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AF Daily - Friday October 28

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    AF Daily - Friday October 28

    Busy day for me, busy day on this thread too

    G - wrestling crocs? Really? Geez, be careful friend!

    Uni, don't be a 'sin eater' - tell that girl to feck off & forget her. She sounds like she's really nuts & out of control! You don't need all that drama.

    Hello again to DG & Greenie!
    AFM, I'm sorry you're having to wiat so long to get your chemo started - that would bother me too

    Kaslo, happy anni & thanks for the beautiful pic!!

    Hi M3 & Det, Turnagain & CAB!

    Sunni, glad the dust is settling with your daughter. I know you will help her make the best decisions for her future

    LVT, I'll help you eat that soup - I love cabbage

    papmom, take care of that shoulder, please.
    I'm expecting 2-4" of snow tomorrrow which is crazy for this area in October - unheard of really!
    I can't imagine expecting 12-15"
    There has to be someone available to help you shovel.......I hope!

    I spent the entire day entertaing daughter, DIL & the 3 grandkids once I got home from Curves.
    Had a blast but am tired now - maybe I will actually sleep tonight.

    I feel funny about using MWO space to solicit embroidery business - I don't want to get thrown off the site. I'll have to think of some way to handle the BAA HUMBUG sweatshirt thing. I could put it on ebay but I'm not sure if you all are ebay users

    Anyway, wishing everyone a cozy AF night!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Friday October 28

      Quick late checkin!

      Would you all quit saying the 'S' word!??? :egad: And, if you do get it, kindly keep it south of the border... I ain't ready for it yet! :H

      Lav, loved the chickens on the fence! And yes, they DO fly! I had a few escape artists myself.
      Greenie.. 14 hair cuts? That's awesome!

      AFM, hang in there. Love your attitude... that'll be your biggest defense :l Hmm.. yummy drenched men.. have you brought this up with your therapist!? :H

      Papmom... did I miss it? What did you do to your shoulder? Oh.. and no, no rest for the wicked!

      Det, glad you're home, Turn... :H odd, huh?

      Ok, 11pm.. and I'm pooped as usual. Time to turn in. Glad that I am sober and sane. Night all!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        AF Daily - Friday October 28

        Hello again.

        I know it's late, but I know I won't have time to bless you with a sandwich worthy post in the morning.:H

        I feel so bad for you that have such big problems with your children. I can't imagine what it must feel like to worry about their welfare. :l

        Speaking of kids. #1 son continues to push our buttons. Now he wants to get his ears pierced. He also wanted to spend the night at a friend's house tonight. Then he said plans had changed and he couldn't stay at that friend's house, but perhaps a different one. I said I would call them and make sure it was ok--mainly to get his reaction. Which was an over-reaction I felt. I told him it was called responsible parenting and don't understand why he was so embarrassed by it. He said he would be too embarrassed to stay there if I called so he was just going to come on home. And besides when I called the parents house, no answer? THEN I find out the other friends were planning on staying at a sister's house (she's 21) out of town. Hmmmmm......sounds kind of fishy to me but he denies having any plans to stay with them there. I know I can't make all of his decisions for him, but it seems like sometimes their desire to be independent and have some freedom clouds their judgment. Or they truly believe nothing bad would never happen to them. I've done a little reading on an ADD forum and I have to wonder if the manipulative behavior and lies are part of the ADD, or is this just a teenager thing?

        Anyway, hubby overheard my conversation with son and got really angry. One thing led to another and he was upset with him because of some of the things that the boys said to him the other night when he came in drunk. I took the bull by the horns and told him that I wasn't really comfortable speaking for the boys, but his drinking had to be effecting them in negative ways. He needed to think about that. And evidently he has been, because he said he was trying. The conversation was uncomfortable, but I think he heard me when I said he couldn't continue to worry about the things he can't control about our future. What if his health failed or he died from a heart attack from the stress he feels. How about he focus his energy on the here and now and pray a little more about the things that are out of our control. I understand his concern about our future, but if all that worry ruins what we have now, what good does it do. I actually said it seemed like his drinking was more and more all the time and felt he could cut down a great deal. So, we will see.

        Anyway, I know I'm rambling. I'm watching a pretty good movie called "Changing Lanes." Waiting for my son to get home.

        Uni--that "friend" doesn't deserve you.:l

        AFM--I agree with Kaslo.

        Kaslo--I most generally need to get the dictionary out after reading your posts. Thank you for helping me learn a word for the day. Seriously I love it. I guess I miss Reader's Digest.

        Greenie! I'll bet you are pooped.

        Ok, I'll quit now.:H Good night.:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily - Friday October 28

          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily - Friday October 28

            Lav the secret to Ebay is effective adds. like this one

            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily - Friday October 28

              OMG Det - :H:H:H

              Quick check in for me before I run off to school.

              LVT - an interesting tidbit from my Human Development class that really stood out to me about the development of our brains. It is believed that a huge reason teenagers are so impulsive is because the area in our brains that controls pleasure seeking functions matures WAY sooner than the area of our brains in the frontal cortex that handle judgement, impulse control, etc. When I read that, it just seemed to explain so much to me. On some level, I couldn't help it when I was a teen, and teens to some degree can't help it - and really DO need parental guideance even though their pleasure seeking parts don't think so. So don't feel bad about keeping your thumb on things a bit!

              Kas - the roses sound glorious! That's a lot of years - congratulations again.

              Lav - I would like to order a sweatshirt too. If anyone tries to kick you off MWO over it we will have a mass rebellion!!! :b&d:

              Sunny - what's the "S" word? Are you talking about __________? I think Det and maybe Kas are the only ones getting that. Well, let's see. Maybe Uni too. Heck, there are probably a lot of people getting that and I just don't realize it!! :H

              Have a fABulous day everyone! One thing is for sure...

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.

