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Nouveau Novembre - week one

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    Nouveau Novembre - week one

    Good morning my Friends!

    It's November! Can you believe it? Seems like yesterday we were jumping into January.....
    LOVE today's date 1.1.11 now that's definitely a good start to a new month.

    Nothing eventful to report from Chillworld. I had a busy Monday and even dragged myself in the cold dark rainy night to a spin class (which I don't normally find the motivation to do after work). The hour change here means it's pitch black as night at 4pm :upset: it's like living in permanent darkness.

    I miss that blue sky and sunshine SO much and it didn't help when I saw photos last night on facebook of my friends in Portugal enjoying Halloween on a stunning day then there were photos from my cycle group taken last weekend of them all out in the beautiful countryside. *sign* I guess the Universe has other plans for me, I just need to work out what they are.

    Wishing you all something new and special this November......
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    Nouveau Novembre - week one

    Good morning Novemberites!

    Pitch dark here this morning too Chill. We change our clocks this coming weekend, the extra hour of sleep will be appreciated although the dark days are not fun

    Heading out to get bloodwork done then to Curves to drop off some embroidered stuff to try to sell during their Craft week

    papmom, working with the dementia patients gets old real fast......Hope yuo can find another gig for yourself.

    Rusty, will be back in touch this afternoon

    SD, I can remember a time when my son & his best friend covered essentially the entire town trick-or-treating & came home with a year's worth of goodies :H

    Will check in later - wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Nouveau Novembre - week one

      Good Morning Everyone,

      I am in Dayton, OH....and will fly tomorrow night to San Jose, CA. Nothing new in Rustyland.

      Chill-The weather in, I couldn't handle it. My BIL was there a week to play rained EVERY day.

      Lav-hope the bloodwork goes ok and you don't have to wait in line again.

      Have a wonderful AF Tuesday, everybody!


        Nouveau Novembre - week one

        November, wow.

        I spent my day yesterday at two doctors, I have two separate infections, and think I finally have been diagnosed correctly. My eyes are infected, something to do with oil glands and hormonal changes, ha. Then, because I have been misdiagnosed since September, my immune system is down and I also have a severe sinus infection. So, two infections close to my brain, I am not happy about it. I am calling off today again and have to, as I have not been so ill for over five years. Yesterday I ran all over between doctors and drug stores. I really need to rest and take care of myself and will do so.

        What is it about calling off that makes me feel so guilty? I am really ill and need some time to recoup, but I still feel I should TRY and go in. I just don't have the energy, have chills and ache all over. OK, I am sure everyone is tired of my organ recital.

        I cannot imagine how ill I would be if I was still would make a bad situation so much worse. Papmom, I agree that drinking would make your could turn into bronchitis pretty darn quick. One good thing about this time of year and snow is that it melts, much different than January or February.

        Chill, the darkness is really a downer, I agree. I was looking at pictures of Florida on my computer today. We wanted to move there for the sunshine and ocean, warmth and totally different lifestyle. It is so beautiful there all year round, hot and humid, yes, but light and warmth. We can't, due to job issues and the continued poor economy. So, we just have to make the best of every day that is half way decent. Scotland sounds like it has more than its fair share of rain and cold, though. We get tons of snow and it is just hard to put up with after the holidays.

        Halloween was cold but sunny, and I peeked out, watching the tons of kids so excited and the lovely family time. I remembered how excited I used to get, and the feeling of daring being out at night and the anticipation of all the candy.

        Hello to Lav, Rusty, Cyn, Sped, Lodestar, Jolie, Rustop, and all on this wonderful supportive thread. Have a great AF day. To healing and rest!!
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Nouveau Novembre - week one

          Bloodwork done, didn't have to wait
          'Crafts' dropped off at Curves - hope to make some $$ there this week in addition to my egg sales. I never knew exercising could be so profitable :H

          Hello Rusty. Enjoy the warm weather in San Jose!

