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Nouveau Novembre - week one

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    Nouveau Novembre - week one

    Happy hump day everyone!

    Cyn - can't believe you are just getting your electric back now! We so take things like that for granted until we are without them. Hope you will enjoy your warm bath/shower!

    Star - I know exactly what you mean about feeling guilty for missing work. I've worked at my present job for almost 28 years and I still feel guilty when I have to miss work for being ill. It was worse in the beginning but now I just figure that life is too short to worry about work - I know someone else can always fill in but I guess we were taught early on to be responsible and hence - the guilt we feel when we aren't there. You just take care of yourself and feel better soon!

    Chill - must be frustrating dealing with an ex who doesn't come thru but like you said - why make yourself miserable?

    Dew - good luck with your trip - hope your manager is on his best behavior and doesn't make you feel tense!

    Chill - hope your financial woes turn around - you always have a positive attitude and I hope things start looking up on that end! So many people today are struggling.

    Lav - I love the chill in the air - helps with the hotflashes - and I used to absolutely hate being cold! Not anymore

    I have vacation that I have to use before the end of the year so I am taking every other Friday off. My church has an outreach program 3 days a week and I'm going to start this Friday by volunteering my time in the mornings. I just have this feeling that I need to help and be useful in some way - kids are grown and out of the house and I guess that empty nest syndrome is kicking in. Hubby hunts in the fall so I need something to occupy my time and guess this will be a start.

    Papmom - hope you are healing quickly - been thinking about you.

    Okay - off to finish up packing lunches and other chores.

    Quick question - has anyone been watching Oprah's lifeclass on her OWN network? I watched it last night and have not been able to stop thinking about it. It was all about Christine McFadden whose ex-husband killed her four children and them himself while she was out early one morning walking with a friend. So sad but she finally reached a point where she was able to deal with it and start a new life and now has two twin baby girls. Stories like that make me so grateful for what I have. Funny - never really watched Oprah when it was on prime time.

    Oh well - have a great evening everyone!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      Nouveau Novembre - week one

      Hey everyone!

      Chill-planning for events you know will be happening is OK, worrying endless does no good but it's so hard not to!! Just keep your eyes and ear open for any opportunities that should come your way. You will be just fine-the Universe is on your side!! Have you ever thought about starting a blog? Supposedly you can earn some money passively-I have yet to see that-but you always have such great things to say and your attitude towards all your life experiences is phenomenal! I think you would have an awesome blog following!

      Jolie-what a fab idea about the volunteering opportunity! Just what the doc ordered for you I think!!

      Dew-safe travels and yes, your manager better behave himself-he does NOT want to deal with any of us!!

      Cyn-welcome back to the land of power!! So glad you made it through. It is so tough for those of us with pets-no way would I leave them for more than a few hours. If they have to be cold, then so do I!! My friends in New Salem, NY just got their power back on today as well and my friend I was so worried about got her power on this morning. Now we're just waiting to hear about my bro-so far still no power in Amherst.

      Star-so glad you're feeling better and good on you for searching and searching until you found the right doc. Take good care of yourself and don't go back to work until you feel as close to 100% as possible.

      No big changes here. My arm is pretty much 100% again and the PT for the hip is really working. My FT job is very very boring right now-I literally have NO work to do!! Can't admit that to my boss tho! :H Tomorrow he's going to show me how our new imaging system works so I can be the back up if he or the main person is unavailable. One more thing to add to my resume should I ever need it!! NH job tomorrow and Friday nite and then all day Sunday. I've enjoyed my 2 free evenings this week (didn't go to quilting due to a small cold and fatigue) so it will be hard to go in tomorrow nite. It's my solo journey too. .

