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af daily sat 29 oct

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    af daily sat 29 oct

    Wow - I read P3's forecast last night and thought I must have misunderstood or something. :egad: Stay safe out there everyone who is expecting Sxxx. Guess the farmer's almanac was right, eh? Harsh winter ahead?

    Bear, congrats on Day 8!!! There is defnitely such a thing as toxic work environment. Money ain't everything and life is too short. Good you are evaluating your options.

    IJM!!! Love that you love your Georgia Peach. You are special and I know she must be too. All that said....I think we really do need to work on your a weekend plan for those times she is at work. A new hobby? Volunteering? Something other than being at a bit of a loss waiting for Mrs. IJM to come home?

    Lav - I will e-mail you later! That bread sure looks good.

    Det, you are one handsome dude!! So wonderful that you and Dx appreciate each other so much. :h

    Hi Sunny! What is the ETA on the completion of the barn?

    Hi sidney!

    Uni - I used to thrive on drama and now I really try to avoid it. I hope the drama doesn't spill over to you tonight.

    Turnagain, that sounds like a wild project!! I hope you will share details, pictures, etc. as you get to work. Mr. Doggy will probably be interested. He has an inner artist that he is rarely able to feed, but he occassionally makes really cool stuff out of old computer parts, etc. I have a little robot butterfly magnet on my office light. It lights up. He makes cool stuff like that sometimes. So you will be doing this with your DD? How cool!

    Hi Kas! When does the Sxxx arrive in your neck of the woods?

    Who did I miss? Shout out to M3, P3, LVT, Treya, GAC, Greenbean :crowned:, Marshy, AFM, and I know I'm missing a bunch of folks! My memory ain't what it used to be but hello one and all!

    Special shout out to G-man. Get your ass over here. :b&d:

    Can't believe my final is already next Saturday in this short class! :egad: Much to do in the coming week.

    One thing is for sure.....

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      af daily sat 29 oct

      Oooo! Looks gooooood!

      Det!! Is that an angel trumpet vine? In your ear? Nice pic. Yer a very sweet looking fellow.

      Back to the dirt pile!


      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
      Status: Happy:h


        af daily sat 29 oct

        What great Pix...

        Det....SIRI loves you! some of that aroma up here....looks dee-lish-us!

        I've got a great photo to share from the Costco parking lot. I'll post once my phone comes went to the office for a bit with my hubby
        Sober for the Revolution!
        AF & NF July 23, 2011


          af daily sat 29 oct

          Shoutout to Sid....nice to see you out of the CHAT box, darling!
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            af daily sat 29 oct

            I could not resist


              af daily sat 29 oct

              yoos guys are all too funny and sweet xxxxx

              Sidney! ya, glad you jumped on this crazy fun bus with us. And I just wanna say your doing so good in your AFness I'm so very proud of you.

              Kas, I confess botanical ignorance. it was a pretty flower bush in front of my hotel on Thursday evening.

              Lav, that's food porn! wooooo!

              today I'm having fun molding custom knife sheaths from Kydex thermoplastic. please tell me I'm not the only one!

              zoom zoom
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                af daily sat 29 oct

                Det, you are the only one.

                Turnagain, life in Alaska must be boring if you have to stalk the Costco parking lot for photo opps in order to have a good time. Can't wait to see what turned up there.

                Thinking of our east coast peeps. Holy cow it's still unbelieveable to me that it's SNOWING LIKE CRAZY at this time of year! :egad: Be safe one and all. May the power stay on.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  af daily sat 29 oct

                  Hope I'm not speaking too soon but the storm seems to have fizzled out in my neck of the woods. Don't have much more than a coating :yay:
                  Snow before Halloween is just ridiculous - who needs it??
                  I know there much more snow happening up north - hang in the papmom!!

                  Hi sidney, welcome to the insanity

                  Det, do you have to have a license to mold those things :H
                  I agree with DG - you are the only one......

                  I wonder how many haircuts the green queen did today?
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    af daily sat 29 oct

                    Ooookkkkaaayyyyy. I confess I've only been in Chat once and can't remember how I got there. No I have not been drinking. Somebody please tell me. Det you were there darlin.

                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      af daily sat 29 oct


                      It is fecking cold and snowy out there!!

