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af daily mon 31 october

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    af daily mon 31 october

    Well here I am hiding from trick or treaters. Well about to hide. I've got some kitchen prep work to do before my sister comes to visit and can't be running to the door for trick or treaters who are often not in costume and bigger than me. If that ain't enough reason, it's dodging one giant candy binge. Truthfully, I wish I was over at IJM's cul de sac.

    KAz I'm glad you liked the quote. I try to keep thoughts like that in the front of my mind. I listen to interviews of those types of people fairly often, hoping to change my evil ways.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      af daily mon 31 october

      Hello All


      It's a big deal in my neighborhood. You wouldn't believe some of the house decorations. There's a pirate ship down the street and Hogwarts around the corner. Lots of adults drinking too. I now know that I don't need to drink to have fun.

      Off to find my gremlins.

      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        af daily mon 31 october

        Rusty. Great to see you here fellow old timer!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          af daily mon 31 october

          Ah, Gruess Gott miteinander, Ihr seit ja alle in feiner Stimmung!

          Oh, and

          Lav, I think you're right... the gremlins must have ran off with my post this morning.
          Kaslo! :eeks: Never occurred to me! Yikes! Eh, but I don't think so. We don't even get little tricksters here. I live on a stump in the woods!
          IJM.. Gosh that sounds deeeelish! Have fun!!!
          Hello Rusty, Det, Turn, DG, Uni, and ALL!

          Updated pics from weekend:

          Those black mattresses are the floor for the horse stalls. It has moved INTO the barn! Yeehaw! One step closer!

          All outside walls up and finished! Doors might be nice though.. eventually! :H

          Ok, oven is beeping... chow time! One thing is STILL for sure...!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            af daily mon 31 october

            Hi fABbies!! Got home a short while ago from helping my friend. I am so happy she is finally getting away from her jackass of a husband. She was sober 13 years before she married him and then everything went to hell. He's a sick individual. Her life will not be easy as she gets this sorted out. But she is in a really good treatment program now (the one I hope to intern at!) and she moved from their inpatient to 1/2 way house today.

            Her husband is the one that kept texting me and I kept ignoring him. What a good decision I made, if I do say so myself.

            Rusty;1201322 wrote: Hi Daily Abs Friends,

            I was I usually do on this thread, and just thought I'd pop in to say hi.:wavin:
            Doggygirl, don't need my help to kick butt on your paper. :goodjob: You have been so on my mind and in my step recently because of the research you are doing for your paper. My close friend and business colleague in Chicago adopted a boy whose birth mother was an alcoholic and coke addict....drinking and using through her pregnancy. My friend started out as a foster parent when her little boy was a year old. My friend's counselor told her that the effects of the alcohol abuse would be MUCH worse than the coke, but that the harmful effects would not be evident until her son turned 5 or 6. Well, he is 5 now and already he has serious anger issues, etc....a direct effect of his birth mother's alcoholism. She and her son are in therapy together.
            I was really suprised when we covered Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Human Development - when it was pointed out how much worse that can be than "crack babies" etc. One of my BIL's and his wife have fostered, then went on to adopt two children who they said were 'crack babies.' After reading more about it, I'm guessing alcohol was an issue for the mothers as well. They have got their hands full with those two. I really admire the people who commit to adopting these kids. It's not an easy ride, that's for sure.

            The other thing I thought about when we were studying FAS is the posts that come in here from time to time from women who are so very worried that they were drinking during their early pregnencies. Not much factual information gets disseminated. Although after the fact, not sure how much good the truth would do.

            At any rate - good to see you. Interesting topic - and very sad as well.

            I need to head for the shower and get ready for another busy one tomorrow. Early meeting with the debate team before class. Then after class, racing back home to attend a mental health court graduation ceremony. Then homework. No time for AL from the looks of things.

            Hope all you fABbies have had a great day! And hope IJM's BBQ is a home run hit.

            One thing is for sure..

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              af daily mon 31 october


              I am so thrilled and delighted for everyone around you that you have embraced the service portion of AA, that you are helping your friend in-treatment and transitioning to a sober living facility.

              Good job for you ignoring the husband who keeps texting you. I wish you only the best of being able to intern at the treatment center of your choice. They will all benefit from your knowledge when (I think positively...not, IF, they choose you ) they select you.

              I forgot to ask my friend the obvious question (DUHHH...why wasn't I thinking?!) if now her son is at an undeniable risk for alcoholism and other addictions? Maybe this is adding to her angst.

              Thank you for the I usually don't post here. BTW...did you get to see the Fall colors on the Lake Path?

              Happy HalloVEEN to all the fabbies on this thread. I told my client that I un-blacked my front tooth and sanded the wart off my nose...that's why I look so good.:H Ok, I better gas up the broom and head back to the hotel as I am in Ohio on business.


                af daily mon 31 october

                that's a purdy barn you got there Sunni!! Can't wait to see it all finished and furnished with hosses!!

                Hey Rusty! Happy to see you here! We're addictive you know (whoops, not the right term for this place LOL!!)

                IJM-I wish I was at your cul de sac too! Yummo! I can smell it all the way up here!

