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AF Daily - Thursday October 27

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    AF Daily - Thursday October 27

    UP AND AT 'EM fABbies!!!!!!

    I woke up at 1:45 this morning and could NOT get back to sleep. So I just got up and have been all dressed up with nowhere to go for over an hour now!! Gonna quit goofing off and do a little homework before I head out. Easy interesting stuff, and progress on a project due in November. I feel good about where I'm at with homework and classes after crappin' that paper! Will be off to an early AA meeting then school. Then tonight we have a chamber event. It will be a long day and I hope I end up pooped and get a good sleep tonight!

    P3 - so happy for you about the closing!!! FINALLY!!! Hope the car repairs go smoothly.

    Greenie, you sound so happy with this barbering arrangement! Based on your personality we see here, I can just visualize you being an awesome barber stylist person.

    Kaz - sounds like your day went crazy in the end! Hope today is calmer.

    Det - great to see you. How do you stand all the road time you have to put in? Seems like you enjoy what you do for the most part - I'm sure that helps! Part of my hatred for being on the road was that I didn't even like what I was selling / doing. Of course, I also didn't like being under the microscope 24X7. That was a huge drain on my drinking freedoms. Women aren't supposed to get shit faced even if the guys are getting shit faced. I had a big problem with that. :nutso:

    Anyway...I'm going to find some interesting articles on the subject of substance use, abuse and dependence for my class project. WAY more fun than crapping papers. Hope you all are off to a great start on the day!

    One thing is for sure...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Thursday October 27

    Hello abbers!

    Our shelving units have been delivered, just need to set aside a couple of weeks for the self-assembly.

    DG - sorry you can't sleep. I hate that. I slept like a hound last night :H

    AFm - hope your first chemo went well (if it turned out that you had it yesterday). I know my mum sometimes got irritated with confusion over appointments and what was happening when. I think it was all being worked out in the background but sometimes doctors are not very good communicators.

    Greenie - the job sounds great!

    Turnagain - I love melon! Will definitely bear that in mind.

    Kaslo - would love to go kayaking there. We were considering it and then a friend of GF's who lived somewhere in Ontario (not sure where) for a couple of years told her the mosquitoes were horrendous and she was really put off by that. But with a bag of cantaloupes at our side what could possibly go wrong?

    Have a peaceful day everyone.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Thursday October 27

      Morning abbers!

      I slept in today so rushing to get the family out the door. But I am feeling better and more awake today so that is good.

      Marshy - some years are bad and some are not as bad for mosquitos - it really does depend. This year we didn't have mosquito issues at the trailer, just a crap load of flies. It changes all the time.

      DG - sorry you didn't sleep well, but glad you crapped out your paper! LOL

      Okay, off to get the day started.
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily - Thursday October 27

        Morning fabbies!

        DG night before last was like that for me. I listened to a telecast with energy work and really thought that was the cause. Last night I too was a hound.

        Marshy, did you see the link I posted about the bug shirt? That with a self feeder bag of cantalope strapped to your face could really have you set!

        Uni I hope you have a really soul satisfying day!

        Kaz - boundaries seem to be made for testing eh? Good on ya.

        Det & P3 glad you checked in - P3 AWESOME on the $11!!! YAY!

        I decided to not do the gym this AM, but to take an early lunch and go to the yoga studio that is basically next door (might be able to walk - I'll have to look). The yoga guy I like so much that teaches at the gym has started teaching a TUes-Thurs class at 11 - 12. When he came in yesterday with his son, he asked about giving me business cards and we agreed to mutual reciprocation in the referral arena. I hope that means he will be my customer too. That will pay for a few of his classes a month! I love that I have the flexibility to make a choice like that - to go to yoga class. You may remember me on the verge of panic at the prospect of a 9-5 job with dictated lunch, etc. For me, this freedom is priceless and I am so grateful.

        I bought a new kind of coffee and it is boring. The price of "good" coffee really puts me off so maybe this will move me back to tea drinking.

        Well..... off into the working world. My many hairy people cross the threshold today to be transformed into a faithful greenie client.

        rock on!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Thursday October 27

          Morning, FABbies!

          DG, sorry about the sleep fairy's absence.. I was hogging her!
          Marshy and Uni.. have a great day!