                      I got up early and worked on the yard this morning. Took all the agility equipement in, rustled up the odd tools and put away, unplugged the pond pumps, drained the hoses and brought into basement, covered furniture and made sure the sXXXX blower works. My dad came over and fixed my deadbolt for me (source of HUGE stress for me over past 2 years. Got so bad I had to lock it from inside and go out the back and through the gate to get to my car). It works now, my car works now, my errands are done (kids have food, I have food AND a new LED lantern and power inverter-next best thing to a generator at least for heating the electric kettle and maybe powering the TV) and yes I finished the errands in the midst of the blizzard. I also managed to lock my self out of the car at the gas station (please don't ask how!) and I swear AAA broke a record getting to me even tho it took 15 min for them to answer my call and they gave me a 90 min estimate.
                      They were there in 10.

                      I've been home for a few hours now, doing dishes, laundry and relaxing. Tomorrow morning will be a bear-the snow will be deep and very heavy. Doubt I'll get to work on time but in I must go. I will also probably lose both new sweet gum trees the City planted this spring to replace the trees I lost to the beetle. So sad. I can't watch.

                      time to feed the kids and snuggle under the down comforters and pray we don't lose power.

                      Det-you're a sweetie!! I'm glad DX knows what she's got!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        af daily sat 29 oct

                        Hidey hi!

                        Had a happy day at the shop. My favorite was the old man who got out of rehab from heart surgery yesterday. I got him all spiffed up and he gave me a tip equal to the haircut price. But the tip wasn't why he was my favorite. I'm liking the old men. They look surprised to see me in there in a barber shop. :H 6 haircuts today? Saturday I work from 10 (after yoga) until 2 or so. Det I could cut your hair and yes, you are the only one.

                        Snow! What the hey! I need to check out the weather channel.

                        lav, that bread pic nearly brought me to my knees!

                        Hey ho sidney & lodestar!

                        IJM Good on ya for getting back into the exercise. I remember what an enthusiast you werre before.

                        Uni, I hope you can sit back at the party. I'd really stear clear of that one. You know how they say the toughies are our best teachers...... icky as it is sometimes.

                        Kaz you had french toast made for you?? sigh.....

                        Turn I hope we get to see a picture of the project, hint hint. That is fab you are doing it with daughter.

                        Sunnybutt, good show of patience with your daughter. About all you can do, eh?

                        bear I hope you can find some place to work where you are happy. That is priceless to me form an energetic standpoint.

                        Did I catch everyone? Shout out to M3, LVT, P3, dogluvr.. any others who have stopped in. Oh and G! :h

                        Gee, what a sweet, polite little post from me!

                        Nighty night bitches, and a smooch for the fellas!


                        Oh man! A new robe I ordered came in the mail today. You know how I love my robe! HOWEVER, it is deffinately not so plush as the one I had before.... everything seems like that. Pay more get less.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          af daily sat 29 oct

                          X-post P3 - wow you really battened down the hatches. do tell how you locked yourself out of the car....
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            af daily sat 29 oct

                            Greenie, I seriously think you should do something with Determinators hair! What a hippy!

                            I am at home with my blankie and my laptop. I had a great day watching my son and other jr high kids wrestle all day. My morning started out with me being pissed off, but it got better. I told my hubby that he and #1 son better get things worked out or I was going to ground them both!
                            #1 son did not get home until 2 am!!! He got picked up (again) for no apparent reason (no ticket) this is the second time in a 30 day period I suppose. He has also been picked up for a tail light out. Once for speeding (warning). City cops and state patrol. The kid has been in more cop cars at 17 than I have in a lifetime. The good news is he has passed the sobriety tests every time and never had a ticket. I was sure he would get it for curfew violation last night, but apparently he was right, there is no curfew after 17. Hubby thinks he was lying about being stopped to explain his lateness. All I know is I am tired and I am going to bet money hubby has been drinking today as he has spent time with his heavy drinker BIL.

                            I spent a little time with my friend who has colon cancer and my best friend (his wife). It was nice to see first hand how he is doing. There are rumors going around that they called hospice in and that he has very little time left. Today he looked and felt really good. He told me he has too much to do and too much life left to live to die. He is not ready, that is for sure.

                            SXXX??? Too damn early for that here!!! The cold temps are bad enough! You guys just keep it ok?

                            Nighty night all.:h
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

