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Nouveau Novembre - week one

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    Nouveau Novembre - week one

    Good morning Kids!

    Running late but that mean I snuck in a little extra sleep

    Chill, hope your doggie is OK. My imagination goes wild about that kind of stuff & I don't even have to goggle it

    SD, by all means - go & have fun & if there's an extra male left over send him over here - I like em young :H

    Hi cyn, hope you have a great day & same to you Star!

    Papmom, we all get that extra hour of sleep this weekend - yay!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Nouveau Novembre - week one

      papmom3;1203159 wrote: can't wait for tomorrow so I can relax!! (who? Me?) :H
      Yes I can imagine your day of relaxation will be climbing a ladder to paint the chimney pot, driving 100 miles, cleaning the spark plugs in your car and taking an agility class! :H

      Phoned vet which was just as well as needed an appointment for tonight (we never had such formalities in Portugal) Papmom lots of ticks and stuff in Portugal as I lived in the country but not much of an issue here in suburbia. Im a bit concerned though because she gets walked with other dogs when out with my walker and I obviously dont know where they hang out.

      Feeling good today! Bring on the weekend :yayturns out my blues were hormonal as I suspected and I always seem to get them a few days before my moon time)
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        Nouveau Novembre - week one

        :dang: hormones.......damn them :H :H

        My entire life has been hormone driven one way or the other. Now that I don't have any of my own - things are a lot better
        I am much, much more balanced on HRT
        Hope you get your doggie taken care of Chill!

        The sun just came out - nice!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Nouveau Novembre - week one

          Evening Nouvellettes

          Vet thinks may be skin infection and has given Elle a course of strong antibiotics as well as an injection for inflamation. My baby is subdued and feeling sorry for herself tonight and Im so glad its the weekend and I get to spend more time with her :l

          My plan as usual is for exercise as well as lots of reading and relaxation.
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Nouveau Novembre - week one

            Hey everyone,
            Just wanting to check in. Thanks for the concern. Went to court on Tuesday and the case was dismissed due to lack of evidence/failure of key people to appear. My reaction to the ruling has been pretty odd. I know I broke the law and that my activities, driving, travel have been very restricted for the past 5 months. Somehow I guess I felt my consequences should have been greater. Talked to my therapist this afternoon about it. She says with the growth I've made over the past 5 months, that I don't need external restrictions imposed on me by the courts. It's like it's my turn to run the show.
            Not being able to travel was the worst restriction. Planning a trip to Chicago and Indiana for early December via airplane!

            Hope you all have a relaxing weekend planned. I'm going to a Day of the Dead Marigold parade on Sunday. Dia de los Muertos is a big deal in New Mexico. Chill, did they celebrate it in Portugal?

            Ran into LBH at the Y this week. She looked wonderful. Hope to catch up with her sometime next week.


              Nouveau Novembre - week one

              That's good news about Elle Chill

              Shelley, I have to agree, it is time for you to run your own show now! You know what you need to do ~ exactly what you have been doing
              Never heard of the Day of the Dead Marigold parade - will Google that for sure!
              Glad to hear LBH is well, tell her to check in, OK?

              I'm hanging out tonight with Will, my newest BF. He's almost 7 month old. EB is spending the weekend with his other grandparents in Cape May, NJ....lucky kid!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Nouveau Novembre - week one

                Well another week finished and onto the weekend. What a week! I had a long chat with my Manager; well actually it was a long talk at me by him to be honest. I?d decided to say when he talked about the job ?I?m flattered to be offered the post however at this time in my life because of my health and my family I can?t accept the job.? Well we sat opposite each other and he talked at me for over 20 minutes and tried every reason he could think of to make me accept it, I just sat there and each time he stopped to draw breath I calmly and firmly delivered my statement, nothing more nothing less. I refused to be drawn into a discussion. I must have repeated it 8 or 9 times before he finally pushed his chair back, looked at me and said ?I guess you?re not going to change your mind then?? According to him I will regret this decision and it will impact on my career, and I?m up for my yearly performance review at the end of the month so he used that as a stick/carrot. If he attempts to downgrade me because of this I will take it further, I refuse to be bullied.