          Kaslo.. holy! I'd be hard pressed finding something from last week, never mind 2007!

          AFM.. how did it go yesterday and how are you feeling today? Thinking of you!

          Papmom.. Yay on the closing! Speaking of car... I gotta get mine in, too :upset:

          Greenie.. I somehow keep getting this mental picture of a scene from an Eddie Murphy movie when I think of your stylish adventure :H

          Turnagain.. never heard of the melon but will definitely try it! Mmmmm, melon and vanilla ice cream.... *sigh* The ice cream will help, too, won't it?

          Hello to Lav, Det, and everyone else to come. Hope you're all having a terrific Thursday!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            AF Daily - Thursday October 27

            Uni - flies?? It's a jungle out there! Glad you're feeling more awake. Did you ever get checked out for possible medical reasons why you're so tired or did I miss that?

            Greenie - saw the bug shirt :H. In a word, "no". :H My GF trained as a hairdresser when she was young and it kept her afloat when she was working her way around Australia. A very useful, flexible skill to have.

            Hi GG - any news re the FB engagement?
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily - Thursday October 27

              Hello friends,

              I don't think I could function with anything less than 8 hours of sleep! Honestly lack of sleep feels like a hangover to me.

              AFM-I hope your treatment went well and there are minimal side effects! I really do love your attitude--(and your avatar) you rock!

              Kaslo--it is a good thing you are way more organized than I am. Since I started working all of my part time jobs I can't find a friggin thing!! 2 computers and things seem to just disappear!

              I love the sounds of your new life Greenie!!

              Marshy, I hate the way bugs can ruin things! But, there are ways to deal with them. I am also cleaning and tossing and organizing. Have fun with that!

              Sunny--I am amazed at your barn! It looks a little too nice for animals. Did you save a little retreat space for yourself?

              Uni-I'm glad you're feeling better. No energy sucks. Which reminds me, I better go call my son for the 3rd time! Oh! Here he is!!:H

              When I was Alateen sponsor, the only kids were 2 families. One whose dad was a bad drunk (still is) and the other whose brother was a drug addict (who has turned his life around and is back with a new wife). I often wonder if these kids look at me now and think about those days. I certainly wasn't qualifed to council, but used the alateen material provided. And the One Day at a Time book. Most of these kids turned out ok as far as I know. I hope I helped them a little.

              DG--you are so right about running away from a problem. But, maybe this is the best solution for my new friend. I honestly don't know the circumstances, but feel bad for her and her kids.

              Today I get to stay home all day. Yesterday I got some odds and ends caught up and today I'm tackling the clutter and laundry upstairs. I can't wait to have this house back in order and start some other winter projects. The good news is, the water in our basement has finally receded and the pumps quit kicking on! Good thing too, it was 15 degrees here this morning!!! Brrrr!

              Have a great sober day my friends!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily - Thursday October 27

                15 degrees LVT??? That's serious cold - Brrrr!

                Good morning everyone! 10 am here & I'm having trouble getting into gear. Did not sleep well last night or the night before. My dog slepts from 9 pm to 9:30 am & snored the whole time
                I do have some mental stuff that I need to clear away & will be working on that this evening!!!!!!!!

                DG, glad you are having a crap free day today!

                Greenie, I resented to 40 minutes allowed for a lunch/dinner break at the hospital. We were not permitted to leave the premises - felt like a damn prison.
                Enjoy your freedom

                Marshy, self-assembly of anything is not a good idea for me. I would lure my son here with a sandwich to help me put a shelf together :H

                Sunni, I hope you are feeling better today re your daughter. Honestly, I don't think we ever stop worrying about our kids. My daughter is 34 & I still worry.

                OK, need to force myself to get moving!
                Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Thursday October 27

                  Hi guys,

                  Marshy - no, I never got checked out. I really think it is just due to the depression and anxiety because I can go one or two days with high energy and then after a day like that I just crap out. I think my body just goes whoa.......slow down! But I do have to see my family doctor this month (November) so I'll ask her then.

                  I finished my assignment - yeah! Only one more for this course. I started the readings for my case worker course today. Going to try to get all of these picked off by Dec. 1st and then I want to take Women in Addictions.

