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AF Daily - Sunday October 30

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    AF Daily - Sunday October 30

    fABbies!!!!! Happy Sunday one and all. Special shout out to G-man if you are lurking out there. Come on in!

    I haven't rustled up any news yet this morning. Actually, I've sort of been enjoying freedom from news during this busy time. I am thinking of the Sxxx on the east coast and hoping it was less than predicted and that all fABies are safe and warm with plenty of electricity and hot chocolate or something.

    LVT - I don't think my poor old heart could take teenagers. That is all. :l

    Greenie, you sound so happy barbering! 6 more clients!! fABulous! I bet your clients are basking in your positive energy and will keep coming back for more!

    I need to make today a productive one! I've already done some reorganizing of my class materials for that short Saturday class where the final in next Saturday. So I am ready to attack this weeks homework assignment, as well as some review for the final. I also need to organize the links I have so far preparing for the debate, and forward that to the team. I also need to catch up on book keeping. If I get all that done, I will be happy. If extra reading gets done, that will be a bonus! I also want to get some exercise in today, and I have a meeting with a sponsee this morning too. So I better get crackin'!

    One thing is for sure. Very little, if any of this would have gotten done in the days of wine and hangovers.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Sunday October 30

    Doggygirl;1200601 wrote: Marking...
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Sunday October 30

      Hee hee - I almost put "marking for Greenie" in that post! :H


      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Sunday October 30

        Just popping my head in to say "Hi Girls" :cheering

        Off out to walk the dog on the beach, we dont have snow but its a mighty cold wind out there and I will be wrapped up in many layers......
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          AF Daily - Sunday October 30

          Hi Chilli! Awesome to see you and that peaceful avatar of yours. A chilly walk on the beach sounds heavenly to me!! Wish I could join you.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Sunday October 30

            Doggygirl;1200619 wrote: Wish I could join you.
            send me that cute pooch in the santa hat and I will take him/her too!
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              AF Daily - Sunday October 30


              Busy day for you DG, as usual. Me too. My sister is coming this week so I've got a bunch of stuff to do and make some sort of food plan. (I'm still salivating over lav's bread). Need to run some errands & get a couple hosetess gifts for the people we're visiting the following week.

              LVT, If I had teens I think I'd have a GPS microchip implant on them :H Seriously, that spend the night thing was not quite transparent enough for me. You are a patient soul.

              Doggygirl;1200601 wrote: Greenie, you sound so happy barbering! 6 more clients!! fABulous! I bet your clients are basking in your positive energy and will keep coming back for more!
              I hope so. My brother said when he needs a haircut he just keeps an eye out for a barber shop when he's out and about and goes in and gets it cut. No preference or loyalty involved. Some men have said they're happy to have one convenient to them, some are looking for a "good" one. Some are like my brother. A coupon went out in Val-pack so that's bringing some in. I hope the positive energy serves as good bait so they come back. I'm thinking of smudging the shop today. Hopefully the owner wont' think I'm smoking pot in there.

              As I shift gears in stepping back into barbering and a new workspace, routine, etc, I'm glad to be AF and have the opportunity to fully experience all the feelings that show up for me in the process. To sit with myself and sort through them, explore them, enjoy them or release them. There is a level of peace about that which is amazing. Granted I've done lots of work on consciousness, but AL would negate all that. It simply wouldn't be possible. I never would have done the work either. Grateful, grateful, grateful!

              OK, going to knock out the chores. One thing's for sure.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Sunday October 30

                chilipeppa!!! Wonderful to see you! Wish I could go too!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Sunday October 30

                  Morning abbers!

                  Busy day today, groceries, daughters b'day party and gotta get my NFL picks in asap!

                  Other than that it's pretty boring here in uni's world! But I'm sober! My 5 months is coming up on the 3rd. Things are looking up!