      I don't know if you all remember but I hatched a plan about a month ago to cash out my Annuities so I can buy a new car. Well, that was scratched. Seems these particular annuities can't be touched until I'm 591/2 or I meet one of 6 hardship criteria and I don't. So I guess I'm stuck with my present car for quite awhile and I will need to really get serious about selling the Paphut come spring. I was so hoping I could avoid that and actually use it next summer. :upset:

      Other than that I'm hoping to get back to at least a 6 week session of agility class soon. I have a few hundred $$ kicking around since I don't have to pay mortgage until Dec 1. That will be awesome to get back into.

      Have a good nite all and see you in the morn.
      :l :l
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Nouveau Novembre - week one

        Evening all - thanks for all your good wishes, PMom, I so hope your brother has power by now. I was OK until last night, and suddenly everything seemed very lonely and hard... Wow, the shower was fantastic - I get it,Chill, that the joy of it remained with you - I hope that this sense of gratitude and wonder for the miracle of free-flowing already-heated water will stay with me for a long time. It is so curious that I have had such anxiety about the dark since moving into this house, and then had to deal with it for hours each night during the outage...must be something I'm supposed to learn from all this, but not so sure what...I'm still very uncomfortable when dusk comes. But I'm so used to candles that I still am lighting them tonight, (along with a few crucial lamps). Also find that I can't get along without carrying my little portable radio with me to every room - it's like my 'bankey'!

        Must read back, it looks like I missed alot. Chill, so sorry that you are in distress, I'm sending you a big cyber-hug. Dew, whatever it is that your boss is trying to pull, Forget It, you do indeed have this whole group at your back. Lav, thanks for the concern. Jolie, sounds like a good plan that you have. So sorry you have gotten so ill, Star, please do take care.
        Love to everybody -
        to the light


          Nouveau Novembre - week one

          Hi Guys!!!

          Cyn-I am sooooo glad you're ok after your ordeal.:l The last time I had an experience like yours I was 15 years old and we were without power for 3 days because of an ice generator either. My poor mom did everything she could to keep my dad and me warm. All he did was bitch the entire time....and I remember thinking....I would like to kick your butt right into that snowbank.:H

          I just landed in Denver and I cannot believe there is snow here....looks like my flight will be on time for San Jose.

          Dew-I will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending positive thoughts your way. You handle negative situations with such dignified and graceful aplomb. I so admire you. ARRRGGGHHHH....does it ever tick me off that you always get stuck flying home LATE on Friday nights!

          Star, Papmom, and everyone else....I'll catch up with you later....must catch my flight now. Happy AF Hump Evening.


            Nouveau Novembre - week one

            Well, Lav is still at work at 10 pm but I did have a great afternoon with Ms Lily & her parents so I'm happy

            papmom, I think you get hit with something like a 10% penalty in addition to paying the taxes on those TSA funds............that's rough.

            Safe flying to the travelling Dewdrop & Rusty

            Jolie, I am personally enjoying this cooler weather. Haven't had a hot flash lately :yay:

            Time to finish up here & call it a day (a very long day).
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Nouveau Novembre - week one

              Good Evening All!!

              Cyn--so glad you are back in the world of running water and electricity!!! I don't know how well I would do in a situation like that?!?! Probably not very....

              Rusty--I heard Denver got dowsed (is that how you spell that???) with much that a couple of my friends had their first no school snow day today!!!! UNHEARD OF!!! That just seems so's funny teachers...first thing when school gets called off, we're on facebook posting it so all our other teacher friends around the US know we get to sleep in the next day!!:H

              Pap3--Glad to hear the shoulder is feeling better!! Did you ever hear anymore from that passenger guy from the car accident...the one, "my neck...can't move my neck" guy??? :H

              Star--I know what you mean about feeling guilty about missing work too!! I get so mad when I feel that way too....because I know I shouldn't feel that way...especially when my son is sick and I need to be gone. I don't know what it's not like I ever give two thought s to anyone else being gone at work, I don't know why I'd think they'd care if I was?? It's our awesome Midwest work ethic right?!?!

              Jolie--what is the outreach program at your church all about?? I don't think we have anything like that here...or maybe we do, I guess I'm not certain what it is...Sounds interesting though!!