                Well I feel a huge sense of relief and happy I made the decision and I am certain that I would have made the wrong decision if I had not had you guys to bounce this off. So what to do next as I am clear now that I don?t wish to work in this environment any longer, I do not want to start 2012 in this job. There I?ve said it ? yikes :egad: I?m going to do a lot of thinking this weekend and talk to a couple of friends. I think you are right Papmom it does seem that the Universe is speaking to me and pointing me in the right direction. That doesn?t make it any less scary though and I have no clear plan at the moment which I need.

                Have a great weekend folks, I?m not long home and I?m looking forward to getting up in the morning and starting afresh. I?ll read back and catch up with you all over the weekend.

                Dewdrop :h
                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                  Nouveau Novembre - week one

                  Late Friday check-in from CT:

                  Brava Dewdrop!!! What a brilliant way to handle the whole thing -- and how amazingly this all solidified your stance. Sleep well, I am sure the answer to all your questions awaits...

                  Sped - so good to hear from you! Ditto Lav - you run the show now. Give LBH big hugs, please, so glad that you got to see her.

                  Lav - I know you like 'em young, but 7 months old?

                  Chill - you make me laugh, having a dream about taking Pilates class -- hope Elle is feeling better; my boy is a little wacky because of a shot he had...

                  Star - hope you are healing -- SD - hope all is going well with you, (ditto Chill; we are all there with you) -- Pap, seriously, try to take it easy -- Rusty, are you home yet? -- Rustop, where are you? --
                  Good AF Friday night to all, sorry if I forgot anyone, wishing all the very best -
                  to the light


                    Nouveau Novembre - week one

                    YEA DEW!! WAY TO GO!! You are the hero of the week and I know I'm not the only one so very proud of you! Yep, not any less scary to think about changing at this stage but seriously, isn't it exciting too? You are so talented I KNOW you will find what you are looking for. Dumb bully!!

                    Chill-huge sigh of relief over here for you and Elle!! Skin infection? Yep you can handle that! My poor friend with all the animals is dealing with a very sick 5 yr old dog who seems to have an incurable condition. Might be manageable for a while but I'm not sure what the life expectancy will be. Out of all her dogs he is my fav (at one point I tried to trade DD for him since she loves DD so much!) so I am devastated as well.

                    Shelly-echo what everyone has said. You've paid your dues, you've turned your life around, now it's time for you! So glad you've been in contact with LBH-I miss her so and am psyched to hear she looks great and is doing great.

                    I think Rustop is in NYC and incommunicato for a bit?

                    SD-you can handle this event! Just have your plan and exit plan in place and you'll be fine!!

                    Lav-you get the best guys to hang out with you!! Yep, i'm looking forward to the extra hour as well. Just wish I didn't have to work all day Sunday!!

                    Speaking of work, the NH job may be history soon. Tonite was my first night alone and it did not go well. Lets just say that when I reached out to the Nursing Supervisor for help, I did not get it and I think he is in big trouble. I was very proud of myself tho. I didn't want to get into a discussion with him about the whole incident because I wanted my boss to deal with it but he kept trying to talk about it so I told him clearly and calmly (even tho I was furious) what my "issue" was. I have NEVER been able to deal with confrontation in the past. I have gotten emotional, tongue tied etc. Since I've been AF, all that awkwardness has gone away as has a lot of the unwarranted anger. This is the second time I've had to deal with an important issue and stand up for myself since I've been AF and I am so surprised at how easily the words come out now, how fluid my thought process is and how non emotional I am!! If this isn't an ad for being AF I don't know what is!! Anyway, I was able to speak with my boss tonite and she is mortified that my first nite was such a mess. She's very scared I will quit. I told her that for now Sundays are OK since they don't involve the "at risk" residents but unless something changes dramatically, I won't be able to do the week nites the way it is set up. I will go in Monday because she will be there as we have a harpist coming in plus she will have had an opportunity to speak with the Dir. of Nursing by then. But I've told her I'm no longer willing to put myself or the residents at risk.

                    Tea is ready, I'm exhausted so I will say goodnite. Oh, my bro finally has power back!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Nouveau Novembre - week one

                      Dewdrop, good for you woman! You make me proud

                      Cyn, here's a picture of my date just before he fell asleep on our date tonight :H

                      I imagine rustop is on her way home from NYC? Not sure....