          Star, no wonder you feel so crappy! Don't you dare feel guilty taking some sick time because you are sick!!!!! Think of it as not passing funky nose germs on to anyone else. Get lots of rest & fluids :l

          I just wanted to mention something I heard this morning -
          I was listening to the BBC news on my car radio & heard an interview with someone from the Scottish Whiskey Association. He mentioned two things that really struck a chord - apparently spirits are too cheap to purchase there & that could be adding to the ever increasing amount of harm level drinking & a teenager could buy enough AL in a week to kill himself for less than 5 GBP.
          I think the rest of the story was related to increasing taxes on spirits in hopes that people will drink that really the answer?

          OK, gotta get to work!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Nouveau Novembre - week one

            Evening everyone,

            I?ve been very busy recently; I?ve briefly read back last week and am glad to see everyone is well. I can?t believe its November already, really where has the year gone?? I had a busy weekend with the grandkids but they were great fun and we had a lot of laughs. Managed to get some ?work? done in the garden between showers on Saturday so there were a lot of wellies and jackets going on and off. On Sunday we all bundled up and went to our local forest and beach, they collected lots of fallen leaves for making pictures and shells on the beach for my pots ? I use them as mulch.

            We had our picnic in the car with the heater on but none of them wanted to leave, infact the youngest was in tears when I said it was time to leave!! It was a nice fair day, a cold air but with all the running about we were all warm ? my grandson had his jacket off some of the time. Chill I think you are going to have to harden up a bit to survive because the winter hasn?t even started yet!! I do think it seems to be much wetter on the West coast compared to the East though and I always think of you when the weather forecast is on the telly.

            Well I?ve a bit of a conundrum at work, a new post has been developed that hasn?t been advertised internally, there has been a great deal of interest in the new role but it?s not a role I?d want ? additional work, extra responsibility yet no increase in salary at this stage. The salary increase will come later once it can demonstrate outcomes in sales. Anyhoo I got a phone call today to say I?ve been selected for the role, now I don?t want this role however that fell on deaf ears and I was told it would not be viewed positively if I turned it down, infact I was told I don?t have an option. I?ve been given until Friday to rethink my position so what to do? I?ve been unhappy at work for some time now and this new post will only make things worse in my opinion, yet a job is a job in this current climate and I have to pay the bills somehow

            I?m off for a soak in the bath and an early night, I sure am glad that I?m AF or I never would have managed at the weekend or enjoyed it so much, and I?d probably be hitting the bottle big time now over the job situation.

            Big :l to Star
            hope your feeling better and also :l:l to everyone experiencing snow!?!

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              Nouveau Novembre - week one

              Hi Dew-I think the Universe is calling and I hope you answer. My gut reaction is to stick to your guns and turn down the "non" promotion and see what happens. I feel you are at a cross roads in all aspects of your life and this may just be what you need to help you move in a different direction. Yes, the economy is bad and we all need to pay the bills but if you are stressed out all the time and not enjoying life, then its not worth it no matter what. This is just my 2 cents and I'm not sure I would have the guts to do this myself- we will never know how much courage we have until we're put to the test. Do I think it's horrible what they are doing to you? Yep but I've seen it done in my own org and that person is no better off than before and works longer harder and for no recognition and a pittance for a raise. Her only saving grace is that she only has 5 years left to retirement so I guess she's willing to tolerate anything that is thrown at her as the state retirement system is generous and to leave now would do her no good. If that's the position you are in too then I guess its a big consideration.

              This is a really tough situation Dew-I know you will do the best for you. Good luck!! :l
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Nouveau Novembre - week one

                Late night but just wanted to say hello & good night!