              Chill--My mind has been a twirling mess of what to dos in the next few months with my I start applying for principal jobs, which in turn could force me to I go forward with wanting to have a baby and forget pursuing a better job, stay in my current job....perhaps just get out there and start dating for gosh's been over 3 years!!! Will you tell your Universe to tell my Universe to be good to me too??:H I really think everything will fall into place for really has seemed to in the past...just at the right time...something has always appeared or opened up or happened that has shown you a clear direction to's been neat to watch those things take place!!:l

              Dew--I'm with these ladies..I got your back with this manager...I'm pretty scrappy!!! LOL!!!

              Lav--you really are kickin butt and takin names with this Curves thing aren't you?!?! They measure things more by inches right?? YB better watch'll be whoppin up on his a$$ pretty soon if he doesn't toll the line at your house!! J/K I think it's great you've stuck with this program!! Awesome job!!

              Well...I don't mean to write such sandwich posts every time, I apologize....I apologize to those I missed...I'll catch you in my next novel!!! HA!! Have a wonderful evening!!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Nouveau Novembre - week one

                wakey wakey!! Ugh, PT this morning bright and early!!

                Lav, I knew about the penalties and taxes-I still would have gotten enough back to get a decent newer, used SUV. I'm still pissed they won't let me take my own money!!

                SD-there was never a guy passenger who complained about his neck. It was an older lady who said her back hurt but the EMTs checked her out and she refused treatment. I found out later they all went on their merry way to the shop hop (visiting a set list of quilt shops in Central and Western MA) so I don't ever expect to hear anything more from any of them. I get my appraisal for the my car's damage back tomorrow (maybe-he was out straight with the storm).

                We have school districts here in MA who have already eaten up all their snow days due to the power outages!! Those kids most likely will not see a summer break-hope they're enjoying their time off now!!

                Gotta run!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Nouveau Novembre - week one

                  Morning November friends!

                  Getting a slow start today.......granny is dragging :H

                  papmom, hope you get your car straightened out soon. That stuff sucks
                  Shame about the schools being closed so long - can't do a damn thing without power!

                  Must focus on work - much to do!
                  Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Nouveau Novembre - week one

                    Good morning Lav et al - of course you are dragging, working till 10 last night! I'm happy for you that you have that many orders to fill, congrats. I hope the Curves Boutique works out well for you too.

                    I need to be more productive today; yesterday I was still mentally coming out of no-electricity-land. So many people and businesses are still without power here - I realize now that I was really one of the early, lucky ones...I feel so bad for the others. I heard a radio interview with a pet shelter in a nearby town, so I'll try to get there today to see if there is anything I can help with.

                    OK, off to make something of the cardboard forest here, and all the internet things I was able to put off for so long -
                    Cheers for a happy AF day to all -
                    to the light


                      Nouveau Novembre - week one

                      a quick goodnight from me guys....
                      im exhausted, went after work to get my hair highlighted then its an hour round trip to my folks to pick up Elle. Im concerned about her, she has been loosing hair recently around her nose and mouth and tonight I found a lump just under her mouth which looks a bit like an abscess. Im hoping the vets are open late tomorrow so I can take her after work.

                      I've been up since 6am and bed in calling me.
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        Nouveau Novembre - week one

                        Chill - sounds like you are burning the candle at both ends! Hope you got to go to bed early and snuggled in. Dear Elle, I hope that she is OK...a trip to the vet sounds like a good idea. I'm taking my male in to a new vet tomorrow to get a relationship started here -- the paperwork on my poor boy filled an entire folder when I went to drop it off (he's the one that was hit on the highway and left for dead when just a youth, before I got him from Rescue). Our pups, what loyal, heroic lives they lead just to be there for us!

                        Hope all are having a quiet night - Dew, I hope things are working out for you. Sped - thinking of you a lot as well - thanks for the book recommendations, I looked for them today at the library, but didn't find them here in my town, will go to a nearby town (when they have electricity!).

