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AF Daily - Sunday October 30

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    AF Daily - Sunday October 30

    Hello all from the west Kootenays. I was thinking all this afternoon about the lovely wise words quoted by Greenie. I really appreciate you posting that Ms. Green and I'm a print that out.

    Ijm good advice also re shovel, but Mr Kaslo is a sensitive fellow and may take offense to a shovel temple massage. He was up on the roof today cleaning the gutters and had to have a nap after that. He's my sweetheart tho and there is no substitute for him. Btw we too used to have a big hallloween party on our cul de sac. Or Sac du Cul as we say up here in columbie brittanique.

    I must get back out to put the various garden tools away. If it snows there's nothing worse for finding them all rusted in the spring.


    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      AF Daily - Sunday October 30

      yodeho Kas...and others wondering about CHAT...

      I am not a subscriber and don't have any special privileges...I join in by:

      Clicking on the LIVE CHAT link (next to USER CP link)

      On my browser (Chrome) the link is just above the area where all the threads and posts are displayed.

      TIP: If you choose to open up CHAT as a new window (pop up) you may need to grab it on the lower corner and expand it until you see the thin yellow field where you do all your typing.

      You can see who is on chat when you sign into MWO by scrolling down to the bottom of the site.

      There are a bunch of us who get together quite a bit on chat...come one ...come all and have some fun with us!

      Kas...I sure could use some advice overwintering my dahlias. I've read a few conflicting opinions. I trust you! here's the situation...They're cut back in pots in the garage. (50-60 degrees F avg)

      Do I need to get the tubers out of the dirt? Do they need water? Do they require darkness?

      Also....If you have a good source of info for dealing with begonia bulbs...please point me there. Those little dudes are drying out in the garage too!
      Sober for the Revolution!
      AF & NF July 23, 2011


        AF Daily - Sunday October 30

        Thanks Turnagain, If I cant follow the instructions....I'm an eegit.

        I checked your photos of your sculptures, I love your artwork. Gorgeous textures and shapes. Wonderful. Thanks so much for posting. We seem to have quite a bit in common.. I also collaborate with my daughter in photography....of things nobody usually finds pretty...mostly garden kitsch, old structures, beat up crap... But your work is lovely.

        Re dahlias I have had lots of years where my experiments with overwintering fail. For example the year I stored them in the fridge. Bad idea. Or let them freeze. They turned to mush. I have also found they rot very easily. Last year I took some advice for a change and knocked all the soil off, as much as possible, dusted them thoroughly with powdered sulphur (from the garden centre) packed them in dry peat in a cardboard box and stored that in my front porch where it's cold, but doesn't freeze. Every single cluster of dangly bits survived and did very well. If I can get them to overwinter I usually start them in pots with bottom heat in April and sink those pots in the garden. I lost zero to mould last year and I'm convinced it was because of the sulphur.

        Re begonias, same thing, exactly. Sulphur the rReally dry peat, cardboard box. I label the crap out of the boxes too lest mr Kaslo decides these are boxes for the trash....


        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
        Status: Happy:h


          AF Daily - Sunday October 30

          Love the photos turn! Clever!

          Kaz, I think you need java to do chat and make sure you're going to regular chat, not subscriber chat.

          Yoo-hoooo IJM, G, LVT!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Sunday October 30

            Hmmm. I see the live chat symbol, and there are two choices, a window that is an in forum web page, and a new window. The former gives me an empty window with no keyboard and the latter takes me to a commercial site for usbeo that wants me to buy access for 145 bucks...

            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Daily - Sunday October 30


              I'm hanging in chat right now....
              all alone...

              I'm not sure what you're clicked on the words: "Live Chat" toward the upper left side of the site?
              Sober for the Revolution!
              AF & NF July 23, 2011


                AF Daily - Sunday October 30

                OMG - 4 pages on this thread today - wow!

                Fora girl who had no plans for the day I ended up busy, busy, busy!
                I have spent some quality peaceful time with YB - even took him to the orchard where I took Lily last week for pumpkins. He just wants to hang out these days so what the hell? He stayed for dinner, DIL & grandsons came over too. He needs so spend time with the kids & seems like he's finally starting to enjoy it. Does this mean anything? Is his depression finally starting to lift? I don't know, time will tell. I just let him hang out & don't put any pressure on him.

                Kaslo, I have been on chat but not for quite a while now. I'll have to find some time to try that again. About the cannas - I had them planted all around the pool fence at my previous house. They made for a real tropical look. We brought some here & planted them in a big circle around the well head (for some reason) but YB got tired of having to yank them out for the winter & replant in the spring. They mutiply like CRAZY!

                Time to say hello & good night o everyone. I'm beat
                Wishing everyone a great night!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Sunday October 30

                  Kas, sometimes I get a blank page on chat too. you can try refreshing the page. our Green one indicated you may need to download and update java.

                  Lav, isn't that awesome? even with no plans we get tons done AF whereas when I was under the influence, I would talk about all the grandiose plans for the next day and then.... promptly crap out.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