                Dew, could you possibly use 'health reasons' for turnin down that job? I would go as far as getting a note from my doctor stating that increased work hours & stress could possibly be detrimental to my health. Glad you had sucha great time with the grandkids

                Papmom. I walked away from my hospital career because I was sick of watching the geniuses in charge of working people until they dropped, kicking them aside & just moving on to the next. Most people have no idea how uncaring healthcare can be to it's employees

                OK, goodnight one & all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Nouveau Novembre - week one

                  Good morning guys

                  Star - :l I hope you are on the mend and I echo DON'T DARE FEEL GUILTY ABOUT WORK! Nobody has on their gravestone "I wish I spent more time at the office" do they?! Hell we do what we can do but we have to accept balance and when our body needs rest it must be respected. Dragging it to work will just cause stress and delay your recovery. Ok... Lecture over :H

                  Dewdrop - if you heart is saying no to this job then stand your ground here. I'm so sorry you are being pressurized, this is the last think you need and so unfair. I like Lav's idea about refusing it on health grounds should it come to that. What happened to good old 'no' meaning :no:

                  Lav - yes there has been some news story here about AL being so cheap. The binge drinking in young people is at horrific levels and in town centers at weekends it's littered with drunks. It's all so sad....

                  I've been feeling blah the last couple of days and hoping it's hormonal. Things that I usual accept are upsetting me and it's the usual mind circles of how do I get out of this mess. I did my sums and on the bare minimum to live and pay my bills, my salary falls way short. When the rental money from Portugal stops in April I will be in trouble and there is no way I could possibly get another job that would pay me what I need, I'm lucky enough to have the one I have. But why I'm I stressing about this in November?! Aaaggghh that's the annoying part, I usual accept things the way they are and trust that when the time comes I will have come up with a solution. There, I think just writing that has help......

                  Happy humpback day folks, let's make it a good one!
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Nouveau Novembre - week one

                    Thanks all for the support. I am on the mend, resting yesterday and drinking lots of fluids and healthy foods. Plus the correct medications.

                    Lav, thanks for obsolving me of guilt It saddens me to hear how nurses are treated, plus other health care professionals, including doctors. The pressure to see 20-30 people a day in 20 minute increments and having to type out notes while seeing them, how could they do a proper and caring job? With nurses, the shifts are inhuman but everybody is just supposed to suck it up.

                    Dew, I like the idea of refusing for health reasons if that is possible. I know where I used to work, they would keep adding tasks, no more money, and expect 60-80 hours a weeks, which was burnout level. Then you were critisized for something. I hope you can find something new to do to make money. Good to hear you and your grandchildren had such a lovely time together.

                    Chill, money and planning ahead is a scary thing. It costs so much to live, I do not know how to do it alone. I would struggle to live on my own financially. How is it going with the ex and settlements? No easy answers. Sometimes when I think about money I get high levels of anxiety, so try to just stay in the present and plan for the future as much as I can. I have been exploring part time options, like Papmom. I wonder what else is out there? Thank you also for the support.

                    Papmom, interesting post. It appears that the work culture at this time is work people into the ground no matter what the profession. We are all lucky to have jobs. I have noticed that everything is more expensive, my insurance bills have gone up alot. Wages, no.

                    Well, back to work today, I will do my best. I am still not 100% and know it will take time to get back to feeling good. It was good to be able to share with all of you and get support. Thanks so much for being there. By the way, drinking was not even an option. THAT is true progress.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Nouveau Novembre - week one

                      Good morning!
                      Brrrr, frosty again this morning! Kind of helps wake me up :H

                      Chill, you know I am trying to not worry about the future as well. It's pretty much a constant battle for me but so far I'm winning. I could drive myself completely nuts in a matter of a few hours if I let my thinking go there....... I do know that none of us have complete control over anything let alone the future
                      We will figure it out, I know we will

                      Star, glad you are mending
                      I have noticed that what used to be a simple upper respiratory infection now feels like a major, take--down type of illness. That happens to all of us when we reach age 29 All the more reason we should take better care of ourselves!

                      OK, another busy day here, Curves then straight back home to work, work, work! Not that I'm complaining :H

                      Have a great AF Wednesday everyone!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Nouveau Novembre - week one

                        Hi Guys - finally have power here!!!! It's been a tough situation, absolutely no power and totally out of communication since Saturday night. Fortunately I had prepared fairly well; thank goodness because there was literally nowhere to go - the entire NW corner of CT and NE corner of NY state were totally out of commission...a couple of fire stations with generators kept people warm, but I couldn't really go there with the dogs, so we muddled through.