                      Wishing everyone a great night!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Nouveau Novembre - week one

                        Good morning gang

                        Lav - I'm jealous! Your date is the most handsome guy I've seen in a long time.

                        Sped - freedom! I know how you love to travel, you go girl! Im so happy that this ordeal is over. Haven't heard of that parade, do tell us what it was all about. Oh LBH, I hope you stir her into checking in with us, I miss her poetic pros.

                        Dewdrop - wow! You are a star and your boss is a no.1 jerk! (I'm too polite to type the word I was thinking!) Talking at you for 20 minutes?!? He is clearly an egotistical bully. Yes I bet the thought of moving on is incredibly scary but how exciting too! You can take your time and work out a plan. In NLP they talk of comfort zones not really being all that comfortable but it's fear that keeps us there like the poor elephants who have been conditioned to think they are chained to a post when they aren't any more. Time to break that chain!

                        Cyn - I hope you continue to settle in, is it feeling a bit more like home? For me I need certain things to make me feel at home, my pure white egyptian cotton bedding and goose down duvet, my Mac computer & iPad, my books and my music and I'm pretty damn happy.

                        Pappy! There is never a dull moment in your life. Well done on standing your ground. Maybe just working on a Sunday would be best and give you more free time if you can afford it. I SO SO hear you on the confidence thing and I could have written the exact same post. I could never formalize my thought properly when I was drinking. What went on in my head I wouldn't have attempted to say as it would all come out wrong and I'd stumble over words and not be able to express myself. Now I hear myself and think, wow, who is she?! I had a long meeting with my boss this week and I talk like some high flyer whose been in business all my life and yet I'm just a spoiled little girl who never had to work for nothing! :H This confidence is DEFINITELY a result of being AF and if I'd given it up 10 years ago I'd probably be running Microsoft by now . Isn't it just wonderful!

                        I have lots of plans and dreams running around in my head right now and although I have no idea how I'm going to achieve them, allowing them to run free I know they will find little paths of their own, some will fade and some with grow. All I need to do is keep them alive. Ok I'm off to seize this cold but dry day!
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          Nouveau Novembre - week one

                          I think this is one of the best posts from TUT I've gotten yet:

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Nouveau Novembre - week one

                            I liked that one too papmom

                            Good morning one & all!
                            Today is my day #900 smoke free - QuitNet keeps track of that - pretty cool!

                            I have lots of stuff running around in my head too Chill......
                            The only problem is that stuf turned into annoying dreams that are waking me up over & over at night this past week. Damn, haven't had a single hot flash this week - just the dreams.

                            Well, I have a full day planed for myself so I'll get to it
                            Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Nouveau Novembre - week one

                              Lav - fantastic job on the smokes :yay:
                              Sorry about the dreams, try writing down the thoughts you are having before you go to bed, sometimes that gets them out and gives you peace.

                              Papmom - Just love TUT! I have a great TUT story. About 4 years ago my daily message said something about digging out that vision board, I remembered that Id made one and it had been stuck in the cupboard for ages so I fished it out. On it was a picture I'd cut out of a silver mercedes sports car. (I actually wanted a blue one but couldnt find a blue photo!) The very next day my ex called me (in the days when we had money) and told me he had ordered me a new mercedes!!! I swear this is true. I was completely blown away as it came out of nowhere and I started to cry. I asked him what colour it was and of course it was silver! Within a week I had a shiney new silver sports car

                              Sadly 6 months later he was out of money and had to sell it but you know I really believe that was because deep down I didnt really want it. I had found my spiritual path by then and actually felt stupid in it. It was too in your face and so not me any more. Id have rather had a VW Beetle with a smiley face on the side! I guess we have to becareful what we wish for
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                Nouveau Novembre - week one

                                My plan is to tune up my 'smudging music' & fire up a smudge stick before I go to bed tonight
                                I was thinking this morning that's it's been quite a while since I've done that & YB (who is the cause of all this crap) has been here quite a bit lately. I think he's leaving a trail of YB chronic negativity behind - I really do

                                We do need to be careful what we wish for...........
                                Eleven years ago at this time I was super stressed out about my job, YB's behavior & I was just beginning to start on my heavy drinking routine when I wished for a way out of it all - that's when I fell down the steps, fractured my skull & damn near killed myself. I didn't want to die ~ I just want life to get cheerful & rosey or something
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

