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Nouveau Novembre - week one

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    Nouveau Novembre - week one

    Hi Friends...

    I don't know what to do or who to talk to...I just got off the phone with my sister and she is on her way home, I'm sure that will help when she gets here....but I just received a call that my mom is in the ER, she has had a heart attack. I don't really know anything and was told not to come to the hospital as they are taking her up to run a bunch of tests. THey asked me to go stay with their exchange student as they left him pretty sudden this morning at the breakfast table. Like I said, my one sister is one her way home (but will probably have to deal with the drama of her piece of sh8t drunk husband as well). My stepdad who lost his first wife to cancer never deals well to seeing my mom sick...ugh....:upset::upset: My mom, on the phone tried to sound so strong, like this was no big deal.....I'm so scared, my mom is so young!!

    PS--made it through last night AF....
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      Nouveau Novembre - week one


      Go stay with the exchange student who needs you....lucky you that you are AF. I know how worried you are about your mom, sweetheart.....pick up the exchange student and then tell him.."we have a bit of crisis here in that my mom is in the hospital,"..... still have a brain to make a good decision...and if you don't feel like you do...PM me....I have been in your shoes:l

      SD-you talked to your mom....and she's had a heart attack???? That is a good sign. Deep breath, deep breath.


        Nouveau Novembre - week one

        SD - I just saw your post and I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom but as Rusty said, her speaking on the phone to you is a really good sign. You have probably left to go to your Mom's house by now but if you do check in I just wanted to say to you that it's your Mom you want to be there for. If your Sister or her Husband are going to create more drama you don't have to stay in their company especially if they are drinking. Hopefully you can visit your Mom tomorrow and you will be much better coping with it now you are AF. Sending you and your Mom love :l
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Nouveau Novembre - week one

          Hey SD-hang in there sweetie! Those phone calls are such a nightmare. Your mom is going to be OK-they got her help in time and she's young and very strong. We're here for you-just feel the good vibes coming your way. Keeping the exchange student company will be good-he/she is probably very scared right now. Great job on last nite!!

          Chill-I am carefully going through my list of wishes to pick the space I will dwell from. No mercedes for me-but maybe a Jeep Grand Cherokee would be nice!!

          Congrats Lav on day 900 of no smokes!! Wowser!!

          hey Rusty-are you home?

          Dill-hope you're taking it easy this weekend after your marathon and draining week.

          Star-how you feeling?

          Jolie-you out there?

          I spent the morning cleaning up the yard debris where my bro is going to install the fence. 5 containers of debris went to the yard waste drop off!! Then I went to Home Depot to look at the fencing. Unfortunately they didn't have what I wanted anymore and no one could see to help me regarding a special order. Guess I'll have to order on line if that doesn't work go to plan B for the winter.

          I have no energy left to tackle my sink full of dishes. All I want to do is take a nap so I shall try. Be back later tonite.
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Nouveau Novembre - week one

            Aw SD - hope all is well with your Mom!
            How old is she? Does she have any other health conditions, hypertension, diabetes, etc?

            Rusty, you back home yet?

            papmom, Home Depot kinda sucks sometimes
            Where else can yuo buy fencing material???
            I just emptied my sink of dirty dishes because I finally got around to emptying the dish washer of clean dishes :H How lazy can I get? :H
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Nouveau Novembre - week one

              SD - so sorry about your Mom's heart episode -- as Rusty says, it is a good sign that she spoke to you on the phone. Breathe breathe. Great job last night! Sending you and your Mom white light vibes.

              Lav - I bought a smudge stick, but not really sure how to do it -- and what music do you put on? I think that there is so much of other people's energy in this house, since it is a rental for many people in the summers. Chill, I do feel better since I have put my own linens on the bed...problem is it isn't my bedstead or mattress. But still, the linens really did help.

              I volunteered to be a host at one of the stops on a "Kitchen Tour" today (fund-raiser for the local high school performing arts program). Met some nice people and saw some great houses. I'm exhausted and cold from standing for hours greeting people at the door and checking them in, etc. Going to fix some tea and make tuna-noodle casserole for dinner!

