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af daily mon 31 october

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    af daily mon 31 october

    Hey all - Halloween - best go out and buy some sweets for tonight for trick or treaters!

    Day 9 here - miscounted - double figures tomorrow - doh!
    Sitting around in pjs on pc doing life admin until midday then off out shopping and to the gym/changing to cheaper membership.

    Det - one of my close friends is very severely gluten intolerant - she finds that oats and even green/brown lentils irritate it.In case it helps you - I know it can be really debilitating.

    I have telephone counselling session booked for tomorrow evening to support me in dealing with work in meantime. I am working to pull my CV together by the end of November as well. Was going to be working on it today but I had mistakenly thought that I'd brought the training materials home but obviously they are still at work.

    Starting day off with fruit,nuts and yogurt I just realised that I ate mostly pizza and white bread with 2 pieces of fruit yesterday, all sugar then! I am eating well today, lentil soup for dinner with oatcakes and roast chicken, cabbage,carrots and two small roast potatoes for dinner.
    one day at a time

    af daily mon 31 october

    Good morning Abbers!

    Very frosty this morning, only 27 degrees - Brrrr!!

    bear, I hope you can make progress on your CV & find a better job situation for yourself. Life is too short to put up with so much discomfort at work. Your meal plan today sounds good - I made lentil soup myself last week

    I have a busy day ahead starting with Curves then going right to my son & DIL's house to babysit. Their regular morning sitter is not available for some reason. Then home this afternoon to a pile of work. No time to spare & grateful to be free & clear headed to do it all

    Wishing everyone a great AF Monday & Halloween

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      af daily mon 31 october

      Bear what's a CV?
      Busy is good lav.
      I'm starting to think I suck at time management.
      Gotta fly! Work away from work day.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        af daily mon 31 october

        Have a good one out there Abber's!

        Greenie, a C.V. in Bears case might be a 'Curriculum Vitae'. Formerly well known as an ancient traditional stringed instrument popular with the Romans, these day's a C.V. usually refers to a resume, or work/study/qualifications history, for employment purposes.

        One things for sure...........

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          af daily mon 31 october

          Hello abberoos!

          I am vertical but not awake yet. Daughter is home as it is a PD day. I'm feeling extrememly anxious today for some reason. I'm sure it's due to all the excitement coming up tonight with trick or treating etc. Not sure what the reason is however unfortunalty I cannot even really relax with having the daughter home all day. aaaaauuuuuuuggggggghhhhhh

          Oh well, I will survive. Not sure exactly what we will do today but I'm hoping I can find something that is fairly low key. She'd live on the computer all day if I'd let her but that's not an option so we shall see.

          Okay, I'm off to take my morning medication - that should help quell some of the stomache flip flops.

          Love and hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            af daily mon 31 october

            Good morning Fabilinis! Guitar man...too funny! Tradiitional stringed instrument my foot! Well I suppose in your case a guitar COULD be a CV. Greenie, again, if you didnt see it yesterday thanks for posting the quote, I really liked it. Lav, your fam is lucky to have you there to babysit on a moments notice, whew! Bear, you sound like you are managing very well. Food is sort of a refuge in the first month jsnt it? Well done on making nutritious meals for yourself. Uni darlin, what ever it is give it your fondest regards. Wish I could loan you some lassais faire. Is your daughter taking part in the Halloween celebrations? Youd think the Ontario school boards would have the sense to make TOMORROW the PD day, when the kids are all cracked up on sugar, but no.

            Greenie and Det, and Turnagain. I finally discovered after much fiddling around that I can access the chat room on my laptop PC but not not on my ipad. The ipad sends me a note saying its got its own version of Java, thenkew. But then doesnt function. So Java on the laptop, and a bit of false starts, but by then everyone had wandered off to milk the cows. However I seem to have conquered Chat so far.

            I have three papers all due at once in a months time so i really have to get serious. But also have this new bed that I want to put divisions into before it snows. Flower bed that is. Not by bed. My bed has mister Kaslo in it at the moment snoring softly.

            Everyone have a great AF day, one thing is for sure.


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              af daily mon 31 october

              Shucks... the "Lost post monster" has been rearing its ugly head. Hrmpfh.
              And, I don't have time to retype :H

              :hallo: to all and one thing is for sure...!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                af daily mon 31 october

                Hey Bear,
                We seem to be having the same dinner tonight. How weird is that? But I am on an anti -sugar campaign so maybe it's not really weird after all-it cuts so much out of the diet. But I have to say it's worth it.
                Lav, so you mean 27 degrees celcius or farenheit? Negative or positive. I don't really get the US temeratures. Where are you anyway?
                Greenie, I once heard a CV described as the closest many of us ever come to perfection! (or a heap of creative horseshit lol)
                Uni. How old is your daughter? Good Day Guitarista.
                Youd think the Ontario school boards would have the sense to make TOMORROW the PD day, when the kids are all cracked up on sugar, but no.
                Good point Kas. I guess that's what we call inservice day in the UK. Let's face it -it's never very convenient to have kids at home is it?
                Hi GG. You're doing great. It's almost 4 months for me but like IJM I'm finind it a really long time coming. Is it the change in weather? These long wintery type nights seem to go on an on.
                Humph! Mumph! Grumph!
                Greetings to all to come-ghoulies and ghosties and all
                AF since 11 July 2011
                You can never get enough of what you don't really want


                  af daily mon 31 october

                  Greetings all...

                  a quick pop in to say WHOO (not boo!) and read how well everyone is tackling life....