                M3-how fun! I bet your neighborhood rocks at xmas!!

                DG-great news about your friend! did her ex ever stop texting you?

                Greenie-I hide from the trick o' treaters too! this year I'll be at work so won't have to hide. They delayed it until Thursday.

                Kas-my goodness, I have forgotten all my high school german and yes, your paper is very scary!

                Lav-27 degrees? Holy Shite! We were in the 40s and tomorrow is supposed to be in the 50s. Snow is melting fast. and yes, AAA finally showed up- 3 hours after the call was made!!

                Deter-raisins and tofu? Really? Even I wouldn't be that cruel! Hope you enjoyed your park workout.

                Shout out to G, Treya and Turn! Did Lodes abandon us?

                since i didn't leave my house yesterday I didn't see the extent of the damage. But I did today!! Holy crap! It comes close to what the ice storm of 08 did!! My bro and sis are still without power. My sis and her family are at a hotel and my bro and his family are roughing it with a generator, wood stove and the grill to cook. Doesn't sound too tough to me!!

                Tonite at work the dementia crew were in rare form and it isn't even a full moon!! Thursday is my solo flight (although my boss will be in her office and reachable by walkie talkie if need be). I'm very nervous. While I'm becoming very fond of these residents, I think I need a different way of making money-something where if I am sick or have a day like yesterday, I'm only letting me down, no one else. But until then, it's a decent gig and they do crack me up!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  af daily mon 31 october

                  P3 - I think it's cool you are lovin' on your clients. :l Wow - I'm glad you didn't personally get a bunch of storm damage! :egad: Still can't believe a major storm in October.

                  My friend's husband stopped after the 4th text. Proving once again that the best way to get rid of a troll is to not feed it AT ALL. I have to laugh sometimes here at MWO when long, contentious threads get going and lots of people are *yelling* STOP STOP STOP!! The best way to make it stop is complete silence. Takes a bit of self dicipline that I never used to have. But now I have it. (most of the time) I guess trolls can appear via any communication form in life.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    af daily mon 31 october


                    I agree with you on silence being a very effective tool to stop the "noise." My good friend always told me, "when you love someone or hate someone, it takes up space in your brain, but when you are indifferent, you are saying to that person, "I don't give a damn about you so I'm not wasting my time thinking about you." Indifference IS far worse than hatred in so many ways.

                    I have had to work hard at letting go of my resentments. Indifference for me is the best way....on one hand. On the other, my drinking roller coaster/devastation has taught me that despite the fact that I may despise someone's actions...that I will always be grateful that my life has not been destroyed by AL. When I am met with a consumer...that I can be empathetic without being submissive. You can either be a consumer or a producer....and I choose to be a producer. Toxic people consume....remember the first PC game, Pacman? Pacman consumed objects....just like some people can and do...and when they are done sucking the life out of people....and consuming them....they move on. I made a recent decision to sever ties with a Pacman. Best decision I ever made.


                      af daily mon 31 october

                      Hey everyone-
                      Happy Halloween! It's almost 9pm here and I am WIPED!!! I am so grateful that tomorrow is November 1st: Birthday party done! Kids class parties done! Halloween done! What a month!!! I am spent.
                      I had to laugh about the posts regarding my attempt at giving up caffeine. We all are here with our struggles with alcohol and we do what we can to support one another. But! We all LOVE our caffeine and can't imagine giving alcohol AND caffeine up! It's hard enough to give up one! I have to agree with most of you: No cold turkey! Gradual progress. I have gone the past two days without caffeine. No withdraw issues, headaches, etc. But, even my husband said that a lil' bit in the morning is okay, I just can't go all day drinking it. I think I was just over-loading my plate and needed extra energy to accomplish the many tasks I put in front of me.
                      Hopefully, I'll be able to visit a little bit more here now that all my "self-imposed" drama is gone with the month of October. All-in-all, every event was worth all the energy I put into it. Chalk it up to treasured memories for my kids.
                      Hope everyone had a great Halloween!
                      "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


                        af daily mon 31 october

                        I am sooooooo happy that Halloween is over! Am I the only one that truly does not enjoy it???

                        I start chemo tomorrow at 1pm. I am cranky, and about to head to bed. Feeling anxious. Was informed that the chemo will send me into immediate menopause - so I guess I can be cranky before actually becoming menopausally cranky?

                        I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween. Did I mention that I was happy it is over?


                          af daily mon 31 october

                          Wishing you the best AFM and will be thinking of you tomorrow for sure. You can be as cranky as you want. You have earned your crank chops for sure. A drug induced menopause is no fun, I experienced that too, a drug induced mpause in 2009 (THR). Go get em.

                          I sure admire your 'tude.


                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            af daily mon 31 october

                            Papmom, glad you made it mostly unscathed!

                            Sunshine, that's a nice horsey mansion you have there. wow

                            AFM, better to be cranky going into the doc, then to be hung over (gawd I've done the later more times than I care to recount).

                            Had a super workout in the park tonight. we trained until dark, and homeless folks gathered around, amused by our antics. LOL! I bet they think we're crazy.

                            if you think I'm a halloween grinch, my dear Dx gave out toothbrushes one year! no kidding!
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