              Take care everybody - I'll try to check in again before bed.
              to the light


                Nouveau Novembre - week one

                Glad you had such a neat day
                The music I use is by Coyote Oldman (you can find it on youtube).
                I purchased a couple of CDs a while back & find it spiritual/inspirational/relaxing.
                Read trhis: The Smudging Ceremony

                I'm about ready to get started works
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Nouveau Novembre - week one

                  Thanks, Lav! What wonderful resources, i will really absorb them when I am more awake. I bought a smudge stick right after I arrived here, but never used it as I was not sure how to -- I just took a look at it, and instinctively I chose a mix of Sage and Cedar, so I'm glad I have the right stuff to move out the negative...

                  Hope your ceremony worked for you at home tonight -
                  good night all - thinking of you, SD --
                  to the light


                    Nouveau Novembre - week one


                    Repeat this while you smudge:

                    I invoke the light of the God within
                    I am a clear and perfect channel
                    Light is my guide
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Nouveau Novembre - week one

                      Sd I am so sorry to hear your news of your Mum so am sending my love and hope you are coping as well as you can in the circumstances. I bet you are glad you are AF to be able to deal with all the pressure, just hang in there. Papmom sorry to hear your woes about the NH that really sucks, I know this is a stopgap for you to help with the finances so you know it won?t be forever but still it must be difficult to keep going given the circumstances. I?m very proud of you and the way you handled your situation too Wish you could find an online opportunity so you could work from home.

                      Lav thanks so, so much for the link to the smudging information, my home office is the single room in my house that has negative energy and I dislike going into it. It is piled high with papers, documents, files and has ?stuff? everywhere ? the rest of my home is calm, peaceful and organised, quite minimalist. Well given my dislike for my work it?s no surprise I guess, the room reflects my thoughts! I?m thinking I need to do a big clear out and then a smudging, must find out where to buy a smudging stick and the herbs. Loved the photo of your date, give me a rug rat any day especially a grandchild rug rat

                      so happy to hear that you are starting to settle in and reach out to people around you in your community, and also that you have electricity and hot water again sometimes we take the basics for granted and it?s only when you are without them you appreciate how fortunate we are. Sped
                      great news that you are now free to pursue life and leave the past behind so make sure you let go of that guilt, how lovely to meet LBH we all miss her eloquent posts please tell her we think of her often.

                      I had a good day lasterday it was wonderful to wake up feeling refreshed and raring to get on with the day. The dark cloud that seems to have been hovering over me recently has lifted I just feel much lighter and at ease. I am off hill walking today so better get a move on, the weather is mild and sunny so we should have a good one and a chance to talk ?I find it easy to talk and think when I?m walking so let?s hope I come to some conclusions.

                      Hi to Star, Rusty, Jolie, Rustop and anyone else I may have missed ? have a great Sunday.

                      Dewdrop :h
                      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                        Nouveau Novembre - week one

                        Good morning November friends!

                        I took full advantage of the extra hour of sleep last night
                        Slept like a BABY in my freshly smudged house! Had absolutely none of those weird dreams. I knew it was YB negativity bothering me this week. I don't know how he stands himself :H

                        Dew, I bought my smudge sticks on line from a company called Juniper Ridge. Contact them & see if they will ship to you. Juniper Ridge - from the mountains and deserts of the West
                        I love the grand rug rats........they carry no baggage & are just happy to see me

                        Wishing everyone a bright & sunny day for hill walking or whatever you would like to do today!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Nouveau Novembre - week one

                          Good Sunday Morning Friends,

                          I wrote a really long post last night and then I lost it.:upset:

                          SD-check in with us please and let us know how your mom is and how you're holding up. PM me if you need to and I'll call you.:l

                          Dew-Last night, before I lost my marathon post, I had said you were an incredibly strong person to be dealing with the tyrant, manipulative boss in such a calm manner. I know he thought you would break down. Well, he doesn't know you like we do. I know you didn't ask for our advice...but I'm throwing my thoughts in the ring. This is what I have done in the past and it's worked very well....whenever you have a conversation with person or on the phone, write down EVERYTHING he says. It will make him very nervous and uncomfortable that you are recording what he says. If you're on the phone with him...don't bother to tell him you're writing down what he says. I did this once to a male boss and he said, "you don't have to write it down," and I said, "oh yes I do." He was much nicer to me after that. Another boss I had was about my age and a woman, and she told another manager in our company that she was afraid to talk to me because I wrote everything down.:H I think I may have said this before....just stay one step ahead of this guy....predicting his next move based on HIS character....not yours....that way you can cover your back. Ok, I'm done with my morning therapy session. That will be 150 Euros, Dew.:H

                          Papmom-How are you feeling today? I am with you on trying to avoid certain wards of the NH. The client I visited in CA last week lives in Massachusetts and his parents were still out of power last Thursday.