                  What a great way to start a day, eh?
                  Sober for the Revolution!
                  AF & NF July 23, 2011


                    af daily mon 31 october

                    Hi fABbies! Busy day today. In addition to usual Monday homework and business work stuff, am helping my friend go get more of her things - they are moving her from inpatient to halfway house today. She is very excited - she was originally expecting to have to stay in inpatient for 2 weeks. Today is only day 5.

                    Got good news on my draft submission of my term paper for human development. She said it's fine as is - just re-submit on the due date, so THAT is DONE!!!! (Rusty, if you are reading this - thank you again for your offer of help! Looks like I won't have to take you up on it this time!)

                    How on earth did I even get the basics taken care of in my former drunken life? I dunno. Glad to be sober today. One thing is for sure....

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      af daily mon 31 october

                      Immer Bereit AB Fabbers!

                      ok that's the extent of my German

                      Kas, I just missed you on chat last night. passed one another in the doorway it seems. try again!

                      busy work day, zooming about. will make time for martial arts in the park's very important to me.

                      must make sure I have raisins and tofu for the kids tonight.

                      Uni, I hope you find your peace/relaxation and enjoy daughter.

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        af daily mon 31 october

                        Hi Daily Abs Friends,

                        I was I usually do on this thread, and just thought I'd pop in to say hi.:wavin:
                        Doggygirl, don't need my help to kick butt on your paper. :goodjob: You have been so on my mind and in my step recently because of the research you are doing for your paper. My close friend and business colleague in Chicago adopted a boy whose birth mother was an alcoholic and coke addict....drinking and using through her pregnancy. My friend started out as a foster parent when her little boy was a year old. My friend's counselor told her that the effects of the alcohol abuse would be MUCH worse than the coke, but that the harmful effects would not be evident until her son turned 5 or 6. Well, he is 5 now and already he has serious anger issues, etc....a direct effect of his birth mother's alcoholism. She and her son are in therapy together.

                        How on earth did I even get the basics taken care of in my former drunken life? I dunno

                        Me neither. I wasn't a daily drinker until I was in my forties, and now I'm fifty....and who was I kidding???? Yes, I still have a successful business, but I have paid for my drinking past. I am seeing mistakes I made 3 years ago when my drinking was at its worst. A reason to stay AF, for sure.


                          af daily mon 31 october

                          Afternoon Dudes and Dudettes –

                          Just a real quick check-in. I started smoking BBQ last night at 10PM and just pulled it off the smoker a few minutes ago. It fell apart taking it off so it should be pretty good. All the neighbors are out in the street getting everything set up and I am about to move the fire pit out there. I hope no one tries to drive up in the cul-de-sac – that will be mass confusion with all the stuff out there.

                          I was worried that this is the first big social event that I have participated in/hosted since being AF. But I’ve been so busy I really hadn’t thought about drinking today. I think my body is finally giving up on the AL thoughts. It hardly comes to mind any more. Don’t get me wrong – there are times that I am around others drinking that I really start to want it (not need it though). But I have to stop and logically think of what end purpose drinking would serve – absolutely nothing. Then I just move on. If you had told me back in July that I would be at this stage in my journey I would have laughed. This is pretty cool!

                          Ok, got to get to the festivities. Hope everyone has a scary Halloween.



                            af daily mon 31 october

                            Guten Abend. Wie gehts?
                            That's my 3 years of high school German!
                            I do actually remember a little more.......let me think :H

                            I happy to report I had a lovely 4 hours with my grandsons today & only had to change one poopy diaper :yay:
                            My DIL tells me she is on track to receive her Bachelors degree in three more semesters, her Masters in 5 more semesters. Hope we all hold up!!!

                            Greenie, you'll learn to get more organized. It's a pain in the butt when you get so busy you run out of basics like dog food & have to feed them pancakes & eggs!!!!!

                            Hi G - hope you are well!

                            Kaslo, crap out those papers just like I told DG last week

                            Sunni, the spirits took your post this morning.......

                            Treya - it was 27 degrees F here this morning (above Zero but 5 degrees below freezing which is 32). Now I'm sure I really have you confused......
                            I'm located near the east coast of the US in state (commonwealth actually) of Pennsylvania.
                            Not sure where you are????

                            Hi Turn & DG - busy, busy!

                            Det - you better be prepared to get egged tonight if you hand tofu to the trick-or-treaters :H

                            Rusty, are you home today?

                            I need to get back to work for a few hours.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              af daily mon 31 october

                              Hey all,

                              Det, thanks I may give it a go if the goblins and witches give me a break tonight. Thanks.

                              IJM, well done on being stress and Afree on such a busy occassion. I bet those folks on your Sac du Cul appreciate you. Remember that tune... War! What is it good for?! ABSOLUTELY NOTHIN!!

                              Lav, the crap has begun. Right now I am coming up with the basic statistical framework for the data analysis for a 5 year study on response of vegetation to severe flooding. I must try to work o bit on each paper every day though. Its SCAAAAARRRY!

                              Sunni, do you ever worry about someone messing with your hosses on Halloween?

                              Happy H-W everyone.

                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