                  Love and hugs for an awesome AF Sunday!
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF Daily - Sunday October 30

                    Good Morning Fabber Abbers,

                    Chilly day here in VA. A dusting of snow yesterday. Pre-halloween happenings here. My girls are running a haunted house at church today for the annual UNICEF carnival Then there is a Halloween block party. Think I will skip that and go to a very warm (95 degree) yoga class at 4:30.

           true about having the space to experience all feelings. Alcohol certainly does not allow that.

                    I love my AF life. That is all.

                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      AF Daily - Sunday October 30

                      Good morning Abbers!

                      Sun is out melting the mere coating of snow I received yesterday, grateful for that!
                      Our papmom up in New England got slammed with more than a foot

                      DG, I have never been able to get a pic of my dogs with a santa hat on.....they just wouldn't cooperate. Hope your organizational skills bring you comfort today Don't let all the work overwhelm you, it's not worth it, really.

                      Greenie, so glad you are building a client base quickly. That has to be a rewarding feeling
                      I have extra smudge sticks if you run out!!!! Enjoy your sister's visit, sounds nice.

                      Uni, Happy Birthday to your daughter! Awesome that your 5 month anni is coming up. Feels pretty good, doesn't it? Have a great day!

                      Hey Chill, glad yuo stopped in to the borderline insanity thread :H
                      I think we are all painfully open & honest here......never a dull moment!

                      LVT, somehow or another we do live thru our teenager's angst. Just try to keep it separate & let them own it. They have to learn, even if they do make mistakes once in a while. I am very happy with my kids, they have turned into great adults, not perfect but quite likeable!

                      I have no real plans for today, will see what develops. I think YB is coming over, not sure why because the grass doesn't need cutting today :H
                      Wishing a great AF Sunday for everyone!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Sunday October 30

                        Good morning Abbers-
                        I am finally coming up for some air! The son's b-day party was a GREAT success! I had to stay up 'til midnight just pulling down the decorations & puttin' furniture back in order! I spent most of yesterday decompressing on the couch & watching tv movies. I've had so much going on this past week, that my body is physically wiped out!
                        I've decided to move on to my next addiction issue: Caffeine. Today will be my first day without it. I have run on strictly caffeine to get thru this past week. I usually would just have coffee or an energy drink in the morning, but it had become an ALL day thing. I need my body to do what it's supposed to do naturally. If I'm tired, I need to let my body rest, rather than caffeine up so I can get a few more things done. I know this week will be rough, but I am anticipating more energy once I go through the withdraWs of it. ANY SUGGESTIONS OUT THERE FOR DEALING WITH CAFFEINE WITHDRAW?
                        LVT - When I get a chance, I'll have to look at this weekend's posts to find out what happened with the teenage daughter. I'm currently dealing with my hormonally, emotionally charged 8 year old! I was always an easy going child (my mother will even agree!). I don't know where to start. I've tried talking calmly, I've tried bedroom time, I've tried several things! I'm ready to go back to the good ol' spankings!
                        "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                          AF Daily - Sunday October 30

                          No power fabbies
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily - Sunday October 30

                            GoAwayCabernet;1200675 wrote: ANY SUGGESTIONS OUT THERE FOR DEALING WITH CAFFEINE WITHDRAW?
                            Ahhh GAC! I knew there was a frequent flier I was missing yesterday! And Treya and....

                            Anyway, I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! she says on her 4th cup of coffee of the day Nothing helps a caffeine w/draw headache. It's like fecking alcohol. You have to wean. However, I have read that apples help. See if Mrs. Google reveals details. Also, have you tried yerba mate tea? It supposedly gives non-caffeine energy.

                            Good job on the b-day party!

                            Hitting the river with GF for a dog walk... gorgeous out!

                            AWWWW P3 Boo hoo! Glad you got all that stuff done yesterday though!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily - Sunday October 30

                              Hi Guys,
                              Missing? Who -me? Eeek-! I've just slept for the last 5 hours solid and that's after I got up at 6:30 with my grandchild today. Been on baby sitting duties for a few days to let the partents have some catch up time. Now it's time for Grandma to do the same zzzzzzzzzzzzz
                              Still, one thing's for sure.............
                              AF since 11 July 2011
                              You can never get enough of what you don't really want