                          I have to say....Dew and Papmom must be the toughest people on this thread....they have brass ovaries for sure. The Brass Ovary Twins.

                          Cyn-I'm glad you're settling into your new community. You're someone who just rolls with the punches and that is so great....and to be AF.

                          Sped-aren't you and SD coming up on 5 months AF? I'm glad the court date went better than you expected and I echo everyone here....why beat yourself up anymore? Tell LBH hello and we miss her.

                          Lav-the picture of Baby Will is so cute....what a doll!

                          Chill-Ah, the Mercedes sports car. I giggled because I bought a sports car in the early 90s...the first year they came out, and it was the most expensive impulse buy I ever made. Regretted it for years.

                          I watched football with my mom yesterday. We ate dinner and spent the night. I needed that extra hour this morning. I leave for Rhode Island tomorrow. So so so sick of flying.

                          A shout out to Jolie, Rustop, Cassia and everyone I may have missed, have a wonderful Nouveau November AF Sunday!


                            Nouveau Novembre - week one

                            Evening Guys

                            Lav - Im glad the smudging helped, I was taught how to use them by a wonderful Native American called Standing Bear on a weekend retreat I spent in a teepee. The calmness which emanated from this man was infectious.

                            Cyn - A great idea to smudge in a new home! You can also stir up stagnant energy by clapping your hands around the rooms and into the corners.

                            Dewdrop - I hope you had a good day hillwalking, it was a cold frosty day here and what a joy to see the blue sky after so much rain.

                            Rusty - I think you are amazing the amount you travel and the little you complain about it. Most people couldnt do what you do. Is there no way with modern technology that you can do your job without having to travel quite so much?

                            SD - I hoping you are ok and that your Mom is doing well.

                            Papmom - I hope your day at your PT work is going smoothly, Im picturing you in that Jeep with the boys in the back and you're looking pretty good

                            I have had a lovely peaceful weekend and have been immersing myself in lots of spiritual teachings. Took part in a great online webinar last night with Gregg Bradan who Im a big fan of and today I have been listening to Ram Dass. Im feeling very rested and calm and ready to take on the week ahead.....:whee:
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Nouveau Novembre - week one

                              I?m tired tonight but it feels good, my legs are weary and I so appreciated soaking in the bath when I got home, made a plate of pasta and have relaxed all evening. I thought I?d post before I read back so I hope everyone has had a good relaxing weekend. I can?t believe it?s over again and we are off into another week, I wonder what it will bring for us all?

                              Take it easy guys

                              Dewdrop :h
                              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                                Nouveau Novembre - week one

                                Evening check-in -- had a very slow day today, I think I'm fighting off a bug, got chilled (for the first time here) standing at a doorway greeting people for hours yesterday...

                                Pap - had meant to say yesterday great job on handling all the stress of the PT position -- so sorry it has been stressful, but it was so heartening to hear that you see such a difference in how you handle all this AF...good for you, hope things get calmer for you soon.

                                Chill - thanks for the idea of clapping - I know a little about Space Clearing, but haven't had the gumption to try it here...will let you know. (And BTW, what is this TUT that you and PMom have been talking about?)

                                Lav - love the recitation; thanks for all the info. So glad that you had a good sleep!

                                Rusty - I'll say it again, I don't know how you do glad that you had some time with your Mom; you so deserve to 'fill the well'. SD - how is everything - sending good energy. Rustop hope you are traveling safely. Sped - where will you be off to first now that you have your traveling shoes?

                                Wishing all a peaceful night and safe travels tomorrow -
                                to the light