                  I am frustrated and need to vent. If hubby is working and I bug him he gets pissed. So he comes in and he sees me at the computer. Asks what I am doing and I say I am finishing up my assignment. So he starts blabbing on and on about stuff that we can talk about later and I'm in my "assignment brain" frame of mind. So I say, "honey, I'm sorry but I really need to finish this, can we talk later?" Well he turns on his heel and storms downstairs. Then he opens the door to leave and I call out - "I'm sorry if you are upset.....and I'm about to say it's not that I don't want to talk but that I just wanted to get the assignment done.....however I didn't get a chance cause he clips off - "back later" and slams the door. I was like #@$!%^$%!%@%$@#$ you!!!! I was so pissed off. If I ever did that to him he'd flip but I guess it's okay the other way around. Anyway, now that my assignment is in you can bet we'll be having a discussion when he gets home.

                  Just needed to vent that. Okay, I'm off!
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF Daily - Thursday October 27

                    I just walked out to my mailbox - in a light rain & saw this:

                    Actually there were three chickens sitting on top of the fence but by the time I tool the pic two of them had jumped off. This is one of the lighter breeds I have now - apparently they can fly :H :H
                    I just hope they remember to jump back into their fenced yard or they will have to deal with a piggy swissy :H :H
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Thursday October 27

                      Hey Everyone-
                      Just poppin' in real quick. As I said, my mom is in town so I'm doing some visiting. Tomorrow is my son's b-day and I'm hecka busy putting all the party stuff together.
                      Hope everyone is doing great.
                      Will catch up soon- :-)
                      "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                        AF Daily - Thursday October 27

                        oh my...Lav....chickens can fly?! I thought they just fluttered a few inches off the ground when they got to wound up to waddle.

                        Uni...the same thing has happened between my hubby and me. I tend to have a low threshold for frustration, although it has risen a bit since being AF. Still, I get plenty pissed when DH has a hissy fit when I've calmly requested to finish a task I am focused on. We have been together for 27 years now. Sometimes talking it out makes it better. And will happen again. Oh's frustrating but I can only change me so I try to blow off the anger of the moment so I can get back to working effectively.

                        DoggyG - glad to hear you crapped a load off your back. I bet you'll get a great grade on it!

                        LVT - are you my cosmic twin? I am tackling clutter today and when does laundry ever end? I've got a pile of bedding that is almost as high as Denali. I've got a huge NOTEBOOK of niggling construction projects that need to be done. I've decided to work my way through the house, room by room, instead of doing a little here and a little there. I am ready to pulverize the punch list once and for all.

                        Today, I am back to making a specific plan to remain AF. I am facing one of my biggest triggers: being alone. I will fill my day with projects and once they're done I'm taking the wild pugs for a long walk or post-op Quasimoto shuffle. I'm drinking lotsa water - more than usual. Tonight, I will make a decent meal for myself and then go watch my HOs play HOckey. I will take a scenic route home from the rink to avoid all liquor stores that would otherwise be beckoning me to pull in. And last, but most essential, I will be sticking close to MWO.

                        As much as I dislike facing these trigger situations....I also view them as opportunities to build new neural pathways in the brain along with stronger AF muscles. I won't be doing this alone....I've got all sorts of great coaches here to spot me and encourage me.

                        Thank you!

                        Now...for some serious thoughts....

                        For all of you planning to eat a truckload of cantelope while in skeeter may want to reserve some melons for ammo, too. Rig up a mini-catapult and then just hurl the melons right at the vile insects. You can take out whole squadrons with one piece of fruit. There's another surefire skeeto solution I can share with you, but it involves bats! They just aren't for everyone.
                        Sober for the Revolution!
                        AF & NF July 23, 2011


                          AF Daily - Thursday October 27

                          oh my...Lav....chickens can fly?! I thought they fluttered a few inches off the ground when they got to wound up to waddle.

                          Uni...the same thing has happened between my hubby and me. I tend to have a low threshold for frustration, although it has risen a bit since being AF. Still, I get plenty pissed when DH has a hissy fit when I've calmly requested to finish a task I am focused on. We have been together for 27 years now. Sometimes talking it out makes it better. And will happen again. Oh's frustrating but I can only change me so I try to blow off the anger of the moment so I can get back to working effectively.

                          DoggyG - glad to hear you crapped a load off your back. I bet you'll get a great grade on it!

