Today Effin SUCKS......that is all.
I am so pissed. This girl who I used to be friends with (I say that because I have since discovered what a complete bitch she is) sent me a message on FB to tell me that I have to stop playing the victim and making everything all about me and that I will fail in my sobriety if I don't do that. I'm like, excuse me? First off, I haven't seen you in months, secondly you don't know shit about what I've been through and thirdly - WHO THE F do you think you are? I forwarded it on to 2 mutual friends who then let me know that she's been bitching like that for months, that she is not happy unless she is bitching about something and that tomorrow at a party they are all going to they intend to tell her right off. Glad I'm not going to be at the party but wow, I sure wish I was a fly on the wall! Anyway, as much as I'm sad and hurt my hubby and my friends keep telling me this is her issue, not mine and that it has nothing to do with me and that she is just a bitch. So at least I know who my supports are now!
Anyway - what a friggin day this has been. I'm going to go jump in a hot shower and chill out with a book and a coffee.