                        Take care all -
                        to the light


                          Nouveau Novembre - week one

                          Quick check in here too....I had a late night last night with my sick dog...ended up taking her to the vet this morning after I took my son to school. They got her all fixed up and gave her some medicine...she seems to be feeling better today. I also found out last night my friend's dad passed away on Halloween, so I was at the wake this evening. ANNNNDDD.....tomorrow is this Charity event (social, dinner, dancing, silent auction) I'm going to (semi-formai thing)'s for Families and Children in our Community normally in the "system"...on the same lines as CASA is you are familiar with that program. Anyway...this will be the first time I've been out in public or put in really any situation for that matter where alcohol is know...out of my confort zone (my house or my parent's house). I'm very nervous as I'm not at all comfortable in social situations...and I have a feeling the host of this event may try to play "match maker" with me and a couple different single guys there...another HUGE trigger for me. I'm going with my parents (yes I'm THAT big of a loser that I don't mind being a third wheel):H but I figured if anyone offered to buy me a drink I'd say I was the DD (which I am...I'm taking my son to their house so their exchange student and him can hang out for the evening!) I'll be driving my parents there, PLUS have to drive my son back home after the event.

                          So...I better get my tired but to bed and see what lies ahead tomorrow...I guess the good news is i see my counselor right before I go...hopefully we can have a real positive session. I'm brining in 5 months with you Sped!!!! I can do this...I know I can!!!

                          Have a wonderful Friday everyone!!
                          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                            Nouveau Novembre - week one

                            SD - I just want you to know that you CAN do this and you will. Just think of us all in the room with you like your strict old Aunties shaking our heads :no: if the slightest temptation passes through your head. Go have some fun and enjoy being yourself without the need for AL to do it. It's amazing how good you can feel when you realize you don't need the crutch in your hand to have a good time.

                            Sped - please check in. I know it was your court case this week & I hope you are ok, whatever is going on we are here so please please let us know.

                            Cyn - I did the worst thing! I started to google dog diagnosis last night and of course found the most horrendous diseases fitting Elle's symptoms, honestly will I ever learn?! Anyway I also googled the vet in the area as haven't been to one yet and they are open this evening.

                            Gosh Friday already! My alarm woke me from a great dream I was having, I was staying at some sort of fitness camp, it was heaven to me, we were running outdoors, doing pilates classes and other exercises. Even though it was a dream I felt physically wonderful, no painful arthritis. Want to go live in that dream! Oh well better get up and walk my baby instead, have an awesome day guys.........
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Nouveau Novembre - week one

                              Good morning, up bright and early. The time changes this weekend and I am ready for it, another hour to my Sunday!!

                              SD, almost five months, you are doing a great job. Hope it goes well for you at the dinner. I was thinking that if someone offers to buy you a drink, why would they assume it would be alcohol? Lots of people don't drink alcohol because they just don't want to, period. I think it is lovely that you will go with you parents, I love going with my Dad places when he is in the area.

                              Cyn, it is really scary in a snow storm and cold with no electricity. I am so glad you have all your power back and are able to live normally. I am not looking forward to snow.

                              Chill, loved your dream description. Have a good day and take care of your doggie. Hopefully it is nothing serious. When I was at the doctors, they told me NOT to look on the internet about my eye issue, and I promised. I guess the stuff on the internet is the worse case scenario.

                              I am busy today but will take time to nap this afternoon, I am getting better but not 100%. I think some carrot and lentil soup is needed. To all, have a great AF Friday.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                                Nouveau Novembre - week one

                                Huge pings coming from across the pond for Elle and Chill! Hopefully it is nothing more than the remnants of an insect bite gone infected-do you have ticks over there Chill?

                                Gotta run-busy day at work and then the NH. can't wait for tomorrow so I can relax!! (who? Me?) :H
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