                          LVT - are you my cosmic twin...I am tackling clutter today and when does laundry ever end? I've got a pile of bedding that is almost as high as Denali. I've got a NOTEBOOK of projects that need to be done. I've decided to work my way through the house, room by room, instead of doing a little here and a little there. I am ready to pulverize the punch list once and for all.

                          Today, I am back to making a specific plan to remain AF. I am facing one of my biggest triggers: being alone. I will fill my day with projects and once they're done I'm taking the wild pugs for a long walk or post-op Quasimoto shuffle. I'm drinking lotsa water - more than usual. Tonight, I will make a decent meal for myself and then go watch my HOs play HOckey. I will take a scenic route home from the rink to avoid all liquor stores that would otherwise be beckoning me to pull in. And last, but most essential, I will be sticking close to MWO.

                          As much as I dislike facing these trigger situations....I also view them as opportunities to build new neural pathways in the brain along with stronger AF muscles. I won't be doing this alone....I've got all sorts of great coaches here to spot me and encourage me.

                          Thank you!

                          Now...for some serious thoughts....

                          For all of you planning to eat a truckload of cantelope while in skeeter may want to reserve some melons for ammo, too. Rig up a mini-catapult and then just hurl the melons right at the vile insects. You can take out whole squadrons with one piece of fruit. There's another sure fire skeeto solution I can share with you, but it involves bats! They just aren't for everyone.
                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            AF Daily - Thursday October 27

                            :H :H Turnagain, I actually have a bat house hanging high on the side of my chicken coop & an owl box on the side of my garage. Haven't seen a bat in ages - where are they? I have been hearing owls at night though

                            Stick close to MWO like I do - helps cancel out the lonliness
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily - Thursday October 27

                              Wow Lav! We could trade houses! Mr. Doggy has bat and owl houses here too. And honeybees and dogs. LOTS of dogs. No piggy swissy though. Or flying chickens. Does piggy swissy herd them if they land outside the coop? (mine would eat them - one of the many reasons we decided not to build a coop!) I hope we both sleep well tonight! We deserve it!

                              Turnagain, sounds like you have a really awesome plan for dealing with your triggers. :goodjob: LOL at cantalopes as a weapon taking out mosquitos by the squadron. :H

                              GAC - have fun with Mom!

                              Uni - sounds like you are making GREAT progress in your classes. I will eventually get to take a Womens' addiction class of some sort. Not next semester though I don't think. I hope when you talk you hubby he can see that the situations are exactly the same, and have some understanding. Funny - my conversations with Mr. Doggy go WAY better now that I'm sober. Alcohol makes my tongue sharp I guess.

                              LVT - funny you mention lack of sleep feeling like a hangover. I was telling Mr. Doggy on the way home from school that I felt like I had a hangover. UGH. I can handle a slight shortage of sleep, but I got hardly any last night and I fell like my term paper. (crap) Did you ever figure out for sure why your basement was leaking, and how to prevent it in the future?

                              Marshy and Sunni - when you sleep like hounds do you drool?

                              And yeah Sunni - what about that FB engagement???

                              Marshy - good luck with some assembly required!

                              Greenie, I just smile every time you talk about your new venture. It just sounds so YOU. How was yoga?

                              Well, in my new class we are having debates as part of our class projects. We picked our teams and topics today. I really like my team - 2 guys I know from the first 1/2 semester class, and one new guy who just seems interesting - I think he works in the criminal justice system. The topic we picked is "Harm Reduction" and we are arguing on the "pro" side of that topic. The US in particular tends to fall on the "con" side of that so I am looking forward to learning more aobut how other countries / cultures view it and forming some new ideas. As an example, I understand the injection clinic in Vancouver caused quite a stir. That is a great example of a harm reduction approach to the IV drug use problem. Other examples include free needle programs, free cab ride home (from the bars) programs.

                              If any of you are aware of any harm reduction programs related to alcohol or other drug use anywhere in the world, please let me know! The more controversial the better! All ideas welcome! See? we FINALLY get to do a class project together!!!!!

                              I have to drag myself to a Chamber of Commerce event tonight. Screw the need for a drink avoidance plan. I'm going with a food devouring plan followed by a how-fast-can-I-get-home-to-bed plan.

                              Hi all fABbies yet to come!

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