                        I will read back through the last few days, but right now I'm anxiously awaiting the first hot running water since Saturday - what bliss!!! Puts things in perspective.

                        OK - will check back later today - take care all -
                        to the light


                          Nouveau Novembre - week one


                          I'm so glad you're OK!
                          I just heard a report on NPR that 120 cases of CO poisioning in CT have been reported. Apparently unsafe, creative attempts to stay warm in their homes was a huge problem.
                          I know how much you will enjoy your shower
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Nouveau Novembre - week one

                            Thanks everyone for your thoughts, as usual you are all fantastic at giving advice and sometimes it?s just the opportunity to put things down on paper and see them in black and white that makes the difference. I had automatically accepted that I had no choice in the matter but actually I do and it?s thanks to you for pointing that out to me. You are all such a thoughtful, kind and helpful bunch of sages :thanks:

                            But first, Star I want you to be kind to yourself, take the time to heal and not stress out your body and mind worrying about being off work because you actually deserve and have the right to be off if you are sick ? and let?s face it you have been sick for a while. If I have learnt anything over the summer it?s to listen to your body because it?s telling you something, 3 people I work with have IBS and when the job gets tough (which it does regularly) they up their medication to cope and one told me that the only time she gets clear of it is when she is on holiday. So my advice would be to put yourself first for the time being, get yourself healthier and happier and forget about the guilt trip ? why do we do that to ourselves

                            Chill I can understand how you are feeling and I do empathise with you and maybe you just want to vent at the moment and get things off your chest. However I do understand the concern with April looming because even if we are just at November it?s not that far away and your mind is probably searching for answers and solutions, I would be the same. All I know is that you have come a long way this past year and I?m sure you will find a way through; the Universe has been good to you so far and always seems to be there when you need help. I?m not sure if taking in a lodger is an option or a part time job, maybe you could find something to do online which could be done at home in your spare time? Just suggestions. Lav
                            you really have embraced Curves wholeheartedly I am very impressed, you do cover an amazing amount in a day what with working, the chickens & garden, the grandkids and Curves too. I wish I had your stamina you would give a real 29 year old a run for their money!

                            Hi to everyone else and hope you all had a good hump day ? I?m off to Manchester on the early morning flight tomorrow back Friday evening so will be in bed early tonight. My Manager will be there so I am expecting a bit of pressure but I am going to stick to my guns with the knowledge that I have the November Crew at my back

                            Dewdrop :h
                            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                              Nouveau Novembre - week one

                              Evening Nouvelle Belles

                              Oh Cyn, welcome back from your ordeal, everything will seem luxurious for a while. I remember after being in Vietnam it actually was over a year before I didnt feel utterly privileged every time I took a warm shower and still today 4 years on I still feel grateful when I pick up a clean bar of soap!

                              Lav - Yep you are spot on about having to leave the future to the Universe for now, otherwise we would go insane :nutso:
                              Star - doing our best is all we can do and accepting that our best will be different on different days is also crutial.

                              No communication recently from my ex, some days I get so angry and then I think "what's the point", it only hurts me. I cant afford to take the necessary legal action and therefore have accepted I will only ever get what he decides to give me. In the end I know I will have behaved fairly and reasonably and its up to him if he can live with behaving otherwise.

                              Accepting that some things are outwith our control is such an important step and like Lav says we will figure it out.

                              Im so happy that the rain has let up in the last 2 days and I had a nice walk tonight with Elle albeit in the dark. Then I came home and did some yoga, my poor body seems riddled with aches these days.

                              Dewdrop - Just seen your post, thank you for your thoughts. You are right, I have come a long way and will figure out whats next when I have too. Have a good trip and yes we are all there with you. If your boss gets tricky you can threathen him with Rusty!
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996

