifully going to take it from here. Hopefully ms female will not show up here at 6 am wanting her file. I may have to give her my fondest regards.
Good night all