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Thursday, December 28

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    Thursday, December 28

    Crap already the 28th ...

    Well, I gave up abs yesterday. Crash and burn. It is 12: 44 am - oops 12:51 am. I am going to bed soon, but the new day is upon us, catch me if you can. I am done.

    Best wishes to all who begin their abs day anew. I have this weird thing about THE CLOCK. Today is a done day.
    See you all later. Or not. Whatever. Yes, that is aggression. Someone told me I was too nice so I am stopping, now. I am going to be mean now. I might change my mind, but I don't know.

    Hugs and kisses,

    Thursday, December 28

    On a more important note --- SKUNK SKUNK SKUNK --- I smell a SKUNK on the third floor --- ARRGH

    I am so committed to mean

    Hugs and kisses,


      Thursday, December 28

      Oh, to those who might be perusing these boards, this is temporary. Pansy (like Bob Dole) shall jump back on the abs train (which she loves dearly) and shall resume her generally alcohol free lifestyle with great joy and clarity. Right now, she is just pissed. Thank you. And will someone else please post so lurkers will not think I am only abs person here with 20 personalities. Thank you.

      Hugs and kisses,


        Thursday, December 28

        Dear Pansy 12, or is it 13? i am terribly sorry, but the hugs and kisses your alter egos have been posting are totally negating any negative vibes my sweetness......

        (PS...lurkers......she IS the only abs person here with 20 personalities.....)

        I think you need a lie down in your cat bed, ........night night Bob.....go to sleep now .....speak to you in the morning my chicken...I think I have worked out our time difference.......Sleep pans, sleep....weeworrymelon



          Thursday, December 28

          Hi Pansy....

          it'll be alright in the morning.



            Thursday, December 28

            Yesterday was bad...
            I had to go to work for, what the boss said, would be a couple of hours during a day that was my wife's last day off until New year's Day. My daughter had promised to come to our's for a while, to spend a little time and to introduce our grand-daughter to Uncle Charlie.
            To explain, Uncle Charlie is mentally handicapped and 'comes home' twice a year to stay with his sister - my mother-in law - and he keeps up to date with all the extended family and was looking forward to meeting Darla, My grand-daughter. He can't walk very well and is scared of lifts, so he couldn't go there.
            Back to yesterday;
            I phoned Susan to see how she was enjoying her morning and she answered the phone in a flood of tears. Paula, my daughter, had decided to stay home and Susan had, perhaps not in the most subtle manner, explained that Uncle Charlie wanted to meet the baby, anyway, it ended up in a fall out between the two. When I came home from work...six hours and several phone calls later....we talked through the events of the day.
            Susan's view is that we hardly ever see the baby and Paula should try harder. Any excuse that Paula gives is never good enough. My view is that Paula's baby is Paula's baby. I am just pleased to see them when I can. I don't want to pressure anyone to do anything. Of course I'd like to see more of my grand-daughter, and I am sure we will. My daughter has never given us the easiest of times, (see previous posts) and I don't want to do anything to upset her. At the same time, I don't want to upset Susan either.
            Anyway, another day has passed and I am still sober. I really could have drank myself senseless last night but I kept myself sane by coming here and remembering what I'm trying to do.
            I hope that I haven't depressed anyone with this rant. Some days are just going to be shit. Yesterday was one of those days. I hope today will be better.
            By the way, My central heating broke down yesterday as well. A friend of a friend is going to have a look at it so I have to stay home in case he comes today. No fishing; no walking; just waiting.....


              Thursday, December 28

              Pansy, maybe it was a solar flare, or something that caused us to resort to drink last night. Bad night for sure! (See my post on long term abs) I have made a commitment. PS, you don't have a mean bone in your body! Nice try. XOXO

              Paul, family, always tough. Sounds like you handled it well. Congrats on that. Good not to be tempted to slip back into old patterns of handling things.

              Anyway, good morning, on this new day. December 28th!

              Hugs :l

              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                Thursday, December 28

                Pansy - felix is scaring me....or is he felix of the caribbean?

                Paul - sorry for the stressful day - but you did great! really great....can I just say I'm quite proud of you, you handled the whole situation so well. Today will be much better.

                Best - again, good for you for making this new committment. Definitely pulling for you - you can do this ( you have done this before) and you are going to feel so much better too.

                Ok....may I have a drum roll please?? 60days AF for me Today! The confettii parade is for 10 days AF so 60 must be jewlery?? A cruise?? Hmmm. I would like to have suggestions of appropriate celebrations...
                I'm thinking a massage and dinner out...any other ideas? The big 60...never thought that would happen back in July when I started this trip.
                I would like to thank the Academy..... Actually I would like to thank all of you here for the support. I would especially like to thank Kathy and Nancy. You have both kept me going and have always been there when I needed the extra push or hug - Thank YOU :h :h

                Ok...back to rewards.... Oh, wait I should figure out how much I saved from not drinking...lets see: I'm going to say an average of 20.00 a day- that includes bottles and drinks out 20x60= holy cow 1,200.00!! I actually could go on a cruise for that!!.
                other suggestions welcome

                Love and Thanks


                  Thursday, December 28

                  60 days! WOW! I can hardly wait until I can post that. Congratulations!


                    Thursday, December 28

                    I am waking up without a hangover and with no alcohol remorse about the choices I made yesterday. It feels really good. My goal is to become hooked on this good feeling. As you know, I have Campral to squelsh any desire to drink and now I have another drug for re-inforcement, Wellbutrin. It clearly states on the bottle and in the accompanying literature that you should not drink alcohol on it, as it can cause seizures. I am not willing to take that chance. I am elated to have finally made the decision and taken the actions to be abs. It is liberating.

                    Happy Thursday to all-


                      Thursday, December 28

                      Oh Pauly boy, what a day for you and yours.....You sounded as though you handled it soooo well though, bless you...I bet you still hear the eggshells crunching under you're feet's not easy pleasing 'em all is it?? Hope everyone feels more lovey soon.
                      Lisa....WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!! Putting something from Cartier in an envelope as we deserve it, and as for the money you've worked out you have saved...are you gonna do something nice with it? Or at least half of've definitely got enough there for the spa day anyway....hearty congrats
                      Lucky...What a great feeling! Sounds like you're in there.....I must look into that campral, I am having a bit of a time with baclofen, i get VERY tired all the time and cannot afford to be as I have a physically and mentally demanding job with long're right, you are a salesperson for this med!!!! Will look into it....Here's to you!!!1
                      Best...just going over to LTA to read your post....will post there .....much love
                      Melon xoxo


                        Thursday, December 28

                        Abs day

                        Hewwo. How iz Evwewon? I am back fwum the dentist. I would like to inform evwewon that my expai-i-ment with meanness is ovuh. It onwe lasted for less than 24 ow-uhs. But it wuz too hod. I am going to be nice again. I just got five new fillings and my face is numb.

                        Hugs, kisses, and dwooling,


                        Today is abs day


                          Thursday, December 28



                            Thursday, December 28

                            Hi Lisa,
                            You really deserve that cruise - congratulations are in order.
                            Clap, clap, clap, holler, clap, clap. Clap, clap, clap, holler, clap, clap.
                            I am looking forward to join absville again. I too started back in July and was really doing well, even without the meds, but then I fell flat on my face. Ah well..........
                            Have a good day all of you.
                            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                              Thursday, December 28

                              thanks lori, lucky and thanks wee (can't wait to get that bracelet from cartier...I'll wear it on the cruise)

                              It is nice to celebrate when you can - Hopefully where I go from here will become clear to me soon! I love being sober but it freaks me out a little to think this is 'forever'.
                              But I'm not drinking today


